All three of Jiulong Jiulong were terrified, and watching Yang Zhen then waved, there was a void force summoned, who can bear the kind of creepy gas machine?

The eyes of Jiulong Shengzun almost stared out, with a look of uncertainty on his face, staring at Yang Zhen with a serious face and asked, "Boy, can you really control the power of the void?"

Yang Zhen shook his head and said, "Of course not."

Hearing this, Jiulong Shengzun, the cheap cat, and the Sao Chicken were relieved, and even Tiantian, who was under a few people, felt relieved.

Yang Zhen stared at a few guys and said, "What do you mean? Ben Sao Sheng can't control the power of the void, are you so happy?"

Jiulong Jiulong smiled bitterly and said, "It's not happy, it's really unacceptable. I don't know how many people have been tirelessly pursuing the power of the void for so many years. Since so many emperors faced the void world, they were all dead and wounded. If someone, no, if there is a kind of creature that can control the power of the void, wouldn’t it be a real transcendental control?"

Even though the cheap cat didn't speak, he nodded, and his face was full of consternation.

"Shit, fortunately, your kid didn't control the power of the void, otherwise wouldn't so many people live on the dog? The power of the void is said to be out of control, and once this happens, I'm afraid it will come again soon. Once again."

Yang Zhen's face was dumbfounded and asked, "You can get rid of the control of heaven and earth by controlling the power of the sky. In this way, the world's catastrophe can't destroy this person, then what else is going to do?"

The cheap cat whitened Yang Zhen and said, "Heaven and earth can't control this man's fate, but if the heaven and earth are destroyed, can this person survive? Can't they drift in the void forever?"

Oh, can I still do this?

A trace of sudden enlightenment appeared on Yang Zhen's face, and then he became frantic and asked curiously: "You said, the last heaven and earth disaster, wouldn't it be someone who controlled the power of the void, and heaven and earth will destroy you before they get it. The world is coming out?"


A tremendous loud noise came from the sky, dark clouds in mid-air fell, and a terrifying atmosphere of heaven and earth came in a rush. The scared Yang Zhen shrank his neck in a hurry and scolded: "Damn, I just guessed it, so excited What are you doing?"

Seeing that the horrible sky in the midair was about to condense, Jiulong Shengzun and others almost rushed up to block Yang Zhen's mouth.

The mean cat looked dumbfounded and looked at Yang Zhen dumbfounded, mumbling: "Damn, kid, this deity seems to know what a big secret!"

Jiulong Jiu took a breath and looked at Yang Zhen solemnly.

Not to mention Jin Wu, this sulky guy was already stunned.


The air of terror in mid-air erupted, and a force of terrifying law of terror was shrouded, and Tian Tianqi was covered with an excitement, and with a whizzing sound, the fast sonic booms again and again, obviously frightened .

The crowd behind them looked ecstatic after seeing the sky in midair.

Especially when Chen Xiaotian laughed aloud, he said aloud: "It's a punishment to swindle things and do a lot of unrighteousness. It's like a punishment. It's really a blame... Um? How did it disappear?"

The terrifying breath in mid-air came and went quickly. Chen Xiaotian, who was watching him, was stunned and hurriedly urged Scorpio to rush towards Yang Zhen's disappearance.

Scorpio is not a creature at all, even if there is a trace of wisdom, as long as Chen Xiaotian does not die, it will not die, and there is nothing to be afraid of facing the punishment of heaven, and he rushed directly.

Cracking the beetle was a bit counseling, mooing straight, the angry mother-in-law stomped and scolded the mother.

"What the **** did the **** boy do, causing such a terrible punishment?"

The emperor's eyes flashed with consternation. She jumped down and said: "Mother-in-law, the origin of the moire is very important. I'll take a step first. You will come afterwards. If you lose it, Yang Zhen will probably return to Sanhua directly. Holy Land."

"Return to Sanhua Holy Land?" Mother-in-law's face showed a surprised look, exclaimed: "In this case, Yang Zhen dare to return directly to Sanhua Holy Land?"

The emperor nodded, glanced at the disappearing Tun Tianzhi, and said, "Others don't dare, but he must dare."

Thinking of Yang really being a person, everyone is in a deep heart, Qi Qi said, "Sanhua Holy Land!"

Yang Zhen will definitely return to the Sanhua Holy Land. In fact, if there are not too many people, Yang Zhen may not choose to run away. After all, Yang Zhen even dare to rob Quanyang Demon Emperor.

After the Emperor Su Digong finished speaking, a golden light suddenly flashed on her body, and the whole person turned into a meteor, and chased towards Yang Zhen quickly, faster than Gale.

On the back of the strong wind cow, a look of relief flashed on her mother-in-law's face, and she grinned and said with satisfaction: "The emperor's heavenly tactics have been so cultivated."

Tian Xing Jue!

The golden air wave on the emperor suddenly turned into a phoenix, and the whole person seemed to be a meteor. In the blink of an eye, she crossed Chen Xiaotian and chased towards Yang Zhen.

Chen Xiaotian's eyes broke, pointing at the empress who was passing by and asked, "Who is this person?"

A group of people looked at each other, where have you seen this person?

Not to mention seeing it, a group of people have just come out of the Demon Realm, and haven’t even heard of such a person.

The female emperor made a brief introduction in the palace of Su Emperor. Even in the slug bank, they were all beside her mother-in-law, and there was no slight breath. Where can these people notice?

"A bunch of waste, chase me!"

Chen Xiaotian drank angrily, and under the tumbling wave of his body, Scorpio suddenly looked up at the sky and roared at a faster speed.

Can't catch up!

Even if Scorpio had raised his neck and roared several times, he still didn't catch up with the speed of the empress.

Seeing the female emperor disappearing into the sky, Chen Xiaotian and others could only worry.

Tian Xing Jue is a very precious and powerful body and martial arts skill in Su Di Gong, which is as fast as lightning, and it soon took over Yang Zhen.

After sensing the empress, Tun Tianzhi turned his head and roared, alerting.

Yang Zhen and Jiulong Sheng looked at each other, and made the emperor who dare to come alone confuses The cheap cat widened her eyes, oh yo said, "A man is here? Is it just a saint?" Realm of respect? This little girl is too bold, right?"

A line of four eyes watched the Empress fall on the back of Tun Tianzhi, looking at each other, all a little dazed.

Yang Zhen stood up and patted his butt, curiously asked, "Who are you?"

It can be seen that the empress who is hesitating how to speak suddenly stagnate, a little sullen.

Yang Zhen didn't even know her?

Actually... don't have any impression of her?



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