Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1328: Even everyone is pitted!

  The sky is full of dust and dust, between the yellowish dust and the black magic qi chaos, countless black shadows shuttle among them, but if Yang Zhen and Jiulong Jiong want to hide, where can these people find?

Until it was hidden deep in a big mountain, Yang Zhen didn’t know how to get it out of a huge cave. The Jiulong Shengzun hadn’t reacted yet, his face showing an expression of brutality, and weirdly asked, "So just come in ?"

   "Otherwise what do you think?" Yang Zhen said with a lip, and said, "Things that can be solved with the brain, you absolutely don't need to use fists. This is what a great expert in our village said."

   "It seems a bit reasonable, but who is this expert in your village?" Jiu Sheng Sheng frowned and asked with a curious expression in deep thought.

   "Our dean, the dean of the orphanage!" Yang Zhen said seriously.

   Jiulong Shengzun showed a hesitant look on his face, opened his mouth, did not speak.

   Yang Zhen grinned and said, "Okay, now I just have to wait here."

   "Wait and wait?" Jiulong Jiulong asked in surprise: "Aren't you going to find Emperor Tomb?"

   The cheap cat is also sullen and asks, "Yeah, boy, finally broke in. We don't go to the emperor's tomb, what is a tortoise here?"

Yang Zhen stared at the eyes and said, "First of all, we didn't break in, so psychology is really a good thing. You should really flip it if you have the time, even if you don't use quantum reading to do everything. Only a general understanding is required."

   "What do you mean?" Jiulong Shengzun is already accustomed to the way Yang Zhen speaks. He only listens to half of it. He doesn't know what psychology is. Jiulong Shengzun only wants to know that Yang Zhen's mouth is not intrusive and what it means.

  The eyes of cheap cats are shiny, it is different from the focus of Jiulong Shengzun.

Jiulong Jiuzun is concerned about the first half of Yang Zhen's words, but the cheap cat has been staring at the latter half of Yang Zhen, and he asked excitedly: "Boy, what is psychology, have time to teach the deity, shit, sounds good Awesome look."

   Yang Zhen glanced at the cheap cat, but now he is not in a hurry, he explained, "The more people get together, the more you need a leader, why?"

   "Of course, to better restrain these people!" The cheap cat hurriedly answered, this superficial reason, even it knows it, not to mention Jiulong Shengzun.

   This is like a sect, not one day without the sect master, then it will become a piece of sand, which is easy to be used by intentional people.

   As for how to use it, there are not too many people to study it. After all, only people with wrong mind will delve into this thing.

Yang Zhen showed a clear look on his face, blinked at Jiulong Shengzun and the cheap cat, and said, "It is one thing to be able to better restrain these people. Once these people are headless, it is too late to discuss them in case of emergencies. Is the most terrifying thing."

  Jiulong Shengzun lit up and said, "So they just didn't have time to stop us?"

  Yang Zhen nodded and said, "We haven't figured out what we are doing yet. Who would have thought that we would suddenly explode a mountain, and then confuse the audio-visuals, and just broke in like this?"

  The inferior cat took a breath and looked at Yang Zhen in disbelief, muttering to himself: "Damn, there is this kind of operation, isn't that bad for many people?"

   is not the same reason, in short, the benefits of more people and more people, less people and less benefits.

   In this world, there was never an impossible path, only people who could not figure it out. This is the truth that Yang Zhen understood from childhood.

   thought that when he was alone, the vast majority of cases would require him to think alone, so as not to be used by others, let alone hungry.

Jiulong Jiun obviously thought of a deeper glance, took a deep look at Yang Zhen, took a deep breath, and said, "Then what you said is waiting, what are you waiting for, are you waiting for those outside to fail? ?"

Yang Zhen leaned lazily on the cave and nodded, "Yeah, this is also a superficial application of psychology. Demon Lord Shuya and Lord Chen Xiaotian ordered so many people to stay here. It must be unusual here. As for It’s unusual, I’m afraid only they know it.”

"Then we might as well ask someone to ask?" The cheap cat looked like he was eager to try. When talking about the means of forcing confessions, the cheap cat only served Yang Zhen alone, and learned a lot from Yang Zhen, although there was no chance to try. With the application, it can also be accomplished.

  Seeing the eager expression on the face of the cheap cat, Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "No need to ask someone to ask, after Yang Chen disappears, they will take us to find themselves."

The cheap cat yelled and glanced at Yang Zhen and said, "Boy, you can't help but look at others too idiotly. We just broke in like this. Obviously there is a problem. They will take us to the emperor's tomb? "

   "It's not necessarily Emperor Tsuka!" Yang Zhen blinked and said, "But they will definitely take us to find it. How about a bet?"


   Hearing the bet, the cheap cat came in interest, staring at Yang Zhen and asking, "What bet?"

  Yang Zhen grinned and said, "Just come and practice a method. If you win, I will give you whatever you want."

The cheap cat grinned and came to Yang Zhen, patted Yang Zhen on the shoulder and said: "Boy, you are so kind to the deity, the deity is a little embarrassed, but you can rest assured that I will not be polite to you. "

   The side Jiulong Jiu heard a bitter smile and said, "Boy, the old man doesn't think you can win."

   Yang Zhenbai glanced at Jiulong Shengzun and said, "Then wait and see.

   Although the spirit strength of the cheap cat is poor, it can also perceive some conditions outside the mountain.

   When the dust was not dispersed, those magic repairs had been looking for unsuccessful. After the dust dissipated, Yang Zhen and others were still not found, and there was something wrong with the breath of those magic repairs.

  Especially a few powerful demons gathered together, I don’t know what muttering is talking about.

   Perceived this scene, Yang Zhen's face showed a smile, and the cheap cat and Jiulong Shengzun's faces were all in a forceful look.

  Jiulong Shengzun was about to speak, and Yang Zhen suddenly sat up straight, and the face of the cheap cat also showed a surprised look, branching his ears and taking a breath.

   The two demon repairers sneaked away from all the way around the mountain where Yang Zhen and others were located, and touched towards the west side of the mountain.

   The face of the cheap cat was full of dumbfounded expression, and asked dumbly: "The two of them, is it convenient to go?"

   "It's convenient for you to be a ghost, let's go and work!" Yang Zhen patted the cheap cat's shoulder, stood up and patted the dust on his body, and chased them towards them first.

  Yang Zhen walked all the way, the surrounding mountains and rocks disappeared without a trace, and behind him looked amazed at the respect of Jiulong Jiun.

   However, what is even more amazing is how Yang Zhen knows that these people will definitely go to the place where he guards?

   After a long time, the cheap cat suddenly yelled: "Dig grass, bad, fooled, shit, kid, you aren't authentic, even your own pit?"

Yang Zhen pouted and said: "Anyway, idle is also idle, let alone, how many good things are hidden in your bastard's head, don't think of it as Sao Sheng, don't know, get some exercises, even if Ben Sao Sheng doesn't need to Those in Sanhua Holy Land are also useful, so don’t be so stingy."


   The cheap cat glared and said, "The deity is going to take the exercises out, and it ends in a stingy way. You boy, stop and watch me blow your head without a punch!"

   "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up, Ben Sao Sheng has a hunch, we are about to play a big one."


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