Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1214: This is enough!


After Yang Zhen crashed into the extinction penalty, the whole world seemed to burst apart, and countless thunders converged towards Yang Zhen from all directions.

A roar roared and deafened, and a terrible sound ran through the world, everyone could hear it, and the sky was angry.

Heaven and earth... finally angry!

Zhou Tong hasn't responded to Yang Zhen's words at this time. I don't know why Yang Zhen's **** has become so... weird. I want to be a different person. When the sky falls, there must be a tall Yang Really, disappeared.

There is also the matter of lifting the division of mentors and apprentices.

"This **** boy, will he fall in embarrassment, don't he want the old man to go up to protect the law?" After saying this, Zhou Tong looked distressed and muttered to himself: "Beiqi Niangzhi, is not just saying a water monkey Is it a beast? I don’t know how many people will say that. I blame the old man for coming. The old man is too difficult."

Seeing that Yang Zhen was shrouded in countless thunders by extermination, Zhou Tong's face changed wildly, hurriedly leaping forward, rushing towards the air, but was pulled back by the master of Qinglian.

"You let go!"

Zhou Tong stared back at the Qinglian goalkeeper. At this time, his strength had exceeded that of the Qinglian goalkeeper. If he didn't let go, he kicked back.

A sullen look flashed on the face of Qinglian Gate Master, staring at Zhou Tong and saying, "What are you doing now, can you save Yang Zhen from the punishment of extinction?"

Can't save, at this time, no one can save Yang Zhen from the punishment of extinction, unless Yang Zhen can come out by himself, but... this is even more unlikely!

"Can't you just leave?" Zhou Tong dumped the master of the lotus and said angrily: "Did you let the old man watch the young man Yang Zhen die here?"

Dao Mo snorted coldly, and said: "He is looking for death himself, who can save him?"

Zhou Tong froze for a moment, almost rolled his sleeves and fought against the Dao Demon.

Yan Zixu and others looked shocked on their faces, staring at the violent thunder ocean in midair as if they didn't hear the sound of discussion around them.

For Yang Zhen, although Yan Zixu was a little daunted, he was not very convinced. As far as talents are concerned, Yan Zixu prides himself on not losing to anyone of his age. Yang Zhen’s strength is stronger than him, that’s just Yang Zhen’s luck. It's better.

But seeing the scene in front of him, Yanzi Xu completely understood that better luck is also part of his strength.

If not as crazy as Yang Zhen, where does good luck come from?

After a long glance at Princess Concubine, seeing the complex look on Princess Concubine's face, Yanzi sighed vacantly, and was completely convinced of Yang Zhen.

Zhou Yan and others next to each other looked at each other and came to Yan Zixu and asked, "What is the chance of Yang Zhen surviving?"

Yanzi glanced at Zhou Yan and frowned. Didn't these people hear the comments of several seniors?

Yang Zhen... After entering the extinction punishment, the chance of survival is almost zero.

The punishment of extinction is too horrible. The power of heaven and earth on this level is almost equivalent to the disaster of heaven and earth 30,000 years ago.

In a sense, the catastrophe of heaven and earth was actually regarded as a kind of punishment for extermination, except that the world was targeted at primates.

Thinking of this, the horror on everyone's face became more intense.

Who could have imagined that in the Great Emperor Road, he once again saw the punishment for extinction, which would naturally not be a disaster for mankind, but the ghost knew whether heaven and earth would break out again. The punishment for the primacy of primates?

When everyone was in danger, the endless Lei Hai burst in the air suddenly burst.

A wave of terrifying terror was rushing out in all directions. The whole world seemed to be shattered by this force. Countless void forces were chasing around, and the dark paint was chaotic. Frightened.

The horrible sound came from rumbling and deafening. Many monks who were low-cultivated tried hard to cover their ears. Rao was so pale, he could not bear the shock of such terrifying power, and a spit of blood spurted out.

Countless thunders landed on the ground, and everyone's face changed again.

The punishment for extinction of the seeds, after all, is again aimed at the race of water monkeys.

Yang Zhen failed?

Countless people stared into the air, where there was a little shadow of Yang Zhen, like being completely destroyed under the explosion of Fang Cai.

Just when everyone was wondering, Yang Zhen's voice came lazily: "I said, can't Ben Sao Sheng die?"

Hearing this voice, countless people in black cheering together cheered, and the expression was excited again.

No matter what Yang Zhen's original intention was, it is an indisputable fact that one sword at a time fights against the entire genocide.

How can such an earth-shattering act, such a behavior against the earth and the world, not let those anti-nature people who are lingering and panting continue to be excited?

Among countless cheers, Yang Zhen's figure came out of the dark clouds.

One, two, one hundred, one thousand...

Countless Yang Zhen came out step by step like this, looking like a walk in the court, but the speed was as fast as lightning, and in the blink of an eye, all the thunder in the world was stopped.

Under the countless thunder, countless Yang Zhen looked up, and suddenly the black sword in his hand suddenly burst out of a black air wave. , You must pretend to be pretty, and pretend to pretend to give Sao Sao a break!"

shortage! day! Sacrifice!


Numerous waves of madness poured in from all directions, and rushed toward Yang Zhen.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Yang Zhen's breath has risen.

With all the punishments coming down from the sky and breaking down on Yang Zhen, Yang Zhen's figure also disappeared.

In the end, Yang Zhen glanced down and said to the water monkeys all over the mountains: "It turns out that this is a causal cycle. Ben Sao Sheng does not know how many years you have been guarding here, but now... Ben Sao Sheng will not Watching you disappear, no matter who's fortune, in short, you can't let this thief God take the nose and walk. If you can understand the words of Ben Sao, then stand up to Ben Sao and learn from me! "

The last three words, Yang Zhen almost roared out. Between the breath of his body, a stream of blood fell from the air and turned into a blood rain, covering the entire blood monkey population.


A blood bead fell on the water monkey, and the water monkey that was crawling on the ground was shocked and looked up dumbly, just to see Yang Zhen compare a **** against the sky.

One two, countless, when the black finger pressed up a **** from the ground, Yang Zhen's entire body of cold hair was blown up.

This is so powerful!

Yang Zhen laughed, raised his head and looked at Cang's re-condensed thunderbolt, rushing upward.

"What is it, give Bensao Shengbao!"


Red threads visible to the naked eye rose from countless water monkeys and connected to Yang Zhen in the blink of an eye.

Sword Demon and Dao Mo stood up loudly, staring dumbly at the strange scene in front of them, and shouted together, "The power of faith!"


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