Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1125: Is this a human thing?

Seeing Sanshenghua suddenly turn red, and a sullen atmosphere covering the whole world of Ten Mountains, Yang Zhen felt that this person was not simple.

  Nonsense, simple people who dare to fight the sage of the Heavenly Lady, isn't that death?

   Everyone was terrified.

   Actually, there is no such thing as frightened or not frightened now. Everyone's face flashed with a light of black, and a burst of blood burst out of him, rushing towards Sanshenghua.

   Even the elders were pale, and roared at the elder sword: "Come on, the old man can't hold it anymore."

   Hearing this, Elder Sword was surprised, and hurried to the elder elder, screamed, his hands suddenly flew together, and countless prohibitions poured out madly, and merged into the defense arranged by the elder elder.

  The three elders also did not dare to neglect. They hurriedly shouted at the son of Shaoguang Shengzi and joined the defense in a hurry. This level of horror spirit suppression, one careless, is dead, and the Great Saint is no exception!

  I don't know how many monks are desperately rushing towards the defense, but this time the elders and other people are overwhelmed. Who dares to control the life and death of a group of people outside?

  Especially the elder sword, glared and screamed at the people who kept going, and now there is no great sage, only the monks who are struggling to support, everyone is treated equally, and no one is better.

  I don't know how many people have been drained of their souls and qi and blood. The horror breath above Sanshenghua is getting stronger and stronger. When everyone looks horrified, they yell at the elders and others.

   "Bei Qiniang, Lao Tzu still feels that the Holy Land of Pratt and Whitney, whoever thinks of it in the first place, is nothing more than his own petty man!"

   "Great elder, help, open the formation and let us go in!"

   "I don't want to die, I don't want to pass on, I don't want anything, elders, please, please let go of the ban and let me in!"

   A group of people wailed again and again, many people shouted and screamed, and they saw the people sigh.

   No, now no one will sigh, the battle between the unknown and the Lady Tianxuan, in a weird way, involved everyone in it.

   came with a roar, a series of insults Lang Lang, the elders and other people's faces were blue, but they also did not hear as normal, only to consider the stable formation.

   Qingquan Shengnv flashed an unbearable look on her face. Suddenly, she bit her silver tooth and threw out something.

   Between the great light, countless people were shrouded in the light of the world and cheered suddenly.

The Master of the Qingquan Lady sighed and did not speak. The elder elder sneered and looked at the Qingquan Lady deeply, saying, "Why is this the Qingquan Lady, why do you think these people will be grateful for your failure?" ?"

  The daughter of Qingquan shook her head and said, "I don't need their gratitude, but if I let Qingquan watch these people die here, I can't bear it."

The elder elder laughed and pointed to those outside: "Human nature is greedy. You alone can save a few in this case. It is not the old man who is cynical. Now, these people, don't even want to leave alive! "

  Qingquan Saint was surprised for a while, and said with surprise: "Although Dunshisuo is not a treasure of heaven and earth, but it is not difficult to lock the souls and qi and blood of these people. Why is the elder..."

  The words didn't finish, and the face of Saint Chingquan suddenly turned into a blue.

   Outside, a group of people shrouded in Dun Shi Shuo suddenly shouted for joy, but the other monks who were still struggling in the blood of San Sheng were very dissatisfied and desperately rushed towards Dun Shi Shuo.

   bursts of roar, a sacred face, constantly magnified in front of the maiden of the Qingquan, Eunsuo could obviously cover several people, and those monks who were rescued by Eunsuo were also ugly, and gave no chance to others.

"How could this be?"

  Qingquan Shengmu murmured to herself, puzzled and angry.

  The elders and others laughed, but did not speak.

  All of this was seen by Yang Zhen, seeing the expression of disappointment and resentment on the face of Qingquan Saint, shook her head.

   This silly nizi, kindly do bad things!

  Human heart, can't she understand the flowers in a greenhouse?

   This is a battle between the gods, ordinary people are involved, and it will become after death.

  Especially those who can work on Sanshenghua, even if they are not as good as the maiden of Tianxuan, I am afraid that it is almost the same. Is the general situation laid down by such a person dare to provoke the ordinary people?

  Yang Zhen kicked the Sansheng flower, and the terrifying power directly kicked the Sansheng flower into a hole.

   Shit, ordinary people don't dare to provoke, is this sao saint an ordinary person?

Yang Zhen's face became worse and worse, and even the brows of Tianxuan Saint, who was frowning in her sleep, blinked, no matter whether the other party could perceive it or not, murmured, "Beiqi Niangzhi, Who do you want to help, Ben Sao Sheng, I care which way you are a bull, a ghost, a snake, a god? Oh, yeah, the vernacular scolding by Bie Qiniang is really a good word!"


   Sanshenghua was injured, and a monstrous qi and blood came together, condensing into a dark figure in the air.

   This figure is slender, with blood tumbling up and down, unable to see clearly, or even perceiving any vitality.

   is just such an empty figure composed entirely of qi and blood, staring at Yang Zhen, but giving people a feeling of the end of the world.

   As if this guy shot, the whole world would collapse.


   A roar came out from the figure, stunned and deaf, everyone present was taken aback and looked up quickly.

  I don't know why, after the appearance of the figure, Sanshenghua no longer absorbs the souls and qi and blood of the people. While everyone is relieved, a feeling of fear rises in their hearts.

Most of them rushed out of the world of Ten Mountains, and even the Son of Shaking Light sprang out. After a while, they came back again, seeing the eyes of the elders and others, light He coughed and said, "I just confirmed that we can go out at any time."

   No one cares about this calf!

  Everyone still staying in the world of Ten Mountains, all set their eyes on Yang Zhen.

   The elder face flashed with a suspicious look, muttered to himself: "This kid, is there nothing he fears in this world?"

   Qingquan Saint Girl looked at Yang Zhen blankly and asked in a low voice: "What is he going to do?"

  What does Yang Zhen do?

   This **** dared to be against the man who made the hands and feet of Sanshenghua! this what people do?

  Just as everyone was When he was undecided whether to leave this place, a whole lot of ideas covered the whole world of Ten Mountains.

   "It is Saint Xuan, she... she let us leave this place!"

   "Don't put the spar on your face. The saint of Tianxuan is to let Yang Zhen leave this place. There is gratitude in this idea. Do you think that the saint of Tianxuan is grateful for you?"

   "This Yang Zhen... He wants to help Saint-Tian Xuan. Who do he think he is? The blood man in front of him is at least the same level of powerful presence as Saint-Tian Xuan."

   "If you say this again, I will hit your head, I don't know what you are, I only know that Yang Zhen saved my life!"

   "Bei Qi Niang, didn't Yang Zhen save Laozi?"

  After a group of people were talking, the elders and other people looked suspiciously.

   At this moment, the blood man suddenly raised a hand and aimed at Yang Zhen!


   An unusually strong thought swept through, and this time everyone could even hear the sound.

   is Saint Virgin, with three points of anger, five points of gratitude, two points of frustration!

   "Let's go?" Yang Zhen laughed, and the sword suddenly burst out in his hand.


  :. :

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