Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1106: So shameless! That's awful!

"Yang Zhen is at the end, he still can't escape death!"


   "If Shaoguang Shengzi continues to refine the Nine Realms Linglong Tower, then Yang Zhen will definitely die."


   "Even without refining, Yang Zhen will be able to live? My dear mother, that horrible sword may become the shadow of the next life."




  A group of people had a lot of discussion, but Yang Zhen looked dazed.


   entered the Nine Realms Linglong Tower again, and the environment inside was different.


  The Nine Realms disappeared, and now there is no chaos. Without any breath, Yang Zhen can't even feel the breath of the Lady Tianxuan.


  I just don't know why, Yang Zhen still has a familiar feeling, and now he sits cross-legged and starts to refine the Jiujie Linglong Tower.


   Today's incident was caused by the Nine Realm Linglong Tower. In the end, hasn't it fallen into the hands of Ben Sao Sheng?


   Now Yang Zhen has entered the Nine Realms Linglong Pagoda, not to mention the three great saints, even if it is the 30 great saints, it is difficult to stop Yang Zhen from refining the Nine Realms Linglong Pagoda.


  How fast is Yang Zhen refining Jiujie Linglong Tower?


  The son of shaking light had not rushed to the side of Jiujie Linglong Pagoda with ecstasy, and Jiujie Linglong Pagoda began to emit a colorful and colorful light.




   Shaoguang Shengzi stopped in front of Jiujie Linglong Pagoda, looking back and staring at Elder Sword.


   is not a disciple's uselessness, but in the Nine Realms Linglong Tower, it seems that there is a breath of the imprint of consciousness.


   Could someone secretly refine the Nine Realms Linglong Tower?


who is it?


   Who is so shameless?


  While taking advantage of the Three Great Saints and Yang Zhen's battle in Shaking the Holy Land, refined the nine world Linglong Tower?


   Shaoguang Shengzi's complexion is blue, if he finds this person, he must let the master hack the bastard, and then erase his consciousness.


   is too shameless, too hateful, too cheap.


   Standing in mid-air, Shaoguang Shengzi is uncomfortable.


   couldn't make progress, and his face was so hot that he didn't know what to do.


   Continue to refine?


  If you continue to refine at this time, you will definitely be bitten back, maybe you will be seriously injured, and it will be more embarrassing.


   But who is so shameless, has secretly portrayed the brand of consciousness in the Nine Realms Linglong Tower?


  Nine Realm Linglong Tower, when is it so good at refining?


Just when a group of people looked dumbfounded, the Jiujie Linglong Tower suddenly shone brightly, and everyone hurriedly closed their eyes. When they opened the eyes again, Yang Zhen stretched his lazy waist, with a face that was not worth the world, left hand Carrying a nine-story pagoda, he was looking at Shaoguang Shengzi with a smile.


   "It's impossible!" Shaking Guang Shengzi puffed out a mouthful of blood, almost sprayed on Yang Zhen.


  Yang Zhen... A beautiful round kick, almost kicked Shaoguang Shengzi's face into cookies.


   "It's impossible!" Elder Sword puffed with blood from Diao Wutian's face.


   Diao Wutian turned his head full of face, wiped the blood from his face, and looked at Elder Sword.


   Yang Zhen, is it really Yang Zhen?


   When did this **** refine the Jiujie Linglong Tower?






   A loud roar came, and everyone in the Holy Land shook angrily with red eyes.


   Just now there was Tian Lian, who was afraid of approaching half a step, and he had already suffocated his stomach.


   Now that the world lotus has disappeared, Yang Zhen has refined the Nine Realms Linglong Pagoda. This... what is it?


  Everyone was rushing towards Yang Zhen insanely. So many people, even one bite, killed Yang Zhen alive.




   The dust, the flying, the running, and the crawling, all the disciples of the Shaking Light Holy Land, including the Shaking Light Holy Child, all rushed towards Yang Zhen with red eyes.


  Yang Zhen......Turn your head and run!


   whistle while running, the sound is loud, running through the world and shaking the world.


   There was a trembling roar, and the huge figure of Tun Tianzhi appeared on the sky, and suddenly fell towards many disciples in the Holy Land of Shaking Light.


   For a time, countless people farted and pissed, frightened and fled.


   "Swallow the sky, it turns out to be the swallow the sky!"


   "Damn, where did Yang Zhen domesticate from swallowing Tian, ​​fast, run!"


  Tuan Tianji roared in anger, spit out countless waves of air in one mouth, and blew a piece of holy realm strong.


   Elder Sword staggered to stand up, and then wanted to urge Zhu Shengjian, already somewhat reluctant.


   Elder Diao and the three elders stared blankly at Yang Zhen, dragging the two women across the body, and fell on the back of Teng Tianzhi.




  Yang Zhen ran away?


   Watched as Tian Tianzhi became smaller and smaller, and finally looked like a small ant. The sound disappeared, and everyone felt like a dream.


   Yang Zhen, this bastard, one person with one sword and one sword against the dawn of the world, and the three sages alone, in the dumbfounded eyes of all, refined the nine-world Linglong Pagoda, with a flowery moon, just left?


   Tens of thousands of people can't help but look at Elder Diao and Third Elder.


  Elder Diao: "Poof!"


  Three elders: "Poof!"


  Elder Sword: "Poof!"


  The Son of Light shook and fell to the ground, his face was not worth it.


   Qingquan Saint Girl's eyes were sparkling, looking at the direction of Yang Zhen's disappearance, not knowing what she was thinking.


   swallowed Tian Ji on his back, the cheap cat jumped up and down, excited and wailed.


   "Boy, I really saw the deity today. What is meant by running after being forced, have you seen the expressions on the faces of the three great saints?"


   "What expression?" Yang Zhen looked at the cheap cat with a smile.


  The cheap cat yelled and said, "The green ones are all green. The big green ones look wonderful."


  Yang Zhen grinned and lay in the arms of Hua Youyue and Han Yan'er.


   The two women exclaimed and hurriedly supported Yang Zhen.


   The cheap cat hurried to Yang Zhen's face, struggling to pinch Yang Zhen's people, his claws were almost scratching in.


   "Fortunately, it's okay, but it's just a bit off. This kid is a demon."


   Hearing the cheap cat's words, Hua Youyue and Han Yan'er suddenly gave a breath, and they all stared at Yang Zhen.




   Shaking the Holy Land, inside the temple, a young woman who could not see the age frowned lightly and asked, "Someone sacrificed the holy sword, what's going on?"


The other old men in the temple looked at each other, and one of the old men frowned and said, "There are three great holy strong men in Qianyuanling, and there is no worries at all. Now I use the holy sword, it seems to be holy, I don’t know. Which Great Saint is coming."


   "Maybe it is Mei Wuhua!" Another old man sneered.


"This treasure appraisal conference is to give the Jiujie Linglong Pagoda a name. From now on, Jiujie Linglong Pagoda is my holy land, and it is said that Mei Wuhua found the Sanhua Saint Maiden The reincarnated person will come to Qianyuanling if he wants to."


"That's fine, there is no soul under the holy sword, and after Mei Wuhua's death, the Sanshan Holy Land is completely devoid of ownership. At that time, it will inevitably cause the covetment of other forces. It is also an opportunity for us, but I don't know if this child can shake the light Cannot successfully refine the Nine Realms Linglong Tower."


   "Relax, there are elders with Diao, shaking light should be able to successfully refine."




   There was a lot of discussion in the hall, and the young woman suddenly said, "Enough is enough, elder elders, seven elders, five elders, three of you, now go to Qianyuanling to find out."


   "What?" The elder elder had a surprised look on his face, frowning and said: "Holy Lord, it's a little too cautious. Such a trivial matter, if the Six Great Saints are dispatched, wouldn't it be a joke?"




  The young woman groaned, and suddenly there was an undoubted majesty in her body.


  The elder stagnate for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes, Lord!"


   The three of them just stood up, and a figure appeared at the door of the temple, and all the faces suddenly changed wildly.


   "Kowloon?" The young woman exclaimed.





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