Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1104: Sky mirror! Sword breaking mountains and rivers!

Every ghost knows that the reason why the method of forging body is so few is not that this thing is difficult to create.


The reason why   's way of forging body is so low is that the sanctification of the flesh is almost only in legend.


   The legend is not without, but it is so far away from the time of the people that it is gradually abandoned by people.


   Cultivation world is a little better. Under the controversy of hundreds of flowers, there are a lot of sects of the forging body way, but people who come from the Great Desolation and seeing the monks of the forging body way are actually very contemptuous.


   The way of forging body is stronger in the Holy Realm, it is stronger than other types of monks, but the monks who refine the flesh cannot be sanctified!


  On this point, the way of forging body has been wiped out.


  Once entering the holy realm, the monks who forged the way of body can only be beaten.


   What is even more ridiculous is that the monks who forged the way of the body are still better than one.


  This is the reason why monks who forge the body can be looked down upon.


   Yang Zhen's way of forging the body and the cultivation of the Fa are not a secret, but anyone who knows a little about the Great Desolation era disdains it.


   But now?


  Yang Zhen was even under the eyes of the public, and even in the world-destroying Tianlian, which is known to destroy the world, he broke through the shackles of the forging body and became sanctified.


  The sacred body monk who is sanctified in flesh, who is strong in the face of the holy realm?


   No, which one is stronger and how much stronger?


   And Yang Zhen was already able to defeat the powerful in the Holy Realm during the Nine Chongtian in the celestial period. Isn't it stronger now that the flesh is sanctified?


  Think of everyone here who took a breath and looked at Yang Zhen violently.




   Mid-air annihilation Tianlian violently shocked the sky, and countless thunders fell from the sky and landed on Yang Zhen.


   Yang Zhen laughed, suddenly stood up and rushed towards the elder sword.


   "Elder Sword, Elder Sword, your sword is cheap, come here, let's compare again... dig grass, what are you running, Ben Sao Sheng will not eat people!


   Elder Sword ran away?


  Can you not run?


   The terrifying world lotus behind Yang Zhen can be destroyed even by life, but he can't destroy the **** Yang Zhen. If he doesn't run now, Yang Zhen doesn't eat people, and world destroyer eats people.


   Seeing that Elder Sword was chased by Yang Zhen, everyone's chin almost fell to the ground.


   In the air, the terrifying air waves were turned upside down, and under the black cloud, the thunder light flashed.


   These life-threatening Thunder didn't take Yang Zhen's life, and almost took the life of Elder Sword.


   Diao Wutian's face was ridiculous, and a disc was suddenly sacrificed in his hand, depicting innumerable arrays of methods, such as mountains, rivers, and sea, covering the sky and the sun in midair.


   "Boy, you are dead!


   "The sky-mirror turned out to be the sky-mirror. Elder Diao had sacrificed all the sky-mirrors.


"The Sky Mirror is a treasure of heaven and earth. Although it is not as good as the Jiujie Linglong Tower, it is also a valuable and powerful treasure. Elder Diao will only use it when fighting the strong men of the same level. Yang Zhen?"


   "What a joke, Elder Diao will use the sky mirror to deal with Yang Zhen, a hairy child? This is obviously used to fight against the world lotus."


   Many disciples who shook the Holy Land had their enemies, and their faces were full of anger.


   It's just that anger returns to anger. At this time, who dares to come up?


   Once the sky mirror was out, the mountains and rivers were upside down, and between the terrifying waves, it seemed to be a continuous stream of mountains, slamming toward Yang Zhen.


   If this is hit, even if Yang Zhen is sanctified, he will be crushed into pieces.


However, at this moment, Yang Zhen suddenly had a golden light, and under the terror of the tide, a force of holy realm came violently. The sword in his hand was greeted by the storm, and in the blink of an eye, it became a huge sword. mango.


   "Holy Realm Power, this turned out to be Holy Realm Power, impossible, what about Yang Zhen... By the way, Yang Zhen is already sanctified in person, and should be able to use Holy Realm Power."


   "No, the sanctification of the flesh is nothing more than a punching force. Yang Zhen now has a sword beyond the scope of the sanctification of the flesh!"


   Master Qingquan Sheng exclaimed with an unbelievable look in his eyes, watching Yang Zhen muttering to himself: "If you let this child grow up, I am afraid it is the nightmare of all the great saints!"


   Hearing this remark, the Holy Girl of Qingquan was shocked.


   originally thought that she would be able to break through the Holy Realm at such an age, although it is not as good as Shaoguang Shengzi, and she is already one of the most talented geniuses in the atrium.


  However, in the face of Yang Zhen, the Qingquan Sheng Nu suddenly realized that there are people outside, maybe some people who are not showing the mountains and not showing the water, have become so powerful that they are outrageous.


   Seeing mountains coming over, Yang Zhen kept retreating, a sword was flying across the sky, terrifying holy realm was overturned, and the sound of rumbling and destruction of the world came, and those mountains were all broken by Yang Zhen.


  After breaking the mountain, Yang Zhen laughed, arrogantly, and cut a sword towards Elder Diao.




  The world is turbulent. Under the collision of these forces, both of them fell backwards and flew back.


   Yang Zhen's fall was justified. Now that everyone sees Elder Diao also staggering back, everyone is surprised.


   Elder Sword was about to break, and he looked at the world-destroying lotus in the air with a horrified look, and he shouted with hoarse: "Boy, do you really want to tear your skin with the shrine of shaking light?"


   Hearing Elder Sword's so fierce inwardness, everyone felt a sense of consternation.


   torn face?


   Hasn't this teared your face yet?


   Sure enough, Yang Zhen smiled and said, "Damn, Ben Sao Sheng has already torn the skin of Shaoguang Holy Place long ago. If you leave now, will you think that nothing has happened?"


   "How is it possible that you are so insulting the old man and others, and will the light shrine let you continue to be arrogant?" Elder Diao sneered coldly.


   "Then... it's done now?"


   Yang Zhen snorted, and the violently burning fire on his body suddenly became a golden light, and the strange sky behind him suddenly appeared, and the golden light arbitrarily covered the sky.


   Seeing this scene, Elder Diao and Elder Sword almost fell from the clouds.


   "Holy Land!"


"how is this possible?"


   Both faces are full of ridiculous looks, it is enough to be sanctified in the flesh, we are reluctant... No, force ourselves to accept.


   But you are a monk in the ninth heaven of the celestial Even if you have passed the half-step Great Sacred, and you are directly sanctified, this...Who should reason?


   No one thought that Yang Zhen actually fully integrated the power in the body, and the fusion was almost perfect.


   "It is the power of the Holy Realm, and there is even the power of the Holy Realm in his body. How is this possible?"


   The elders of the three elders had an unbelievable look on them. When did the Holy Realm power become visible everywhere?


  In Yang Zhen's body, he does have the power of the Holy Realm, and it is the Holy Realm of the Heavenly Jade Lady. Today, Yang Zhen is refined and merged. All the powers in the body are merged into a brand new Holy Realm power.


   This is the real reason why Yang Zhen dare to climb the Qianyuan Mountain alone.


  Saint... Yang Zhen!




   The earth-shattering roar passed from behind Yang Zhen to the entire Qianyuanling.


   The Qiongqi Tianxu is lifelike, roaring up in the sky, almost provocative to the annihilating Tianlian.


  Yang Zhen stood up with one sword and one person, standing like a golden light of extinction, rushing towards the three great saints.


   "Old folks, eat a sword of Ben Sao Sheng!"


  I don't want to hit you today, but I believe that Sao Sheng's woman can casually make a cat or a dog.





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