Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1098: 2 Kings of Hardcore?

Beaten, beaten!


   The Son of Light was beaten, who can imagine?


   Shaoguang Shengzi, who was able to kill Yang Zhen with a sword, was rubbed by Yang Zhen on the ground?


  Everyone was terrified. Bai Xinsi even looked at Yang Zhen with blood on his face. He said dumbfounded: "It's a mad demon, Yang Zhen broke out, so terrible?"


The young female disciple had no blood on his face, and formed a stark contrast to Yang Zhen. After hearing Bai Xinsi's words, he was covered in a spirit, and said in horror: "He...he wouldn't shake it and eat it. ?"


   froze for a moment, and said hurriedly: "What nonsense, what eats Shaoguang Shengzi?"


   After listening to this, the young female disciple and a group of people around him breathed a sigh of relief. Didn’t Yang Zhen really eat people?


  The words of Bai Xinsi came out quietly: "Even if Yang Zhen wants to eat, Senior Diao will not agree."


  I don't know why. After hearing Bai Xinsi's words, the people behind were even more chilly, and even cold sweat was coming out. I was afraid that Yang Zhen would really throw himself up and bite at Shaoguang Shengzi.


   "Live... Stop!"


   Diao Wutian's face flashed ridiculously, and it took a long time to react.


  When this roar came out and roared through the world, there was no more perfect place on the son of Shaoguang Shengzi.


  The man in Yang Zhen's heart completely tossed out the Shaoguang Shengzi.


   Although a little tired, but really so comfortable, Yang Yang really wanted to laugh, but just thinking that it seems not suitable now, the environment does not allow, so he suffocated back.


   Seeing that Diao Wutian didn't want to rush up at all with an old face, Yang Zhen was taken aback, and hurriedly threw out the Shaking Light Holy Land, and threw it back to Diao Wutian.


  Why don’t you say this time you have to be low-key, now it’s okay, beat the Shaoguang Shengzi fiercely, it’s cool, but what to do next?


  Looking at old Diao Mao like this, it is obviously extremely angry.


   Annoyed the end of a big congregation?


   Yang Zhen didn't have to think about it, this time he had to work hard again.


   "Shake it, are you okay?"


Diao Wutian's face flashed with a suspicious look. While waving a group of Sacred Realm strong men around Yang Zhen, he took out a dozen medicine bottles from his arms and stuffed the panacea inside into Shaking Light Saint. In the mouth of the child.


Maybe I was too worried about the safety of Shaoguang Shengzi’s life. Diao Wutian didn’t even know what medicine to use. Yang Zhen clearly understood that there was a kind of Tiyang Shengling Pill. What is this thing for, use toes I can think of it at first.


   Sure enough, after shaking and waking up and waking up, he immediately shook his head and shrunk into a ball, his mouth wowed and did not know what was said.


After seeing clearly next to Diao Wutian, Shaoguang Shengzi turned red, staring at Yang Zhen with a hoarse shouting: "Kill him, kill me, no, don't kill him, I will kill him myself. !"


   bursts of shouting shouts, I heard the hearts of everyone, this is beaten hard, how much hatred, but also to kill but not kill.


Shaoguang Shengzi is the strongest in the Holy Realm, and the strongest among the strong in the Holy Realm. Such a person failed to treat Yang Zhen, and his face was swollen by Yang Zhen’s beating. Even less dare to act rashly, only surrounded, as long as Yang Zhen can not run out, their task is completed.


   is not the little nephew of the Seven Great Aunts. Shaoguang Shengzi was beaten on the face of everyone, but this kind of desperate thing, who would like to fight for life to find Yang Zhen desperately?


   A group of powerful saints looked at each other, and no one would shoot first.


   Diao Wutian snorted and walked towards Yang Zhen step by step after letting go of Shaoguang Shengzi.


At this moment, a slender old man stopped Diao Wutian and said in a cold voice: "Elder Diao, such a crazy child, the old man killed himself, you go to see the injuries on Shaoguang, try not to leave anything Sequelae."


   Hearing the words of the old man, Diao Wutian looked cold, staring at Yang Zhen and said, "The elders have a heart, the old man wants the spirit of this child!"


   Elder Gui returned with a dark smile on his face, nodded and said, "The soul is so good, the old man will get it for you!"


  Yang is really recovering, not recovering, the ghost knows how many games to play, and none of these bad old men is a good thing!


  The wheel battle made them behave like bitterness and bitterness, as if Yang Zhen was a wicked generation, and people like Yang Zhen didn't need to talk about morals.


Yang Zhen also did not admonish, glanced at Hua Youyue and Han Yan'er and so on beside Mei Wuhua, took a deep breath, carried Da Qiu's sword on his shoulder, beckoned to Elder Gui and said, "Elder Turtle is Well, I don’t know what is your fame and fame? Is it the turtle school qigong?"


   "What turtle-style qigong?" Gui elder snorted coldly, said: "Nonsense, boy, before you die, do you have anything else to say?"


  Yang Zhen shook his head and said seriously: "No, come on, so as not to waste time."


   "What a arrogant child, do you know who you are facing?" Elder Gui obviously didn't expect Yang Zhen to face the true Great Saint, still looking fearless.


Yang Zhen laughed, pointing at another old man next to Diao Wutian, and said, "Don't look at that old man, a great saint, I might fight it off. You should go together. "


   Another old man was sleeping with his eyes closed. Hearing Yang Zhen's words, he opened his eyes violently and pointed at his nose with a forceful face, asking, "Boy, are you talking to the old man?"


   Yang Zhen nodded and said, "Yeah, I'm in a hurry, let's go together."


   The old man laughed, and suddenly a violent weather wave broke out on his body, walking towards Yang Zhen step by step.


  I don't know why. As the old man came step by step, Yang Zhen suddenly had an illusion, as if the whole world, following the pace of the old man, was bullying him.


   It feels a little scary. Yang Zhen’s soul seems to be trembling, just like facing natural enemies. Yang Zhen hasn’t felt that kind of powerless feeling for a long time.


The old man laughed while walking, and looked at Yang Zhen with a playful face, said: "The old man has long wanted to shoot, but I feel a little embarrassed. Relationship, even if you want to stimulate the old man, and want the old man to be self-confident, he won’t do it for wishful thinking is wrong."


   heard this old man's words, Yang Zhen sank in his heart.


  Marathi, although Yang Zhen doesn't have the thought to stimulate the old man, but from these words and the tone of the old man's speech, it is not difficult for Yang Zhen to judge. This old man is the really tough guy.


   It seems that this old man is not bound by any rules at all. Whatever he wants to do, this maverick is the most difficult to deal with.


   is finished, is it true that Ben Sao Sheng is here to explain?


Yang Zhen looked up and looked at the mid-air still radiating colorful light, and the nine-world Linglong Tower echoing the violent thunder in the air, heaved a heavy breath, put the big missing sword away, and smiled at the two great saints. , Taking a deep breath and muttering to himself:


   "Hakuten Festival!"




  The violent energy of heaven and earth swarmed from the entire Qianyuanling, and even the air machine of sky punishment in mid-air was absorbed by Yang Zhen.


  Faced with the two great saints, Yang Zhen was really determined to die this time.


   This is nonsense, even if Yang really wants to live, it may not be possible.


  I just don’t know, does the **** bastard have the means to raise the dead man’s flesh and bones, or, like Little Nezha, use lotus root to refine it and use it?


   One person fists, two sages stiff!

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