Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1096: Dare to curse people?

Hearing the name of Zhen Yang shouted by the son of Shaoguang Shengzi, I don't know why, a word appeared in everyone's mind.


  Yang Zhen is coming to the Jianbao Conference!


   This shaking brain is buzzing.


  Especially the white mind in the crowd, I still feel a little overreacted in my brain, and asked the young female disciple next to him, "What did Shaoguang Shengzi just say?"


   The female disciple also looked at the more violent shivering son, and swallowed a sip and said, "He just said, Yang Yang Yang Yang Zhen!"


   "Really Yang Zhen?" White heart whispered, scared around, thinking that a sword hacked Yuan Tianyu's cannibal demon Yang Zhen, and came to trouble them.


   looked at Yang Zhen with a pale face, grinning for a while, and frightened after a while, murmured: "It was Yang Zhen, and it was Yang Zhen. I actually called Yang Zhen a brother!"


   "No wonder I look at the Yangpi... Yang Zhen looked at Shaoguang Shengzi's eyes with bad qualities. I thought it was because of jealousy, but now I understand it, it's uncomfortable!"


   The young female disciple's face flashed with a trace of fear, and pulled Bai Xinsi beside him, saying, "Brother Bai, I heard that Yang Zhen's disposition is fierce and fierce, but now it seems that this is not the case?"


  Bai Xinsi swallowed and shook his head and said, "It's more than that. Yang Zhen is so different from the rumors. I really don't know why the rumors spread like this."


   "For the sake of her beloved woman, she can ignore the five great saints. I really don't know whether to say that Yang Zhen is fearless or go to death!"


  Bai Xinsi also shook his head and said: "Although I admire Yang Zhen's courage, but in this case, I can only say that Yang Zhen is too impulsive."




  More than Bai Xinsi feels that Yang Zhen is too impulsive, even Yang Zhen himself feels a little impulsive.


  What made the hero angry, this is all a hero's thing, what is the Sao Sheng?


Can    be a hero?


  Yang Zhen grinned at Diao Wutian and asked how honest and honest.


  After laughing, Yang Zhen carefully took Hua Youyue's hand and said carefully: "Little Aunt Liang, if Jiujie Linglong Pagoda is not too important, we won't want it, and it's okay to give a few seniors."


  Hua Youyue shook her head and said, "For me, it is not essential, but for you..."


   "What happened to me?" Yang Zhen looked at Hua Youyue curiously.


  Nine Realm Linglong Pagoda Yang Zhen not only saw it but also went in, and even when the Heavenly Jade Lady was born, she almost got out of the nine-story world.


   At that time, Yang Zhen really didn't feel that the Jiujie Linglong Tower was important to him.


   Hearing Yang Zhen's question, Hua Youyue looked at Yang Zhen and said, "He can help you break through the half-step Great Saint."


  Yang Zhen listened for a while and waved his hand and said, "It turns out this way, you can rest assured, even if there is no Jiujie Linglong Tower, I can break through the half-step Great Saint, and it should be similar to the kind of breakthrough you imagined."


Speaking of which, Yang Zhen grinned at Shaoguang Shengzi and said, "Shake Shaoguang Son, right? Your grown-up has a large number, and my daughter-in-law is not sensible. It bothers you to refining the treasure of heaven and earth. You can rest assured that we will go. , Let's go!"


  Seeing Yang Zhen's almost bowed knees, everyone present had a ridiculous feeling.


  Bie Qi Niangzhi, what about the good big treasure treasure meeting?


  Don't say that you are coming to the Jianbao Conference alone. Now that your women are almost calculated, so if you say two words that are painless and itchy, you have to leave?


   Everyone in the room had a feeling of being cheated.


   "What's the trouble with the treasure appraisal meeting? When Yang Zhen said this, he didn't even know what kind of place is the Holy Light of Shaking Light and the Holy Land of Three Mountains?"


   "That must be ah, if you know that there are three great saints in the shrine of Sanctuary and Sanshan, even if you give Yang Zhen a hundred guts, he would not dare to say such things."


   "Now seeing the five and a half step priests, Yang Zhen is even like this, it is a waste of the old lady's feelings."


   A group of people despised Yang Zhen, but Yang Zhen still had a good look on my face.


  Hua Youyue looked at Yang Zhen strangely and asked, "Can you really break through the half-step Great Saint?"


   "Of course, I can break through, and I would like to thank Ching Chuan Maiden and them. After leaving here, I will break through to show you right?"


  Huayouyue was about to stop talking, and the light-shaking Saint Child next to him chuckled and came to Yang Zhen, shaking his head and saying, "You let me down."


  Yang Zhen grinned and said: "I'm sorry, let you down, but there are six or seven things in life that are disappointing, you just get used to it."


  Finally, Yang Zhen pulled Hua Youyue and left here.


   came out with a cold hum, Diao Wutian looked at Yang Zhen, said: "Ignorant children, could you treat me as a holy land in my own back garden, come if you want, just go?"


  Yang Zhen was stunned, turned and looked at Diao Wutian and said, "What do you want to do?"


   Diao Wutian smiled and said, "Shake the light at the first sight of Hua Shengnv. You can leave. How can Hua Shengnv be like you as a coward?"


   Yang Zhen took a deep breath and looked at the cheap cat on his shoulders trembling.


   "Do you really think so?"


   When he said this, Yang Zhen's expression was very serious, as if he was watching a two hundred and five.


   Diao Wutian nodded, looked at Yang Zhen and said, "Is there any problem?"


Everyone around looked at Yang Zhen strangely. In fact, Diaowutian was the Great Holy Master of Shaking Light. He was able to say so much to Yang Zhen, and he already gave Hua Youyue a face, if Hua Youyue was not here. If so, Diao Wutian would have already directly killed Yang Zhen.


Seeing Diao Wutian's smiling expression on his face, the entire Qianyuanling fell into a silence. If it wasn't for the violent air waves in mid-air that were still washing the Linglong Tower of the Nine Realms, the entire Qianyuanling's air seemed to enter Stagnation.


  Yang Zhenxi sighed Da Qijian on his shoulder, sighed, and said, "So, do you still want to fight?"


   Hearing Yang Zhen's words, everyone's mind is astonished!


   Diao Wutian laughed and looked at Yang Zhen and said, "Did the old man hear it correctly, the unsweetened boy, dare to say such big-hearted words in front of the old man?"


  He shook his head and smiled. He glanced at the silent Youyu, and said to Yang Zhen: "Yang Zhen, leave, this is not a place where you can spread wild."


   Seeing that Shaoguang Shengzi is still in a breeze, everyone cannot help but secretly admire.


Worthy of being the Son of Shake, the most outstanding young generation in the atrium, both talent and character are the best Now Yang Zhen wants to make a great treasure appraisal conference, and Shaoguang can do this. The degree has already been done.


  Now, it's up to Yang Zhen to choose.


  Under the eyes of all eyes, Yang Zhen suddenly fell silent and lowered his head, as if it was a little difficult to choose.


  I want to come too, who faced this situation, I am afraid that he would not give up his beloved woman, but... did Yang Zhenyou choose?


Just when everyone felt sorry for Yang Zhen, Yang Zhen burst into laughter suddenly, and looked up suddenly at Shaoguang Shengzi: "Damn, old Diao Mao has lived up to the dog, so is your young age An idiot?"


   This violent scolding was deaf, and he directly blamed Diao Wutian and Shaoguang Shengzi.


   Yang Zhen...Dare to curse?


   This time, Yang Zhen dare to curse people?



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