Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1090: Of course it was shaken in!

Yang Zhen felt that it would take ten days and a half months for the powerful in the Holy Realm to cross the robbery. I didn't expect that Qingquan Saint Female Master would chase it so quickly.

   And it was chased by someone alone.

   Hearing Master Qingquan's words, Yang Zhen turned around and ran away.

   Can’t run, with Yang Zhen’s current strength, he can hang the Holy Realm strong, but in the face of the real Great Holy Power, if he escapes slowly, the future days may be dark.

  The world of cultivating has just opened, what is the most valuable?

   Talents are the most valuable, especially talents like Yang Zhen are the most valuable.

  Yang Zhen was very proud while running, and the expression on his face was almost inseparable.

  Han Yan'er giggled aside, Yang Zhen looked at him for a while, and said angrily: "If you laugh at Ben Sao Sheng again, Ben Sao Sheng will not run away. Believe it or not?"

  Ping Bai wants an extra daughter-in-law for no reason. This is not a loss!

   Han Yaner stared at Yang Zhen, looked at Yang Zhen with a smile, and said: "You can try!"

  Look, Yang Zhen runs faster.

   If it is alone, Yang Zhen may have stopped long ago, but now Hua Youyue has not landed, and there is another Han Yaner staring at him. Yang Zhen stopped at this time, absolutely dead.

   "Boy, what are you running, isn't the old student just not good enough for you?"

   Master Qingquan’s voice was a little bad, Yang Zhen hurriedly shouted: "Where, it’s not that your old disciple is not worth it, it’s not enough for your apprentice."

   Hearing this, Qingquan Shengnv Zun laughed and said, "Whether it is worthy or not, it is the old one who has the final say."

  You're not good enough.

  Yang Zhen's feet are faster.

   "Boy, don't be fooled!"

   "I... I have a problem with me!"

   "What is the problem?" Qingquan Shengneng sneered, said: "You stop, what problems can hardly survive the old body, say it for the old body to see!"

   "The problem on me, yes, the problem on me is the same as Light Son!"

   "So what... what? What are you talking about?"

   Yang Zhen glanced back and found that Qingquan Saint Female Master finally stopped, suddenly relieved, and hurriedly crawled into another mountain.

   Master Qingquan Sheng looked at the direction of Yang Zhen's disappearance with a weird face, crying and laughing, shook his head and said, "Boy, do you think that if you just make an excuse, will the old body let you go?"

Speaking of this, Qingquan Shengnv Shizun looked back at the direction of the Qingquan Shengnv cross robbery and muttered to herself: "With the cultivation of the Nine Chongtian in the celestial phenomena period, he was able to successfully refine the sanctuary power in Qingquan. Talent is no longer a genius to describe, no, this kid must be included in the Sanshan Holy Land. In this way, maybe the Sanshan Holy Land will completely surpass the Shaking Light Holy Land in the next ten years."

The Sanshan Holy Land is a great force that unites the three Holy Lands. It is enough to compete with the Holy Light Holy Land, but it has its own sufferings and its own knowledge. Although the Sanshan Holy Land is powerful, there are many internal differences, especially the three Holy Lords, if they are not completely unified, Sooner or later, it will be pulled farther and farther away.

   "This kid, at such a speed, is really incredible!"

   Qingquan Saint Female Master looked at it for a while, then shook his head and said, "Boy, see you at the Jianbao Conference."

Speaking of which, Master Qingquan Sheng suddenly whispered eccentrically: "I just don't know that Yang Pipi compared to the man named Yang Zhen. The two are stronger and weaker, only in talent. Yang Pippi is definitely stronger than Yang Zhen, hum, and Jianbao meeting dare to make trouble, Yang Zhen, this kid, can't know what to do!"


   A breath of heaven and earth flashed through, and the Supreme Master Ching Quan disappeared in place.

   Yang Zhen shivered for no reason!

  Looking at a dry forest around him, Yang Zhen said curiously: "There is something weird here. Under such a rich world, there is a dead place."

   The cheap cat lit up and said, "Boy, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Maybe there is a big evil here!"

   "Well, what does it have to do with Ben Sao Sheng, this place is too gloomy, let's go to Qianyuanling first, how far is it from here?"

  Han Yan'er looked at the surrounding environment and said, "It should not be far away, you don't want to inquire about your sister's whereabouts?"

   "If there is a Flowering Saint, Xiaoguliang should be in no danger. Besides, the Jianbao Conference will start soon. Xiaoguliang will appear there sooner or later. Let's just go and wait."

   The cheap cat lit up and said, "Boy, do you really want to make a big event for the Kampo?"

  Yang Zhen glared and said angrily: "Ben Sao Sheng is full of food, it's okay to do what people do at the treasure appraisal meeting. We are just going to see what treasure is in the end, and then take the little aunt."


  Yang Zhen is coming to the Jianbao Conference!

   This news has spread throughout Qianyuanling.

  In a courtyard in Qianyuanling, Hua Youyue looked calm, looking at the sky in the distance, not knowing what she remembered, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

   Behind the Flower Youyue, the Great Flowerless Saint looked at the Flower Youyue complexly and said, "Holy Lord, that Yang Zhen, really came to Qianyuanling?"

   Hearing this, Hua Youyue nodded and said, "He will definitely come."

   "That thing, do you really want to give him?" Wu Hua Da Sheng pondered for a moment, said: "That is related to whether you can break through the realm of the Da Sheng, is very important."

  Hua Youyue shook her head and said, "That thing is more important to him than to me!"

   "Although the boy's talent is high, but he is not so high, and so far, he has not broken through the half-step Great Saint, his future..."

   "His future, I can't see through!"

   "The old man can't see through, but... with his current practice, he rushed into the Jianbao Conference, maybe there will be danger."

  Hua Youyue smiled and said, "You and I are Isn't it dangerous?"

  The Great Flowerless Saint laughed abruptly, and suddenly a turbulent weather broke out on his body. He sneered and said, "It was originally my Sanhua Holy Land. Let's take it back. Who dares to say anything?"

   Speaking of this, the Great Flowerless Saint said respectfully to Hua Youyue: "Holy Lord, only a few great Saints, you can rest assured that as long as you are safe, I will be able to leave safely."

  Huayouyue looked stagnant, shook his head and said, "Which Sanhua Holy Land and Shaoguang Holy Land can be summed up by several great saints, even if I am in danger, you have to take that thing back and give it to Yang Zhen!"

   "This..." Wu Hua Da Sheng frowned.

   "With him there, I can't die!" Hua Youyue's smile is as bright as the sunset in the sky!



  Yang Zhen suddenly sneezed, grinned, and said: "Must be Xiaogu cold miss me, must be!"

   Han Yan'er glared at Yang Zhen and said, "The people of Sanshan Holy Land and Shaoguang Holy Land are looking for us. Are you sure that this is not what they are thinking of you?"

  Yang Zhen scratched his head and said fiercely: "If you let me know who is spreading rumors, I will definitely not recognize him even his mother."

   "Now this is not the time, what should we do?" The cheap cat asked in a hurry.

   "What should I do?" Yang Zhen glanced at the cheap cat and said, "Of course it was swaggering in."

  :. :

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