Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1087: Young son can not!


   Seeing this sudden scene, everyone was stunned and looked at Yang Zhen in disbelief.

   A breath like ice burst out of the Qingquan Saint Girl, and the surrounding air suddenly dropped by more than 20 degrees.

  Teahouse Xiaoer stumbled, rolling down the stairs.

   is really too cold. With the cultivation of Primary Two, I can't support it at all.

   This breath, everyone looked at the fog, but a few holy realm face showed a horrible color.

  Especially the two Sacred Realm strongmen who came with the Saint Maiden of Qingquan, the expression on their faces was unbelievable.

There are no more than five people in the Sanshan Holy Land that can mobilize the Holy Realm within the Qingquan Saint Maiden. Even the two Holy Realm strongmen can’t be attracted after trying their best. Now it’s triggered by Yang Zhen. Shocking?

  Don't say it's someone else, even the Holy Lady of Qingquan was a tremendous look, and suddenly opened her eyes to look at Yang Zhen, and a pair of eyes flashed with surprise in their eyes, bursts of rippling colors.

   This result has already exceeded the expectations of Qingquan Saint Girl. Could this Yangpipi really solve the problem that has troubled her for three years?

  Qingquan Shengnv herself knows that the power of the Holy Realm in her body is actually left by the powerful Emperor Realm. The entire Sanshan Holy Land has only this one.

   Sanshan Holy Land has always cultivated the Qingquan Saint Girl as the next Emperor Realm Powerhouse. Even if it can't really break through the Emperor Realm, it must be a great saint, but I didn't want to make a point when refining the power of the Holy Realm.

Although the Holy Spring Maiden can use this Holy Realm power, she can also exert great power, but the problem is that this Holy Realm Power has been encroaching on the True Yuan within the Qingquan Holy Female. Almost all of its true elements have become the heaven and earth spirits filled by the heaven and earth treasures, not the true elements.

  Just as the Saint Maiden of Qingquan was full of hope, Yang Zhen suddenly said to a few strong men in the Holy Realm next to him: "Troublesome guardians!"

  Protection method?

  Several holy realm's faces showed a hesitant look, just about to start asking questions, Yang Zhen suddenly groaned.


   The power of the Holy Realm broke out completely, almost bursting through the roof of the teahouse in a blink of an eye, and Curry rushed towards the air.


   Immediately afterwards, there was a trembling roar.

   Yang Zhen stared at the ice dragon soaring in mid-air, and stared dumbfounded at the Spring Lady, his face full of force.

  A woman, has actually refined the ice dragon's **** sanctuary strength?

   Qingquan Saint naturally knows why Yang Zhen has such an expression, a bit of grin on his face, just about to speak, suddenly snorted, and his face changed greatly.

   Apparently, the ice dragon broke out completely, and it was even unbearable for the Qingquan saint.

   Several other Holy Realm strongmen roared together, too late to question Yang Zhen, Qi Qi flew towards the air, and after the prohibition of cloth, it was only able to cover the ice dragon's breath.

It was only at this time that several powerful saints were relieved. The old woman flashed a furious look on her face, staring at the following Yang Zhen angrily: "Boy, what the **** are you doing, just know this pair of saints How dangerous is a woman?"

  Yang Zhen said indifferently: "How dangerous is it, Ben Toad is much clearer than you. Isn't there your holy land, do you want to watch the drama all the time?"

  Go to the theater?

   heard Yang Zhen's mouth full of nonsense, and a few holy realm strong mouth corners twitched.

   "That can't be so nonsense... what are you going to do?"

  Yang Zhen's hand flicked and grinned: "The real Hu Lai is just beginning!"

   With Yang Zhen's right hand turning, Qingquan Shengya said, Yurong was slightly red, and Dan Tian even started to spin up involuntarily.

   There was a soft drink, and Yuan Ying in the princess of Qingquan Shengdan suddenly rose in response to the storm. In a blink of an eye, it was the size of a real person, and opened her eyes violently. After her hands were folded, she quickly played the French seal.

   "No, it's impossible, how are you..." The shocked look appeared on the face of the Qingquan saint's face, and she was shocked, closing her eyes in a hurry and starting to realize.

Yang Zhen's forehead is already sweating, shit, manipulating Yuanying is really not done by people. The main reason is that the Qingquan Saint Girl did not remain wary of Yang Zhen. Otherwise, Yang Zhen's move is enough. He is dead.

  Before closing her eyes, the complex look in the eyes of Saint Qingquan was unpredictable.

The Holy Girl of Qingquan didn’t know what Yang Zhen was going to do, but she had a feeling in her heart. Even though Yang Zhen couldn’t help her solve the power of the Holy Realm, she knew something about it. She found a way in the process of combing.

   Light dust Saint child's face showed a dignified look, what can the Qingquan Saint girl see, can he not see?

   Is Yang Zhen still a spiritual doctor?

  If it is a spiritual doctor, if Yang Zhen can help the Qingquan Saint to sort out the power of the Holy Realm in her body, then... Isn’t it really possible for Yang Zhen to cure his stubborn illness?

  Thinking about this, Shengchen Shengzi moved. Now, he can be said to be the one who most hopes that Yang Zhen can really help Qingquan Shengnv.

   It was at this time that Yang Zhen suddenly opened his eyes with a soft click.

  Just when everyone was shocked, Yang Zhen suddenly said, "There seems to be a kind of exercise in your body that can follow the Yin and the Three Vessels and go against the water, and it is now running at full speed."

  The method of running the Yin Sanmai against the water at full speed?

  The practice of the Yin Sanmai running against the water, is it the primitive Changchun Jing of the Qingquan saint?

   Hearing Yang Zhenzhen's words, even the Qingquan Saint Girl was stunned and asked in amazement: "Run at full speed for the Changchun Jing, why?"

  Yang Zhen showed a difficult look on his face, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't care why, run at full speed, let me give the rest!"


   As soon as the words fell, all the forces in Yang Zhen's body exploded in a sudden, and a wave of real waves rushed into the body of the Qingquan Saint Girl.

   "Stop it, what do you want to do?" Luo Qingchen's face was so blue that he had to step forward to stop Yang Zhen and was stopped by the old lady.

   "Relax, the saint is not in danger." The old woman Shen Sheng said, despite that, her eyes were full of doubts and vigilance, as if Yang Zhen wanted to do something against the maiden of Qingquan a little, she would break out.

   Yang Zhen glanced at Luo Qingchen and saw that Luo Qingchen was stopped, and he immediately felt relieved.

   He was really afraid that this foolish man would rush into it for a while, and then he might be finished.

   Of course, the end is definitely not Yang Zhen, but Qingquan Saint, Yang Zhen will certainly not be responsible.

  Just as everyone was in doubt, Qingquan Sheng Nu seemed to feel something, snorted, and hurried to run the Changchun Sutra!

   Suxin Changchun Sutra is a saint-level exercise method. It is a holy method that is not born in the Three Mountains. Once it is put into operation, is the true element of Yang Zhen's coming, and it also absorbs refining.

  Yang Zhen was startled. Unexpectedly, the so-called Changchun Sutra was so overbearing. Then Shen Sheng said, "I'm going to start."

   "You want to..." Qingquan Saint Girl was surprised for a moment, feeling Yang Zhen's intention, his face changed wildly, exclaimed, and said: "Yang Gongzi must not!"

   This shock frightened Yang Zhen, and even the others around him were shocked.

  Especially, Yang Zhen looked at Qingquan Sheng Nu with a look of embarrassment. The voice shouted, and did not know what Yang Zhen wanted to do to her body.

"Do you want to thoroughly refine the power of the Holy Realm?" Where can the Qingquan Saint Girl take care of the ambiguity of what she said, with an anxious expression on her face, said: "Hurry to stop, even the Master can't succeed, you... ...You will die!"

   Hearing the words of Saint Maiden of Qingquan, the expression of Light Dust Son is so complicated.

   thought that Yang Zhen had any tricks to return to heaven. It turned out to be delusional delusion. Even the master of the Qingquan maiden, a great saint, could not help the Qingquan maiden fully refine the power of the Holy Realm. Why is Yang Zhen so confident?

   Such a person is still dead, no one will give light dust Saint Child hope.

   Qingchen Shengzi snorted coldly, looked at Yang Zhen contemptuously, completely forgot the hope he had just raised.

   "Boy stop!"

   "Hurry up and you will die!"

   "Yang Xiaoyou, stop now. Not only will you die, you may even be involved in the Qingquan saint."

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