Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1084: That's right!

Even Yang Zhen feels that these people are too domineering, so these people are really too domineering.

  The matter has come to this point, Yang Zhen finally understands why Chu Liuhua and others are so afraid and do not want to leave.

   Someone who has some strength, is not in the bottleneck period?

   At this time, being selected as a little white mouse, it is at most a bit painful. If you can hold it down, it is almost a treasure, and a breakthrough is not a problem.

   Others who have not been selected as little mice, let alone say that these sacred realm strongmen are also people of great inheritance, and arguing can naturally benefit everyone.

  Those who do not need to endure danger and can gain a lot, naturally everyone is reluctant to leave.

   Watching a group of people staring at themselves scorchingly with their ears rimmed, fearing to miss the words of the Holy Realm Powerful and the Light Dust Saint Child and the Qingquan Saint Girl, Yang Zhen could not help but whispered.

  Sorry, these people acted a little bit more arrogant, and even more domineering, but the style of Ben Sao Sheng's behavior is more fresh and refined.

   Yang Zhen, while controlling the changeable power in his body, guided these people's power of Dao Yun, and even tempted even the power of the consciousness from time to time, so that it became more relaxed.

   And Yang Zhen’s power of consciousness at this time has been observing the people unconsciously.

   The face of the red-faced old man showed a suspicious look on his face, and suddenly screamed, saying: "Nonense, it is just mischief. If you practice like this, it would be strange to break through the holy realm."

The rest of the others also showed a disappointed look, especially the Saint Maiden of Qingquan, shook his head and said, "This young man, the strength of your cultivation is too complicated. The actual combat ability must be greatly reduced. If I am not wrong, you should not be the opponent of the heavy monk in the celestial period. Am I right?"


Yang Zhen suddenly surprised the Qingquan saint, and said respectfully: "The saint said yes, that's how I did it. This... there is no way to solve it. The majestic powerhouse of the ninth heavy heaven , Even the monks who couldn't beat the celestial celestial period, it was simply...I'm so hard!"

   next to Han Yan'er looked at Yang Zhen stunned. The expression on her face almost even convinced her, slightly glared at Yang Zhen, and continued to watch Yang Zhen's performance.

  Qingquan Saint did not answer Yang Zhen's question, but continued to observe the situation inside Yang Zhen.

On the contrary, Son of Light Dust shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, if you can come here earlier, maybe we can discuss a way, although we can't break through the Holy Realm, but we can also enter the half-step Great Holy. Realm, eh... there is a breath of heaven and earth in your body?"

   Hearing this, everyone around was taken aback, looking at Yang Zhen's eyes with a strong greed.

   Greed is the original sin.

  Yang Zhen sighed and said, "Yeah, there is the breath of the world, and there are still three kinds, just..."

   Qingchen Shengzi snorted coldly, and said, "It's just that you have limited strength, you just got the real pattern of heaven and earth, but you didn't get the origin of the real pattern of heaven and earth. Am I right?"

   "It's right, it's right!" Yang Zhen nodded in a hurry and stopped all the nonsense.

  With such a powerful teammate, Yang Zhen can almost lie and win.

   is just the breath of power in this light dust son, but it makes Yang Zhen feel a sudden and cheerful feeling.

   Can the original use of power be the same?

  The body of the Light Dust Saint Child is like a natural magic circle. It combines two distinct forces with a certain hub as the center and blends them together. Such two forces complement each other, but let Yang Zhen open his eyes.

  Although the breath felt by Shengchen Shengzi and others were all intentionally guided by Yang Zhen, there is a saying that everyone said well, that is, the power in Yang Zhen's body is too complicated.

  It was just the beginning, Yang Zhen found a feasible way to sort out the strength in his body, which was really delightful.

  After Yang Zhen understood the power system of Saint Child of Light Dust, he instantly noticed the power of Divine Consciousness on Qingquan Shengnv.

   Really big!

  Yang Zhen's first impression is that.

  I just don't know why, Yang Zhen just gave birth to this emotion, and the Saint Qingquan suddenly tightened, looking suspiciously towards Yang Zhen.

   Yang Zhen hurriedly watched the nose, watched the nose, and pretended to be a decent monk. He asked in a hurry: "Qingquan Saint Girl, did you ever think of a way?"

The Holy Spring Maiden shook her head and said, "Too complicated, if you use the Tianyuan formation to conquer, your strength will drop. Not to mention the heavy monk in the celestial period. Row."

   At this moment, the powerful man with a red face and holy realm suddenly said, "The way of heaven and earth, if you can make up for the shortcomings, you can make up for the shortcomings. Although your power is complicated, not all of this vast power is a bad thing."

   Hearing the words of the red-faced Holy Realm, Yang Zhen almost jumped up.

   Even the way of the sky is more than enough to make up for the inadequacy, has this old guy seen the Jiuyin Mantra?

Obviously, where the blessed sage realm can have this blessing, he shook his head and said: "This sentence is from ancient times, but today's monks have almost forgotten the existence of such a road to Jane, since it is damaged, then complete it That’s it, you have a kind of Holy Realm power that you might use?"

   "Well, this is the sequelae left after inadvertently breaking into a nine-story tower and almost being bombed to death. I am still thinking about how to resolve it."

  Yang Zhen opened his mouth, unambiguous.

  Compared with the power of Shengjing in Yang Zhen, Yang Zhen was surprised by the power of Shengjing in Qingquan Shengnv.

   The power of the Holy Realm in the Lady of Qingquan was even stronger than that in Yang Zhen. Doesn’t it mean that the Holy Woman in Qingquan can also be holy at first sight?

   This is a bit amazing.

  The power of the Holy Realm is not just a power used by a powerful Sacred Realm, but a kind of power that only the Great Saint, a real Holy Realm Master, can master.

   Behind Qingquan Saint, there must be a great saint, and it seems that it is not one.

  Yang Zhen did not have some emotions. The treatment of these great disciples is good.

   At this moment, Yang Zhen was stunned for a moment, and completely focused all the power of consciousness on Qingquan Shengnv.

   There is something wrong with Qingquan Shengnv, and it is a big problem!

  Yang Zhen's eyes were round, and he stared straightly at Qingquan Shengnv with a puzzling look on her face.

   The Holy Realm in the body of Qingquan Maiden seems to be eating away her true element.

   This is a bit of a surprise. If you go on like this, the cultivation of the Holy Lady of Qingquan will stagnate at the lightest level, and if it is heavy, it may cause a retrogression.

  Which one of the great saints planted such a sacred thing about the power of the holy realm in her body?

Let’s take a look at Son of Light Dust again. Although it looks like Yushu is in the wind on the surface, it’s just that the spirit and spirit are scarce. If Yang Zhen didn’t guess different.


   Seeing this, Yang Zhen swept the power of consciousness towards several other holy realms.

  Although they can't see as thoroughly as the two sons of Qingchen Shengzi and Qingquan Shengyang, Yang Zhen can also see more or less that these old guys have some problems.

   Seeing this, Yang Zhen suddenly realized!

   No wonder these people have to argue here. It turns out that the argument is small. If you want to find a way to change your own problems, I am afraid it is true.

  Remembering this, Yang Zhen almost rolled up his sleeves, shit, and thought he was going to be pretended by a wave of people. It turned out to be the door to Ben Sao Sheng.

  Don’t stop Ben Sao Sheng, Ben Sao Sheng will start pretending!

At this moment, Chu Liuhua suddenly said, "Brother Yang, it is too polite to stare at the Qingquan saint so much, and when several seniors are arguing, you'd better concentrate on it. This opportunity is too rare. , Don't waste it."

   "That is, a few seniors were pointing out the problems on him. This person was so **** staring at Qingquan Sheng Nu that Meng Lang was really hateful."

   "This kind of person is not worthy of the guidance of several seniors, some seniors change their personal!"

   After a lot of discussion, Yang Zhen stared at the eyes, just about to speak, and the Holy Spring Maiden suddenly said, "This... Yang Gongzi, can you see what?"


  Recommend the City God Lao Shi Xinshu:

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