Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1077: What did he do to me?

When Yang Zhen woke up, the first time was to observe the surrounding environment. It wouldn't work without observation. This time it was a bit dizzy.

  Although Yuan Tianyu, a powerful sacred realm, died, there were still many half-step sages and an elder Wang.

  Elder Wang is definitely an old fox. He was abducted silently.

   But Yang Zhen does not blame Elder Wang. There is no right or wrong in his position. And from the beginning, Elder Wang did not want to kill Yang Zhen, but if there was a chance, Yang Zhen still wanted to pit this old guy once.

   The overloaded use of the ninth ascension order made Yang Zhenxue, who was already at the end of the crossbow, even more frightened. Almost instantly, he passed away. Under the encirclement of countless half-steps, can Youyou and others leave safely?

   can actually wake up, Yang Zhen has put his heart in his stomach, when he saw that he was in a thatched house that had just been built, he was relieved.

  Looking at the chaotic appearance of the thatched house, it should be out of the hands of cheap cats, but why not just make a palace out?

   The Ice Palace is in the hands of Yang Zhen, and there is a palace in the hands of Hua Youyue. A few people didn't get it out. Instead, they built so many thatched cottages. Is this going to be hidden in the forest?

Seeing Yang Zhen coming out, the cheap cat was lying on a thatched hut half-death, his eyes were almost shining, and he breathed lazily and said: "Damn, boy, you finally woke up, you can't wake up again, the deity will be Ran away."

   Want to escape?

  Yang Zhen listened for a moment, and leaned on the board next to her and asked, "Why run away?"

   Han Yan'er stared at the cheap cat and said, "It's tired to build a few houses. If you don't exercise and exercise, cheap cats will become fat cats."

"Fat cats are also better than dead cats!" The cheap cat glared, jumped from the roof, came to Yang Zhen, looked up and down at Yang Zhen, oh yo said: "Boy, he recovered well, You are so desperate this time. Can you use this kind of thing with nine steps to the sky?"

   Yang Zhen pouted, said: "You also saw the situation at that time, if not desperate, Yuan Tianyu's old guy is about to kill."

  The cheap cat hey laughed and said, "Not to mention, you were so handsome at the time."

   "Really?" Yang Zhen blinked.

   Nose cats kept busy nodding.

  Han Yan'er stared at her eyes and said, "You two are just like each other. What's so handsome, do you know how worried others are?"

   "Others?" Yang Zhen froze, looked up and down, left and right, and said unexpectedly: "Does anyone else care about me? I thought only you would care about me."

  Han Yan'er was stagnation, glared at Yang Zhen, turned his head to hate and said: "Who is worried about you coming."

   Yang Zhen laughed, walked to Han Yan'er, stretched his hand on Han Yan'er's shoulder, and looked up and down Han Yan'er up and down. After finding no abnormalities, he rested.

   Seeing the mean cat Baba come together, a pair of people asked Yang Zhen to check it again. Yang Zhen kicked it off and asked, "How did you come back that day?"

Hearing this, Han Yaner's face changed and said, "When I came back, there were countless people behind me who were not good. My sister and I weren't taking you fast, just the people behind us. When it was time to start, a great saint appeared!"

  Yang Zhen oh, said, "Listening to what you said, Elder Wang not only took advantage of the danger, but helped you?"

  Han Yan'er's complexion became strange, shaking his head and saying, "It's not Elder Wang!"

  Yang Zhen was stunned, just about to speak. The cheap cat hummed and walked back, and said with a lip: "The old man Wang also deserves to be called Dasheng?"

   Hearing this, Yang Zhen was even more confused and turned to look at the cheap cat and asked, "What's going on?"

The cheap cat laughed and said, "Does the kid think that he is very arrogant to kill the saint? The Yuan Tianyu you killed, let's not say that he used the Zixiao Tiangong to kill, but he actually killed him directly. There is nothing to be proud of, because the Holy Land is divided into strong and weak."

   Yang Zhen groaned. Although I heard this for the first time, Yang Zhen was not difficult to understand.

   Elder Wang and Yuan Tianyu are two powerful saints, but they are still far from the peerless female saints and the fellow villagers in Kowloon.

  Not to mention that the peerless female saint can definitely kill Elder Wang and Yuan Tianyu easily under the sword of a peerless female saint. This is a fellow in Jiulong fellow who is only alive and alive, and they are not comparable.

  It's just this kind of strength, how is it judged?

Seeing Yang Zhen's puzzled eyes, the cheap cat said with a smile: "Do you know why the San Hua Sheng Nu, the Tian Xuan Nu Nu is known as the Sheng Nu, famous for her name, and the Jiulong Da Sheng, Was it called the name of the Great Saint?"

   Yang Zhen lighted up and said, "Because they are not ordinary holy powerhouses?"

  Noble cat nodded and said, "If you can fully grasp the power of the Holy Realm, then that is the true Great Saint, not the elder Wang and Yuan Tianyu and other half-hanging Saint Holy Powers can match."

Speaking of which, the cheap cat looked at Yang Zhen strangely and asked, "You have a trace of the power of the Holy Realm. Knowing the horror of this power, think about it. If Yuan Tianyu fully mastered this power, Can you still take his sword?"

  Take the sword of the power of the Holy Land?

  What kind of joke?

   Yang Zhen's head suddenly shook like a rattle.

   Then Yang Zhen suddenly remembered that Han Yan'er and the cheap cat, just said that when they left Wuting Mountain, a big saint appeared!

   The Great Saint like the Great Kowloon, and definitely not Kowloon!

   "The big saint you met when you came back, helped you repel those half-step big saints?"

   Yang Zhen's eyes flashed with curiosity, looking at Han Yan'er.

  Han Yan'er's face became even more weird, and nodded and said, "After the senior repelled those people, he escorted us all the way here and said..."

   "Say what?" Yang Zhen frowned, and Han Yan'er wanted to talk simply, never been so hesitant.

  The cheap cat pouted and said, "Do you remember, before we came to the atrium, there was a rumor that a holy realm was in trouble for you?"

   Yang Zhen made a slap in his heart, and hurriedly looked at his hands and feet, and then glared and asked, "Dig grass, what did he do to me?"

Han Yaner fluttered a said: "That's for seniors, and he's a man, what can he do to you, but he looks really wrong in your eyes, like... It’s like watching my son."

   "What's the matter?" Yang Zhenqi's hairs have exploded, and Pingbai has more fathers for no reason?

  What a strange thing like this, how could Ben Sao encounter it?

However, Duan Lang was able to justify a number of grandpas for no reason. It’s not that weird that he’s gotten out of the way. Now he whispered and said: "The price of Ben Sao Sheng is not so good. Where is this old guy now, I have to Fuck with him, who is the father!"

   "He's gone!" The cheap cat grinned and looked at Yang Zhen.

  Yang Zhen scolded her mother angrily, could this old guy take a fancy to the talent and appearance of Ben Sao Sheng, want to beg her son-in-law?

   Or what kind of disciples should I take?

   This is a pie falling from the sky, although it is not too big, but it is also a guarantee.

  After experiencing things on Wuting Mountain, Yang Zhen suddenly realized that his strength was indeed a bit low.

   "Right, what about Auntie Liang?" Yang Zhen looked around and asked in surprise, "Why can't I see her?"

   Han Yan'er's face was worried, and he looked at the cheap cat and said, "Sister, she... was taken away by Senior Mei."

   "What?" Yang Zhen stared at the cheap cat. The tails of the cheap cats looked back, and he asked, "Where did they go?"


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