Internet Celebrity Mercenaries, Live Broadcast Of The Real Battlefield

Chapter 199 Is It Really A Nuclear Bomb? The Whole Ne2rk Was Shocked

The explosion starts at one point and spreads rapidly around.

Thick pillars of fire swirled and fluttered in all directions.

in an instant,

The apocalyptic heat wave, mixed with overwhelming dust, enveloped a range of nearly 10 kilometers.


in the live room.

"Opening Lightning Strike!"

"Damn it, what's the situation... It's such a big scene as soon as it starts broadcasting?"

"Really big scene!"

" this a nuclear bomb?"

"Fuck...Fuck...Mushroom cloud, don't ask me why I'm kneeling watching the live broadcast, you see you kneel too!"

"The end of the world?"

"Is there a geographer, what is this place? Why....there is a nuclear bomb?!"

"I'm really convinced. The world's live broadcast, I'm afraid there is no live broadcast of the nuclear bomb explosion, right?"

"????? Looking at the buildings in the distance, this looks like the steel factory where the Black Sun is located!"


The explosive heat wave lasted for nearly 3 minutes.

The original green jungle disappeared, replaced by a huge deep pit.

The land covered with ravines is like a terrifying wound.

It looks very scary.

wow wow---

follow closely,

The sky began to rain without warning.

The rain was black and greasy, like expired motor oil.

It's not actually rain.

Instead, it is a mixture of radioactive substances and ashes from the explosion of a nuclear bomb, and the product that falls down after the updraft generated by the explosion rushes into the sky.

The river began to boil,

Countless animals became restless and ran wildly to escape.

The unpleasant temperature, accompanied by heavy black rain, dripped frantically to the ground.

"It's the W76-2 miniature nuclear bomb!"

"Quick, get into the car, quick!!!"

Captain Price was the first to react and shouted quickly.

The rest of the people recovered from their shock, threw away everything around them, and rushed towards the RV recklessly.

Their location, far from the center of the nuclear bomb explosion, would not be damaged by the shock wave.


Anyone with some knowledge of nuclear bombs knows it.

After a nuclear explosion, a variety of rays such as alpha rays, beta rays, and gamma rays are released!

They damage human cells and produce carcinogens that disrupt the genetic structure of the human body.

Such rays are often larger than the range of the station explosion, and may have already covered their location.

"Damn, it's cruel enough!"

"Go directly to the nuclear bomb?"

Shen Fei cursed and rushed into the RV.

He is not afraid of nuclear radiation, because there are similar drugs in the system that can resist and treat the damage caused by nuclear bombs.

The key is,

Shen Fei knew very well that the location where the nuclear bomb exploded was most likely where the army was stationed.

After the sudden explosion, the army there will be wiped out.

That is a fresh life!

rumbling ——————

After everyone got into the RV, the driver did not dare to hesitate, quickly closed the windows, set up internal air circulation, and put on a 3M gas mask.

After doing this at the fastest speed, he quickly galloped away in the opposite direction.


inside the car.

After Captain Price put on the gas mask, he couldn't help scolding, "Damn Black Sun, using such a weapon!"

"Aren't they afraid of the Emperor's Tsarist missiles?"

The whole world knows the temper of the Great Emperor, that is definitely the Lord who has revenge.

The Black Sun Organization took the lead in using nuclear bombs, which has completely crossed the emperor's bottom line.

So many soldiers died.

The emperor is likely to start a nuclear counterattack!

that way,

The third world war, it is very likely that in this case, kicked off!

Soap, who also put on a gas mask, asked through wireless communication, "Captain Shura, what should we do?"

They were wearing M50 gas masks.

The performance is improved by more than 50% compared with M40 and MCU-2P, suitable for wearing in various environments, especially suitable for protection against various toxic industrial compounds.

It is a very advanced gas mask for the M Army.


Even this kind of gas mask is impossible to block the radiation damage after the nuclear bomb explodes.

It has become almost impossible to continue the mission.

What should I do?

Shen Fei is also thinking about this.

There is a high probability that the joint troops have been wiped out, and only a few of them are left to carry out the mission.


With them, how could it be possible to fight against the Black Sun organization with nuclear weapons and strict defenses?

Shen Fei said solemnly, "Drive to a suitable location first."

"I will wait for his arrangement with Emperor Sumarokov, and then decide the next move!"

Speak the truth,

Before coming here, Shen Fei thought about possible problems.


No matter how well he was mentally prepared, he never imagined that just as he arrived at the steel plant, the other party would directly use a small nuclear bomb!

This is horrible!

Just imagine,

If they have just reunited with the troops, or have reached their camp.


Shen Fei and Task Force 141, it is very likely that they have been vaporized by the shock wave of the explosion, leaving no bones behind!


The RV moved forward at the fastest speed, and traveled more than 30 kilometers before finally stopping.

It is almost 50 kilometers away from the center of the explosion.

After a nuclear bomb explodes, there are mainly four destruction circles. From the center of the explosion to the outside are the nuclear explosion fireball, early nuclear radiation, air explosion shock wave, and thermal radiation. The farther away from the center, the smaller the lethality.

The distance of more than 50 kilometers can basically guarantee safety.


Shen Fei did not take it lightly, but first found the radiation detector from the equipment.

Such detection elements can measure radiation rays and their properties. The principle is mainly to use the various effects produced when rays interact with matter.

Can detect nuclear radiation, but is more used to detect security infrared radiation.


After pressing the radiation detector, a series of numerical values ​​appeared on the screen.

The Roentgen value is 13 points.

The Roentgen value is a unit of exposure from a radioactive material.

Named after German physicist Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen.

1 roentgen equals 10 to the -6 power.

Simply put, below 20 roentgen value, it means safety.


Shen Fei took off his gas mask, pushed out the RV and walked out.

Everyone in Task Force 141 also took off their masks and followed closely behind him.


From where they were, the area where the nuclear bomb exploded could no longer be seen.

Only the shocking scene just now kept echoing in their minds.

Even Captain Price, who saw the nuclear bomb for the second time, couldn't calm down at all...



good night~~

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