Internet Celebrity Mercenaries, Live Broadcast Of The Real Battlefield

Chapter 151 No Mention Of Shen Fei, Every Sen10ce Cannot Be Separated From Shen Fei

The training room fell silent.

The mercenary trade union is a neutral organization, and rashly attacking it will inevitably cause a lot of trouble.

It's clearly not worth it.

Everyone in Task Force 141 couldn't understand,

General Sheffield, why would you accept such a commission?

In the end, Captain Price was the first to break the deadlock: "General, I don't understand why we are going to offend the mercenary union."

"You should understand that once the mission goes wrong, the base is likely to be attacked!"

Sheffield is a human-savvy boss who knows everyone in Task Force 141 well.

It was clear how they would react to such a mandate.

There is no surprise to Price's questioning.

Sheffield looked at Price and said solemnly, "You are an excellent soldier, but your emotions will make you make wrong decisions."

"Like, to question what I've done!"

The atmosphere became tense.

Sheffield continued, "Five years ago, I lost 30,000 people in the blink of an eye, and the whole world was fucking watching."

"It was a horrible experience."

"When you're done with this mission, you'll find that we'll have countless volunteers and patriots."

The previous paragraph, Price and others can still understand.

It was five years ago, during a riot in a country in the Middle East, Khaled Alassad shot and killed the leader of Afrani during a televised broadcast.

Country M, which prides itself on being the world's policeman, will not allow such a thing to happen.

They sent troops with a high profile and wanted to suppress the riot by force. The commander-in-chief of the M Army at that time was Sheffield.

The war went very smoothly.

Country M has an absolute advantage.


No one thought that in the battle of a certain country's capital, the leader of the extremist organization Khaled Alassad detonated a nuclear bomb.


After a violent explosion and mushroom cloud, 30,000 soldiers of the M country were killed collectively.

After that, the whole world took a sidelined attitude towards this matter.

Country M even refused to pay high pensions.

They even blamed Sheffield for the mistakes of the operation.

It was also from that time that Sheffield's character became distorted, and he set up his own military base to recruit troops.

But what exactly he was going to do, no one knew at all.

"All right."

General Sheffield did not give Task Force 141 a chance to speak, and said solemnly, "You can leave now. The special plane to Ruidian is already waiting for you outside."

"Trust me, soon you will see that M will be great again."

Soap wanted to say something else.

"Let's go."

Captain Price interrupted him and walked out of the office first.

The rest of the crowd looked at each other, kept silent, and followed Price out of the office.

After they left, a tall, blond woman walked in.

Sheffield looked at her and asked lightly, "Is it all arranged?"

The secretary nodded and answered truthfully, "Everything is going well, it's just the general, what should the 141 Task Force do?"

"They know so many secrets that it can become variable."

Speaking of Price and others, General Sheffield's face became gloomy.

It was as if the temperature in the training room had dropped several degrees.

a long time,

He sneered and said, "Originally, they would be my best white gloves."

"But unfortunately, they lost this opportunity."

"After the mission is over, kill them."

The secretary nodded expressionlessly, turned and left the training room.

In the huge empty room, only Sheffield was left alone.

He leaned back on the soft sofa, and after lighting a cigar, he muttered, "The world has been peaceful for too long."

"People have forgotten who's blood was sacrificed in exchange for their stable life."

"Since that's the case, this day, it's time to change!"


After about half an hour.

The plane carrying all the members of Task Force 141 suddenly took off.

inside the cabin.

Soap counted his weapons and equipment depressedly and complained, "Captain, I don't understand why you stopped me."

"You should know that we have more important things to do than this mission!"

Shura had told them before that Zakayev was still alive.

Moreover, Shura also knew the exact location of the safe house.

For 1Soap, it is time to deal with Zakayev first, and then investigate the real purpose of the military base in Sheffield.

rather than as it is now,

Going to perform some bullshit mission.

Sandman, who was assembling the gun, also said, "Captain, I agree with Soap's point of view."

"I don't think it's a happy thing to be confused and die in the mission."

Xiaoqiang and Yuri did not speak.

The ghost is full of Shura's figure and the last sentence he said.

Roba's safe house!

This has a fatal attraction for ghosts.

If it weren't for Price and the others, they would have had a deadly relationship.

It is very likely that the ghost will leave the team, go to find Shura alone, and pay a switch to obtain information.


Price took a deep breath of the cigar, letting the pale white smoke fill the cabin.

There was no expression on his face, calm like an emotionless robot.

a long time.

After Soap finished complaining, Price said calmly, "On the way back, I watched all of Shura's live broadcasts."

His voice sounded, and the entire cabin instantly fell silent.

All eyes were on him.

Price continued, "There's one thing that's really interesting."

"When Shura left Ruidian, he kidnapped Meihu, and no one knows what happened during that time."

"However, Meihu returned to the Mercenary Union alive."

"Do you think Shura is a mercenary who will let the enemy go?"


Hearing this question, everyone in Task Force 141 looked at each other and quickly came to an answer.


Unless it is of use value.

Otherwise, that guy is definitely a ruthless, murderous and ruthless character.


Task 141 were smart people, and they quickly understood what Captain Price was saying.


Since Meihu is still alive, it means that there must be some kind of deal between her and Shura.

And the enemy of the enemy is the friend!

Since Meihu wants to subvert the entire mercenary union, how could he not ask the Killing Squad for help?

Being able to let Sheffield accept the task must mean that Meihu has very precious resources in his hands.


She definitely hired a kill team.

Soap reacted, subconsciously clenched the gun in his hand, and asked, "So, it is very likely that we will see that guy again during this mission?"

Captain Price nodded, but said nothing.

The ghost unconsciously sat up straight, and his hands were shaking slightly because he was too excited...

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