Internet Celebrity Mercenaries, Live Broadcast Of The Real Battlefield

Chapter 109 Has Any1 Surrendered? I Didn't See It

Seeing that more and more people from the Dragon Kingdom are dying, the members of the killing team are all anxious!

One person is the salary of 6000 dollars.

Die one less!

The loss is too great!

"Ostrich, don't stand still, go to the tower!"

Jin Luther's irritable voice sounded, and he was not idle, and he climbed up to the watchtower regardless.

Being exposed to high places during the battle is actually a very dangerous thing.

But in order to control the casualties of the people of the Dragon Kingdom, they can't control that much.

You must know that the light machine guns deployed on the watchtower, coupled with the height advantage, can quickly control the battlefield.

"To die is to die!"

"Fight for the money!"

The ostrich was also full of pain, too late to talk nonsense, quickly left the battle, and climbed to another watchtower.

After a minute.

Two MG42 machine guns with the title of "Hitler Tearer" were aimed at the enemy on the edge of the training ground.

Da da da.....

The sound of the MG42 machine gun was different from other weapons on the battlefield. It sounded like the sound of cloth being torn apart.

As a worn-out machine gun from World War II, the MG42 has only two advantages.



Two MG42 machine guns fired at the enemy at a speed of 50 rounds per second of 7.92mm full power.

Jin Luther and the ostrich were quickly filled with bullet casings.

On the training ground instead.

Some mercenaries who had taken advantage of the chaos to hide in the military tents were all beaten into hornets' nests.

Simple and crude.

In just one round of strafing, the enemy has basically no ability to resist on a large scale.

There are also mercenaries hiding in the darkness, wanting to take the opportunity to shoot cold shots.

It's a pity.

Shen Fei's and Tulip's sniper scopes have thermal imaging effects.

Especially in the night environment, it is very convenient for them to find enemies hidden in the dark.

It felt like it was open.

Not long after, most of the mercenaries had been killed.

The rest have been unable to form combat effectiveness.

All lay on the ground, raised their hands, and made a descending gesture.


bang bang...

It lasted for more than 5 minutes, and finally the gunshots stopped.

The originally tidy training ground was full of blood and corpses, which looked very cruel and bloody.


"Captain, it's over!"

"Cool, I haven't felt so happy in a long time!"

"Our equipment is much more advanced than them, and we have the advantage of sneak attack. It is not surprising that we are like this."

Tulip, Lao Master, Ostrich, Jin Luther.

The four full of energy came to Shen Fei's side and happily discussed the battle just now.

So cool!

Since they came to the North Country, their experience can be said to be extremely aggrieved.

Now it's finally out of anger!

Shen Fei removed the magazine of the 88 sniper rifle and replaced it with a new one. Then he ordered, "Clean up the battlefield and gather the wounded."

"In addition, let those who are not injured quickly equip weapons and leave here in half an hour."

After giving the order, Shen Fei turned and walked towards the hillside not far away.

During the battle just now, he had noticed the 141 special operations team hidden in the dark.

The opponent did not shoot, which was expected by Shen Fei.

But since the other party has not left, it means that he is likely to be waiting for him.

We are all smart people, and there are some things that don't need to be said.

Just looking at the behavior, you can also analyze it roughly.

The old master asked, "Captain, what to do with these prisoners of the Wall-E Group?"

If Shen Fei was a regular army, he had to treat these captives well, whether he wanted to or not. Unfortunately, Shen Fei is a mercenary.

These guys wanted his life just now, of course Shen Fei wouldn't let it go so easily.

He didn't look back, didn't even take a look at the prisoners on the training ground, and said lightly, "Is there anyone alive? I didn't see it."

The old man had a smile on his face.

He straightened his body and said cheerfully, "Report to the captain, there is no life, and I didn't see it."


The old master turned around, looked at the prisoners kneeling in a row, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

bang... bang bang...

A shuttle of bullets went down, and the remaining more than 20 prisoners bid farewell to this world in pain.

Seeing this scene, Jin Luther frowned and said in a low voice, "Old Master, is this... a bit too much?"

Is it over?

The ostrich snorted and said disdainfully, "Heizi, did you forget to switch on the air conditioner last night?"

"These guys have no intention of letting us go."

Heizi is the nickname given to Jin Luther by the ostrich.


If it wasn't for Shen Fei's anxiety, he figured out a way to escape by jumping out of the window.

If Tulip hadn't arrived in time, part of the trouble would have been solved.

I'm afraid they'll turn into a pile of corpses now too.

The old master lit a cigarette, looked at the captain's back, and said solemnly, "Jin Luther, the captain has more than what you think."

"Our killing team has just been established. If we cannot establish an image of decisive killing from the beginning and cannot intimidate the enemy, our troubles will only increase in the future."

"The purpose of the captain's murder is to tell the underground organizations all over the world that if they want to fight against the fallen angel mercenary group, they must plan for the worst outcome!"

What the old master said was exactly what Shen Fei thought.

Jin Luther nodded understandingly.

Although he couldn't fully understand it, he still raised his semi-automatic rifle and fired two shots at the two still struggling prisoners.

The scene is very harmonious.

Afterwards, with the help of the killing team, hundreds of people in Long Country also got busy.

Distribute weapons, distribute clothes, concentrate the wounded.

The training ground under the smoke of gunpowder was silently busy.


the other end.

Shen Fei followed the winding path in the jungle and quickly reached the top of the hillside.

On the front are several people from the 141 special operations team.

Money team and soap have been seen last time.

However, when Shen Fei saw the man with the skull mask, wooden intercom headset, and red goggles, his heart trembled.


In the previous life, the man who deeply shocked Shen Fei in the game.

Whether it is his experience or his ending, it is extremely regrettable.


Shen Fei took a deep breath in his heart, but his expression didn't change.

He walked up to Team Qian and said with a smile, "Team Qian, it's a pity that you and your team members have enjoyed a bad assault battle."

This is not modesty.

Shen Fei knew the strength of the 141st Special Operations Team.

If he was commanding them, he didn't need hundreds of people from the Dragon Kingdom, and he was confident that he would clear hundreds of mercenaries within 3 minutes.

after all,

The team standing in front of him had used scars and blood countless times to prove their strength.

The ghost's body was tense, and his eyes were fixed on Shen Fei.

As if afraid of Shen Fei disappearing.


Qian Dui took a cigar and said with a smile, "Captain Shura is too modest. Although there are some minor problems with your tactics, the overall effect is quite good."

"Promise your conditions, I have done it."

"I don't know if Captain Shura is interested. Let me do another intelligence transaction with me."

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