After a quiet night, Leal set out with Matt early in the morning.

The first step is to establish a connection between the owners.

Human beings can create high-rise buildings of several hundred meters, can use thermal weapons to kill thousands of lives in an instant, and can escape from the 60 trillion ton planet under their feet and fly into space.

But it is entirely possible for a human being to trip over a pebble and fall to death.

The more scattered and suspicious each other, the easier it is to play into the enemy's hands.

"Mr. Rigaudeau, things like yesterday will happen many times, but if we join forces, we will definitely be able to curb those little gangsters."

Mr. Rigaudeau was in his fifties, with gray hair, but in good health.

It can be seen from the fact that he almost got into a fight with a gangster that day that he is not only physically strong, but also has a bad temper.

Mrs. Rigaudeau seemed to have died of illness early in life, but he still had a young son——

It's a pity that the younger son refused to listen and joined the gangs. The father and son have not been in contact for a year.

"You talk just like my father, but you're a hairless kid - you probably haven't watched the news."

"I will be the president of the homeowners association. I can take this risk, and I also hired lawyer Murdoch as our legal adviser."

Ligaoduo glanced at Lille in surprise: "Boy, your mother still owes me three months' rent. Where did you get the money?"

"Uh" Lear was embarrassed, "I convinced him to be my legal consultant for free.

As for the rent, I will pay it back to you. If you don't mind, I can clean it for you every day and it will be treated as interest. "

Ligaoduo took a sip of tea, looked at Matt standing aside, and then looked up and down at Lille:

"If you just said the previous sentence, I might have to consider sending your mother and son away tomorrow.

But there is no need to clean up, which will be a problem if you are exhausted.

What are you going to do? "

"The first purpose of increasing the number of people is to put pressure on the NYPD. If there is only one person calling the police on an incident like yesterday, the NYPD can completely ignore it.

But if everyone in the apartment, or even on the street, called the police, things would be different. "


"And if there are a lot of people, we can definitely catch those gangsters. In fact, that's what I plan to do. I'll get the evidence, and lawyer Matt will provide legal support."

It was obvious that this comparison was interested in Ligao Duo, so he swallowed back what he was about to say.

Yes, he just wanted to catch those little gangsters and beat them up.

“The purpose of arresting people is to increase the cost of dispatching gangsters.

If the other party corrupts the NYPD with money, then for more people to be arrested, the NYPD will also ask for more money from the enemy.

They use violence and fear to drive a wedge between us, and we can exploit their greed. "

It was obvious that Rigaudot didn't want to hear the explanation of this game. Seeing the landlord's brows furrowing again, Lille hurriedly said:

“And it’s obvious that the people the other side uses to intimidate us are all gangsters who look very powerful on weekdays but will run away when they encounter tough situations.

When we solve one, more people are willing to join forces, and then they send more people, and we continue to beat them up.

In short, beat them until they dare not come again. "

"That's how it should be!" Ligaoduo gasped through his nose, "Damn, I've been upset with those bastards for a long time!"

As he spoke, Rigaudeau banged the wooden stairs, making a sound like a war.

"Everyone come out! Everyone come out - I know you are all at home. Yesterday no one with enough sense came forward. Now - everyone come out!"

The residents opened the door hesitantly, and they were all with their families, including men, women, and children.

Even though it's office hours, they're still at home - obviously, they're out of a job.

"Listen, we can't let those damn gangsters bully us anymore. From now on, I want to join the Lear Boy's Owners Association, and so will you.

Don't think that you can stay out of it like yesterday. If I really can't stand being kicked out, you have to leave too!

The worst I can do is lose some money, but who will let you live here on credit?

Nat, Facard, John, Dean - you guys are so strong, but as timid as girls! "

At this moment, the hostess of one of the houses spoke: "Ligaoduo! Don't fucking talk nonsense, I have already said that we should resist! If this coward hadn't pulled me, I would have gone out yesterday Beat those guys up!"

The voice was hoarse like a goose's call. The shoulders of the woman speaking were almost as broad as her husband's. Her 1.8-meter-long husband looked more like her brother.

"Humph." Rigaudeau smiled and bowed gentlemanly, "To you, my Natalia, I'm sorry."

At this moment, Natalia’s husband beside her was unhappy. He seemed to be a Latino: “We have a child, Rigaodo.

But you are right. If the situation is as complicated as you say, we should join forces. "

"No, we have children!" someone retorted, "Have you forgotten the case last month?"

Rigaudeau suddenly became furious and shouted at the thin Irishman: "Then get out! We will do our best and you enjoy a good life? There is nothing so good in this world!"

The other party closed the door angrily.

I have to say that Li Gaoduo does have some strength inside. Li Er's ears were a little raw after shouting these times.

Lille knew it was time for him to step forward: "Everyone, Mr. Rigaudeau is telling the truth! If we don't stand up, we will become bums!"

New York is a garbage pit, but this is our home! This is our home!

Think about it carefully! Helping each other is the key to our survival! "

Needless to say, the stakes are clear, but Lille knows they need some time to digest these things.

The gangster kicked open the apartment door yesterday, and he might break into their home the day after tomorrow.

Lear doesn't think they can figure it out.

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Rigaudeau."

"Hmph, it's a small thing." Rigaudeau took another sip of tea, and then said solemnly to Lille, "But just like they said, they have families.

You have to promise me that you will protect them. "

"Of course." Lear raised his right hand, "I vowed to protect them. In fact, we will protect each other. This is what protecting each other means."

"Hmph-protecting each other, you really sound like it.

Go and get busy. I guess you're not just going to sit here and wait for others to come to your door, are you? If that's the case, I'd better take the money from the United Construction Company tomorrow and find a place to retire."

Mr. Rigaudeau turned and returned to his house.

“It turned out to be pretty good, but convincing the rest of the community wasn’t that easy,” Matt said.

"Yes, so we must do a good job in publicity, and then we must do a good job in safety and security."

"How to do it?"

Leal smiled slightly: "Technology changes life, we use the Internet, but before that, we need to register and establish a homeowners association.

Then I need to register a social service-oriented company so that I can provide some technical support to the homeowners association in an official capacity.

For example, replace the old wiring in the apartment and rearrange the security system.

I am legally illiterate, so I need to entrust your law firm with this aspect. "

Matt shrugged: "I decided to help you originally, but you are really self-taught when it comes to giving orders.

Give me some time, but to be honest, I have never helped anyone register a company.

Now I can be considered a big customer? "

"Not yet," Lear said meaningfully, "but it will be in the future."

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