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Although the Baolian Lantern was on fire in Japan, there was still no storm in China and other countries. Boss Jia did not pay special attention to it until the beginning of the new year, which is also the golden of the new year. When the Dragon Award ceremony began.

Before the Golden Dragon Awards, the Oscars must be the first to start.

It’s just that this year’s Oscar has completely declined. Although the Oscar is still that Oscar, no reporters have gone back to pay attention to this award. Everyone is waiting for the Golden Dragon Award to be held, so although the Oscar is over , But the media didn’t even bother to announce the Oscar-winning film.

Because no one is interested in the announcement, who is going to watch the Oscars now?

At the same time, a large number of people from the Oscar organizing committee directly announced their withdrawal from the organizing committee, and this year’s Oscar, something happened that made all Oscars regarded as extraordinary shame and humiliation.

That is the China Grand Theater, which has always been the venue for the Oscars awards ceremony, actually took care of the Oscars to collect money!

Well, it doesn’t seem to be a problem. A company organizes events in a theater, and the theater charges fees according to the rules. No matter how you look at it, it is a matter of as it should be by rights.

But the Oscar organizing committee was angry, because since the establishment of the Oscar, except for the first few years, when did Oscar take the initiative to pay for the use of the theater?

The Oscars have always been for free, and the theater has to rush to give them to Oscars. At the beginning, the China Grand Theater donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Oscars organizing committee every year, in exchange for the permanent Oscars Right of place.

Actually, it’s not just the venue, even the famous Oscar dinner, the Oscar never spends a penny, all major restaurants in the United States rush to provide it.

As a result, the China Grand Theater dare to ask them for a venue, which makes the Oscar committee very angry and desperate because the Oscar committee has no money for the venue.

Of course, the Oscars are absolutely impossible to continue in the China Grand Theater, but when they contacted other theaters, all theaters said that there was no time to spare, or they just asked for money directly to the Oscar Organizing Committee Wow angrily.

Finally, the 2001 Oscars were held in a small theater. The boss of this theater was a relative of the Oscar committee, so he reluctantly agreed to provide the venue to the Oscar committee for free.

Although the venue is a bit smaller and shivered, it doesn’t matter, because this year’s Oscars won’t be able to come to who, even in such a small venue, I’m completely dissatisfied with it. It’s enough.

Seeing this, the few reporters who came to interview at the Oscar site all expressed emotion that Oscar is really going to die this time.

The Golden Dragon award on the other side is completely another scene.

From the time the Golden Dragon Award hasn’t started, all the media have been speculating about which movies the winner of this year’s Golden Dragon Award will have.

The hottest movie among them, of course, is “The Lord of the Rings 3 Return of the King”. This movie, no matter from various angles, it is all about the same period movies, well, except for “Romance of “The Three Kingdoms · Yellow Turban Rebellion” outside.

In addition, there are many movies, and glare like a tiger watching his prey for various individual awards, and the voice is also very loud.

The leading one is “crouching tiger hidden dragon”. This movie was very popular throughout 2000. In the mouths of many professionals, the artistic value of crouching tiger hidden dragon far exceeds the so-called Lord of the Rings. 3. There is also Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

There is also the movie Gladiator, which has also been pushed by a large number of Western media, claiming that it is the best classic film ever, and it can be called a Roman epic and so on.

Anyway, three months before the Golden Dragon Awards, the media began to predict various awards. Each award can have several strong competitors. The entire world media circle is constantly discussing With these things.

This is also the most fundamental reason for this year’s Oscars explosion, because those savvy cinema bosses discovered that the news that started arguing about awards three months in advance, and then all the media’s quarrels, used to belong to Oscars. Patent, but now, even these media disputes have nothing to do with Oscars.

These controversies may seem unimportant, but they are fatal, because for movies, in fact, the award-winning movies are destined to be a small number, so an award-winning movie is the biggest for most movies. Value is the dispute between the media.

Because as long as there is a dispute in the media, regardless of the final result, these disputed movies and movie stars will receive a lot of media attention.

The most famous effect is Li Boy.

Actually, if you carefully observe Li Boy’s film career for more than ten years, you will find that this kid’s shoe has never come out with a movie that can sell at the box office for more than ten years. Li Boy is still the top star of the world, holding the highest pay.

The reason why this happens is that the media’s debate about when Li Boy can get an Oscar has become a world giant. Everyone is wondering whether Li Boy’s movie this year can get an Oscar. Even if Li Boy does not make money, he still receives a lot of traffic and maintains his status and pomp as a top superstar.

Just like the previous media, if there is no argument, then there is no attention.

But now, Oscars don’t even have these media controversies, which means that Oscars have completely lost their value. Golden Dragon Awards have completely replaced Oscars. This is the most desperate place.

However, in this way, these disputes will also bring no small side effect, that is, once certain awards do not meet the expectations of the audience, the entire award will be criticized by all audiences and the media.

In this way, in the anticipation of all the audience, the fourth Golden Dragon Awards finally kicked off.

The first award for best business achievement was given to “Lord of the Rings 3” without any surprise. This is also the least controversial award. After all, it is only given at the box office. Who can not be convinced!

However, afterwards, there will be quite a taste of Asura. Every award announcement can arouse a lot of boos on the scene, but the winners of these awards and movies are ultimately expected by the audience, so There were a lot of boos, but the scene was not chaotic.

It will start when the Golden Dragon Award for Best Animation will be presented.

“I announce that the winner of the 4th Golden Dragon Awards for Best Animated Feature Film is the movie “Baolian Lantern”!” In the mouth of the host Li Boy, the award for the best animated feature film was announced.

“Why is it such a movie?”

“Why haven’t you heard of this movie?” Question marks appeared on the faces of many audience members.

“This is a movie invested by Great-Thousand. Is there any problem with their own movie?” Many people who knew some news suddenly asked frigid irony and scorching satire.

“Hey, people’s hearts are not old!” Many audiences and celebrities are also sighed. There is already a dissatisfaction atmosphere in the venue, but it is okay. Everyone is dissatisfied, because since the Golden Dragon Award was born, the most The awards for the best animated feature films have always been received by Pokemon, and they have never gone wrong.

So the Best Animated Feature Film Award can be regarded as Great-Thousand’s own award. Everyone is used to it.

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