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The time has gradually arrived on February 12th. This is the time for the first court hearing. Everyone is guessing how Hongmeng Group will respond. When they are in court, whether they will participate as scheduled is a question mark.

After all, according to the laws of the United States, even if the first trial does not come, the problem is not big, as long as the lawyer arrives.

Furthermore, after the court session, there are also various means to delay, and it can delay about half a year if you say nothing, so the media are very curious about what Hongmeng will do this time!

On the other hand, Microsoft has also prepared a comprehensive response plan.

If Hongmeng comes to the court for a meeting, all kinds of evidence will naturally be presented, and Hongmeng must accept a fair trial by the court! ! !

If Hongmeng fails to court, or if only one or two lawyers are sent to respond negatively, then Microsoft can hype Hongmeng with guilty conscience, without the courage to deal with, shame and shame, and completely destroy Hongmeng’s reputation , Let him smell the street.

Apart from this, there are some other solutions, such as how Hongmeng will deal with it if it delays time.

How would Hongmeng deal with Substitute one for another?

Anyway, Microsoft has made a total of 24 different solutions, each of which guarantees that Hongmeng can’t afford to walk around, make them embarrassed, and compensate Microsoft for a huge amount of money and block it at the same time. Pangu Axe software, and then block the entire Hongmeng system and so on.

In short, Microsoft is ready to completely beat the dog.

Then, the day of December 12 came as scheduled. What all reporters did not expect was that Hongmeng, which had not responded to the news at this time, actually came very early on the day of the trial. .

The court opened at 10 o’clock in the morning. As a result, the representatives of Hongmeng Company arrived at 8 o’clock, which was earlier than many reporters. This made many people firmly stated that Hongmeng would definitely refuse to participate in the trial and do everything possible to come. The face of the media that is stalling for time is lost.

Moreover, the Hongmeng people are still very full. Not only did they not only send a few lawyers, as analyzed by many other media solemnly vowed.

It was led by Hongmeng Zhou Hongwei, the president of the North Mi region, and most of the team’s executives came.

Microsoft was also a little surprised after learning of this news. They originally made 11 different response plans for Hongmeng’s failure to be on the scene or the passive response by sending lawyers.

As a result, with the appearance of these people, all 11 projects were abandoned.

However, the representatives of Microsoft don’t think it matters. Anyway, they have 13 solutions!

At ten o’clock in the morning, the first trial went smoothly.

Following the steps, the prosecutor first, that is, Microsoft, filed a lawsuit against Hongmeng.

The lawyers of Microsoft have obviously made complete preparations. The speeches alone contained more than 10,000 words. They filed a comprehensive complaint against Hongmeng and Pangu Axe software. At the same time, they quoted widely, and found out the twenty-thirty. Articles of legal provisions have come out. In short, just listening to this prosecution makes everyone feel at stake.

Then they were more curious about how Hongmeng would defend themselves.

“Okay, let the defendant respond to the accusation of the plaintiff!” The judge announced on the high platform, “Defendant, do you acknowledge the accusation of the plaintiff?”

“Is it fully admitted? Or partly admitted? Or totally denied?”

“Come! The meat is here! How will Hongmeng defend himself!!!” The media reporters in the stands were excited, and some even began to guess what Hongmeng would defend.

Then they heard Zhou Hongwei who was sitting on the dock coughing and cleared his throat and said, “Dear Judge, and respected plaintiff, I have listened carefully to all the accusations made by the plaintiff. We believe that the plaintiff All the accusations are correct and in compliance with the law. At the same time, Hongmeng is indeed guilty and laid down unforgivable mistakes. Therefore, on behalf of our Hongmeng Group, I announce that our Hongmeng Group acknowledges all the allegations of the Microsoft Group and we fully plead guilty!! !”

“oh la la!!!” Everyone at the scene was stunned, and the reporter did not say anything. Even Microsoft, who was the plaintiff, was completely stunned. In their remaining 13 response plans, none of them This is Hongmeng’s plan for a complete confession!

Even the judge did not expect this result at all. He himself was fully prepared to deal with this trial, because this is a game between the two companies, and the two companies will definitely invite a large number of lawyers. The team came to help themselves, when the time comes various legal clauses, various means of confrontation, not a year to stop the case! “

“Absolutely unexpectedly, Hongmeng actually pleaded guilty completely!!!”

At this moment of silence, Zhou Hongwei continued to tear down and said, “All this is our company’s fault!”

“Microsoft, as a senior in the industry, Windowssystem has a huge market share and powerful software to protect the city wall. If we cannot get the support of various software, our Hongmeng system will not be able to compete with windowssystem. Our system has only dead end !”

“It is precisely because of this predicament that our company fainted and made such a stupid decision to disguise a virtual machine as a converter.”

“Although this is the helpless action of our company, I understand that it also deeply hurts the Microsoft Group and violates the copyright of the Microsoft Group. This makes us feel deeply hated!”

“For more than ten days after receiving the subpoena, our company was thinking very confusedly. We don’t know whether we should quibble in the end or admit our mistakes frankly!”

“So please forgive us, friends from the media, we have lost ourselves, so we did not give you any expected reply!”

“Finally, standing at the door of this solemn court today, according to the majestic laws and judges, my heart is finally brightened!”

“I understand that everyone is equal before the law, and green cannot tolerate a trace of evil and dirt. Wrong is wrong. We should accept a fair trial by the law!”

“So I am here to announce on behalf of Hongmeng Company that we all admit to all the allegations made by the Microsoft Group, and we fully plead guilty. What they say is true!”

“At the same time, our company will not make any excuses, and will fully respect the court, the judge, and the final verdict of the jury. We will implement this result without conditions and delay!”

“Above, what I have said, Mr. Judge, you can pronounce the sentence!!!” Zhou Hongwei finished the weeping bitter tears, and the executives around him also looked heavy and regretted.

“What should we do?” Seeing this scene, a Microsoft lawyer asked the top Microsoft executive.

“I don’t know…” The senior executives of Microsoft are stupid. How to deal with this situation? There is nothing in the plan!

Besides, the other party has completely pleaded guilty, so what else can I do?

Did you make up one or two charges at the scene?

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