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Bill Gates hates the Chief-In-Charge of the technology department in his heart. There is such a huge loophole hidden in his system that the people in the technology department have not discovered it, so much so that he knew that it was only in 2000. The East Window incident not only greatly damaged Microsoft’s reputation, but also gave Great-Thousand a chance to launch an attack!

Indeed, this time the millennium bug crisis caused Microsoft to encounter the biggest credibility crisis in history.

Although the previous MSN problem has already embarrassed Microsoft. But at that time, Bill Gates was very happy, and it only involved MSN software, which had nothing to do with Microsoft’s main business Windows system, so it was not a big blow to Microsoft.

But this time is different. This time Microsoft is really hated.

Although this time the millennium bug crisis was a common mistake made by everyone, not only Microsoft did not realize this problem, but most of the global technology companies did not realize this problem, otherwise there would be no global chaos. Status.

But because all computers now use Microsoft’s system, and things like traffic lights, radars, etc., although they are not Microsoft’s system, they are non-mass consumer products, and the public will not care about the things behind these products. Who is the manufacturer and who provides computer services.

All users will only remember this logic: the millennium bug is a crisis caused by the computer system, and Windows system is the computer system, so Microsoft is the scum.

In addition, some media with harboring malicious intentions secretly fueled the flames, all kinds of ridicule Microsoft’s outdated technology, Bill Gates is gone, his grade is over 100 years old, etc., all the people are angry about this time crisis , Naturally transferred to the head of Microsoft.

Anyway, the crisis at this time must be backed up by someone. This is definitely not the user’s own, and the relationship with the government doesn’t seem to be big. Then Microsoft is the best back-to-back target.

Although Microsoft is actually wronged, but who let you dominate the computer system market?

The greater the ability, the greater the back pot!

Actually, this cannot be blamed on Microsoft’s technical department. Historically, Microsoft’s technical department actually discovered the existence of the Y2K bug in 1998, and at the same time the whole world began to investigate and solve the Y2K bug.

So in history, the millennium bug was known to people as early as 2000, and because of its long-term preparation, it did not cause much confusion.

But this World is different. I don’t know if it was because of the emergence of Great-Thousand that Microsoft’s technical department did not find the existence of the millennium bug. Of course, Boss Jia knew about it.

And Boss Jia also said that Great-Thousand once told the media about the millennium bug problem, but the question is where is Great-Thousand’s influence from Microsoft, especially many U.S. media, they just ignored it. As a result This led to a serious crisis this time.

Of course, this is mainly about Great-Thousand I talked to a media, and this media doesn’t seem to have too much energy. Anyway, Great-Thousand is innocent. I have already notified you. Attention, it’s my shit!

So a huge disaster happened, and the world lost more than hundreds of billions of dollars because of the millennium bug. It is really sad!

On the other hand, in recent days, Microsoft has suffered unprecedented verbal criticism, and Windowssystem’s usual crashes, blue screens, freezes, file loss and other problems have also erupted along with this time crisis. Almost all on the Internet I’m scolding Windowssystem for being too bad. Microsoft has eaten a lifetime post, and Windowssystem’s score of 51 software has dropped from the previous 8.2 points to about 7.1.

In the past, even if the bad reviews on the Internet were fierce, Bill Gates didn’t care, and netizens had no other choice but to get angry. After all, they paid a lot of money to buy an Apple computer again. Besides, it seems that there is no other system that can be replaced.

Although there is now an open source Linunsystem on the Internet, which has been blown to the sky by many professionals, saying that it surpasses windows in all aspects, but Microsoft has never seen it.

Although it may indeed surpass windows in some aspects, the operation of the system is not foolish at all, and it is getting more and more fancy by the technical nerds. There are tens of thousands of different personal versions of a system, so Microsoft is looking Don’t take a look at it.

But this time is different. Those guys who are crazy about windows system on the Internet finally have alternatives to choose from this time. They immediately bought the Hongmeng system and came back to try it out. The results all climaxed directly on various forums. It frantically brags about how awesome the Hongmeng system is. It has been rolling windows for at least ten years and so on. For a while, it seems that the world of windows is really going to fall.

At the first time, Microsoft also regarded these people as farting, but when they learned that the Great-Thousand group was behind the Hongmeng system, Microsoft, which had already done several battles with Great-Thousand, was no more Being cast down, he also understands that this is an opponent that must be faced squarely, so Bill Gates had a meeting immediately and asked to get a Hongmeng system to experience it for himself. Look at the launch of Great-Thousand, this bold guy who wants to replace his market What is the ability?

On January 5th, a laptop with Hongmeng system installed was delivered to Bill Gates, and Bill Gates immediately started the trial.

On January 6, Bill Gates, with red eyes, convened an emergency high-level meeting and once again gathered all the high-level executives in the conference room to discuss countermeasures.

At first of the meeting, Bill Gates said with a heavy tone, “Everyone, since Microsoft was founded in 1975 to the present, it has been 25 years. We have never met a real opponent in the operating system.”

“But this time is different. We did meet a strong opponent, and this opponent is capable of defeating us!”

“Everyone, a powerful opponent is here!!!”

“A powerful opponent is here!!” With the end of the meeting, this sentence spread throughout Microsoft at an unimaginable speed.

Of course, many Microsoft people feel that their chairman is alarmist.

This is not an unimportant, nascent market battlefield like MSN.

It is a market where Microsoft has dominated for more than ten years and has an irreplaceable monopoly advantage. This is a market that may be defeated by any opponent.

Don’t say anything else, just take the huge sea-like software on Windowssystem. This is where any system can’t beat Microsoft for a lifetime.

After all, a system is not just for light energy use. It must also have the ability to adapt to all programs. If the system is changed, the original software cannot be used, especially some office or professional software. If it is, it is a disaster-like experience for anyone.

It can be said that if you replace the system rashly, you will suffer huge losses, and these losses are difficult for any company or individual to bear, so fools will replace the system.

“We are invincible!” Microsoft people replied so proudly.

And the following facts seem to prove the case, although through the millennium bug crisis, Hongmeng system showed its face, allowing many users to remember this name, and even increased the sales of Great-Thousand’s mobile phones, even Great- For money-losing goods like Thousand 4, about 800,000 units were sold in one month, setting a new sales high in nine months.

However, the situation of Hongmeng system does not seem to usher in a major improvement. Although according to statistics from various steam game stores, after the incident, Hongmeng system ushered in a small sales explosion, within a week A full 30,000 copies of CDs have been sold.

After that, the Harmony system was directly at the bottom, and it was difficult to sell more than 100 copies a day, and these buyers were either technical houses or some guys with ulterior motives. In fact, Harmony system not at all really opened the market.

After all, windows at this time is a fundamentally impossible opponent.

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