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鈥淭he number of recharges and power issues鈥︹€?/p>

鈥淭his problem can be better solved. Since the mileage of different batteries cannot be synchronized, then we simply don鈥檛 charge according to the number of battery replacements. Let鈥檚 sell the mileage directly!鈥?Boss Jia quickly, With confidence, 鈥淐ustomers buy mileage directly in our swap station.鈥?/p>

鈥淎nd our mileage is sold at a minimum of 100 kilometers. Within the purchased mileage, the customer can replace the battery an unlimited number of times until his car runs out of the corresponding mileage position!鈥?/p>

鈥淥f course, we can also set a minimum mileage replacement limit. If our minimum mileage for a set of batteries is 30 kilometers, then we limit it to 10 kilometers, and each battery replacement must be at least 10 kilometers apart. Avoid Some people obviously didn鈥檛 run a long distance, they had to run over to change the battery, wasting our time.鈥?/p>

鈥淏ut I also believe that, except for some SBs, no one will run a power station swap every day to change the battery. After all, a special trip to a power station will also consume mileage!鈥?/p>

鈥淎t the same time, we also have to be stricter on the battery capacity used in the swap station. Once the battery鈥檚 capacity falls below the 50% limit, it will be decommissioned and returned to the factory to recover the raw materials and recycle it. .鈥?/p>


鈥淐hairman, if these two problems are solved, then the last two problems will remain. As long as the last two problems are solved, there will be no obstacles to our electric vehicle business!鈥?Wang Chuanfu said here His expression was full of expectation and hesitation.

鈥淵ou mentioned two problems, the battery model, and the construction cost of the replacement station!鈥?Boss Jia said directly.

鈥淵es, the chairman of the board has already considered it carefully!鈥?Wang Chuanfu sighed. 鈥淚 have calculated it. I have calculated it for one night last night. Regardless of the land, the basic cost of building a power station is now about 200,000 Renminbi. But if we add the fully automatic battery replacement we just discussed, For charging vacuum boxes and other equipment, the construction cost of that replacement station may reach around 500,000 Renminbi!鈥?/p>

鈥淚f you count the necessary battery reserves for a swap station, the actual opening cost will be around 700,000 Renminbi!鈥?/p>

鈥淣ow there are 68,000 gas stations nationwide, so we have to switch stations to at least the same scale. If we consider that the current battery life is about 300 kilometers, the number of stations will be more, I am afraid it will take 10 Ten thousand to complete the basic national coverage.鈥?/p>

鈥淚n this case, it would be a huge investment of 70 billion Renminbi!鈥?/p>

鈥淭his is not counting the cost of land, as well as the cost of personnel and gas station operation. If these are counted, we, BYD, will absolutely not be able to bear it. We can only take care of it by the head office.鈥?

鈥淎nd this is only the cost invested in the country. Our car will inevitably move towards the whole world in the future. Then the whole world will have to build our gas stations. I am afraid that the capital required will be even greater. Hundreds of billions of dollars in funds.鈥?/p>

鈥淚 originally thought about introducing a franchise system, introducing local capital, and letting them build our standard swap stations, so that we don鈥檛 need to invest too much money.鈥?/p>

鈥淭his idea is feasible in the future, but not now. Unless half of the roads are now electric vehicles, otherwise there is no capital that will be willing to enter the game. This power station replacement is an absolute loss of money in the early stage. We have our own funds to support!鈥?/p>

鈥淏ut once our business fails and the sales of electric vehicles are not as expected, all the funds invested will be lost!鈥?Wang Chuanfu said, while peeping at Boss Jia鈥檚 expression.

It turned out that even when I said that the total construction cost would cost 70 billion Renminbi, Boss Jia鈥檚 face didn鈥檛 move a bit. Wang Chuanfu couldn鈥檛 help but sigh. The chairman is the chairman, and this attitude of not being surprised is that he has to learn for a lifetime.

It鈥檚 just that Wang Chuanfu didn鈥檛 know. Boss Jia was very surprised when he heard the number of Renminbi 70 billion, deep in one鈥檚 heart.

鈥淲hat! Only 70 billion Renminbi, even less than 10 billion U.S. dollars, can make the replacement station cover all of China, this is too cheap!鈥?This is Boss Jia hearing the 70 billion figure When, the true thoughts of deep in one鈥檚 heart.

鈥淐hairman, what do you think?鈥?After Wang Chuanfu finished speaking, he asked in a low voice.

鈥淣othing to look good!鈥?Boss Jia waved his hand. 鈥淲e don鈥檛 need to invest such a huge amount of money in the early stage. I think we will use Xijiang Province as the test base first. After the first batch of electric vehicles are manufactured, only It is sold in Xijiang Province, and at the same time it is only built in the expressways of Xijiang Province and the main cities of Xijiang Province.鈥?/p>

鈥淚n this case, about 4,000 replacement power stations are enough. Let鈥檚 test in Xijiang Province now to see if electric vehicles really meet the needs of the people of Xijiang Province. If the results are good, it will not be promoted nationwide. Late!鈥?Boss Jia said with a smile 鈥淏orrowing a famous saying from a great man, let鈥檚 start an experimental field and cross the river by feeling the stones!鈥?

鈥淲hat you said, chairman!鈥?Wang Chuanfu nodded, hesitated for a moment, and then said 鈥渂ut chairman, what if the future battery myriad cannot be replaced in a unified way?鈥?/p>

鈥淭his is also simple, as long as we are fast enough!鈥?/p>

鈥淔ast enough?鈥?/p>

鈥淵es, after the successful experiment in Xijiang Province, we can鈥檛 have any hesitation. We will immediately start the construction of swap stations in all major countries in China and even in the world.鈥?/p>

鈥淚n three years at most, all major countries and cities in the world must build a large number of power stations, so that power stations can stand in great numbers in the world instantly!鈥?/p>

鈥淪uch an exaggeration, how much does it cost!鈥?Wang Chuanfu was stunned. How many zero dollars it cost to build replacement power stations globally!

鈥淏ecause this is the only way to solve the previous problem, that is, the problem that all types of batteries in the world are disordered and in a mess and cannot be used in a unified way!鈥?Boss Jia said with a smile 鈥淥nce our electric car succeeds , Other car companies in the world, they will definitely understand that electric vehicles are the future, and they will also manufacture their own electric vehicles.鈥?/p>

鈥淔or up to two or three years, mainstream car companies across the world will launch their own electric vehicles. At that time, we must make our battery standards the standard of the world. All mainstream car companies , We must use our standard car battery!鈥?/p>

鈥淚f you want to achieve this goal, you must take the first step and establish swap stations in the whole world, and then the swap station can only replace our only one standard battery.鈥?/p>

鈥淥nce this goal is achieved, even if the world鈥檚 car companies are reluctant, they can only obediently manufacture rechargeable batteries according to our standards.鈥?/p>

鈥淲hat if they refuse?鈥?Wang Chuanfu asked stupidly.

鈥淪imple, then don鈥檛 switch into our power swap stations. They can build their own power swap stations!鈥?Boss Jia laughed 鈥淥ur standards are the standards of the world. Who doesn鈥檛 follow our standards No one is even qualified to enter the market!鈥?/p>

鈥淭his is like the USB interface of a computer. Whoever has a computer without a USB excuse will not be bought by anyone at all!鈥?/p>

鈥淭he power station swap is held in our hands, and we are equivalent to holding the lifeblood of the world鈥檚 electric vehicles. Who dares not listen to us!!鈥?/p>

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