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The last time BYD had a crisis, it was because BYD’s environmentally friendly electric motorcycles could not make money, and the root cause of the BYD crisis this time is indeed because environmentally friendly electric motorcycles are really profitable, and the money made it so that all peers They are all jealous of going crazy.

After launching a new environmentally friendly heavy-duty electric motorcycle, it has already used electric motorcycles to dominate all motorcycle events in entire America. In the end, they had to be kicked out of the arena directly, and the rules were set. Electric motorcycles are never allowed to participate in motorcycle competition At that time, the general trend of BYD’s environmentally friendly electric motorcycles has risen.

The reason why environmentally friendly electric motorcycles began to madly occupy the entire motorcycle market is a traffic rule of the US government.

I don’t know if you still remember that at the beginning of this year, Boss Jia and Wang Chuanfu took to the streets on environmentally friendly electric motorcycles together, and then encountered a compulsory competition by motorcycle groups. Finally, because both sides drove into the main road, The incident was forcibly terminated by the police.

In the end, the police will take action. The fundamental reason is that, in accordance with U.S. law, except for motorcycles used by the police, civilian motorcycles are not allowed to drive on bustling main roads.

The reason for the emergence of such a law is very simple, because it is very dangerous. There have been many accidents in history where motorcycles and cars collided, causing the motorcycle driver to fall and then fell directly to death.

Because the death rate of motorcycle traffic accidents is extremely high compared with automobile traffic accidents, for safety reasons, although it is not entire America, most states in the United States have express regulations prohibiting some motorcycles Driving on the main road.

There are also motorcycle restrictions in various cities in China for similar reasons.

This regulation may seem like a small regulation, but it actually choked the road for the development of motorcycles.

After all, except for those loyal motorcycle hobbyists, the ultimate goal of ordinary people buying motorcycles or for transportation, but if most of the streets in the city, motorcycles are prohibited, then motorcycles are not Play a role of transportation, but it will become a cumbersome, which makes motorcycles in the United States not like China’s electric vehicles, as a popular means of transportation in entire America.

After all, if all controls are really released, then relying on their petite size and the ability to travel freely in heavy traffic jams, motorcycles can still be favored by many ordinary persons.

See how, there are many people in China. They have cars in their homes, and they would rather ride electric cars to the streets, not because the roads are too congested, and cars are not as convenient as electric cars running in the alleys.

However, users of environmentally friendly electric motorcycles soon discovered that this environmentally friendly electric motorcycle has no such problem.

Because this rule is about motorcycles, not electric motorcycles.

According to the definition of laws and regulations, all small single-person vehicles powered by internal combustion engines are considered motorcycles.

But electric motorcycles use electric motors and have nothing to do with internal combustion engines. This is not a thing at all with motorcycles that are prohibited by law.

The most important thing is that when the entire America Motorcycle Association announced that environmentally friendly electric motorcycles were expelled from motorcycle status, BYD’s environmentally friendly electric motorcycles were directly renamed Tesla, and even the name on it was also used for motorcycles. There is no dime anymore.

Oh, sorry, I shouldn’t call this an environmentally friendly electric motorcycle in the future, I should call him Tesla!

Anyway, Tesla is completely cut off from the motorcycle, so Tesla can go to the streets unscrupulously.

at first, this hasn’t had any effect, but when many office workers get out of the subway station with sweat and sweat, they have to walk for ten minutes, or even dozens of minutes to go to the company.

Or stuck in the middle of the road, watching the watch anxiously while watching the people riding Tesla around, with a smile, the silhouette walking through the traffic casually, starting in New York, the American people across the country His mind began to change.

Especially, Wang Chuanfu, who has experienced previous failures, is particularly concerned about the market. He constantly conducts market research and keeps abreast of market changes. He has an amazing degree of market sensitivity.

This guy quickly discovered a business opportunity, so in addition to the original environmentally friendly heavy Tesla, he directly launched an environmentally friendly light Tesla. The speed is very fast. From the idea to the market, it only took less than one The time of the week.

Some people may find it strange. Even if the idea starts production as soon as it is born, it is impossible to launch it on the market within a week!

But don’t forget everyone. In fact, when BYD’s Tesla was just shipped to the U.S., it was the kind of light electric car we remembered, but later, in order to fit the market, it specially produced heavy-duty ones. The version, and the 300,000 light Teslas previously shipped over, were stacked in the warehouse.

As a result, the things that were thought to be waste products for dismantling, actually functioned just right, and Wang Chuanfu slipped out of the warehouse again.

Just change the packaging and instructions again, and it will be the latest light Tesla developed and produced.

Because this Tesla is several times smaller than a heavy one, it can more easily block the tide-like streets to come and go freely, shuttling between the gaps.

As for the parking and charging problems that previously restricted Tesla, they have also been resolved.

First of all, the wisdom of the American people is infinite. They find many ways to park themselves, such as the back door of a store, the door of an apartment, and wherever a bicycle can be parked, Tesla can go there.

After all, like the previous regulations, those laws restricting parking are for motorcycles, and there are no restrictions on bicycles, which also makes Tesla cheaper by the way.

As for the more troublesome part of the office building, Wang Chuanfu took the initiative to do a lot of work. For example, negotiate with various office properties, or simply reserve a few parking spaces in the underground garage all the year round, and set up a special electric vehicle parking area to provide these light electric vehicles to park.

Because of the small size of electric vehicles, a few parking spaces can accommodate dozens of electric vehicles, and Wang Chuanfu also specially arranged for people to install charging plugs in these locations, which can be conveniently provided for all electric vehicles Recharge.

Apart from this, light electric vehicles have also increased their endurance. It is a simple and rude addition of a set of batteries to increase the endurance of light electric vehicles from 30 kilometers to about 50 kilometers, even if they cannot be charged under the company’s building, You can also take it home for charging.

In short, many of the difficulties that prevented the company’s office workers from buying light Teslas have been eliminated, and the feature of light Teslas being able to get rid of the restrictions of crowded cities has been infinitely amplified.

More importantly, the new Tesla is cheap. A car doesn’t cost a few thousand dollars or even 1,000 dollars. It can be carried home for only 799 dollars, which is cheaper than a mobile phone. Completely fired.

Starting from New York, spreading across the country at a very fast rate, Wang Chuanfu’s previous 300,000 light Teslas were completely processed in just over a month, and then the cargo ship from China to the United States was a ship Take one, and bring a large number of light Teslas.

As of the end of August, the light Tesla had sold a full 1.5 million units in the U.S., which has surpassed the sales of the heavy Tesla and became the king of sales, bringing unimaginable profits to BYD.

In time, it is not impossible for the United States to change from the kingdom of cars to the kingdom of electric cars, and to become like China in more than ten years!

For a while, some media even gave Wang Chuanfu the title of changing the history of transportation in the United States. The scenery is boundless!

But Beautiful Tree In The Forest, Wind Must Certainly Destroy It, let alone Wang Chuanfu, a foreigner, so the American Motorcycle Association has started to take action.

But this time they don’t play any commercial tricks anymore, but go straight to the top level.

At the beginning of September, an order from the Black House came down, requiring the states of the United States to immediately enact laws to prohibit Tesla from on the road.

This fooled Wang Chuanfu. Wang Chuanfu wanted to compete with his opponent in business, but his opponent wanted to dig you out of the soil.

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