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Although Boss Jia came on stage, he didn’t explain much, but slowly let the dealers look at the plan. After waiting for more than an hour, basically all the dealers put down their plans. Book, there was excitement in his eyes, but there was also a hint of hesitation.

According to the statement on this plan, Great-Thousand will become a separate company named Steam Computer Business Group, a platform named Steam Game Store.

The ultimate goal of this steam game store platform is to form a franchise store with more than 50,000 stores around the world, and eventually a store named steam game platform can be found in all cities of the world.

Some of these stores are directly operated by Great-Thousand, but these stores are obviously only a small part, and most of the stores are formed by franchising.

These franchisees are obviously the dealers present here. All franchisees must renovate in accordance with the drawn-out decoration drawings to create a unified style and recognition.

At the same time, the pricing of all products is determined by Great-Thousand, and all sales strategies and discount strategies are also determined by Great-Thousand. Different franchisees can apply for sales policies, but they must be approved by Great-Thousand headquarters.

In addition, all power supplies have to go through Great-Thousand unified training, etc. Anyway, these franchise stores basically have to follow Great-Thousand rules. As for distributors, they only need to lie down and make money.

All offline games sold by Great-Thousand will be sold in the Steam Game Store, and other stores are not allowed to sell. Guarantee the sales channels of these stores.

At the same time, it is not only Great-Thousand games and thousands of machines that become handhelds, but the steam game platform also plans to wild ambition to take all consoles and games in the world, even Nintendo consoles and games, and all PC games must be incorporated into the idea of ​​selling.

I have to admit that, seeing such a grand business plan, dealers can see Great-Thousand’s ambitions and the huge profits once the plan is successful, but it also contains Unlimited risk.

“Mr. Jia, how do you guarantee that all future games will be added to the steam game platform for sale?” When the time for free questioning was reached, a dealer asked directly.

“This is inevitable after the scale of the industry comes up!” Boss Jia said with a smile “As long as we can have 50,000 steam game stores around the world as planned, then we can monopolize the global game sales market. If any game companies dare not join us, they will lose more than 70% of the world’s customers and players!”

“Don’t worry, as long as our posture is pulled up, all game manufacturers will kneel on the ground, praying to join our steam game store, no one will resist us!”

“Then this should be established when we really got up!” Another dealer stood up and said, “Mr. Jia, do you think the risk is high?”

“Not high! Not high at all!” Boss Jia slightly smiled “The best PC game in the world is our Great-Thousand, and the best handheld game in the world is also our Great-Thousand. We Great-Thousand Games accounted for more than 30% of all game sales in the world last year!”

“As long as Great-Thousand games are only sold in these steam game stores, there is no need to worry about no customers. As long as they have customers, other game manufacturers will never reject me!”

“Yes, I’ll show you something!” Boss Jia snapped his fingers. On the screen behind him, hundreds of photos of the contract were displayed on the projection. These dealers took a few glances and instantly I covered my mouth, because the companies of Party B written on these contracts are one of the most famous game companies in the world!

“These all are game companies that have signed a development agreement with our Thousand Machines Platform, their games can only be sold in the Steam Game Store, and you still think that our Steam Game Store will not be able to get up. Right?”

Boss Jia’s words are actually very tricky. Although there are indeed hundreds of game companies that have signed contracts, the contracts are actually only contracts for the purchase of development tools and prototypes, that is, the $1,000 contract. These contracts are not at all. It is stipulated that games must be developed for Great-Thousand.

But these distributors don’t know. They only think that Qianji has become a handheld. It already has hundreds of third-party game developers, and they are all world-renowned game development companies. They are simply invincible.

This steam game store, you can do it!

“Excuse me, Mr. Jia, if we join the Steam Game Store, how do we get our profits?” someone stood up and asked.

“All games and game consoles have a uniform price, Great-Thousand will guarantee your profits!” Boss Jia’s answer is simple and easy to understand.

“Does the price differ in different regions?” someone asked again.

“There will be a certain gap, but the gap will not be too big!” Boss Jia said.

“How to ensure that there will be no competition between us?”

“I will divide the region according to the population to ensure that each steam game store can independently cover the range of 100,000 people, so as to ensure your customer base!”

“Then how to avoid the problem of collocation?”

“We will burn a hidden code for the game cassettes sent to different regions. Once we find the phenomenon of stolen goods, we can obtain evidence through the code, and then severely fine!”

“Excuse me, in terms of the specific purchase, is it our dealer to decide the type of purchase?” Another dealer asked a very critical question.

“Half to half!” Boss Jia squinted and said, “Great-Thousand will give you a basic list. The games and numbers on the basic list are what you must purchase and sell. Apart from this, if you want to Enter more games that you are optimistic about, and Great-Thousand will not object.”

“What!” Hearing that there is a basic list, the Conference Hall exploded in an instant. If there are some unsold games in this basic list, wouldn’t they explode in an instant!

“Don’t worry, everyone. The products in the basic list can be returned to the head office unconditionally after half a year’s sale. The head office will refund your purchase costs in full, so if there are items in the basic list that cannot be sold , Don’t worry about the backlog of costs!”

Hearing Boss Jia’s answer, everyone’s faces showed ecstasy. In this way, if they only need to purchase the goods according to the basic list, wouldn’t it be that in addition to the rent, water, electricity and labor costs, other costs will not have any losses! !

With this condition, the enthusiasm of the dealers has been greatly stimulated, and about half of the more than 300 dealers who finally came to the scene signed a franchise agreement with Great-Thousand.

The one with the most, directly occupied the entire French market, guaranteeing to open more than 100 steam game stores in France within one year, and to open more than 500 stores within three years.

As a price, Great-Thousand can no longer grant franchise rights to any other distributors in France.

However, Great-Thousand refused. After all, there are still several French dealers on the scene. In addition, if you really handed over a domestic distributorship, it would not be a good thing for Great-Thousand.

Finally, 156 distributors signed a franchise agreement to open 1682 steam game stores within one year.

Players, tremble, the age of steam has arrived ahead of schedule!

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