Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 2029: Teacher Examination (1)

However, she didn't have time to find them, because the elders of the main gate were here, and the main and deputy gatekeepers of all the gates were also together. This battle was comparable to what happened in the past.

Their presence made her want to contact them and was stopped. She looked up and saw Wu Lingyu at the position of Zhenfamen. Wu Lingyu saw that she looked at the three empty seats of Yinmen, understood her meaning, and nodded at her.

Ning Tianya took someone to the podium to sit down, and Sima Youyue came to them.

"Yuyue, are you sure you want to take all the exams today?" Ning Tianya asked her.

"Yes." Sima Youyue answered.

"Well, next, your master will give you exam questions. You must pass all of them before you can leave the hidden door." Ning Tianya said.

Hearing that Sima Youyue was leaving the hidden door, the people in the hidden door were not surprised. Anyone who wants to start an exam will leave the hidden door. Just hearing Ning Tianya's mention, they felt a little lost in their hearts.

In the future, how much fun will the hidden door have!

"Who are you coming first?" Ning Tianya looked at the hosts and asked.

"I'll go first. It happened that a patient was taken in these two doors, and the symptoms were a little strange. They haven't found out the cause." As soon as the doctor's door master said something, the whole venue was quiet.

The doctor's doorkeeper said that she would be evaluated? They haven't heard that she will still heal!

"Old man Li, aren't your exams fair?" He Lan protested. "You have no choice but to let her come. What if she can't solve it?"

"Naturally, this situation was taken into account." The master of the pharmacist touched his beard under his chest. "If she gives up, we have an alternative plan, as long as she can pass that, it's OK."

"Master, let me try it," said Sima Youyue.

Mr. Li clapped his hands, and someone immediately brought a patient up.

"This is a patient who came to the clinic two days ago. His vitality has been weakening, but he has not been injured, and there are no other factors. You can try to find out why."

Sima Youyue came to the patient, and she was already very weak, her eyes were awkward, her facial features were stagnant, her face was waxy yellow, her body looked as if she was malnourished.

"I'll give you the pulse first." She asked the medicine boy aside to put his hand on the arm of the chair and gave him the pulse.

Master Li Men came to her as she took the pulse, and wanted to see if she could find the reason.

"The pulse is floating and the essence is scarce. The other symptoms are caused by the decrease of essence and it is not his cause. Whatever he thinks, these are common symptoms." Sima Youyue said, "But if it is just a general situation, You won't find the cause of the decrease in energy. "

"It's true," said Master Li Men. "That's why it's weird."

"Master, have you checked, is there any parasite in the body that **** vitality?" Sima Youyue asked.

"It has been checked, but none." Li Menzhu said.

The vitality has been lost forever, this parasite was their first consideration, but after checking it several times, nothing abnormal has happened.

"No injuries, no parasites, and vitality disappeared for no reason." Sima Youyue touched her chin, his brain moved quickly, thinking about what could cause this situation.

When Li Men mainly asked her if she wanted to give up, and chose an alternative exam, she came behind the man, took out a silver needle, and pierced his neck.


The patient who had not said a word for so many days suddenly called out, as if he was going through some painful suffering.

"What's going on here? Shouldn't there be no reaction here?" Everyone at the doctor's door saw Sima Youyue's movements, so he knew what she had done.

"Huh?" Master Li Men opened his hair, saw his neck, and became red and swollen in a circle around the silver needle. "So it turned out that I didn't expect it."

"Master, what is this?"

"Some people will form their own lines in the body during cultivation. Under normal circumstances, this will not have any effect on the human body, but once the cultivation process is backwashed, the lines will swallow the human body's vitality." Li The host explained, "This kind of thing is very rare, so few people know. Even I didn't expect it."

"I think of it this way, this is also mentioned very little in the medical code, very partial, I did not expect that Youyue actually knew this, and it was really admirable." The others in the physician's door echoed.

"I knew so much at a young age, it really made me wait."

"So how to solve this?" Someone asked, "Does she need to be cured before she can be assessed successfully?"

"No one can heal it yet, she found the reason, even if it has passed."

"Because this is too biased, just count it directly."

Sima Youyue looked at the lifeless man on the chair, heard the doctor's door tell his family that there was no cure, and saw the grief in the eyes of her loved ones, she whispered, "Let me try it. See if you can ... "

Her voice was small, barely audible in loud noises and talks, but still heard by relatives.

"Master! Master! Can you save him? Please save him!" She ran to her knees in front of Sima Youyue and grabbed her dress.

She called so that everyone else heard it and looked over in surprise.

"Master, you said you could save him!" The woman called, looking up.

Sima Youyue pulled her up and said, "You get up first."

She doesn't have the habit of kneeling herself, especially with so many people watching here.

"You Yue, do you have a way to heal this situation?" Asked Li Menzhu.

"I'm not absolutely sure, but since they are already waiting to die, it's better to try it." Sima Youyue said.

"Thank you master! Thank you master!" The woman kneeling on the ground kept hoeing her.

"Don't worry about me first, I may not be able to save him." Sima Youyue didn't want her to have too much hope.

"I know, Master Li said that this is no way. You can give it a try, I'm very grateful!" The woman calmed down and did not push You Yue too tightly.

"Since you are going to try it, try it, maybe you can save a life." Li Men said, and then let people set up a temporary treatment room, fenced it out, and not let others see her process.

"Old Li, do you trust her like that?"

"You know this child, she never said anything about it. Now that she has offered it, there is at least some certainty. Even if she fails in the end, it is nothing."

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