Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 80: Pendant Alliance

Chapter 80 Pendant Alliance

Heisenberg frowned at the flashing muzzle of the flagship of the Templar II.

Before he could rush to the sky to destroy the flagship, more than 3,000 energy cannons had already rushed out of those muzzles.

Countless mages immediately propped up defensive magic circles of different sizes.

After all, their respective levels are high and low, so none of them can protect all the people on this battlefield.

And just when Strange was about to shoot, the violent energy cannon completely collapsed the coast!

Originally, the nearby area was at least four to five meters lower than other locations due to the war and the destruction of Heisenberg.

At this moment, the coastal areas had not been affected before, and a large enough gap was instantly hit by the energy cannon!

There is a steady stream of firepower from Thanos flagship Temple II.

Below are the layers of the Thanos Legion fighting.

There was a terrifying tsunami in the middle, and the water was about to cross the gap and cover the battlefield!


Heisenberg, who was suspended in the sky, let out a long sigh.

Until this time, he finally understood why the Avengers could never have a Superman!

At the same time, he also understood why DC's serious Justice League film turned out to be Superman and his four pendants!

Why in the end?

Because he is so strong! ! !

I saw his right hand palm up towards the sky, and the biological force field that was supposed to be invisible actually became visible to the naked eye!

That layer of invisible film instantly expanded, directly covering the battlefield within ten kilometers.

No matter how long the naval artillery bombardment lasted, it was completely engulfed by that seemingly powerless biological force field, and could no longer advance an inch.

The countless avengers covered by this force field couldn't help but stare at Heisenberg dully!

"What the **** is this?"

"Who is he?!"

"What power is that, my God!"

"Is he a god?"

Even Little Spider, the kid who believes Heisenberg is Superman.

Even he was stunned.

I saw him looking at the biological force field supporting the sky, and asked in disbelief.

"Superman doesn't have this ability, why is his biological force field so strong?!!"

"It's a biological force field!"

"This superman from nowhere actually blocked everything with his biofield!"

"How strong is this biological force field, to the extent that it can be seen with the naked eye!"

"What a might, God!"

Hearing the exclamations of countless members of the Avengers, Heisenberg just smiled helplessly!

Is the biofield strong enough?

Of course strong, this is a means that Heisenberg is destined to be the strongest!

But this is just the beginning!

He suddenly looked up at the sky, and saw that his eyes quickly filled with red light visible to the naked eye!

That light was like a flame, burning the air on both sides of Heisenberg's eyeballs out of thin air!

The moment the flames ignited, the hot sight rushed out, facing the endless artillery fire of Temple No. 2. This sight, which was comparable to the temperature of the core of a star, easily cut Temple No. 2 in half.

Not only that, Heisenberg finally moved his sight, and in a blink of an eye, the hull of the Templar II, which covers an area of ​​more than 18 square kilometers, was cut into more than 800 small pieces!

The endless artillery fire suddenly disappeared, and Temple No. 2, which was tragically dismembered, crashed into the sea water near New York like a dumpling.

This scene caused the nearby sea level to rise suddenly, and the gap in the **** near the pier suddenly widened.

So there was a wave that was more than ten meters higher than just now, swept toward the battlefield frantically.

That overwhelming sea water, as if to completely wipe out the entire New York!

At times like this, who can stand up and solve the problem?



Who can cross the sword immediately, only me, General Tiger!

cough cough.

I am the only elder Haida!

I saw that Heisenberg was still floating in place, and he didn't even bother to fly near the sea.

So he took a breath on the spot, and then forced the direction of the ocean to blow out the frost breath!

In just five or six seconds, wherever the frost breath came close, the turbulent sea water instantly froze into ice.

When Heisenberg finished blowing this breath, the whole of New York instantly turned into a country ruled by the Snow Queen in a fairy tale.

The fighting on the battlefield was tragic, but all the blood and blood seemed to be a small embellishment on top of the beauty of the ice and snow world.

At this point, the three major crises that might have wiped out everyone in the Avengers ten seconds ago were easily resolved by Heisenberg!

And at such a time, all the people in the Fulian who have been reduced to pendants, also stared blankly at the towering human **** in the sky.

I saw Xiao Chili shoved her husband in surprise.

"Why do I think he can solve everything by himself?"

"Because he really did everything!"

Iron Man said with a sigh.

"I feel like the most important decision in my life was to promise to bring him into our universe!"

Unlike him, Strange looked at Heisenberg at this time, but there was only worry and fear in his eyes.

I saw him talking to the next door Mage Wang with difficulty.

"Why doesn't he appear in the future I see, and if he wants to do something, who can stop him?"

Hearing Strange's words, Mage Wang next door turned his head and gave him a blank eye.

"You still have the heart to think about this, first win and then talk about it!"

While speaking, Mage Wang took out the crimson chains of Sedrak and directly tied the two pioneer guards to death.

The Valkyrie flew in the sky on a Pegasus, looking at Heisenberg with envy in her eyes.

"If I had such strength back then, how could the Valkyrie troops be driven out and killed by Hela?"

At this time, from a position not far from her, the Wasp woman suddenly grew bigger and made fun of her.

"Tsk tsk, that kind of strength is simply beyond human beings. I'm really glad we're dealing with Thanos, not this Superman!"

After speaking, the two women looked at each other and let out a long breath.

Apart from those who felt confident in Heisenberg's strength, there were two other people who disagreed.

When Heisenberg's fouling ability showed, Wanda and Thanos, who were fighting, were almost heartbroken!

"Why didn't you show up before, **** it!"

With endless regret and grief, she suddenly output a greater intensity of chaotic energy, making Thanos' scream stronger than a grade!

And Thanos is getting more and more troubled.

You are angry with Heisenberg in a way that Heisenberg has never seen before, so what do you mean by **** me off? ! !

I saw him suddenly clenching his fists and adjusting his posture desperately at the same time.

He must break free from the control of the Scarlet Witch, or I am afraid that every next moment, he may be beheaded by some inexplicable person!

But no matter how hard he tried, Wanda's chaotic energy seemed to have no limit, firmly controlling him within it.

At the same time, Heisenberg flew towards him and floated beside Thanos in the blink of an eye.

When he saw Heisenberg, he just hovered and didn't shoot himself.

Thanos was wondering when he saw Heisenberg stretch out his hand and rub his bald head fiercely...

At this moment, Thanos finally got really angry!

"Ebony throat!!!"

Hearing the struggling Thanos shouting suddenly, the ebony throat in the distance immediately looked up in response.

Seeing the painful appearance of his boss at this time, the ebony throat immediately...

Immediately run farther into the distance.

Seeing this, Heisenberg couldn't help but smile, and he patted Thanos on the head and asked softly.

"He understands you well and knows that you are not an opponent, so he went to find those Infinity Stones for you!"


Thanos was horrified, the tacit understanding that he and Ebony Maw had cultivated for thousands of years was so tolerant?

And next, Heisenberg waved to Wanda, who was trying to control Thanos not far away.

"Let him go and protect your friends.

I'll let you see Thanos die! "

When the voice fell, Heisenberg ignored Wanda's agreement and directly pulled Thanos out of Wanda's energy!

Immediately afterwards, he picked up Thanos and flew all the way to the sky, and in just a short while, he had rushed out of the atmosphere and came to the cosmic space!

Thanos obviously has a wealth of space combat experience, and constantly uses the weightless state team Heisenberg to harass him in an attempt to let him loose.

The two started the next stage of confrontation in the universe, and at this stage, Heisenberg had an absolute advantage!


Earthly, poor old beauty, forever New York battlefield!

After Heisenberg took Thanos into the universe, the war didn't end there.

Instead, with Heisenberg out of sight, the Avengers took their enemies more seriously.

And in the same way, because of Thanos' disappearance, the Thanos Legion also has the mentality of fighting against the water!

Outside the portal, the Thanos Legion poured into the earth faster and faster. Even if the superheroes fought desperately, they could not continue to suppress the Thanos Legion.

At the same time, when the Wakanda army is under siege, the rate of attrition is getting faster and faster!

Around the battlefield, almost every superhero you can see is caught in a hard fight.

Iron Man and Pepper are flying in the sky. Although they have tried their best to support their teammates, they cannot stop the attack of the Thanos Army even for a minute!

When they looked to the left, there was the black panther being constantly besieged by more than the headless berserk ape.

And they looked to the right, Spider-Man was struggling to resist the constant attack from the Not far ahead, the Guardians of the Galaxy were gradually forced into the corner.

And in the higher sky behind them, Valkyrie and her Pegasus are being chased frantically by more than twenty worm-type login frigates!

In just a moment, Iron Man rushed directly to Little Spider, and a pulse surged from his chest, swept away the enemies near Little Spider.

At the same time, Pepper quickly rushed to the Valkyrie, the ion mayfly weapon behind her, and started a ferocious blow on the insect-type landing ship in a blink of an eye.

As for Wakanda and the alien allies.

Just wait a moment!

After sweeping through the enemies around Spider-Man, Iron Man suddenly landed in front of Spider-Man.

But the little spider in front of him didn't mean to be afraid at all, but pointed to the sky with great excitement!

"Mr. Stark, did you see that Superman took Thanos all the way into the atmosphere just now!

Why don't I have that kind of power, if I have, I can better help Mr. Stark!

But I only got what I am now after being bitten by a spider. So, as long as I am bitten by Superman, I can get Superman's ability?

Mr. Stark, do you think what I'm saying is possible? "

Listening to the nonsense of the little spider, even if it was an emergency, Iron Man was extremely helpless.

Looking at the big boy who was still excited in front of him, Iron Man suddenly had a strange thought.

"I hope you in another time and space don't become what you are now..."

Iron Man grimaced and prayed silently in his heart.

"Especially don't become so rash, and... talkative?!!"

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