Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 74: Abyss Walker

Heisenberg looked at his right hand as he took off.

Where are there any wounds?

As long as he can bask in the sun, even if he turns into a mummified corpse, he can get up from the grave and dance!

Putting the intact hand behind him, Heisenberg flew in along the damaged part of the Avengers Building that he smashed.

Seeing his appearance, Captain America instantly raised his shield and glared at him fiercely.

Ant-Man also quickly turned on his battle suit, shrinking to the size of an ant in a blink of an eye.

But before they could do anything, they were stopped by Natasha and Barton!

Immediately afterwards, Natasha looked back at Heisenberg and winked at him charmingly.

Patton said to Team America from the side.

"I didn't expect you to invite His Excellency Heisenberg too, this is really great!

I'm not worried about how to thank Lord Heisenberg, he saved my life! "

Just as Patton finished speaking, Natasha turned her head and refuted his words.

"Barton, to be precise, he saved my life, because I have a way to make myself jump before you!"

"Impossible, I will never let my comrades die in front of me, Natasha!"

"Me too, Barton!"

They actually looked at each other for such a short time....

After a while, the two looked at each other and smiled, and the touching atmosphere of rushing to die finally disappeared.

At this time, Iron Man and Hulk also returned to the building with the wounded.

Seeing Captain America on guard, Iron Man waved his hand.

"It's all a **** inexplicable misunderstanding, I'll tell you the specific reasons later.

Let everyone come and gather first. Have you collected all the gems? "

After he finished speaking, the Avengers finally reluctantly put down their guard and approached Iron Man.

Heisenberg carried the scepter and necklace, found a chair with a smile, and sat down leisurely.

I saw Iron Man looking around at the crowd.

"Captain and I brought back time, space and the Mind Stone!"

"I brought back the Reality Gem with Sol, but luckily the gem is on me!"

"Me and Nebula also brought back the power gem, Nebula, why do you look a little wrong...?"

The weakened Rhode reluctantly roared at Nebula, and while Nebula looked nervously at Heisenberg, he took out the cosmic spirit ball in his backpack.

At this point, only the soul gem is missing from the six gems.

Barton and Natasha looked at Heisenberg together, then Natasha smiled and took out the Soul Gem.

"You absolutely don't know!" She said, "The way to get the soul gem is to sacrifice a person who has a deep relationship with him.

That kind of feeling can be family, love, or friendship! "

Speaking of which, she bowed to Heisenberg seriously.

After getting up, she said solemnly to the others.

"When I thought Barton and I had to die, I thought we were destined to not come back together like we are now.

Mr. Heisenberg showed up with two guys who surprised me! "

As she spoke, Natasha recalled the memories of that time.


In 2014, on the Morag star, Nebula controlled the spaceship that Rocket Raccoon lent them and landed on the abyss-like surface of Morag.

Nebula and Rhodes got off the spacecraft as planned.

And Natasha and Barton, after saying goodbye to the two of them, flew all the way to Mivor.

The altar with the Soul Stone is there.

After arriving at Mivor, they trekked through mountains and rivers and finally climbed to the altar.

At this time, the two of them were in a very relaxed mood.

I just heard Natasha say something while panting heavily while moving her legs that were extremely tired from climbing the mountain.

"I guess the raccoons definitely don't need to climb mountains!"

Hearing Natasha's ridicule, Barton took a deep breath and gave a very straight reminder.

"Strictly speaking, he's not a raccoon!"

"It doesn't matter, they all eat garbage anyway."

After Natasha finished speaking, she smiled lightly.

After taking a cold joke to relieve their exhaustion, the two continued to climb the mountain where soul gems are stored, but before they took two steps, they heard a far-reaching and eerie voice.


The moment the voice appeared, Natasha immediately took out her pistol, and Barton also drew out the big sword with a squeak.

The two looked at the source of the sound vigilantly, and in that direction, a figure wearing a black death-like cloak slowly floated out.

The figure looked at the two of them and said calmly and indifferently.

"Natasha, daughter of Ivan.

Clint, son of Edith. "

"Who are you?"

Natasha asked softly, and the man in black answered while walking towards them.

"I am the guide who guides travelers to the Soul Gem."

"Well, then you can just tell us where it is!" Natasha asked cautiously.

Hearing Natasha's words, the shadow sneered softly, then sighed.

"If only it were that simple."

After that, the man in black took Natasha and the two to the edge of the cliff, where he told Natasha and Barton the only way to get the soul gem.

The result that one of the two was bound to die, immediately made both of them grief-stricken.

But just when they were about to make a decision...

On Mivor's sky, a dark shadow suddenly flashed!

With a whistling momentum, the shadow suddenly fell in front of Natasha and Barton.

The two instantly raised their weapons to be on guard, but the figure, who was wearing black layered armor and carrying two people in his hands, didn't want to hurt them.

I saw that he first threw the two people in his hand to the ground, and stomped on the rope that was entangling them with his feet.

Afterwards, his helmet seemed to dissolve, gradually turning into hot lava, flowing from the top of his head into the gaps in the fins on his body.

Under the helmet, Natasha saw a face that looked exactly like Keanu Reeves.

And the owner of this face is looking at them with a smile and speaking to the two of them.

"Guys from the future, I'm sorry I have to take up your farewell time."

"Who are you?!!"

"Hehe, a Kryptonian living on Earth, you can call me Heisenberg!"

Speaking of which, Heisenberg kicked the two guys next to him and said to them.

"According to the agreement, I will release the one of you who went to get the soul gem for me, go!"

When the voice fell, the ropes on the two people melted instantly, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into molten slurry like Heisenberg's previous helmet, and flowed back into the gap between Heisenberg's leg armor.

At this time, Heisenberg's extremely gorgeous but slightly damaged armor, almost every crevice shone with mysterious lava brilliance.

The beautiful armor style made Natasha couldn't help but take a second glance.

Noticing Natasha's curiosity, Heisenberg smiled at the two of them.

"You have a good eye. This armor is called Abyss Walker. It is one of my favorite styles."

"Uh..." Barton was stunned: "I don't care about your armor, I just want to know who you are...?!!"

Before Patton could finish speaking, Natasha tapped him twice.

I saw Natasha pointed at the two figures who were running towards the cliff.

"Damn it, those two are Thanos' subordinates!"


Patton was even more nervous, but Heisenberg just waved at them.

"Don't get excited, you two, you have the skills to guard against me, why don't you sit down and watch a good show with me?"

Following Heisenberg's words, General Deathblade and Proxima Centauri were desperately rushing towards the hellish cliff.

As Heisenberg watched, Proxima Night finally won the victory, successfully jumping into the cliff in front of General Dead Blade!

After that, along with the wailing of General Deathblade's loss of his beloved wife, the Soul Gem quietly appeared in his hands.

But before General Deathblade could appreciate the treasure that he exchanged for his lover, Heisenberg snatched the gem.

Holding the Soul Gem in his hand, Heisenberg gently shook his head at General Deathblade.

"It's a pity, after all, it was your wife who used her life to get the soul gem for me.

So according to the agreement, I will release the soul of your wife, but I will also kill you who do nothing! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Heisenberg pulled out the weapon on the back of the armor.

That is, the two-headed spear that belonged to General Deadblade and entrusted his soul.

Before General Deathblade tried to resist, Heisenberg snapped the spear.

At the moment when the spear broke, General Deathblade also turned into a black mist and completely dissipated.

"Tsk tsk, what a pitiful couple, who have lived with each other for thousands of years, but they haven't been able to accompany each other forever."

Heisenberg first sighed with a smile, and then threw the soul gem into Natasha's hands.

Natasha had no idea that he would give her the gem, so she froze on the spot.

And Heisenberg said something boring.

"Okay, this way I have fulfilled a small wish I once made, haha!

In addition, I would like to advise you, Natasha, you still have the most beautiful hairstyle and color, trust me! "

The voice fell, and in Natasha's shocked eyes, he reached out and rubbed Natasha's wine-red hair.

Then Heisenberg rushed into the sky and disappeared without a trace.


In the headquarters of the Avengers, Natasha, who remembered those memories, looked at Heisenberg with a softer look.

And her explanation to the people of the Avengers also made everyone's grievances against Heisenberg melt away a lot.

Only Heisenberg pondered Natasha's words silently.

It seems that in the future, he not only completed the plan against Asgard, but also attacked Thanos' subordinates by the way.

No wonder Nebula from the past looked at her with hatred in her eyes, and she obviously recognized her identity.

But so what?

I saw Heisenberg lying on the chair with an expressionless face, shouting to the crowd out of boredom.

"You guys are really ink Isn't it more important to save your universe than chatting here?"

After he finished speaking, he threw the scepter and necklace at Iron Man.

Ignoring the excitement of Iron Man finally getting six gems, Heisenberg sat on the chair, completely ignoring the process of inlaying the six Infinity Gems by the Avengers.

At the same time, he didn't care about Nebula's fear of looking at her at all, and the calculations that Nebula might have prepared for him.

In this way, after three hours of sun exposure, Iron Man finally customized the gloves to be inlaid with the Infinity Stones.

The six gems came to this glove in a blink of an eye.

Then came the no-fun glove time, and everyone seemed to think they had a reason to snap their fingers.

But at this moment, Nebula's eyes rolled slightly, and she suddenly made a proposal to everyone.

"Everyone is scrambling to snap their fingers, but shouldn't the matter of controlling the infinite rough belong to the strongest person on earth?"

She turned the conversation directly to Heisenberg!

Heisenberg had no choice but to open his eyes. He looked at the sky outside the window and said to Nebula without looking back.

"First of all, I'm a guest of your universe. Let me pay the price of snapping my fingers. That doesn't seem to be the way of hospitality.

Secondly, I have no feelings for your universe, so can you rest assured that I will snap my fingers?

As for the last.... "

I saw him sitting on the sofa chair, watching the sky safely.

At this moment, Nebula seemed to see the shadow of his father Thanos in Heisenberg.

At this time, Heisenberg spoke slowly and continued.

"Finally, I'm waiting for a worthy opponent, so I have to stay in shape!"

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