The reporters did not take pictures of the meeting, so the news ended with Heisenberg's back entering the theater.

I don't know what other people think, at least Peter Parker in front of the TV, of course he thinks Heisenberg's back is extraordinarily tall.

And after that, the New York Evening News didn't end the conversation about Heisenberg.

Instead, they even invited several well-known public figures to the studio to explain Heisenberg's situation.

In the final analysis, these public figures were hired by Brother Ye Mo to wash the ground.

However, the money they receive is quite dedicated. Look at what they say on TV?

"Hello, viewers, I'm your favorite journalist, the owner and chief writer of the Daily Bugle, J. Jonah James, and it's an honor to sit here and talk to you about Lord Superman!"

I saw that the horse-faced man in front of the TV was almost 100% excited.

Even if it's just talking about Heisenberg's code name, it's like he's about to reach a physical climax.

"Guys, I can't believe it, I grew up watching big comics and movies, and of course TV dramas, where the absolute protagonists are my idols all along.

Superman actually exists, and he has settled down in our great New York City! ! ! "

"Yeah, Mr. James, looking back on the experience in the past two months, I'm almost thirty years younger, and at the same time, I've also entered the world of those cartoons when I was a child!"

The host cooperated and cheered.

And J. Jonah James continued his sweeping declaration.

"If you just think this way, it's too narrow. After I've collected countless clues, I have to introduce a piece of news to everyone!

The superman who is now determined to live in our New York City is definitely not the superhero in the comics who only rescues disasters!

You know, I have collected criminal records in New York City for the past two months.

Guess how much this record can drop compared to two months ago? "

"Uh, my God, is Superman still interfering in our streets, can the drop rate reach 30%?"

"Haha, of course not, it's 20%. The number of crimes today is 20% of what it was two months ago!"

I saw James' face flushed with excitement, and then he danced and continued to introduce to the audience.

"How terrifying is this number, you must know that every crime case represents at least one family that has suffered annihilation.

Just take the criminal record in March this year as a comparison. In March, there were 432 robbery incidents in New York, resulting in a total of 86 casualties.

It's just a robbery.

And last month, after the arrival of Superman!

There were only 82 similar incidents in the whole of New York, and all the suspects were arrested, and no one could get away with it!

Compared to the superman in the comics who only rescues troubled citizens, I like the one we have now.

Because he will not only help those who are in difficulty, but he will also help us who are gradually surrounded by danger!

This is our superman who stopped all that before the disaster happened, he is a great man!

the most important is……! ! ! "

Speaking of which, James showed a mysterious smile to the audience.

"The most important thing is that he never wears the tights that hide his **** in the comics, haha!"


Heisenberg turned off the TV at will. He was already tired of hearing the so-called trumpets being given to him by the boss of the Daily Horn.

Programs like today are broadcast on major TV stations in New York City almost every three days.

Although Heisenberg paid a lot of money for this, at the same time, more than 20 of his subordinates were imprisoned for threatening public figures. . . .

All in all, their hard work was worth it.

Occasionally, Heisenberg will turn on his super-hearing to hear what New Yorkers think of him.

Overall it's pretty good.

Just like that, Heisenberg fell asleep in a good mood.


The Boundless Universe, the flagship spacecraft of the Temple.

The ring ship is loaded with countless beasts, which is the most proud army of Thanos.

And in the center of the spaceship, in his own command room.

He was sitting on the high-hanging throne, receiving a guest who surprised him with his eyes full of thought.

Beside the throne, the thin but extraordinarily elegant ebony throat gently waved his right hand.

"Welcome, Prince Loki from Asgard, please see our Lord!"

"It's your lord, not mine!" Loki responded with a smile.

The voice fell, and the ebony throat's elegant face suddenly became more dissatisfied.

He turned his head to look at Thanos, and silently asked how to deal with it.

Do you want to kill this arrogant prince?

But before Thanos could reply, Loki continued talking to the two of them.

"But I hope to be the forerunner for you, the great emperor of the universe Thanos."

At this point, Loki quietly bent down and surrendered to Thanos.

Ebony Maw finally nodded with satisfaction, then he replaced Thanos and said softly to Loki.

"The prince of Asgard is coming to join the empire of Lord Thanos. Do you want to start a war between the empire and Asgard?"

"No, your wise ebony-throated lord, although all this happened not long ago, I have to admit that I no longer belong to Asgard.

I launched a failed mutiny in Asgard, I was defeated by my stupid but lucky brother, and I ended up in the vast universe.

Your Majesty Thanos, I need a suitable one worthy of my past prince status, so I choose to join your command.

As a gift, I will present you the Space Gem in the Infinity Stones! "

I saw Loki raise his right hand, and then, a clear image flashed between Loki's palm.

If Heisenberg saw this video, he should have recognized the protagonist of the video at a glance.

Because the protagonist is Professor Selvig, who is in charge of the Pegasus Project.

The Selvig in the video first wandered aimlessly in a certain base.

Immediately afterwards, a black man with a blindfold called his name.

Following the black man's guidance, Selvig came to the black man.

Then, the black man wearing the blindfold sent a sincere invitation to Selvig.

Invite him to join a plan that will enable mankind to gain infinite power.

At this moment, the black man wearing the blindfold took out a box.

The treasure that can bring infinite power in his mouth is placed in the box at this time.

When the box was opened by the black man, Thanos on the throne was finally interested.

Of course he knew what it was!

I saw a cube shining with crystal blue light in the box. Before this cube was sealed by the former Odin, it had a name that Thanos had been searching for for countless years.

"Space gem!"

Thanos spoke, his voice full of exhaustion and vicissitudes.

But aside from that exhaustion, Loki could only hear the mourning of countless lives from Thanos' mouth.

Even though he knew that Thanos wouldn't do anything to him, Loki was uncontrollably nervous.

He tried his best to control his demeanor and said to Thanos.

"Dear Sir Thanos, I will use the news of this space gem to exchange the dominion of Midgart with you."

"Just news...?" Thanos asked himself.

"Of course not, I need you to provide me with an army, an army large enough to defeat the Asgard Valhalla, I hope to win a real victory from my father, and in exchange, I will give the space gem to both hands Serve it!"

The voice fell, and the spaceship fell silent for a while.

After a while, Thanos's majestic and terrifying face showed a look of reminiscence.

"Five thousand years ago, Odin became the king of Asgard, and he was controlled by ambition and desire to attack the former me.

I lost to him, and the price of that battle was that I lost the space gem.

Next, his army swept across the universe until he had mastered all five of the six Infinity Stones.

But after that, he stopped his steps, took back his army, stopped his aggression, and even gave up those Infinity Stones he collected.

I don't understand him, but he doesn't need my understanding either.

Until now, his son came to me and decided to retrieve the space gem for me.

This made me feel the meaning of fate.

I will give you the army you want, and I will also give you the Mind Stone that I have collected recently.

Go, get my things back for me! "


Loki immediately leaned down and gave Thanos the most serious courtesy in Asgard.

But even when he took the psychic scepter from Ebony Maw, he couldn't understand what Thanos meant.

Odin ever defeated Thanos?

Odin once nearly collected all six gems?

Odin once nearly dominated the universe?

But why does Odin now become an old man full of kindness and forgiveness!

And he's still a ruthless and unbelievable old! ! !

Confused, Loki picked up the scepter inlaid with the Mind Gem.

Immediately, an invisible spiritual power permeated Loki's entire body.

He seems to be able to feel everyone's mind, and he even feels that he can manipulate everyone he sees!

The Infinity Stone, even if it is only indirectly mastered by inlaying it on a tool, has increased his power countless times!

If he had such terrifying spiritual power before, he could even directly order Thor to commit suicide!

But he felt even more puzzling when he felt these powers.

Since the Infinity Stone is really as powerful as the legend, why did Odin give it up?



Just as Loki kept thinking with doubts, Thanos opened his mouth and ordered.

"I will change my plan to attack Kerry Nova, and the Chitauri warriors assembled for this will fight for you.

Do not let me down! "


Loki hurriedly lowered his head to answer, he decided not to think about those questions that puzzled him.

No matter what secrets were buried in the past, he had nowhere to go.

The moment when Odin disapproved of his Loki for the last time.

When Loki decided to let go of Thor's hand and chose to live in the universe.

He has nowhere to go!

Either defeat Odin, defeat the father who never loved him, and prove his abilities to everyone.

Or die in the universe and become the nameless bones left by Asgard outside the world.

That's all!

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