Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 650 Informant

"Is this going to self-destruct? So decisive?"

Lin Yu looked back at the circular spacecraft.

Turned into a ball of metal debris in the explosion.

After the interceptors of the Xiaolong Brigade surrounded the circular spacecraft, the opponent actually blew himself up on the spot without saying anything, which really surprised Lin Yu - the reincarnators have three lives, which makes them sometimes more afraid of death than the natives. The vast majority of reincarnators do not have this courage.

"Sir Lin Yu?"

The third company commander's inquiry sounded in the communication channel.

"Return to Su Zheng first."

Lin Yu waved his hand towards the window and said.

The Xiaolong Brigade escorted the dilapidated spaceship that Lin Yu had obtained temporarily and flew all the way into the darkness in the distance. After entering the visual range, the giant battleship in the void finally came into view. The tattered spaceship followed the group of sword-tail interceptors into the open hangar and parked steadily on the boarding deck.

Lin Yu had just walked out of the cabin of the spaceship.


A Space Marine came over holding a photo. In the photo was the circular spacecraft that had just been shot down. Painted in gold and blue, the cabin is located in the center of the flat ring, and the shape looks like some kind of UFO, which is quite recognizable.

"Find a mortal officer to disguise himself, take this photo and take the Thunderhawk gunship and go to the Land of Nothingness to inquire again to see where this kind of spaceship comes from."

Lin Yu glanced at him and said.

I won't be here on the 56th.

The aide-de-camp can only serve as an intelligence officer temporarily.

And all this.

Let’s start after they arrived here:

After the battleship Suzheng brought the entire battle group to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it appeared at the place where it left last time, somewhere in the void tens of thousands of kilometers away from the void. Fu Qinghai took two of his men on the Thunder Eagle gunboat to the Land of Nothingness to inquire about the news. As soon as he stepped onto the dock where the God's Skull was, Fu Qinghai's force perception noticed that someone was secretly spying on him, and there were more than one.

Space Marines are burly and fierce in temperament. It is normal for passers-by to be a little curious when they see them. But that kind of prying was not a curious prying. Fu Qinghai could clearly feel the hatred and murderous intent contained in those eyes. Even though it only stayed on him for a few seconds before moving away, he was still aware of it. Although he didn't find out who the other party was, he obviously knew him. This made him wary.

According to the original plan, after Lin Yu obtained the local spaceship, he should go directly to the secret places where he hid the treasures to retrieve the group's sacred objects. But Fu Qinghai changed his plan temporarily and asked Lin Yu to return to the battleship Suzheng first.

As expected, there were pursuers following behind him.

Immediately, it was directly vaporized by Su Zhenghao's light spear.

"Obviously, someone is targeting us."

Lin Yu said to Tristan and Camille:

"In any case, my suggestion is that we get back the holy artifacts of the Chapter first and complete the most basic goal of our coming to this universe, so as to avoid long nights and dreams. Then we go to find out who is driving the three circular spaceships following us."

"Reasonable." "Agreed."

Camille and Tristan nodded.

Lin Yu silently took stock in his mind. He found that the club had many friends, but also many enemies. Amaterasu Society, Perfect Humanity, Fifth Dimension... these are still reincarnation societies with some strength and fame. There are countless unknown people who were casually crushed to death. Lin Yu can't even remember who they are.

These guys are all suspects.

So we can only investigate slowly.


"What camp is Tavoret in?"

"What camp is Kong Su in?"

Fu Qinghai thought to himself that I have watched all the movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but once these two names appeared, I had no idea what the major events in the plot were.

"It doesn't matter."

Kravis said lazily:

"You've already quit anyway."

The night elf was currently leaning against the Space Marine's strong chest, with an arm around his neck, murmuring and breathing into his neck. The light purple skin had just faded from the flushed color, and there were some beads of sweat condensing on the delicate skin.

"According to the verbal agreement that Augustus and I made, if there is a third camp in this major plot line event, then I can still take action, but it is not a complete withdrawal."

Fu Qinghai reminded seriously.

"I know……"

Kravis raised his face and said helplessly:

"Can't we talk about something else? Or are you men like this after entering the post-mortem time?"

Fu Qinghai grabbed her buttocks with his palm.


Kravis couldn't help but let out a squeak. As soon as this "Ah" came out, even she was surprised. She could actually make such a hot and charming sound deep in her throat? It was completely different from her normal speaking voice.

"Anyway, I have to go to Earth. The Order Alliance helped me connect and introduced an informant to me. He is said to be very knowledgeable about this major plot event."

Fu Qinghai rubbed Kravis's back and said.

"We also want to go to Earth, Qingshan, but we should be behind you. There are many players in the Zero Realm Guild. We need to organize ourselves and take the spaceship there together."

Olivia put her hands on Fu Qinghai's chest and said. Her shapely and slender light blue body was fully exposed. After she finished speaking, she came closer and offered her slightly pouty sexy lips. Fu Qinghai turned his head and k!ssed her lips and tongue passionately.

You have to be in good shape. Fu Qinghai's upper body is as broad and muscular as a large double-door refrigerator. With a woman lying on his side, it's not too crowded at all but just right. However, this scene looks a little bit rotten.

Qingshan Khan, known as Warhammer 40K Dong Zhuo.

Kravis still buried his head in his neck, holding his neck with one hand, and groping down his angular abdominal muscles with the other hand, then grasping it, his soft palm was like playing with a stalagmite. Rub it together.

As soon as Fu Qinghai turned over, he pressed Kravis underneath him. His broad and thick shoulders and back completely covered the night elf's body. He raised his hand to hold the side of her face, kissing and sucking along her lips, cheeks, and neck. To the chest.

The night elf's light purple skin is like a freshly peeled ripe plum, exuding a fresh and juicy scent. Leaving the universe where the evil god hid behind the curtain and watched covetously, Fu Qinghai felt a little indulgent and demanding for a while.


Kravis felt like he was flying into the sky.

Even the Emerald Dream is nothing more than that.

The orbital space of the Xandar star.

A spaceship breaks out of the atmosphere.

Fu Qinghai sat in the main pilot's seat, holding the handle and concentrating on controlling the spacecraft. Joe Star sat in the co-pilot's seat next to him. The bright starry sky outside the porthole glass rotated rapidly with the rotation of the spacecraft. Qiao Shida glanced sideways at Fu Qinghai next to him, then withdrew his gaze and looked forward expressionlessly. After a moment of silence, Qiao Shida couldn't help but raised his finger and touched his neck:

"Khan, above your neck."


Fu Qinghai touched his neck subconsciously, looked up at the porthole glass, and saw the lipstick mark on his neck through the reflection of the glass...and there was more than one.

"Ahem, some diplomatic activities between allies."

Fu Qinghai coughed lightly and wiped it with his fingers.

"I understand, Khan, diplomacy."

Qiao Shida nodded and said.

You know a hammer...

Fu Qinghai's face turned dark when he heard this.

With a twist of the wrist, the engine thrust was turned to maximum.

The spaceship plunged into the hexagonal grid in the void.


Earth, UK, London.

A white building imitating the ancient Greek style.

Fu Qinghai and Qiao Shida stood under the steps in front of the door.

International Art Gallery.

The two looked up at the metal nameplate on the pillar.

"Is this here, Khan?"

Joestar turned his head and asked.

"I told you not to call me 'Khan' here."

Fu Qinghai looked at the nameplate and said.

After all, the earth is different from the void and Xandar. Fu Qinghai and Qiao Shida still dressed up in disguise when they came here: they used Pym ray pistols to reduce their size. Instead of wearing power armor, they wore wax jackets, plaid shirts, Pair a wool scarf with jeans and a peaked cap.

Just two slightly tall men.

No different from passers-by on the street.

"This should be it."

Fu Qinghai narrowed his eyes slightly and said:

"Let's go in and have a look."

The two walked into the museum.

This is a museum that does not charge admission. It should make money by selling small toys and souvenirs in the store inside the museum. As soon as Fu Qinghai and Qiao Shida entered the door, they saw a classic black wolf-headed statue of Anubis, the god of death in Egyptian mythology. Looking at the introductions on the surrounding exhibition boards and posters, it seems that the recent exhibition objects are all Egyptian cultural relics.

There were a few sparse visitors in the museum, and a docent wearing a microphone led a group of elementary school students. Fu Qinghai and Qiao Shida were just wandering around casually with their hands in their pockets, passing one after another large booths and glass display cases. Until he saw the exhibits in a certain showcase, Qiao Shida suddenly stopped and showed an expression of incredible shock.

"The Eye of Horus."

Fu Qinghai looked at the stone sculpture and said calmly.

"Why? Why is there..."

Qiao Shida frowned in disbelief.

"There will also be a Luna Wolf symbol?"

Fu Qinghai smiled and asked casually.

Qiao Shida looked at the metal nameplate under the booth. Not only was the shape of the abstract eye exactly the same, but even the annotation on the nameplate was exactly the same as the name of the Primarch. He couldn't figure out why he could see that person's name and the eye embossed on his armor in another universe.

"Because the name of Horus Luperkar is taken from the falcon-headed god Horus, the god of atmosphere in the ancient Egyptian mythology of Terra. However, in Egyptian mythology, he is the god of the underworld Orises and the god of the underworld. The son of Isis, the goddess of life, and a god of justice who avenges his father."

Fu Qinghai explained for Qiao Shida.

Joestar stared at the stone sculpture in front of him.

My heart still couldn't calm down for a long time.

This memory was awakened too suddenly.

"Actually, compared to the Roman pantheon and the Greek pantheon, the Egyptian pantheon is very confusing. It stems from the chaos in Egyptian history. Various gods have different identities in different historical records. What you are talking about is just one of them. It’s just a source. In some records, Horus is the brother of Aurisis and Isis, and the second son of Geb and Nut.”

Suddenly a female voice sounded from behind.

Fu Qinghai and Qiao Shida turned around and looked at each other.

They thought it was some bored museum guide who came to interrupt, but behind them stood a tall beauty wearing a windbreaker and boots, with light brown skin, dark wavy curls, a high nose bridge and deep chin. Eyes.

Very Middle Eastern looking.

"You were introduced by the Order Alliance...wait a minute."

Fu Qinghai looked at the woman's appearance carefully, and was suddenly startled, then frowned and fell into memories. The woman was stunned for a moment when she saw Fu Qinghai, but she didn't need to think to recognize who the man in front of her was.

"Afaf, Afaf Fioris? I don't know what your real name is, but if I remember correctly, that was the name you gave me back then, right?"

Fu Qinghai stared at the woman and asked slowly.

"Qingshan Khan has a really good memory."

The woman nodded and said:

"You can call me Afaf, that's my first name, but the last name is not Feoris - the last name given to me by the exiled royal family on that planet, you know."

Fu Qinghai has the ability of photographic memory, and he recalled this woman after searching in his memory. Strictly speaking, the first reincarnation he met in the world of reincarnation, the first mission he participated in after becoming a space warrior - the feudal world Moradigan to obtain supplies, the pretending "princess" he met It's this woman in front of me.

"Is that you the informant the Order Alliance mentioned?"

Fu Qinghai glanced up and down at this woman.

"Yes, it's me."

Afaf replied.

"You seem to know me?"

Fu Qinghai then asked.

"Who doesn't know the famous Qingshan Khan? The most powerful technological reincarnation in the world of reincarnation, his photo is still hanging in the perfect human post on the reincarnation forum."

Afaf said with a shrug.

"Who rated this 'most powerful technological reincarnation'? What are the criteria? Why don't I know?"

Fu Qinghai asked curiously.

"According to the Order Alliance's review, in their latest magazine, you are ranked number one among the reincarnators in the technology stream."

Afaf said calmly.

"What's the basis?"

"You destroyed two planets."

That's it...Fu Qinghai understood.

For a long time, it was those people who were flattering me.

Fu Qinghai looked around:

"This is not the place to talk about things."

"Come with me."

Afaf turned and walked towards the back door of the museum.

The three of them came to a quiet cafe.

Sitting around the table on the rooftop on the second floor.

"What did the Order Alliance tell you?"

Afaf asked, taking a sip of coffee.

"There is a reincarnation of the earth who has some knowledge about the major events in this plot line. He is happy to sell this information in exchange for assimilation points. That's it."

Fu Qinghai leaned on the chair and said.


Afaf said with a serious expression:

"I have been following this line for a long time. I have already been paying attention to this branch plot before the big event of the plot line has started. I also know exactly what is going on in each camp of the big event of the plot line, including the current progress of the plot. ."

"Then tell me?"

Fu Qinghai raised his chin to signal.

"Three hundred assimilation points."

Afaf licked his lips and said.

[You have received gifts from other reincarnators...]

Fu Qinghai transferred the money directly without saying a word.

He didn't need to hesitate for such a small amount of money.

"Moon Knight."

Afaf did not hesitate to reveal the answer:

"The big story line event is Moon Knight."

"Moon Knight?"

Fu Qinghai heard this slightly familiar word.

"Yes, this major plot event is the plot of the "Moon Knight" episode. It is essentially a civil war in the Egyptian pantheon in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is a dispute between the Egyptian nine pillar gods and their respective agents. . The place I asked you to meet, the International Art Museum, does not exist in reality. It is the place where one of Moon Knight’s personalities, Mark Speight, works.”

Afaf pours beans out of a bamboo tube and reveals a lot of information.

"So what does the camp represent?"

Fu Qinghai then asked.

"Konsu, Amit, and Tavorit, I'm pretty sure these are the three camps. They are the Moon Goddess, the Crocodile Goddess, and the Hippopotamus Goddess of the Egyptian pantheon in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Their responsibilities are Judgment, punishment and reincarnation.”

Afaf said with great certainty.

Sure enough, there is a third camp!

There is no need to wait for Fu Qinghai to continue asking.

Afaf then said:

"The entire plot of "Moon Knight" is the struggle between the moon god Kongsu and the crocodile god Amit and their respective agents. The moon god Kongsu chooses mortals to give the power of the moon god and creates the superhero Moon Knight for punishment. Evils in the world. Amit also has her agents, and Amit’s choice of agents is also to punish the evils in the world.”

"The biggest difference between Amit and Kongsu is: Amit believes that if a person has evil thoughts in his heart or will commit a crime in the future, then he should eliminate it now. But Kongsu believes that a person can only commit a crime if he has evil thoughts in his mind." The death sentence can only be pronounced later. One for prevention, one for judgment afterward. This is why the two Egyptian gods are constantly fighting."

"Gods cannot be killed and can only be sealed. Because Amit's ideas are too extreme, Kongsu persuaded the other seven pillar gods to jointly seal them thousands of years ago. The reincarnators in the Amit camp need to remove Amit The seal allows her to return to the world, and the reincarnations in the Kong Su camp need to prevent this from happening. The whole plot is that simple."

Afaf said succinctly.

"What about the Tavorite camp?"

Fu Qinghai asked a key question.

"Are you from the Tavorit camp?"

Afaf asked in surprise.

Fu Qinghai nodded.

"The hippopotamus goddess Tavorit is the Egyptian god responsible for reincarnation in the underworld. It is said that she is a very Buddhist god. Unlike the moon god Kongsu and the crocodile god Amit, who have such big ideological differences and even go to war over it. I don't I know what the interest demands and victory conditions of Tavorit’s camp are. But I guess, it is said that Tavorit is the only god among the Nine Pillars who still does not have his own agent. Maybe... she needs an agent to replace her. Is she walking on earth?"

Afaf said guessing.

"Find her an agent?"

"The winning conditions are so simple?"

Fu Qinghai frowned after hearing this.

"Is it very simple? Not necessarily."

Afaf shook his head and said:

"How do you know what kind of agent the Hippo Goddess likes? Besides, this is just my guess."

"I think I kind of get it."

Fu Qinghai nodded slowly and said.

"Do you have a plan, Khan?"

Qiao Shida turned his head and asked in a deep voice.

Fu Qinghai shook his head and looked at Afaf:

"What camp are you in?"

"I am from the Kongsu camp."

Afaf showed the flop hand.

"What's your plan?"

Fu Qinghai raised his chin with his palm and asked.

"How did you know I had a plan?"

Afaf asked rhetorically.

"You understand it so clearly. You know all the plots and all the camps. If it's just to sell these three hundred assimilation points, it would be a big loss, right? You must have your plan. Come on, tell me your plan. "

Fu Qinghai tapped the table with his fingers.

Afaf stared at the man in front of her.

He bit his cheek secretly.

She recalled that when the two met for the first time, it was an interrogation. She was completely controlled by this man and led the whole process. Nowadays, time has passed, and the gap in status between the two has become increasingly huge, but there is still that familiar feeling - he easily controls the overall situation and manipulates everything.

But he had no choice.


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