Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 600 Qingshan Khan’s Adventures in Subspace

"The vast majority of humans living in the star sea, even the white-haired veterans who have experienced thousands of voyages, are wise and cautious enough to fear the coming of subspace storms. I can assure you that they have good reasons. .”

“Imagine you are standing on the bow of an ancient ocean-going vessel, sailing across the endless ocean. Behind you, the gentle sun illuminates the waves, turning them into sparkling turquoise… …But just as you get further and further away from the land, dark cumulonimbus clouds slowly gather on the distant horizon, and giant thunderstorm anvils completely obscure your sight. They extend from the top of the waves to the sky, even at a glance There's no top. The clouds are boiling and angry, and blue lightning is crackling down. You realize there's no way around this storm, that you're going to have to sail through it."

"The roaring waves soon turned into big hungry mouths, eager to devour you and your ship. You on the ship were tossed around by the turbulent waves, unable to stand, as if this A storm is trying to destroy the ship and suck you physically into the sky. But here's the evil thing about it - the storm really wants to get in. It wants to break your shields and eat your flesh. And before you know it, When you are here, the sound of something suddenly rings in your ears, and they are coming on the wind, trying to steal your soul."

"No, the veterans were wise to fear the Warp Storm. The only mistake they made was calling it 'The Storm'. The name implies that it is something natural, but there is nothing natural about the Warp Storm."

——Navigator Arax Tekal

Fu Qinghai stood in front of the crack in the webway.

The webway fissure indicated on the map.

Unless you see it with your own eyes, it is difficult to believe that the Webway Barrier, a magical material that is difficult for humans to understand, can actually break. The crack in front of me is not big, just big enough for two space warriors to pass through side by side. I don't know how the great chaos demon like the Demon Prince of Destruction Storm squeezed in.

This dark and deep crack did not make any hissing sound like air leakage or water leakage, and seemed very quiet. However, through the umbral sight on the helmet's eyepiece, we can see that many colorful light points are escaping from this crack, and the energy of the subspace is invading the network channel.

Fu Qinghai tried his best to look inside.

However, the interior of the crack is so dark and deep that it seems to have swallowed up all the reflected light, making it impossible to see clearly what is inside. Facing such a mysterious and unknown place, Fu Qinghai took a deep breath, and finally chose to believe in the "Infinite Network Map" and turned the accelerator with both hands.

"Buzz boom——"

People and cars rushed into this crack.

His eyes suddenly went dark and then lit up.

Whenever Fu Qinghai's senses were restricted, he would always subconsciously turn on the force perception to explore the surrounding environment. However, just for a moment, all his force perception failed, and he completely lost all sensory experience.

Just for a moment.

Then his vision suddenly became clear.

The sea of ​​souls, which was always surging and boiling, but occasionally calmed down, appeared in front of him in an instant. Waves, storms, and whirlpools composed of bizarre energy gathered not far away and surged forward before suddenly dispersing. The spiritual currents based on the spiritual activities of all sentient beings in the galaxy are constantly forming and disappearing, eventually forming the terrifying scene before us.

Fu Qinghai immediately turned around and glanced.

There was darkness and emptiness behind him.

The webway rift was completely gone.


Although he had already guessed this situation and had some mental preparations, he still felt very fucked up. Human beings have never truly understood the Webway. Comparing it to a hollow network sandwiched between the real universe and the non-material world is just a metaphor and does not mean that humans have fully understood its essence. Fu Qinghai has no way back now.

So he turned back and looked in front of him.

This is not the first time Fu Qinghai has witnessed subspace.

But before, he only sat inside the battleship to observe the subspace through the Geller force field. He had never stood directly in the subspace to feel the subspace like now, and faced the temptation that wanted to penetrate into his mind all the time. Malice.

These waves, storms and whirlpools before our eyes are manifestations of the capriciousness of the subspace. The role of the so-called navigator is to use the third eye on their forehead to observe the psychic effects of these ocean phenomena, and combine them with relevant knowledge to find a relatively calm path for warships to pass among the waves, storms and whirlpools. Stable road.

But there is absolutely no such possibility at the moment. A terrifying storm that is slowly rising and getting stronger is sweeping through this area. Looking around, there is no so-called "road" for ships to pass among the waves, storms and whirlpools. As a result, subspace jumps in this star area are no longer possible, and all of this is "man-made". To.

This is what is unnatural about the Warp.

In this energy storm with lightning, thunder, and waves soaring into the sky, Fu Qinghai saw a lone spaceship. It was drifting and swaying with the current next to a vortex not far from the center of the storm. The boat was covered with a shimmering film to protect it from tearing apart in the rough waves, but that was about it.

Fu Qinghai is not a mutant like a navigator. He cannot plan the ship's route, but the spiritual vision ability given to him by the ghost armor allows him to clearly see all energy currents without falling into insanity. Following the driving instinct in his genes, Fu Qinghai found a winding and slender path leading to the battleship in the storm.

An ever-changing path that is not passable by spaceships but is passable by jet motorcycles.

Fu Qinghai turned the throttle and dived down.

Ao no Hayabusa closes the air inlet and turns on the ion injection mode in space, providing an extreme speed that is no less than that in the air. Fu Qinghai drove the jet motorcycle like the petrel in the Chinese textbook, plunging into the colorful storm exuding turbulent malice, drifting left and right in the small gaps between the energy currents, and quickly approaching the spacecraft.

Although his driving skills are extraordinary, in this place where the laws of physics are not followed, psychic tides always appear and then disappear out of thin air. It is still inevitable that some energy waves will hit him, but in the end they are all destroyed. The shell of the battle armor made of Uru metal resisted, and the splash and shattering turned into a trickle and was absorbed by the evil spirits inside the battle armor.

Fu Qinghai's body and soul were not harmed.

Finally he came to the spaceship.

Fu Qinghai looked at the armed merchant ship in front of him, which was nearly 1.5 kilometers long. Judging from the appearance, it should be a retired Imperial Navy frigate, but the hull had been extensively modified by the owner and the specific model could not be identified. The size is not too small - small ships in Warhammer 40K basically cannot be equipped with subspace engines and do not have the ability to perform subspace jumps.

The Geller force field on the merchant ship is still operating normally, which shows that even at this time, there may still be living people inside the merchant ship - the spaceships in the Warhammer 40K universe are huge and have amazing self-sustainability, and can maintain sailing for a long time without supplies. time. This finding is not surprising.

However, in addition to this, there are countless looming and huge figures that are surrounding the merchant ship. These subspace entities reveal their true forms under the spiritual vision of the ghost armor. They hungrily and patiently stroked and licked outside the bubble, looking forward to the moment when the Geller force field was completely destroyed.

Fu Qinghai rushed forward without hesitation.

The Chaos Demons who were greedily coveting the souls in the ship were very surprised at this moment. They turned around and saw a living human being appearing in the subspace. The most amazing thing was that this human being actually rushed towards them? So they all abandoned the ship in front of them and floated forward to meet it.

Fu Qinghai jumped up from the Green Falcon.

Cross your hands in Wolverine's classic move.

A twisted demon with an open mouth came forward.


The moment the two came into contact, the scene imagined by other demons - humans being swallowed up instantly did not appear. Instead, they saw a scene they would never forget - the demons were torn in half by humans, like a ball. The silk was torn apart like a piece of silk that had been torn apart by force.

The cross section of the devil's body.

Fragments of the spirit body scattered in a series of broken threads.

Fu Qinghai was bathed in the colorful rain of blood.

The eight demons in the armor were opening their mouths to drink.

Digging, what's going on?

The Chaos Demon felt like he had just seen a ghost today.

In the past, demons ate humans, but today I met a human who actually ate demons... Has the food chain been reversed?

A demon that did not believe in evil floated over again, and then its fate was the same as the previous demon.

It was dismembered three times by the human and then began to feast on it, its screams as it struggled were extremely sad.

There was also a demon who wanted to take advantage of the fight between the two and wait for an opportunity to attack Fu Qinghai. It opened its large saw-toothed mouth full of sharp blades and bit Fu Qinghai, trying to bite him off at the waist. As a result, the tips of its teeth hit Fu Qinghai's shell and cracked. He opened his mouth full of broken teeth and could only swallow the blood, whimpering and running away with his head swaying.

Seeing this, these demons no longer hesitated and turned away, riding the energy current and disappearing from sight.

The ghost armor smacked his lips in satisfaction.

Fu Qinghai turned to look at the merchant ship next to him.

The inscription on the side of the ship reads "Alva".

Fu Qinghai opened the public communication channel:

"Alva, Alva, I am a Space Marine affiliated with the Adeptus Astartes. I am located thirty meters to the left of your bridge. Immediate response received."

Fu Qinghai stared at the merchant ship in front of him.

After he called several times.

Still no reply received.

In the quiet space, he could even hear his own voice echoing in the empty bridge of the Alva. Suddenly, harsh sounds came from the communication channel. Some of the sounds were human, but most of the sounds were obviously not. It's all some crazy nonsense. The syllables were spliced ​​together in a jumbled babble that didn't sound like any kind of human speech.


Fu Qinghai whispered.

It seems that the merchant ship has been captured.

Sometimes, for chaos to engulf a poor ship, it does not require the Geller Field to completely fail. Although the Geller Field is now weak, it is still protecting the people inside - but the crew may have been defeated by despair.

Don't know what happened inside yet.

Fu Qinghai no longer waited for a reply.

Fly directly to the bridge of the Alva.

Then he was blocked by the shimmering film.

The head of the jet motorcycle passed through the Geller force field, but when it reached the body, the elastic cavitation formed by the Geller force field firmly blocked the Phantom Armor from moving forward.

"Damn, I forgot."

Fu Qinghai stopped speechlessly:

"I am also one of the Chaos now."

The Geller force field prevented the ghost armor from entering the merchant ship. Fu Qinghai did not expect this to happen. The storm outside the merchant ship was getting worse. Fu Qinghai didn't want to wait for the Geller force field to slowly fail on its own, so he thought of a way.

"You guys wait until I close the Geller Field."

Fu Qinghai first gave instructions to the ghosts.

"Okay, Qingshan."

The eight demons answered obediently.

Fu Qinghai opened the white suitcase, then took off his ghost armor, briefly exposing himself to the subspace. A stream of iron-gray nanoparticles emerged from the suitcase, spreading along his arms and covering Fu Qinghai's whole body. These particles quickly accumulate to create a very familiar shape.

Blue Shell Power Armor version 4.0.

Fu Qinghai's new generation nano battle armor.

It can be deformed and inserted into any space.

Fu Qinghai successfully passed through the Geller force field.

He first drove the jet motorcycle in a circle to the other side of the spacecraft, found a place near the middle cabin, and then raised an arm and pointed it at the hull of the spacecraft. A group of nanoparticles emerged from the arm armor and quickly built into a thick door. The double-barreled melt cannon was held in Fu Qinghai's hand, blue melt flames spurted out, and the merchant ship's shell melted like butter.

This is an access hatch on the hull.

Fu Qinghai kicked open the shell of the spacecraft cut by the molten flames. The gas in the cabin began to escape, forming an expanding air pressure that wrapped around the metal hatch and flew outward. Fu Qinghai raised his hand to block the board from hitting him. He controlled the jet motorcycle and turned into the cabin to find a place to park. He jumped off the motorcycle, picked up the weapon, and began to go deep into the merchant ship.

Pass through the cabin after depressurization.

Fu Qinghai's eyes searched cautiously.

In the corridor of the spacecraft, the places illuminated by wall lamps are full of laser scorch marks and bullet craters. This corridor was the site of a fierce battle and then was desecrated.

There were severely burned and dismembered corpses. These broken corpses were almost unrecognizable, but burnt pieces of clothing could still be found. Fu Qinghai knelt down and picked up a burnt armband, and the logo was vaguely identifiable.

Safra chemical dog.

This merchant ship actually hired this military force, the notorious Penal Corps of the Imperial Guard, which was composed entirely of criminals. To say that this Corps also has some connections with the Phaeton Forge World - Phaeton produces many addictive combat potions from the radiation universe, such as strong spirits and crazy pills, and the main suppliers are Xing like Safra Chemical Dog. Penalty Corps. These drug addicts and thieves always have atomizers on their faces and cannot fight without taking drugs.

Fu Qinghai stood up.

Safra Chemical Dogs have a bad reputation though.

But Safra the chemical dog is not a force of chaos.

On the contrary, these people who are accustomed to scavenging and even stealing friendly equipment on the battlefield are very cautious about any items that are related to Chaos. This is their survival rule in this fucked up place in the Warhammer 40K universe. They just have bad military discipline and are addicted to drugs, but that doesn't mean they have bad minds.

Who are these Xingpu soldiers fighting?

Fu Qinghai continued to walk inside, and more traces of battle, more scorch marks, and more craters appeared in the corridor. There were bloodstains on the walls and deck. The banners were burned, and the runes of Chaos were scrawled on the walls and pillars and everywhere within mortal reach. Some of these foul marks were painted with blood or burned into the surface.

Fu Qinghai used his shoes to lift up a corpse. The man was wearing tattered robes. Some of the markings could still be vaguely identified as the markings of the Imperial Merchant Marine Fleet, but they were now covered by jagged eight-pointed stars. The cultist had his head shaved and a crude snake-like pattern carved into the top of his head, and he had all of his teeth removed except his canines.


Fu Qinghai sighed.

Everything was as he expected.

This imperial merchant ship did not die from the demonic invasion caused by the failure of the Geller force field, but because it was trapped in the subspace and could not bear the despair and pain that was slowly approaching step by step. It was the first to break out a chaos believer riot within itself.

It finally evolved into this.

The Geller Field is not omnipotent in some cases. Although these subspace entities cannot directly pass through the Geller Field, some powerful entities can use the Geller Field to exert mental influence on the people in the ship. Influence.

Fu Qinghai has experienced it before.

On board the frigate Gladius.

"Humans are just that fragile, aren't they?"

A voice sounded from the end of the corridor.

Fu Qinghai turned around and looked back.

A skinny woman in gorgeous clothes stood there holding a jeweled crutch. She also had a shaved head. Her originally smooth and beautiful face was covered with twisted tattoos and blasphemous symbols. She looked at Fu Qinghai and smiled miserably:

"I heard your sigh, Space Marine. Are you also lamenting that humans are such a fragile species? The human body is already so weak, but the spirit is even weaker than the body. With only a lie or a piece of Bread will make them kill each other, and all beliefs, rules and disciplines will be forgotten..."

The other person's tone of voice seemed quite educated.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

Fu Qinghai asked calmly.

"I am the daughter of the owner of the Alva."

The woman replied weakly.

Fu Qinghai noticed that even though the woman was starved to the point of skin and bones, her eyes still flashed with malice and hatred, staring at the Space Marine across the corridor:

"You know, what's more terrifying than the failure of the Geller field is that our food and drinking water will run out earlier. What's more terrifying than the failure of the Geller field is that we can't see ourselves leaving this area at all. Damn the hope of space!”

The woman gritted her teeth and said word by word:

"Did you know? Since the Alva was trapped here, every day, no, every moment, I kneel in front of the Emperor's icon and pray, praying sincerely from the bottom of my heart, praying that the God Emperor can send him The angel of death saves us from dire straits. But that statue has never responded to me! It’s all fake! All the bullshit the state religion says are lies! He is a false god!”

The woman yelled hysterically.

Fu Qinghai frowned slightly.

Although he is a human emperor sect rather than a divine emperor sect.

But these words this woman said...

"Didn't I come?"

Fu Qinghai pointed at himself.

“What kind of salvation is delayed redemption?”

The woman cursed loudly.

Then her words changed:

"I ordered the guards to smash the false statue of gods, because he was a liar, and the real gods would never be like him. I knelt in the ruins and prayed sincerely, praying that the real gods would come to help us. .”

A strange smile slowly appeared on the woman's face:

"Then they responded to me."

“I heard His voice, so clear, so true, and He patiently taught me how to seek salvation, true salvation. I organized all those who wanted to win salvation, we rose up, we burned the banners of lies and tore them down. The statue of hypocrisy is just for this moment!"

The woman said firmly with all her strength.

Her eyes were fixed on Fu Qinghai:

"You're late, Space Marine."

"I don't know how the false god sent you to this hellish space, but your biggest mistake is that you came late. Yes, you have a body that transcends mortals, but I am very curious. Facing Those true gods, are your spirits as strong as your bodies? Haha, or will you kneel on the ground and go crazy like an ordinary mortal? Just like your fellow traitors?"

The woman smiled as if her plan had succeeded:

"You're late, Space Marine."

She is still repeating this sentence:

"You can't stop me."

"Just an hour ago, my people have occupied the generator of the Geller force field. Now I only need to give an order, and they will close the Geller force field, and then...hehe, even if you are a Space Marine, you can How about it? Can you prevent the true god from entering this ship and completely destroying your mind, which is as fragile as a mortal's?"

The woman raised her chin slightly.

Fu Qinghai finally understood.

In fact, this woman has not lost her mind. Her words are very logical. Her faith was shattered rather than angered - she thought the Emperor would no longer send anyone to save her, so she embraced Chaos and surrendered to the voices that spoke to her in her mind through the Geller field.

But she never expected that even though she was trapped in the subspace, she would actually meet a space warrior here! ? The moment she saw Fu Qinghai, her true faith collapsed. If she had not followed the guidance of those voices and gathered Chaos followers to launch a rebellion, she might have been saved by now.

"Confront the real gods."

A disdainful smile appeared on the woman's lips:

"What kind of angel of death are you?"

Following the woman's order.

The spacecraft's Geller force field quietly shut down.

The ghost armor that had been waiting outside the spaceship activated the dual exhaust vents on the power backpack and floated in on its own. The woman looked expectantly towards the end of the corridor. The imaginary god's arrival did not appear. Instead, she saw a terrifying black power armor that exuded the aura of a demon walking in.

Is this the god she expected?

The woman was suddenly stunned to see that the power armor on the Space Marine suddenly turned into mercury-like particles and slid down, then gathered into a group and disappeared into a white box. Then the Space Marine turned around and walked into the black armor that opened automatically, and then The opened nail plates are closed layer by layer.

"The emperor's salvation is mine."

"The convert of chaos is still me."

The ghost armor approached the woman and leaned over and asked:

"Hey, you didn't expect that, did you?"


The woman's eyes widened and she fell into madness like dementia:

"What kind of monster are you? What are you..."

The ghost armor raised its claws and chopped her into pieces.

Visceral fragments, bones, flesh, and blood were scattered all over the floor.

"Bah chi, bah chi..."

Mizunuma Mimiko smacked her mouth twice:

"Qingshan, this soul is not very tasty."

"A bit bland, I think, Qingshan."

Chu Renmei also expressed her opinion.

These guys are quite naughty, right?

Fu Qinghai shook his head and ignored it. He walked over the corpse and walked straight to the depths of the merchant ship. He wanted to reactivate the Geller force field. Chaos believers rushed out from the passages and cabins of the spacecraft, but they were no match for one another. Fu Qinghai casually cut them to pieces. Some Chaos believers mistakenly thought that Fu Qinghai was their god and knelt down to worship. .

But it can't escape the fate of being cut into pieces.

Fu Qinghai walked towards the Geller force field generator. Many terminals and control panels were smashed along the way, but this did not affect the main function of the ship. Fu Qinghai restarted the closed Geller force field, and a shimmering film re-covered the surface of the merchant ship, temporarily keeping it away from the turbulent ocean currents and tides and maintaining the stability of the ship's hull structure.


Fu Qinghai muttered to himself and walked to the bridge:

"Let me see if you can still move?"

Fu Qinghai came to the bridge, which was also in a mess. Apparently, a battle broke out between the merchant crew and the Chaos believers to compete for the bridge, and the bodies of both sides were scattered everywhere.

Fu Qinghai casually pushed aside the bodies hanging on the console and dashboard. He was looking for encoders, databases, anything equipped with cables and pulse interfaces. This merchant ship had been heavily modified by the owner, and it was very different from the standard bridge of the Imperial Navy, which made Fu Qinghai a little confused.

"Got you."

Fu Qinghai put on the Blue Shell power armor, and the power backpack transformed into a work-made backpack. He pierced a mechanical tentacle of the work-made backpack into the metal wall, penetrated it into the code library behind the bulkhead, and gently pulled it back. , the mechanical tentacles were pulled out together with a bundle of aging cables and hydraulic pipes.

Fu Qinghai stood there without making any move, but the eight mechanical tentacles behind him spread out like a spider. He quickly dismantled the bunch of cables, then began to rummage through them one by one, and finally found what he wanted.

Interface to the merchant ship's logic engine.

It is the input terminal of the ship's machine soul.

Fu Qinghai was about to insert the universal data plug on one of the tentacles of the industrial backpack when he suddenly stopped. He thought of a possibility: there were already Chaos believers in this merchant ship. If the logic engine of this merchant ship was also contaminated, or There are some chaotic waste codes in it... Then the hand-made backpack is directly connected to Fu Qinghai's spinal nerves.

It is equivalent to a brain-computer interface.

This cannot be done casually.

"Master, what are you struggling with?"

A lazy voice sounded from the bottom of my heart.

"Oh, how could I forget you."

Fu Qinghai picked up the data interface, bent his fingers to remove the stain of blessing oil on it, and then touched it with his fingertips. A group of purple gelatinous objects poured into the cable along the interface and penetrated all the way. Merchant ship interior.

"Qinghun, help me check whether there is chaos pollution in the logic engine of this ship. If it exists, clean it up, and then help me control its logic engine."

"Understood, Master."

Qinghun's voice sounded on the bridge broadcast:

"This spacecraft is too large and my body is too small. I cannot completely control the entire spacecraft, but there is no problem in ensuring that the logic engine is under your control."

"This is the result I want."

Fu Qinghai nodded and said:

"Leave the rest to me."

He clicked a few times on the control panel.

A blue holographic projection emerged.

Fu Qinghai narrowed his eyes and began to analyze:

"Let me see... the subspace engine is seriously damaged, and it is unlikely to be repaired in a short time... These idiot Chaos believers! The sublight engine is also damaged, but it is possible to repair it. Well, it seems that this is the only way to go first. .”

Fu Qinghai turned around and ran quickly towards the sublight engine. This place was located at the stern of the merchant ship, quite some distance away. After arriving here, the foundry master began to try to repair the device. The eight mechanical servo arms were flying up and down extremely busy. The residual heat of the solder joints had not yet been extinguished, and the welding arc light exploded again.

At the same time, Fu Qinghai's symbiote was also swimming in the electrical wiring of the merchant ship. She passed through one data transmission node after another to find the core logic engine, quickly possessed the device and occupied it, and then began to inspect it according to the owner's instructions. Is there any hidden danger in the logic engine?

Later, Qinghun discovered that his master's worries were not unreasonable. Perhaps in the few minutes when the Geller force field failed, the surreal chaotic erosion had quietly acted on this area, and several endless cycles of chaotic waste were The code is massively expanding its own byte sequence.

"Is this the psionic electronic virus from Warhammer 40K?"

Qinghun felt the chaotic waste code curiously.

"I wonder how it tastes."

The symbiote salivates involuntarily.

Qinghun once ate an artificial intelligence, the Red Queen from the Resident Evil movie universe. The little girl was very delicious. It kept struggling in his mouth and had a chewy texture. But these chaotic waste codes in front of them are different from artificial intelligence. They carry a spicy aura of psychic energy.

"I can't help it...ahh!"

Qinghun swallowed the chaotic waste code.

After eating, Qinghun smacked his mouth and reviewed the spicy taste. He felt that he had not changed much, so he ran along the cable to the bridge again to meet his master. Fu Qinghai happened to have repaired the sublight engine, and the green soul poured out of the data interface and returned to the master's body.

"Now, start."

Fu Qinghai said as he slowly pushed down the joystick.

The engine nozzle at the rear of the spacecraft spurted out blazing flames.

"It's done."

Fu Qinghai's eyes lit up with excitement.

In order to save resources, the Imperial Merchant Fleet often uses a large number of machine slaves to replace human crew members, making this spaceship highly automated. Even so, Fu Qinghai was still very busy. He stood on the bridge, using one person as five people, walking around adjusting various controls.

Sometimes symbionts are also needed.

Finally, the Alva began to move slowly.

This retired naval warship, which originally required thousands of crew members to operate and at least hundreds of crew members to operate, was operated by Fu Qinghai and his symbiote.

"But, Master."

Qinghun asked a question:

"Where are we going now?"

Fu Qinghai looked at the subspace storm still sweeping outside the bridge and fell into silence - indeed, the merchant ship could move, but where to go? The subspace storm was still raging, the subspace engine was damaged, and even the fucking navigator was dead... These three unlucky things were superimposed together, and Fu Qinghai's plan was completely ruined.

"What was your original plan?"

Qinghun asked curiously.

"I had a very bold plan."

Fu Qinghai stared at the star map and murmured:

"Unfortunately, the navigator died."

Fu Qinghai turned around and started to operate the rudder:

"Let's take a step and see."

"You have to believe that there is no perfect way for everyone!"

Fu Qinghai began to comfort his symbiote.

"Okay, Master."

Qinghun was not worried at all.


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