Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 523 Neutral Wakanda

UK, London, SOHO area.

The streets at midnight are filled with smoke and the lights are ambiguous.

Various bars were bustling with people.

There were a few drunken drunkards on the roadside.

Carrying a bottle of wine, he was strolling around.

A plastic doll was lying in a garbage dump on the corner of the street, where sewage flowed and the smell was overwhelming. There were mountains of garbage. There was only a small shed built by a homeless man out of cardboard. The plastic doll was inside, wrapped in a tattered felt blanket.

No one noticed.

Its blue plastic eyes were moving around.

More than a hundred meters away from here, in a beer bar, Ron was bragging about drinking heavily with others. The symbiote decomposed the alcohol for him. At this moment, Ron was so proud that he picked up a standard 500 ml Belgian wheat cup.

"Tons, tons, tons" was done in one go.

Three hundred meters away from this bar, a clothing and accessories store has closed. In the window is a puppet doll wearing an exquisite dress and brown twin tails. The puppet has a stiff and weird smile and faces the street.

If you look down from the sky.

The three of them just formed a triangle.

Surrounded a certain bar in the middle.

There are bars everywhere in the SOHO area. British bar culture is famous all over the world. This bar has an old-school style, elegant decoration and rich wine collection. Therefore, it attracts many drinkers and the atmosphere inside the room is lively and noisy.

At this time, several middle-aged men were drinking and chatting in the bar. They looked like programmers and engineers after get off work. However, according to the screenshots from the roadside surveillance captured by Qing Ming, they are all mages from the fifth dimension.

"I can't hear anything here."

The plastic doll said in a low voice.

He held a Bluetooth headset in his arms.

"me too."

Ron glanced over his shoulder and then looked away.

Then he continued to laugh and joke with the fat girl next to him.

"Qing Ming, can I get closer?"

Upton asked in a low voice.

"I don't advise you to do this."

A female voice sounded from the headphones:

"According to the information the master told me, the wizards in Dungeons and Dragons have the most abundant methods. A simple move with one-ring magic to detect undead can reveal your location, and a simple move with two-ring magic to detect abnormal monsters can also see through Ron. symbiont."


Ron gritted his teeth secretly.

There are many more tricks than magic means.

It seems that there is really no DND mage who can't do it.

"What's wrong with you, Honey? Are you unhappy?"

A fat red-haired girl next to him came over to me.

The large breasts covered with stains wrapped around Ron's arms.

"No, I'm fine, baby."

Ron could only lower his head and deal with it.

"Honey, are you okay?"

Upton also asked about Anna Bell.


The puppet in the glass showcase gave a cold shout.

"I'll take care of you tonight."

Upton smiled and was not angry.

In the movie "Chucky" series, Chucky not only has a wife but even a child. Although he doesn't understand the principle of how a plastic doll can give birth to a child, it does not prevent Upton from pestering Anna Bell to find out.

"Be patient and wait for them to come out."

Qing Ming said with relief in the communication channel.

Many old-fashioned British bars have this kind of rule: there is no WIFI in the bar, and drinkers are not allowed to use mobile phones, tablets and other electronic devices after entering. They are even required to turn on airplane mode, so Qing Ming is not easy to deal with.

"Wait, look at those people."

Guiwa suddenly spoke.

Several people with obviously Chinese faces pushed open the door and walked into the bar, and then went straight to the table where the fifth dimension mage was sitting. They were four young men wearing leather jackets. They pulled out stools and sat among them. Next to the young man, the two began to chat enthusiastically. It seemed that they had known each other for a long time.

"Those who get together with reincarnators are very likely to be reincarnators as well. Guess which club this is?"

Upton whispered.

"I retrieved street surveillance footage and was in the process of hacking into the British National Insurance database and customs entry and exit registration information, but I couldn't find any information on these people."

Qing Ming said:

"It's very possible that he's a reincarnator."

"Qing Ming, can you interpret lip reading?"

Upton was really curious.

"I can learn, just give me a minute and a half."

After one minute and thirty seconds, Qing Ming said:

"Okay, I learned it."

"Then I'll start recording."

Upton took out his cell phone.

"Be careful, many people can detect the filming as well."

Qing Ming reminded.

Guiwa started recording from far away in the bar, and the continuously zoomed-in picture became a bit blurry. The reincarnators at the table were seated very close to each other, so the picture was often blocked by other people.

After taking some photos intermittently, Qing Ming directly entered the mobile phone to view the videos. After analyzing and interpreting the corresponding lip shapes in multiple languages, Qing Ming came to the conclusion:

"Only a few keywords were analyzed."


Upton asked immediately.

"Wakanda, vibranium, gather, fight."

Qing Ming said.


Upton perked up after hearing this.

He will not forget that it was Qingshan who sent him to hide in Sharon Carter's package, sneak into that magical African country, and use assimilation points to steal a batch of vibranium.

"They're targeting Wakanda."

Upton immediately said:

"We have to tell Qingshan right away."

"I just told him."

Qing Ming said.

Su Zheng, bridge.

"The Damocles base is moving!"

the radar officer shouted.

"We leave immediately!"

Fu Qinghai ordered:

"Target, Southern Hemisphere, East Africa, Wakanda."

I was thinking about having a chance encounter with Kang the Conqueror.

As a result, the other party actually made the first move.

After Upton obtained the key information, he immediately informed Fu Qinghai. Fu Qinghai immediately summoned the Iron Buddha Chapter for an emergency gathering. The Space Marines quickly returned to the Chapter flagship from various cities in North America, just in time for the Damocles base to start moving. , the Suzheng also headed towards the southern hemisphere, and was not caught off guard by Kang's sudden action.

Wakanda, their target is vibranium?

Fu Qinghai thought secretly.

"Khan, Yang Hengyao has boarded the ship."

Lin Yu's voice sounded on the communication channel.

Fu Qinghai stood up and left the captain's chair and walked towards the passage.

It happened that a man who appeared to be in his forties also stepped onto the bridge, escorted by three Iron Buddha Terminators.

Fu Qinghai took a few steps to meet the middle-aged man, took the initiative to extend his hand, and said politely:

"I have long admired your name, Mr. Yang."

"Haha, I have admired your name for a long time, Qingshan."

The man raised his hand and shook it with Fu Qinghai:

"Just call me Lao Yang."

Yang Hengyao was sizing up Fu Qinghai, and Fu Qinghai was also sizing up Yang Hengyao. The boss of Xingshi is a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face. There are no stains, wrinkles or signs of sagging skin on his face. His age is mostly based on his temperament. He wears an ordinary black Chinese tunic suit, has short hair and is quite handsome. Holding a huge sword wrapped in cloth.

"Mr. Yang came alone?"

Fu Qinghai discovered that Yang Hengyao did not bring his entourage.


Yang Hengyao nodded, with a hint of confidence in his tone.

"Here, let's go inside and chat."

In the captain's room of the Suzheng.

Fu Qinghai and Yang Hengyao sat opposite the sofa.

Xiao Fei sat in the middle and was responsible for making tea.

Sage Xiao Fei once again demonstrated his cybernetic tea-making skills. He sat in front of the ebony tea tray, with a bunch of exquisite mechanical tentacles sticking out from under his red robe. He was cleaning the utensils, waiting for water, pouring cups, setting tea, and sorting tea , sharing tea... a set of operations flowed smoothly like an acrobatic performance, and Yang Hengyao's eyes widened.

Soon two cups of tea were placed in front of them.

“Newly harvested in Iceland this year.”

Fu Qinghai raised his hand to signal Yang Hengyao to drink first.

Yang Hengyao picked up the tea cup and drank it in one gulp.


he commented.

"I have to apologize to you, Mr. Yang."

Fu Qinghai said straight to the point:

"My battleship is leaving its original position and moving south at this moment, because we have just received key intelligence. Kang the Conqueror and the fifth dimension may want to attack Wakanda. The military situation is urgent. We will arrive at the battlefield in a few minutes. By then Maybe there won’t be time to drink tea slowly and chat.”

Yang Hengyao raised his eyebrows when he heard this:

"I see, I said I felt the battleship was moving, so I followed you straight to the battlefield."

Yang Hengyao put down his tea cup and said:

"Then I have to get involved no matter what."

Fu Qinghai found that Yang Hengyao didn't care very much.

So he suggested:

"What about your men? I also have a Thunderhawk gunship over in New York that can pick them up."

"Need not."

Yang Hengyao shook his head:

"I have my own way."

He took out a talisman.


Fu Qinghai nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Then he told the communication channel:

"Where's Justine, ask her to bring Sharon Carter over."

The Suzheng soon arrived in eastern Africa.

Hovering directly above Wakanda.

The Damocles base also arrived.

The two giant battleships were once again in a confrontation.

But this time no one fired first.

Fu Qinghai did it to save ammunition.

I wonder if Kang the Conqueror had the same reason.

"Down there is a virgin forest and savanna, and no signs of civilization have been found."

The radar officer turned around and said.

"That's because Wakanda's cloaking field blocks our detection, and they're actually down there."

Fu Qinghai said calmly.

"Khan, Sharon Carter is here."

Said a Space Marine.


Justine led Director SHIELD over.

He waved and shouted at the man standing on the bridge.

This is the first time Sharon Carter has boarded the Suzheng. All departments inside the giant battleship are operating efficiently and performing their duties. Director S.H.I.E.L.D. is looking around dizzyingly, just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. She also heard that the Space Marines came from a super galactic empire in other universes. The strength of this empire can be seen through this battleship.

"Chief Carter."

Fu Qinghai coughed slightly and said.

"Ah, hello, sir."

Sharon Carter quickly turned back.

"Do you understand the current situation?"

Fu Qinghai asked seriously.

"Crimson Cloak just told me."

Sharon Carter nodded and said.

"I need you to contact Black Panther for me."

Fu Qinghai bluntly made the request:

"I remember S.H.I.E.L.D. and Wakanda were always connected."

"No problem, I'll contact you."

Sharon Carter said.

Sharon Carter quickly contacted the Black Panther and explained to the other party the situation they were facing - two giant battleships parked in the orbital space above the land of East Africa.

Although the Kingdom of Wakanda is very closed, it is not completely ignorant of the outside world. A biochemical crisis broke out in North America and the European continent was invaded by future armies. The Wakandans are very aware of these situations, but they have been closed to the country for too long. It is accustomed to adopt an isolation policy to deal with all changes in the outside world, and has no other plans except to strengthen its vigilance.

"What did King T'Challa say?"

Fu Qinghai asked.

"The King expressed his gratitude to the Space Marines for their willingness to help, but the Kingdom of Wakanda can handle the Sword of Damocles on its own. Wakanda is not afraid of any threat."

Sharon Carter said cautiously.


Fu Qinghai sneered and ordered:

"Move a thousand kilometers south and let's make way for orbital space. I want to see how His Majesty the King plans to deal with Kang's future army. We'll wait and see."

One thousand kilometers, still within the range of naval guns.

The key is to show an attitude.

"Sir Qingshan..."

Sharon Carter said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Director Carter."

Fu Qinghai raised his hand to signal her not to panic:

"I have a sense of proportion. I will not let this country fall to Kang the Conqueror's army, but they must also know it in their hearts. I will not put my hot face on others' cold ass."

Sure enough, after the Suzheng slowly retreated south, the Damocles base immediately moved forward. Then, you could see with the naked eye that densely packed shuttles and landing craft flew out of the base and headed straight for the surface. .

"The Xiaolong Brigade is on combat readiness."

Fu Qinghai said calmly.


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