Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 521 Kang’s House Collapse

Exclude the missing Thirteenth Company.

The Iron Buddha Chapter has a total of twelve companies!

When a biochemical crisis broke out in New York before, Fu Qinghai only invested four companies. Until the Chitauri Legion appeared, Fu Qinghai only added three more companies. There are still five companies remaining in the flagship on standby.

Theoretically speaking, to recapture a city, as long as enough time is given, you don't even need a company. A tactical team is completely sufficient, because the Space Marines have very long-lasting battlefield endurance, and there are even extreme cases where one person can contain a planet ( A certain Space Marine of the Iron Serpents Chapter).

But what Fu Qinghai pursues is efficiency. He wants to quickly clean up all the zombies on the North American continent so that he can prove his strength. He cannot spend a few years slowly recovering, otherwise the whole of Europe may fall to Kang the Conqueror.

At the same time, the local military force, the remaining armed forces of the United States, was also very satisfied with the Space Marines, because the Space Marines turned around and left after killing the zombies, leaving all the work of maintaining local order to SHIELD, without showing it at all. The slightest interest in ruling this land.

Boston, inside a nuclear bunker.

A group of people were hiding behind a heavy steel safety gate, including men, women, old and young, of all races. The air inside the underground nuclear defense facility was turbid and the light was dim. Their faces were frightened and their breathing was rapid. They were crowded together and looking at the gate.


A heavy thumping sound.

Everyone let out low shouts.


There was another heavy crash.

It was also accompanied by the faint roar of some kind of inhuman creature.

People in the bunker hugged each other and sobbed softly.

Praying in low voices, cherishing each other, looking up in despair...

Until there seemed to be a muffled sound outside.

The roaring sound disappeared after a moment.

Then there was a sound of heavy mechanical rotation.

The steel gates slowly opened to both sides.

Under the horrified gaze of the people, several pairs of scarlet goggles lit up, and a group of three-meter-tall armored giants walked into this underground space with guns. Behind them, the corpse of the Ogu giant lay in two halves beside the wall, with intestines His stomach was bleeding all over the floor.

"Space Marines, Space Marines on the radio!"

A fat-bellied middle-aged man exclaimed.

"We're saved, we're saved!"

People hugged and cheered to celebrate.

Others rush to their heroes.

However, a few space warriors did not seem to appreciate it and remained vigilant. They raised their hands to push away the people who were surrounding them. They held black guns tightly in their hands and kept turning their heads to scan the people.


The eyepiece's field of view swept across the surrounding crowd, and suddenly a red exclamation point lit up, and a red box appeared in the field of view to frame the man's wrist - he was wearing a smart bracelet.

"Target found!"

The Space Marine whispered over the comm channel.

Before the man could react, the Space Marine raised his hand and pulled him out of the crowd. Several other Space Marines pulled out the men and women from the crowd one after another. They all had one thing in common - they were wearing smart watches on their wrists. Ring, these men were pushed together by Space Marines.

"What do you want to do?"

"Oh, don't touch me, stay away from me!"

"We are all legal citizens, hey, get out of the way!"

The people around him were confused and confused.

Several men and women were also struggling and questioning loudly.

"Launch thermal view."

The captain of the tactical team thought silently.

The picture in front of me turned yellow, yellow, green and green.

He patiently adjusted the temperature imaging threshold.

The color of the human silhouette gradually became lighter, and he saw a round area on the bodies of several people that was particularly red. Those were several new heat sources, attached to the spine, and it looked like there were several more people in the body. Abnormal bulge.

"Plaka parasite discovered!"

The tactical team leader whispered.

The Space Marines picked out a few more civilians.

They stood together and looked at each other.

"Execute on the spot and then burn."

The Space Marine captain ordered.

“Zi buzz—shua!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a space warrior drew out his chain sword and killed these reincarnators. The visual effect of the chain saw weapon was very explosive. The human body was instantly shattered, and the minced meat, bone residue and plasma sprayed everywhere, splashing the onlookers. Covered all over their bodies and faces, several people were so frightened that they fainted on the spot, while others screamed.

The Space Marines simply didn't want to waste explosive bombs, but the scene became chaotic again. People shouted "Kill, kill, kill!" and ran around. More people were so scared that they peeed and crawled to hide in the corner, but they didn't I saw tentacles growing out of the human bodies that had been sawed into pieces.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

Several strange spider-like creatures jumped out.

Trying to pounce on a fully armored Space Marine

Then it was swallowed up by the spurting flames.

The Space Marines began to burn the bodies in front of the people.

People became even more crazy, crying and running around with their heads in their hands.

"Don't panic! Don't panic!"

At this moment, someone finally came out to maintain order.

I saw a few S.H.I.E.L.D. agents wearing bulletproof vests and gas masks walking into the underground nuclear bunker, raising their hands to signal people not to panic. After a lot of trouble, they finally brought the chaos under control, and then began to explain:

"They were purging the crowd of spies."

"The creators of the virus are among us."

"Don't worry, they won't hurt you, ma'am."

After some explanations from the agents.

The panicked people finally calmed down.

However, by this time all the Space Marines had left.

Scenes like this are happening in major cities.

Not all people infected with Plaka Parasite and T-Fear Virus are players. There must be local indigenous peripheral lines developed by perfect humans over the years. There are also many fish that have slipped through the net and escaped the Space Marine on-site inspection, but they have been It doesn't matter, these guys can't make any waves - because they will all be forced to be injected with antibodies in the end.

Good news keeps coming from North America.

Order was restored to the city and people rejoiced.

Inside the Damocles base.

Conqueror Kang's face became increasingly gloomy.

His negotiations with the EU have reached an impasse again.

The reason is obvious.

In his video speech, he described the biohazard on the North American continent as a catastrophic disaster, but the Space Marines solved it in less than a month, which was really a shame.

You say that you are the savior of mankind, and everything you do is to save the earth...but the earth doesn't seem to need you to save it at all? Now European countries are starting to wait and see again.

Finally, Kang the Conqueror is no longer in the cast.

His armies have landed on the surface one after another and forcibly taken over the defense of governments of various countries. Kang's army has future weapons that far exceed the current level of technology. Traditional armies are no match at all.

What's more, there is a sword hanging high above the head, and orbital space-based weapons will make everything on the surface invisible, unless all Europeans turn into cavemen and hide in underground tunnels.

The war in Europe has resumed and the flames of war are rising.

Orbital space, battleship Suzheng.

His men were fighting the enemy bravely on the surface. Chapter leader Fu Qinghai did not come to the battlefield in person. He had been sitting quietly in the chapter flagship, reading the battle reports submitted by the company commanders from time to time, and watching what Kang the Conqueror would do.

In the captain's room of the Suzheng, Chen Xinxue sat aside and looked at Fu Qinghai silently. She couldn't help but recall the scene when the two met for the first time. She felt that the man in front of her had grown up a lot unknowingly, and his temperament had become deeper and more reserved.

At that time, he had just debuted, and he was a sharp-edged and unstoppable young warrior.

Now, he has experienced hundreds of battles and is a seasoned general with a restrained edge and a powerful hand.

Women are usually more sensitive.

Fu Qinghai may not have noticed some changes himself, but Chen Xinxue, as the first reincarnation person to get to know him, witnessed the growth and transformation of a man with his own eyes.

Thinking of this, Chen Xinxue unconsciously crossed her legs and crossed her legs. She pressed her chin with her palms and rested her elbows on her thighs, staring quietly at the meditating man in front of her.

Oops, even after so many years.

But the way he looked when he was thinking was still as handsome as before.

Fu Qinghai didn't notice Chen Xinxue's staring eyes. He was still looking down at the information sent by his subordinates. While analyzing, he raised the corners of his mouth and let out a disdainful sneer:

"Kang the Conqueror... his character is broken."

At first he was called the "Savior".

Now they are directly breaking out and attacking Europe in a big way.

This house collapse speed is comparable to domestic entertainment idols.

Until now, Fu Qinghai had vaguely guessed the plan of the fifth dimension - the Chitauri were a counter-intrusive card, and they invaded New York through the Chitauri, and then Kang the Conqueror came forward to bring order to the chaos and "forced back" these cosmic servants. Fight against galactic hyenas to create the image of a "savior", and use this to take over the earth in this universe without bloodshed. At the same time, the Chitauri took away a large number of slaves and returned to their home planet. It can be said that both parties were happy.

This card is nothing short of subtle. However, unfortunately, the fifth dimension encountered Fu Qinghai and Iron Buddha, and the Chitauri lost all their people, ships, and their home planet. It was no longer as simple as losing their wives and losing troops, and they directly announced their removal from the universe—— From then on, there is no longer a race of Chitauri in the Marvel Comics Universe. Later, they tried to force the earth to submit by exaggerating the biochemical crisis, but now the crisis is almost resolved.

I feel depressed and frustrated every time.

Kang the Conqueror is a classic villain. Fu Qinghai is not the only one who has heard of him. Other reincarnators have also provided some relevant setting information to supplement them. Fu Qinghai browsed these setting collections and suddenly discovered that Kang the Conqueror has another title:

Lord of mankind.


Fu Qinghai couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

He couldn't help but shake his head and laugh with a smile on his face, silently reciting the four words "Lord of Humanity" in his heart. I wonder, do you know, in the Warhammer 40K universe, whose title is "Lord of Mankind"?

Although Khan himself is not a fan of the Corpse Emperor, objective evaluation shows that the strongest version of Kang the Conqueror cannot be compared with the Emperor at all. How dare he be called the "Lord of Mankind"?

What have you done for humanity?

"why are you laughing?"

Chen Xinxue asked curiously, holding her chin in her hand.

"I laugh at some guys for talking so shamelessly..."

Fu Qinghai smiled and closed the document:

"Xinxue, there is a mission that requires you to go."

Chen Xinxue straightened up:

"you say."

"My teacher has recently assisted major pharmaceutical groups in the United States to restore production capacity. Pfizer, Johnson \u0026 Johnson, Merck, and AbbVie... are now seizing the time to fully produce antibody vaccines. However, the North American transportation system has not yet fully recovered. You have to run more Use your dimensional gate to travel through major cities several times to quickly distribute this batch of vaccine antibodies."

Fu Qinghai looked at her seriously and said.

"sure no problem."

Chen Xinxue stood up and agreed.

The major pharmaceutical companies in the United States were able to restore production capacity in a short period of time, and Master Quinto was indispensable. The biological sage personally came to the site to provide guidance, and these pharmaceutical companies were soon able to produce qualified vaccines and antibodies. However, due to the biochemical crisis, the entire U.S. transportation system is close to paralysis, so it is necessary to use the dimensional gate to quickly transport these injections.

Chen Xinxue stayed in Su Zheng and was on standby.

Just to deal with this situation.

"This biological crisis will be over soon."

Fu Qinghai also stood up, stretched and said:

"We have to have a go at Kang the Conqueror."

Fu Qinghai twisted his neck and made a crackling sound.

"Khan, there is someone on the surface asking to see you."

Lin Yu's voice sounded in the communication channel:

"He claims to be your friend."


Fu Qinghai asked casually.

A young man appeared on the holographic projection on the table.

The second-level young hero, wearing Li Ning sportswear and carrying five long swords on his back, faced the camera with an awkward smile.

"Liu Ming?"

Fu Qinghai thought to himself that I almost forgot about this guy.


1. I had a cold and a fever, so I didn’t go to work and stayed at home.

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