Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 517 Your house exploded

New York, Manhattan Island, temporary base.

"Breaking Army Golden Armor" is changing its hand weapons. Its four arms hold two plasma double-edged swords and two Raging Sun-type plasma incineration cannons - the most powerful melee weapons and long-range weapons among the currently available handheld weapons. arms.

Fu Qinghai was wrapped entirely in the magnetic levitation cockpit. He moved his limbs a little, and the mechanical giant followed suit and made synchronized movements. Then he walked towards the coast of the Isle of Man and stepped directly into the ocean, where the seawater submerged it bit by bit.

New York, Staten Island.

Dozens of Leviathans circled in the sky.

There are also countless Chitauri soldiers.

The Chitauri mothership is slowly flying out of the portal.

Ashborn watched the giant "X"-shaped ship probing out the space cracks bit by bit, and his heart couldn't help but surge with excitement: How can the enemy resist such a force?

Perfect humans must have spent a long time and paid a lot of money to deploy chaotic zombies and zombie armies in this universe in advance. They must have thought that they had a sure chance of victory, but they were easily cracked by our big portal move... Axi Every time Bourne thought about this, he suddenly felt happy and happy, "Fortunately, I'm better at it."

The power of magic.

How can these virus guys understand?

That's right, from beginning to end, in Ashborn's heart, perfect human beings are his biggest threat. After all, no matter how perfect humans are, they are still among the top three societies in the world of reincarnation.

As for the Zero Realm Guild? That female night elf druid did have something, but the chips they invested were too few, with just four or five people, there was nothing to fear. There is no Zero World Guild qualified to play cards at this card table at all. Want to participate in a major plot line event? Send hundreds more people!

As for that mechanical giant? Ashborn admitted that it was very strong and could kill the chaos zombies neatly. It's a pity that just one construct, how can it turn the tide of the war? They didn't stop the space rift as soon as it opened. Now that the Chitauri army is close to taking shape, how can it resist?

Yes, the Chitauri suffered a lot of casualties in the process of exterminating the zombies, but so what? They are just a bunch of greedy cosmic mercenaries who want to push themselves further. Just compensate them and promise them some benefits. This is not Ashbern's earth, nor is it the earth in the fifth dimension. What can't he sell? Is there anything more enjoyable in the world than exchanging other people's things for your own points?

"Maybe we don't have to wait until that adult appears..."

The companion beside him proudly said:

"We've got it all figured out."

This is the Dragon Vein Warlock.

His injuries finally healed.

Everyone in the Fifth Dimension has been guarding Staten Island to ensure that the space rift opens normally. After that, they don't even need to take action. They only need to watch the Chitauri destroy the city and attack the city - and thanks to the perfect human beings, they gave the Avengers to the enemy in advance. Killed, now the Chitauri are more confident.

"Monroe Melville must be furious."

The drow sneered and said:

“After planning for so long, we finally fell short.”

"After all, we are the number one club..."

Ashbourne said calmly.

Despite this, he did not relax his vigilance. He blessed himself with the five-ring magic "Owl's Insight" to enhance his perception and keep scanning his surroundings with a pair of eyes.

Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, Ashburn saw that off the coast of Staten Island, the sea surface was rising significantly, and there seemed to be a huge black shadow in the water.


Ashbourne said in a deep voice:

"There is something going on in the sea."

Everyone in the fifth dimension immediately became alert after hearing this.


As soon as he finished speaking, the sea water boiled and the waves surged.

The tall body of the Black Gold Titan slowly emerged from the water.

"It's him, he's finally here!"

Ashbourne's eyes narrowed.

The archdruid immediately started the transformation without saying a word.

The Sapphire Dragon flapped its wings again and took off, suspended in the air.

The sea water flows down the adamantine body.

"Pojun Golden Armor" stepped out of the water step by step.

"You are late!"

The Sapphire Dragon's voice was thunderous.

The moment the "Broken Army Golden Armor" stepped out of the water, it was surrounded by the Chitauri army. Although the "X"-shaped mothership had not completely emerged from the space rift, countless Leviathans had already floated over, condescendingly facing "Broken Army" "Golden Armor" looks eagerly.

"If you find out earlier, you might still have a chance."

The Sapphire Dragon stared at the four-armed Titan and continued:

"Now, the overall situation has been decided, you are here to die."


Titan's radio voice was equally loud.

Fu Qinghai smiled disdainfully.

Why are you so confident?

If I hadn't asked Lin Yu to hold back a little, he would have led three cavalry companies to Staten Island by now.

Is there someone hiding inside to control it or is it remotely controlled?

Sapphire Dragon thought to himself.

Either way, it doesn't matter.

"kill him!"

Sapphire Dragon Claw One Point Titan.

and shouted sharply in Chitauri.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Seven or eight Leviathans opened fire at once, and the giant cannon under their jaws spit out blue light balls, shooting at the Black Gold Titan from all directions.


Colorful illusory streams of light exploded, and the blue light group hit a spherical shield and disappeared immediately.

It was different from the moment he imagined being overwhelmed by the explosion. The spherical shield flickered and the four-armed Titan was intact.

"This is?"

Sapphire Dragon exclaimed softly.

This is the void shield...

Fu Qinghai smiled solemnly in the cockpit.

"Energy saturation level: 43%."

A prompt box lit up on the retina.

Instantaneous attacks must reach 100% energy saturation before overflowing and causing the shield to be temporarily overloaded.

"Broken Army Golden Armor" raised its lower two arms.

The blazing white light that suddenly lit up forced everyone present to close their eyes and wait until their vision returned again.

Everyone present was shocked to find that a large hole appeared in the middle of a Leviathan warship and it was falling rapidly. It was instantly killed by a single shot. Another Leviathan warship behind it was also blocked and blasted in half, spilling a large amount of blood from its internal organs. This plasma cannon actually penetrated two Leviathan warships with one shot.

Another Raging Sun-type plasma incineration cannon was aimed at Sapphire Dragon. The moment before it was fired, Sapphire Dragon's heart suddenly became alarmed. This was the "first warning" provided by the nine-ring magic "Early Warning Technique" he had blessed. Six Senses", and immediately silently activated the eight-ring magic "Return Mantra" to teleport, dodging the blow.

"He ran pretty fast."

Jeering came from the Titan radio.

At this time, everything in the crimson dimension was blood red. The dimension lord Cytorak recalled that the five blue light groups had just flashed away, and he was still a little confused.

While the plasma weapon was cooling down, the "Army-breaking Golden Armor" suddenly unfolded its two arms. Two azure ion shock waves spurted out from the blade, and he rushed towards the square with two swords in hand.

The Sapphire Dragon teleported not far away, and saw the four-armed Titan running towards the center of the island with a hand knife sprint. Thinking that he was going to destroy the space rift, he hurriedly shouted:

"Stop him quickly!"

At the same time, start chanting the mantra immediately.

Four or five Leviathan warships pounced down together.

Opening its sharp teeth and big mouth, it bit hard at the four-armed Titan.

The Chitauri mothership was aware of the threat, and the hive mind immediately dispatched countless Chitauri flying chariots around it to swarm the Four-Armed Titan, trying to prevent it from approaching.

They rushed directly into the range of the void shield, and circled around the four-armed Titan in a dense circle and fired. The blue beams were as thin as needles, but they failed to penetrate the adamantine armor shell.

There were even some brave Chitauri soldiers who jumped off the flying chariot and climbed onto the Titan's shell, trying to stuff grenades into the gaps between the Titan's joints and detonate them.

The moment the Leviathans pounced down.

"Broken Army Golden Armor" jumped up and spun its double swords.

A blue and perfect arc suddenly appeared.

The five mechanical whales split into two pieces and crashed to the ground.

There were Chitauri falling off of him.

However, under the forced orders of the Chitauri mothership, the Chitauri troops outside the island are returning to Staten Island to protect the mothership. More and more Leviathan are flying back, and the black mass is almost covering the entire island. Sky obscured.

"You will die alone!"

The sapphire dragon cursed at the four-armed titan.

"Who said he was alone?"

A female voice sounded from the seaside. The Sapphire Dragon turned around and saw a green plant giant made entirely of branches and roots, stepping onto the shore from the sea. The giant beast had a ferocious face, a hunched back, and blue luminous fibers all over its body.

If you look down at New York from the sky at this time, you will find that there is not a single tree in Prospect Park. This park covers a large area, but now it has become bare - it has become a part of Anhuruk's body.

Fu Qinghai once wondered how a titan could be hidden in a city park.

Little did they know that all the trees and shrubs in Prospect Park were Anhuruk itself.


The alien plant titan screamed.

Anhuruk's arms continued to turn into branches and stretched out, tightly grabbing a Leviathan and pulling it to the ground. He clenched his emerald green wooden fist and beat it hard. "Bah, bah, bah, bah" beat the giant mechanical whale until it was covered in blood. He was twisting and struggling desperately while bleeding.

Another Leviathan warship opened fire with its cannon, and one shot hit the Titan beast squarely. Anhuruk's body exploded into pieces of green leaves that were all over the sky, and fell down to reveal a huge hole... However, the plant giant was still struggling. beat.

Roots grew deep under Anhuruk's feet and penetrated deeply into the soil. Countless roots spread densely along the soil and intertwined with the roots of other plants on Staten Island. Then the shrubs on the entire island shrank and disappeared.

The holes in Anhuruk were quickly filled.

The blood regeneration speed is really too fast!

At this moment, deep inside Anhuruk's body, inside a cage wrapped in countless hard rattans, Kravis transformed into a tree-man form and lay in the middle. Countless branches of the root-carving beauty extended out and connected to the blue Titan. Nerve fibers, sharing vision and controlling her familiar's battles.

This is a Plant Titan. Inspired by her experience in the cockpit of the "Po Jun Jin Jia". Kravis uses her consciousness to control her familiar, and at the same time, it does not affect the release of spells such as "Rejuvenation", "Bark" and "Thorns". It can be said that it takes into account both melee combat and spell release.

Anhuruk received the blessing of magic, and his body became tougher and grew sharp wooden thorns. His attacks were accompanied by magic. He stretched out his "Natural Grasp" with his big hand and wrapped it around the mechanical whale, and then used "Twining Roots" to penetrate deeply into the armor. Through the gaps, the roots began to slowly absorb nutrients from the flesh and blood of the space shark.

Natural healing, life blooming, natural swiftness, wild growth, ironwood bark, wild mark, healing touch... In the cockpit, Kravis was taking medicine while casting spells, and Anhuruk was blessed by the power of nature. The stronger the group, the more brightly colored flowers began to bloom on their bodies.

Every punch and kick was accompanied by a shower of colorful flowers.

The battle scenes are violent with a touch of splendor.

This is a manifestation of extremely strong life force!

The Leviathan battleship suddenly lowered its head and slammed into Anhuruk. The impact brought with it such huge force that the Titan leaned back. The plant giant's feet were rooted as firmly as a mountain. Instead of overturning, he withstood the force. Withstanding the impact, he bent down and wrapped his arms around the giant mechanical whale.

Then Anhuruk twisted his waist hard.

He actually grabbed Leviathan and threw him up!

The plant giant wrapped his hands around the mechanical whale's tail, swung it in a full circle in mid-air, and then took it out and hit another Leviathan.


With an earth-shattering noise, the two Leviathan battleships collided together, making a twisted sound of metal deforming and bones breaking. Their bodies sunk inward and rolled to the ground together.


A violent dragon roar sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of blazing dragon breath struck.

The dragon flames penetrated Anhuruk, and half of the plant titan's body was quickly charred, carbonized, shattered, and scattered. The blue luminous nerve fibers shrank and disappeared, and it screamed in pain.

The red dragon appears again in its prime.

A breath of dragon's breath teaches the plant titans how to behave.

Anhuruk is especially afraid of fire damage.

"Damn, restrained."

In the cockpit, Kravis felt the severe pain coming from his demon pet at the same time. He cursed secretly and was about to use the rejuvenation technique to repair the damage to his body, when another burst of pain came.

The red dragon soars and dives then turns and flicks its tail.

One tail swish Anhuruk's head sideways.

"What a shame!"

The night elf screamed.

The wooden cage cracked upward and Kravis popped out.

Transforms into a black earthquake beetle in mid-air.

Taking advantage of the situation, he punched the ground and hit him hard.


The red dragon was caught off guard and knocked to the ground by a punch.

Seeing the familiar figure in front of him, countless painful memories rushed into his heart. The red dragon was suddenly horrified. He just kicked his limbs desperately and struggled, almost losing all thoughts of resistance.

"Flood Flash Technique!" "Frost Fall Technique!"

Suddenly a huge wave surged up from the seaside, and it quickly rushed to the shore and hit Queen Muto, causing the black beetle to stagger forward. Then the frost quickly rose, and the environment suddenly became extremely cold. Huge waves and surrounding floods It quickly condensed and turned into hard ice crystals, sealing Queen Muto's six legs.

"Get up, Balk, don't be afraid!"

Sapphire Dragon shouted loudly.

The red dragon woke up and reacted. He quickly kicked off his limbs, flapped his wings and swung his tail, breaking free from the pressure of Queen Muto's legs, and then rolled and crawled towards the sapphire dragon.


Queen Muto used all her strength to break the ice on her body. She felt that her movements were still a little stiff and slow. The power of the eight-ring spell should not be underestimated. She slowly raised her head and looked at the two giant dragons in front of her.

One versus two, but she also has a familiar.

At this moment, on the other side of Staten Island.

"Army-breaking Golden Armor" has been completely submerged by Leviathan.

Countless mechanical whales surrounded the four-armed Titan. Under the forced orders of the hive mind, one was still coiled around its waist after death, and the other was biting its thigh with its mouth... "Broken Army Golden Armor" "The hands holding the sword suddenly came together, and the plasma double-edged swords merged neatly into one, and then a more violent ion shock wave burst out. He swung the sword and slashed down another biological battleship. The two gun-holding arms spread out to aim and fire. Blue and white plasma beams penetrated the two Leviathan battleships one after another.

The dying Leviathan raised his head.

A huge cannon fired against the Titan's arm.

"Bang bang——"

The blue light group detonated the quadruple coil.

"Broken Army Golden Armor" blew off an arm.

Another Leviathan bit the plasma incineration cannon and tore it apart. The "Army-breaking Golden Armor" immediately cut off the weapon connection. The plasma cannon fell to the ground. The four-armed Titan raised his fist and sprayed a line of water from his elbow. Rocket-boosted, an uppercut hit the mechanical whale's chin hard. The arc flashed on the steel fist, and the cracking force field was activated simultaneously. A violent uppercut in the style of Lushan Shenglong, only a few lines were visible. The ten-meter-long biological battleship soared straight into the sky and flew outward.

The classic combination of rocket elbow and power punch!

"Pojun Golden Armor" is the concept machine, prototype and verification machine of the Khan-class Titan. Titan technologies of all generations have been tested on it. Xiao Fei has piled a lot of technology on it regardless of the cost. It can be said that it is covered with technology. arms.

This is an Arsenal Titan.

After smashing a Leviathan with one punch, the "Army-breaking Golden Armor" suddenly raised its chest and raised its head. The armor plate on its chest suddenly opened outwards, revealing a row of black missile nests. The fire suddenly filled the air with smoke and dust. All death-strike missiles were fired.

"Boom boom boom!"

Six missiles circled and shot straight into the sky.

Then the air exploded in a flash of doom.

Explosions, concussions and radiation cover the entire island.

"Warning, the void shield is overloaded!"

A prompt box popped up under his eyes.

The transparent spherical shield flashed and then went out.

But the entire sky instantly became clean, and the endless Chitauri flying chariots and Leviathan biological battleships that once covered the sky were all gone.

On the other side of the battlefield, Queen Muto and Anhuruk were fighting fiercely against the Sapphire Dragon and the Prime Red Dragon. The battle was so fierce that all the buildings on the island were flattened.

The red dragon in its prime perfectly restrained the Plant Titan with its flame breath, and the sapphire dragon poured out endless magic to completely suppress Queen Muto. After transforming into Queen Muto, she was unable to cast natural spells. In addition to the continuous spell casting before, Kravis gradually began to feel a little powerless. Until six nuclear bombs exploded in the air, a large amount of radioactive dust and thermonuclear rays enveloped the sky over the battlefield, and the two Titan beasts were bathed in radiation...

The wounds all over his body were slowly healing.

After clearing the field, I gave my teammates a mouthful of milk.

"What the this okay?"

The sapphire dragon rubbed its teeth and said with a hateful sound.

After the overwhelming number of Chitauri soldiers disappeared, the view of the entire battlefield suddenly opened up. Both warring parties looked up at the same time and saw that in the high altitude, a giant battleship finally squeezed out of the twisting and pulling space rift.

An "X" shaped alien battleship that's a kilometer long!

All the cannon muzzles turned at the four-armed Titan.

"Hahahaha, you're done!"

Sapphire Dragon laughed wildly.

You two fought hard the whole time.

In the end, it was not wiped out by the concentrated fire of naval guns!

"No, it's you who's finished."

A dull voice sounded on Titan's radio.

There was a twinkle in the sky.

A meteor falls rapidly.

The Sapphire Dragon's eyes suddenly widened.

He didn't expect that the other party had such a skill!

It's over... Sapphire Dragon thought.

That moment.

Time seems to pass very slowly.

The meteor hit his head in the blink of an eye. His spells had been exhausted during the fight with Queen Muto. There was no escape spell or transfer spell to help the mothership avoid this attack. The Chitauri Legion was finished. !

Sapphire Dragon knew that if the mothership crashed, all Chitauri soldiers would die on the spot due to the hive mind link. This was a huge weakness. The only thing he didn't understand was - why did the other party use this trick now?

Then the Sapphire Dragon saw.

The giant meteor did not hit the top of the mothership.

Instead, he sank straight into the space-time rift behind him.


Sapphire Dragon stood stunned on the spot and almost cried with joy:

"You missed!!!"

The blue dragon suddenly turned its head and looked at the four-armed titan:

"You missed the target! Hahahaha!"

"I didn't miss it."

Fu Qinghai shook his head and chuckled.

What's the meaning?

Sapphire Dragon hasn't reacted yet.

A light suddenly lit up inside the space rift.

Everyone present raised their heads and looked over.

It can be clearly seen through the cracks in space that cracks suddenly appeared on the surface of the dark planet opposite, and a dazzling light burst out from the cracks. Then the entire planet began to fall apart, and the light became brighter and brighter...

Until the whole planet exploded!

Because there is no sound transmission in space.

So the whole scene is silent.

But Staten Island was also silent.

The air seemed to freeze at this moment.

All the Chitauri soldiers were stunned.

Everyone in the fifth dimension was equally at a loss.

What the hell is going on! ?

Why did the planet suddenly explode! ?

While all the Chitauri are still immersed in the confusion and shock of "Why is my family gone?"

The "Broken Army Golden Armor" tilted upwards and raised its chest. The circular turbine in the middle of the chest rotated and lit up with red light.


Thick red energy jets shot straight out.

The strongest weapon on the "Broken Army Golden Armor":

Proton Screaming Chest Cannon.

Fu Qinghai had been holding back until now before taking action.

The red energy jet hit the Chitauri mothership squarely. The one-kilometer-long giant battleship disintegrated without any suspense. Chain explosions continued to spread along the hull. Gorgeous fireworks blooming in the sky could be seen dozens of kilometers away. .

All Chitauri on Earth.

Suddenly it was like a collective disconnection.

They all fell down in a daze.


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