Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 480 Cybertronian Black Technology

Cybertron, Qingqiu City.

Air command center, Starscream's lair.

Today, the natural enemy stood in the cell without saying a word, with his back to the door. When Starscream walked in, he did not react at all, standing like a sculpture.

"You Autobots believe in things like self-salvation and making up for your mistakes, right?"

Starscream asked as he stood outside the cell.

"I'm not an Autobot."

The natural enemy turned his back to him and said calmly:

"I'm a leader and I don't take sides in the movement."

"That's right. But if I give you a chance now to make up for your cowardly performance in Soaring Sky City, you will join the Autobots."

The Predator turned around and stared at Starscream, who subconsciously took a step back, even though the Predator's arms were firmly locked by shackles at his sides.

"you dare!"

The natural enemy roared angrily.

"I do dare."

Starscream regained his composure and replied:

"You are a coward. Instead of fighting for the people who trusted you, you ran away."

Starscream stepped forward to face his natural enemy:

"Why do you think I decided to join the Decepticons?"

To his surprise.

This question made the natural enemy laugh.

"Starscream, are you considered to have joined the Decepticons?"

Yu Natural Enemy asked softly:

"Based on the news I've heard, this is highly doubtful."

Starscream sneered when he heard this:

"What news have you heard? You are locked in this cell, what news can you hear?"

Yu Tian Enemy smiled back at him:

"What else haven't I heard? It will shock you to say it. How much information do you think I can collect from my subordinates? The interrogators who come to talk to me every time, every time they come to fill me with super energy The technical staff in the body, the mini King Kong who comes to clean every time... After such a long time, of course I know what is going on outside, including the things at the Armored Dragon Orbital Station, and the things in your head."

Yu Natural Enemy took a step back and continued:

"You brought me here for a long time. I am no longer the same as before. Time and confinement are good teachers."

"So you're not a coward anymore? Is that what you mean?"

Starscream asked rhetorically.

"Unlock the shackles, I tell you."

Yun Enemy said calmly.

"I remember."

Starscream said and left.

Iron Castle, Data Recording Hall.

"What is a plasma energy chamber?"

Fu Qinghai asked the titanium master.

"Plasma Energy Chamber, the full name is 'Plasma Energy Chamber Control'. It is an ancient legend known to all Cybertronians. It is said that it can control the energy operation of the entire Cybertron planet - yes, you may not know, Qingshan, Cybertron is a living planet, this planet has a planet core, and the core contains consciousness and energy."

Master Titanium explained.

These contents are all common sense and do not involve future episodes, so he does not hesitate to say a few more words, because other Cybertronians know the plasma energy chamber console, but many low-level Cybertronians just regard it as a legend.

Class often determines knowledge. Many low-level Cybertronians even think that the Manifestation No. 1 and the Magical God Ball are a legend. Only recordkeepers like Optimus Prime know that the Manifestation No. 1 and the Magical God Ball are installed underground in the Iron Castle.

As for the "Plasma Energy Chamber Controller", even Optimus Prime thought it was a legend, but Master Titanium knew that it existed, and... this thing was also installed underground in the Iron Castle.

Iron Castle, also known as "Central Iron Castle" in the past, was the capital of the planet and the country as early as the ancient Cybertron Empire, so it is not surprising that there are messy, mysterious and rare things hidden under it.

Generally, when you hear the word "console", you will think that the "plasma energy room" is a fixed facility. However, it is not. Master Titanium told Fu Qinghai that the plasma energy room is not very large-for a Cybertronian. The plasma energy chamber is not a fixed facility but a movable device. It's more like a switch. Not only can it move, it's said that whoever masters it can control the energy in the entire planet.

"I see."

Fu Qinghai nodded and said:

"Then what is the 'Earth Orbital Energy Bridge'?"

Hearing this, all the Autobots gathered around, and they didn't know what it was.

"That's a technology from ancient Cybertron..."

Master Titanium had a look of reminiscence on his face, looking at the regular hexagonal frame in the sky outside the window and speaking slowly.

After listening to Master Ti’s explanation.

Fu Qinghai finally understood.

The Earth Orbit Energy Bridge, strictly speaking, should be called an "Earth Orbit Energy Lens." It is not a bridge, but a huge array of several lenses.

The ancient Cybertronians wanted to build the outer orbit of Cybertron. The construction required a lot of energy. They felt that flying around to transport energy crystals was too troublesome, so they created such a device. This device can dilute and convert super-energy solid crystals into a form of light waves, which can then be directly transmitted and launched to reach the orbital space.

The Earth Orbit Energy Bridge is equivalent to a wireless charger, used to replace traditional wired chargers. However, in reality, the wireless charging technology for mobile phones has a very short distance and very low power, and it must be pressed tightly to charge.

Cybertron's energy bridge to the earth's orbit can span the long distance between the earth's surface and orbit, convert solid super-energy crystals into the form of "waves" and "particles", shoot them directly to the sky, and then receive them at the other end. .

"Tsk tsk..."

Fu Qinghai couldn't help but secretly gasped after hearing this.

I thought about how awesome the ancient Cybertronians were.

When normal people encounter this kind of problem, they first consider building a space elevator, just like in the "Wandering Earth" series. Many science fiction works have similar devices, which are basically standard equipment for space civilizations. This can reduce energy loss caused by transportation. However, the ancient Cybertronians did not even look down on space elevators and directly transmitted energy through the air.

Some people may say that this method can transmit energy, but doesn’t it also require the use of a space elevator to transport materials? This is true, but not always. There is an asteroid belt on the periphery of Cybertron. If you want to build orbital space facilities, you can directly mine the mineral resources in the asteroid belt and then process and smelt them. The difficulty of mining most meteorite minerals is much lower than surface mining, which is even more difficult. Digging holes, setting up wells, removing accumulated water, and removing gas can lead to mining accidents if you are not careful.

After Phaeton Forge World obtained the planet-cracking mining spacecraft from the "Dead Space" series, it also chose to mine mineral resources in the asteroid belt first. As long as the energy problem can be solved, space mining is actually more efficient.

After understanding the functions of these two relic technologies, Fu Qinghai had roughly guessed the Decepticon's plan.

But some people still don't understand.

Sideways Pao asked with a puzzled look on his face:

"But... taking a step back, even if they already have the two devices mentioned above, how can they use the dark super energy body to change the entire planet Cybertron?"

The implication.

He thinks hotlinking is alarmist.

Hot Link sighed and was about to explain.

Fu Qinghai had already taken the lead and said:

"Since the Earth-orbiting energy lens can transmit energy to space, there is a high probability that it can also transmit energy in the reverse direction to the ground. This is not difficult to understand, right? No one would deliberately design a one-way energy transmission channel."

"After the Decepticons obtain the plasma energy chamber, they can control the energy of the entire planet. They can use the energy lens in the earth's orbit to transmit a large amount of super energy bodies to the Ironclad Dragon Orbital Station, and transform them all into dark super energy bodies. Or more To be direct, simply transport the dark super-energy body in reverse direction to reach the planet's surface, contaminate the plasma energy chamber, and then completely change the energy attributes in the entire Cybertron star core."

"That's right, my lord."

Hot Link nodded in agreement:

"That's what Megatron planned."


Sideways looked surprised.

"How can we stop them?"

Prowl asked seriously.

Everyone looked at Optimus Prime.

"I have no idea……"

Optimus Prime shook his head slowly.

Suddenly, his expression changed:

"I received an encrypted communication request."

"who is it?"

everyone asked hurriedly.


Optimus Prime said solemnly.

Optimus Prime opened a small opening on his chest, and a blue light was projected from the small opening, forming a holographic projection in front of him. The person in the projection was Starscream.

"Hello, Optimus Prime."

Starscream smiled and said hello.

"What do you want, Starscream?"

Optimus Prime talks to Starscream for the first time.

"I heard that one of my men was captured by you, Hot Link, is he staying well at your place? He must have told you everything, right, leader?"

Starscream asked with a smile.

Hot Link stood in the corner looking embarrassed.

"Say what you have to say, Starscream."

Optimus Prime didn't look kindly on the seeker.

"Megatron wants to turn the entire Cybertron into a place filled with dark super energy bodies. I don't agree with his approach. Although I also want to overthrow the existing class system, I don't want to rule a ruin. You understand me. What do you mean? I think you can understand, so I left a trump card..."

Starscream paused when he said this:

"The natural enemy is still alive."

"What? The natural enemy is still alive?"

Optimus Prime was suddenly startled.

Since the civil war started, Natural Enemy has been missing for so long. Most Cybertronians thought he was dead, but they didn't expect that this former leader was still alive. It turned out that it was Starscream who put him under house arrest. This leader The traitor in the Guard has been a bastard from the beginning.

"Megatron's gladiators have found the orbital energy bridge in the ruins of Crystal City."

Starscream said another breaking news:

"To stop them, you must prevent the plasma energy chamber from falling into their hands. This is your last chance, Autobots, don't blame me for not warning you. Let me tell you an inside tip. There are two codes required to activate the plasma energy chamber console. Keys, one is called 'Justice' and the other is called 'Power'. I don't know where the 'Justice' code key is, maybe it's underground in your Iron Fortress. As for the other 'Power' code key, I'm pretty sure it's in the Imperial Palace. In the body of a natural enemy.”

Starscream stared at Optimus Prime and said word by word:

"Optimus Prime, protect yourself from natural enemies, otherwise this planet will only be a barren ruin. What I want to rule is Cybertron, and I don't want to rule a tomb."

Optimus raised his chin on his arm.

After thinking for a long time, he said:

"How are you going to give me the protection against natural enemies?"

"I'm in Qingqiu, I will..."

Starscream hasn't finished speaking yet.

The sudden change!


A loud noise interrupted his words, and the entire holographic projection screen trembled. Starscream was caught off guard and almost lost his balance and fell to the ground. Through the holographic projection, you could see that rocks and dust were falling around him, and he subconsciously moved his hands. Holding his head and dodging, he only heard someone beside him shouting:

"Sir, the Decepticons are attacking Qingqiu City!"

The entire air command center was in chaos, with people walking around everywhere, tremors and explosions one after another, and searchers turned into fighter jets and rushed out of the fortress.

"Starscream, I am Soundwave. Your rebellious behavior has been discovered. Put down your weapons and surrender immediately..."

Sound waves sounded from the radio.

Starscream turned his head:



There was another huge explosion.


The video screen went out completely.

A bunch of Autobots were left looking at each other.

Optimus Prime narrowed his eyes:

"I want to rescue the natural enemy."

"No, Chief!"

Tiepi quickly stopped him.

"Yeah, this could be a conspiracy."

The police car also spoke to persuade:

"Starscream and the Decepticons directed and acted a scene just to trick you into going there so that they could catch us all. It's not impossible, so we can't take the risk."

"Yeah, it's too dangerous."

Everyone said one after another.

"I must go to Qingqiu City."

Optimus Prime shook his head:

"The natural enemy is still alive. I can't leave him there, after all, I inherited his title."

"It was the Supreme Council that awarded you the title of leader."

Master Titanium corrected him.

Optimus Prime was silent for a moment:

"But I didn't refuse."

"I remember that you tried your best to refuse." Master Titanium smiled and said, "So those of us who support you believe that we have chosen the right person."


Optimus Prime suddenly understood what Master Titanium meant:

"Is it you?"

Master Titanium shook his head and said:

"It's not just me, someone has to be the first to suggest it. I've been observing you for a long time, Optimus Prime, and I know that you want to stop Megatron. You have considered all possibilities from all angles. You are exactly what Seb The leader Tan needs."

"I'm not sure. Look at us now."

Optimus Prime said sadly.

"But if you were not the leader, where would we be now?"

Master Titanium spread his hands and asked.

Optimus Prime was speechless for a moment.

“If you want to do it, just do it.”

Master Titanium encouraged him.

"I see."

Optimus nodded firmly.

He first turned to look at Fu Qinghai:


Fu Qinghai stood up slowly:

"I have no problem. I support all your decisions."

Recalling Fu Qinghai's performance at the Iron Armored Dragon Orbital Station, Brother Zhuzhu felt reassured, turned around and waved, saying:

"Autobots, let's go, follow me!"

"Target Qingqiu City, rescue the natural enemy."


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