Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 463 The Riddler Gets Out of Cybertron

Just when Jazz transformed into a vehicle and led Fu Qinghai to escape from Caron City, the turmoil that broke out in a hurry ended in a hurry.

Soon someone came out and announced:

Caron City has had a change of management.

Other than that, it's business as usual.

The factory machines are still running, and the gladiatorial events are still being held as usual... However, it seems to be just a street fight between criminal groups and the boss is changed. However, the undercurrent of the city is quietly going on.

But at this moment, Fu Qinghai had already left Caron City in the sports car transformed by Jazz, driving on the endless wilderness. The weather was gloomy, the wind and sand were blowing, and a long line of smoke was pulled up behind the wheels. The ancient Cybertronian buildings in the distance still stood there, looming.

This is a spacious roadster.

The hot wind and sand kept blowing on his face.

Makes him feel good, like racing out west.

It’s just that this car is self-driving.

"Where are we going?"

Fu Qinghai asked loudly.

"Iron Castle."

Jazz said muffledly.

His voice came from the car speakers.

"I know, I mean, what are you going to do with me after we get to Iron Castle?"

Fu Qinghai put his hand on the edge of the car door, with a contented face, and turned his head to look at the unique scenery around the road.

"This depends on the opinion of the Supreme Council. After all, since the space bridge was broken, there has never been any alien species on Cybertron. You are the only one. I guess... maybe they will put you in the Six Lights Paradise for support. People visit?”

Jazz said lazily.

Six Lights Paradise? What is that place?

Fu Qinghai was immediately surprised when he heard this:

"Isn't this right? Only animals can be put in zoos. I am an intelligent creature. Is it ridiculous for one intelligent creature to be kept in captivity to visit another intelligent creature?"

The implication:

Are you Cybertronians so barbaric?

"Hey Hey……"

Jazz smirked.

Only then did Fu Qinghai realize that he was joking.

This Cybertronian is a bit off.

Iron Castle, Data Recording Hall.

Fu Qinghai came to Iron Castle for the first time. As soon as he arrived at this place, he realized the difference between it and Karon City and the Great Wasteland. This place is like a civilized city with highly developed technology. In comparison, Karon really has no city at all. There is no planning at all.

"This is Orion Pax."

Jazz introduced to him:

"The first person to discover your arrival on Cybertron."


This Cybertronian named "Orian Pax" was tall but gentle in appearance. He looked very friendly and took the initiative to send greetings to Fu Qinghai.

"Hello, my name is Qingshan."

Fu Qinghai stretched out his hand.

The two Cybertronians looked at each other:

What does it mean.

"Ah, I forgot, this is a social etiquette on Earth, generally used when two people meet for the first time."

Fu Qinghai smiled awkwardly and retracted his hand to explain.

"Oh, that's interesting."

Orion Pax didn't take it seriously, but looked interested and said:

"I checked many ancient data archives in Imaging No. 1, and finally found records about 'human beings'. The data said that humans are primates that walk upright on two legs and live in a planet called ' On Earth's planet, people live in groups and can make fire and use tools..."

Orion Pax had some confusion on his face.

He looked up and down at the human warrior in front of him and said:

"But your size obviously exceeds the human description in the data. And the data does not say that humans have learned to speak Cybertronian and have the ability to navigate interstellar space. I am very curious whether you and the 'human beings' recorded in Manifestation 1 Are they of the same race? Or do they just have the same names?”

"You're right."

Fu Qinghai spread his hands and explained:

"The Earth is indeed our homeland. Although we were once very primitive and backward, we can develop. Now, our technology may not be comparable to that of Cybertron, but we are not the primitive tribe that used to eat raw hair and drink blood. As for my body shape, I am a warrior among humans, and my body has undergone some transformations to adapt to war."

Fu Qinghai felt that compared to other Cybertronians encountered in Caron City, this "Orian Pax" was obviously very knowledgeable. At least other Cybertronians have never heard of the term human at all, but Orion Pax can look up the information to find the answer - of course, this may be related to his identity and the nature of his work. But it is undeniable that this also requires a certain spirit of inquiry. Fu Qinghai himself is a person with strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge. He also appreciates those who are knowledgeable and knowledgeable. Such people can always gain his natural favor, such as Grand Inquisitor Cid Nora, Szuelia Lavare.


This common noun seemed to evoke some thoughts in Orion Pax. He repeated it in a murmur, then suddenly turned to look at the knight beside him and said:

"The members of the Supreme Council should really listen to what this human warrior said. They don't understand the meaning of 'development' at all, and they always just want to maintain the status quo without making progress."

"my friend……"

Jazz shook his head helplessly:

"You're a little too cynical."

Fu Qinghai stood aside and watched silently.

"I'm not cynical..."

Orion Pax curled his lips and was about to say something to refute when he suddenly realized that he had ignored the human warrior beside him, and he quickly said apologetically:

"I'm sorry, I'm rude. Your words have aroused some thoughts in me. Please come with me. I have applied to the Archivist to arrange a place for you. This is the Iron Fortress. You don't need to rely on illegal activities such as wrestling. We can also maintain a life, we Cybertronians are not all those criminals."

The two led Fu Qinghai towards the depths of the records hall.

The three of them chatted while walking:

"How did you get to Cybertron, on a spaceship? Is your spaceship still in orbit?"

"No, to be honest, this was an accident. I don't know why I came here."

"Then why do you know Cybertronian?"

"This is the only alien language we've ever documented."

Orion asked each question in detail.

Fu Qinghai opened his mouth and started making up random things.

Master Titanium was hunched over his desk, writing something in the big book on his desk. Orion Pax stood in front of him, waiting for him to finish writing. Finally, Master Titanium put down his stylus, looked up at Orion Pax, and said:

"Megatronus does not intend to carry out a revolution immediately, at least not on the entire planet. He intends to replace the gangs that control the gladiatorial arenas in Caron City and Slaughter City."

"This type of crime is inevitable in a fixed class..." Orion Pax wanted to blurt out: this type of crime is inevitable in a fixed class. But he finally stopped and said nothing.

Master Titanium looked at him expectantly.

She seemed to want him to speak his mind.

Pictures and videos flashed continuously on the holographic display on Master Titanium's desk. The pictures are all of destroyed Cybertronians, with a label on each person's head.

Orion Pax turned around and browsed through all the pictures and found that each of the victims ran a gladiatorial ring, and most of them also ran other criminal industries.

In the video, Megatronus was standing on the twisted corpse of a small leader of a criminal organization. The corpse was still emitting sparks. Orion Pax had already seen the little leader in the picture, but this was the first time he saw Megatronus. My true self.

"This is just the beginning."

he said to the camera.

There are several gladiators behind Megatronus.

They all stood there quietly.

"You base your happiness on our pain, and use our work as your entertainment... You have forgotten what it means to be a Cybertronian. Cybertron was once the greatest in the universe. Planet!”

"Now we have fallen. We will rise again. Because there are still some Cybertronians who have foreseen the glory of the future. Only by understanding how deep we have fallen can we understand the meaning of rising again. Cybertron!"


The other gladiators also shouted in unison.


The video ends here.

"Haven't you seen this part?"

Master Titanium asked.

Orion Pax shook his head.

"Well, look, that's what stymies ambition and ambition. We stop generations of Cybertronians from thinking about what they are capable of."

Orion Pax didn't know how to answer for a moment. He often complained in front of the Jazz, but the person in front of him was the Archivist, his direct superior, the person who could really have direct access to the Supreme Council. So remain silent.

Master Titanium smiled at him:

"Don't be afraid, Pax. I'm telling you a simple fact. This is not a game to get you to say something you don't mean. What I'm saying is that we live in a world that few of us can imagine. , how we would live if the world were different. But some people... some of us still remember the way the world used to be, and some of us are foolish enough to think that we should live in that kind of world again. in the world.”

There was another silence in the room.

Orion didn't understand what Master Titanium meant.

Does he support Megatronus' actions or oppose Megatronus' actions? Just looking at the sentence "We stopped generations of Cybertronians from thinking about what they could possibly accomplish" seems to be belittling the current government, but the sentence "And some people are foolish enough to think that we should once again "Living in such a world" seems to be denying revolutionary behavior... What exactly does Master Titanium want to say?

Master Titanium said slowly:

"I know you are very confused. As time goes by, you will know whether I am right or not. But now you should go back to your work station. Think about what I said."

"I will, Master Titanium."

Orion Pax answered.

Still half understand. If Orion Pax had read comics related to the DC universe, he would definitely complain:

"The Riddler get out of Cybertron!"

"By the way, that human warrior?"

Orion Pax thought of Fu Qinghai.

"Let's place him in the Iron Castle first."

Master Titanium waved his hand and ordered.

He saw no trace of the existence of the human warrior in "Covenant of Cybertron", which meant that the other party was really just an accident. The file manager had a premonition that Cybertron and the Cybertronians were currently Facing a huge change, there is no time to pay attention to that human warrior.

So Orion Pax went back.

Along the way, he kept thinking:

What does Master Titanium mean?

I can't figure out the result, I can only think that he is encouraging himself to think independently and reflect on things outside his own class.

The expected plot line event did not happen.

Iron Castle has been very peaceful during this time.

Fu Qinghai miraculously settled down.

He became friends with Orion Pax, both of whom had something of a scholarly streak in them, and both of whom had an interest in knowledge. The difference is that Fu Qinghai also has a utilitarian mentality in addition to curiosity - he wants to learn Transformers science and technology. In his eyes, all the scientific and technological achievements created by the Cybertronians and even the Cybertronians themselves are endless. of treasure.

Orion Pax is a little more pure.

Compared with scientific and technological knowledge on earth, he is particularly interested in the political systems and political ideas of human society. The arrival of the alien Fu Qinghai happened to be an opportunity for Orion Pax to understand how the societies of other races operate. Are there classes too? Is there also a parliament? He showed an extremely strong interest in every political thought on the planet, and asked Fu Qinghai non-stop every day.

Fu Qinghai felt like he had this new friend.

I like Keyazheng very much.

If you don't do business all day long, you just keep talking about politics.

Orion expressed a lot of complaints and complaints about the authorities to Fu Qinghai. Perhaps because of Fu Qinghai's identity as an alien, Orion Pax didn't have to worry about anything. But he is different from ordinary Jianzheng netizens. Ordinary Jianzheng netizens just talk about it. Orion Pax showed unusual motivation and determination. He seemed to really want to change something, but he just didn't find the opportunity. , and I didn’t find a way either.

Through the mouth of Orion Pax, Fu Qinghai also learned about the current situation faced by Cybertron. In fact, it is very simple, it is the solidification of class. But Cybertronians are not the same as humans, carbon-based creatures. The solidification of classes in human society is usually manifested in the implicit closure of channels, such as the uneven distribution of educational resources, such as the monopoly of political advancement paths... There are almost no The state clearly defines classes.

But the Cybertronians are very magical. They can achieve class solidification technically - the Cybertronians were born from the well of fire. They were designed to be used in a certain industry and a certain class during their growth stage, regardless of whether they What are your personal aspirations? This method of class solidification can be called simple and crude.

According to Orion Pax.

This system comes from the hands of the natural enemy.

The purpose is to maintain social stability...

Fu Qinghai thought to himself that he was really a little genius.

This system is somewhat similar to the logic and theory of the fixed classes of "scholars, farmers, industrialists, and merchants" in ancient Chinese feudal society. To protect against natural enemies, it can be called the Cybertronian version of Zhu Yuanzhang.

Of course, the natural enemy cannot be Zhu Yuanzhang. Fu Qinghai has always firmly believed that the political system must match the level of productivity development, and the economic base determines the superstructure. Greek classical democracy is the cornerstone of Western democratic politics, but almost no country in the modern West still uses the classical Greek democratic political system of one person, one vote. Because ancient Greece was a city-state with a small population, and slaves were not considered human beings. Although Cybertron has a small population, Cybertron's productivity determines that it cannot be a feudal society. There are also parliaments, members, and even trade unions here, but the trade unions have ceased to exist in name only and have become mere symbols.

At present, the development of the plot is not clear, and the big events are unknown. Fu Qinghai does not mind chatting with Orion more about these topics. Anyway, this "Orion Pax" does not seem to be a plot character. I have never heard of it, so no need Worry about changing the plot. Try to maintain a neutral and objective stance and introduce the various political trends and movements that humans have experienced. At the same time, through Orion Pax, Fu Qinghai also learned a lot of basic knowledge about Cybertron.

For example, the Cybertronian unit of time.

and the converted lengths of these time units.

Period: One Earth minute.

Macrocycle: One hour on Earth.

Sidereal Period: One year on Earth.

Replacement cycle: five hundred years on earth.

But he wanted to enter Cybertron's communication network and gain permission to mine data in Manifestation One, but he had not yet received permission from Orion Pax.

Iron castle, night.

Orion Pax looked up at the stars, with Satellite Bases One and Two standing between him and the stars. There are also some man-made objects near Cybertron, such as the Ironclad Orbital Station - which are located on the other side of the planet and cannot be seen for the time being. He walked on the winding streets and bridges of Iron Castle, recalling Megatron's words:

Freedom is the right of every Cybertronian!

Maybe that's right. But what does freedom mean? If there is no class division, if Cybertronians are not divided into efficient production line groups...if each Cybertronian can decide for himself what to do, then the entire planet will become chaos. Orion Pax once learned that freedom is the freedom to perform the appropriate and necessary tasks within the confines of one's class. All unrestricted choices not only do not make people free, but also make people feel confused.

Who taught him this? The Archbishop never said these words publicly, but he was the one who ensured that Cybertron established a class system and kept Cybertron united when some wanted to divide it.

"Who are the vested interests..."

Orion recalled the motive inference Aoyama said.

Who benefits from the class system? Upper class! Who do the upper classes live off of? rely on me!

Orion Pax climbed to an observation tower from where he could overlook the entire Iron Keep. The outline of Cybertron extends in all directions, which is a symbol of the peaceful survival of Yuanshi Tianzun. Huge canyons split the surface of the planet leading to its interior, and energy crystals were unearthed from the deep well in the center. To the west, you can see the highest peaks of the Manganese Mountains. To the north is Cybertron's famous Six Lights Amusement Park.

When I think of that amusement park.

Orion Pax suddenly felt angry.

He had never been there, that paradise was built for the upper classes, and few lower-class Cybertronians could pass through the gates. So far, Orion Pax has never seen such a lucky lower-class Cybertronian.

Individuals know what they need! Who else but me knows what I want? Who else but me can decide what I should do? So, what are my interests?

I want to go to Liuguang Amusement Park.

Orion Pax thought.

But if everyone goes to Liuguang Amusement Park and wants to go in, then the park will be overcrowded and no one will be able to play. So organizational structure is necessary, but the system should not be imposed on individuals, right?

Definitely not. But rational beings gather together to make joint decisions for the collective good, and these decisions cannot be beneficial to everyone - Orion is confused, he doesn't know what he should feel.

Freedom is meaningless if there are no constraints.

This is what Qingshan told him.

Orion Pax thought to himself: Maybe I need an actual conversation instead of fighting with myself in my head.

"Qingshan has taught me a lot."

Orion Pax murmured:

"I should go meet that Megatronus."


1. Time unit of the full version:

Cycle: 1 Earth minute.

Mega-cycle: 1 Earth hour.

Solar cycle (Salor-cycle): 1 Earth day.

Deca-cycle: 30 Earth days.

Stellar-cycle: 1 Earth year.

Meta-cycle: 500 Earth years.

Later, according to a post by Transformers comic screenwriter Simon Furman on a forum related to idw Comics, one cycle is approximately equal to 1.25 Earth hours; one replacement cycle is approximately equal to 93 Earth hours; and one monthly cycle is approximately It is equal to 3 Earth weeks; 1 sidereal period is approximately equal to 7.5 Earth months - obviously, as the original creator of the above-mentioned time unit, Transformers also took the book. According to my calculation, the Transformers United Universe follows the old time unit setting.

2. In the comics, the Cybertronians are described as having extremely fast neural reactions. The unit used was "nanosecond". I originally wanted to use it, but then gave up because one nanosecond is one billionth of a second. If The neural reaction speed of Cybertronians can reach the nanosecond level, which is too exaggerated.

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