Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 435 Happy Hunting

The Hive World of Axeros No. 2 was slowly turning from a glimmer of light in the sky into a huge yellow-black sphere. The fleet spread out, the cruiser covered the transport ship, and gradually approached the orbit. Countless laser beams stirred up brilliant ripples on the void shield of the fleet, and the displacement flares flickered.

A standard Imperial transport ship, it was transformed into a Titan transport ship at the Phaeton Forge World's airport.

Zofia was standing in the cabin.

He looked up at the mechanical giant in front of him.

Many Tech-Priests were walking around.

Making final preparations before airborne.

The rising incense poured out from the automatic incense burner. The fragrant lubricating oil was still steaming on the shrine, constantly teasing the tip of Zofia's nose. A choir composed of machine servitors was standing in the corridor above, singing hymns praising the glory of machinery.

Countless equipment was buzzing, the ventilation ducts were making a small hiss, atomized sterilizing gas filled the surroundings, the air circulation device was at full power, and the bundles of cables were swayed by the exhaust airflow. The corridor was filled with rows of flashing lights, and engineers in red robes were working cautiously around the "Broken Army Golden Armor."

There is a feeling of expectation lingering in this vast space, as if some miracle is about to happen, just like the hazy moment when you are about to fall asleep, it seems deep and calm.

For the oil guys in the Phaeton Forge World, the "Army-breaking Golden Armor" is both an altar and a sacred object, not just a war machine. Its majestic cast-iron face is like a church, sitting high on the bracket of the temple's apse, glaring condescendingly at all living beings. Its blue and transparent mechanical eyes have replaced the stained glass windows, and its angular black gold visor has replaced the stained glass window. A tall, pointed roof.

It is already the inner incarnation of the God of All Machines.

It needs careful maintenance and pious worship.

The chief maintenance technician of "Pojun Golden Armor", Sage Xiao Fei, walked over with a giant mechanical axe. The technical priest is hunched over, with many sacred prosthetic modifications integrated into his spine and chest. His body is completely covered by the rust red and moon white robes - the background color of the Phaeton forging world, only half of his face is exposed. , the joined clamps tightened the pale skin, he still retained human ears and eyes, and a mask-like ventilation device replaced his mouth and nose.

"Xiao Fei, long time no see."

Zofia held out a hand.

The two have known each other for a long time. In the Pacific Rim universe, it was Xiao Fei who suggested that the mecha hunter "White Scar" add a pilot member, and the girl's fate changed.

Xiao Fei's legs hissed, slowly shortening to the height of an ordinary person, while more mechanical dendrites were still swimming under his robe, and a mechanical tentacle with an interface socket snaked down, curling up the Fia took hold of her hand.

"May the God of All Machines bless you and let the light of knowledge shine upon you, Captain-in-Charge, Zofia Povaslev, or should I call you, Zofia Draconis?"

Xiao Fei said seriously.

Zofia rolled her eyes upon hearing this.

There are so many oil chambers in your mouth, so why are they still installed? Xiao Fei has never been a sage in the Pacific Rim universe. Perhaps because he is surrounded by his subordinates, his tone of voice has also improved.

"Call me whatever you want."

Zofia asked:

"How long until Titan is released?"

"Soon, soon."

Xiao Fei smiled and said:

"After the battle on Deer 4, my priest has been meticulously maintaining it. The precise holy oil, incense and sacrificial wine ensured that the 'Army-breaking Golden Armor' was in excellent condition. It is a weapon A sword will see blood when it is unsheathed."

Zofia liked that last sentence.

This is a sword that will see blood when it is unsheathed.

After the blessing ceremony, Zofia stood on the corridor bridge beside the head of the "Broken Army Golden Armor", waiting to board the Titan. Her new battle suit is a tight-fitting void-resistant spacesuit, covering the entire body with tightly fitted shoulder armor, breastplate and back armor, as well as a sealed helmet. This suit of armor was claustrophobic and heavy, cutting off most sounds from the outside world. Only the hiss of oxygen supply and her own amplified breathing gave her a different feeling.

She had never flown a Titan in space.

"Didi, didi, didi!"

The flashing lights turned from red to green.

The urgent siren sounded the call to battle.

Co-pilot Zofia is ready.

The main driver Fu Qinghai finally arrived belatedly.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Fu Qinghai strode over and said as he walked:

"I have to arrange the combat deployment after leaving. In addition, a group of Chaos Space Marines just jumped to help this transport ship...but don't worry, they are dead."

Zofia nodded slightly.

The vibrations of the ship's hull told her a lot of information. She could see soldiers taking the elevators to their defensive positions. She could feel the collapse of the void shield and the loud noise made by replacing the capacitor and restarting the void shield. The impact of the macro cannon shook the structure of the ship, and the heavy blow turned the steady pulse of the ship's engine into an arrhythmia, and the ensuing chaotic vibration pattern indicated that a fierce battle was taking place on the ship.

But obviously Fu Qinghai didn't take it seriously.

He killed all the enemies by himself.

"This is a new breakthrough!"

"This is an epoch-making change!"

Xiao Fei did not take the enemy's defection to the ship seriously. The chief Titan expert rubbed his hands excitedly and said:

"In the past, a Titan has never directly broken through the planet's atmosphere from orbit and entered the surface. Titan must rely on transport ships that can land on the planet's surface to be deployed in advance. If this experiment is successful, we will create a brand new combat mode. Our name Titan history will be written."

In the previous pursuit of the fallen knight family, the "Army-breaking Golden Armor" also fell from the sky, but that time it did not land directly from orbit, but landed on the surface first and then took off.

The difficulty level is quite different.

"That's right."

Fu Qinghai agreed:

"I'm also looking forward to this moment."

Fu Qinghai quickly took off the Blue Shell power armor, quickly put on the same combat suit as the co-pilot Zofia, and then slammed the activation panel with a fist in his right hand.


The air-tight gate opened and the entire cockpit began to be pressurized. The two quickly walked into it and stood on the maglev cockpit. The surrounding armored cables and giant sockets occupied most of the space here. The communication beads beside their ears emitted a cold sound. The mechanical sound is making a countdown to the battle airborne.

"10, 9, 8, 7..."

"Good afternoon, captains."

The pleasant tone of Sage Xiao Fei came from the communication channel. He assumed the role of Cai Tiantong in the Broken Dome Base in Anchorage. His tone was very lively, and he seemed to be full of confidence in the "Broken Army Golden Armor" and the driving crew. The increased engine power caused his words to be filled with static interference, and it sounded like some noise:

"The band has been prepared, and the 'Broken Army Golden Armor' is in good condition. It is ready to play a gorgeous symphony of death at any time, playing a lament for the traitor's end."

"You are also very good, sage. As a technical priest, your rhetorical skills are really amazing. Always pay attention to the space battlefield and give me timely feedback on any situation."

Fu Qinghai said with a smile.

"Understood. Happy hunting, Khan."

Xiao Fei said.

Fu Qinghai and Zofia looked at each other:

"Happy hunting."

"Ponce bridge activated."

As the electronic prompt sounded, the nerve probe pierced the spinal interface, and an unusually familiar pain hit Zofia's body, making her tremble slightly.

"Synaesthetic connections are being made..."

The two souls merged again, and a warm and safe feeling enveloped the girl. Zofia felt as if she was lying on Fu Qinghai's chest, wonderful and intoxicating.

"The pod-type booster is about to ignite..."

The metal clamps that fixed the "Broken Army Golden Armor" were all opened, the huge machinery started to shake, rumbles came from the structure of the ship's hull, the giant hinges began to move, the stern hatch was slowly opening, and the air hissed. Escape and look around, below is the hazy and fuzzy planet surface.


The spacecraft began to bump up and down. After the hatch was opened, the dazzling fireworks of the void battle were reflected into the cabin from the cracks in the hatch. People faced the battleship gunfire. The two conflicting gravity caused the entire spacecraft to shake. The naval battle in space was still going on. It continues, but it cannot affect the Titan's airborne landing at all.

"Broken Army Golden Armor" stepped out of the cabin door in one step.

Instantly captured by the planet's gravity.

Falling towards the bottom.

The atmosphere began to rub against the Titan's shell, and the white airflow continued to wash away the metal armor of the "Broken Army Golden Armor", and quickly turned red and yellow, starting to catch fire.


The pod-type booster behind it spurted out flames. The "Pojun Jinjia" was like an intercontinental missile. It plunged into the atmosphere and then bounced up by the dense air, "floating". According to "Qian Xuesen-Sanger" Ballistic" trajectory, flying towards the target location.


Over the main hive city No. 1.

The thin clouds dispersed with the wind, not even as thick as the white gunpowder smoke surrounding the city. Today's hive city is particularly "sunny and bright". In addition to the light of stars, there are also intertwined light spears and bursts of explosions in the space battlefield, as well as scarlet lasers and dazzling plasma on the ground battlefield.

View from the sky.

The Titan Legion continues to bombard the hive.

Every time a fire is fired, a piece of the city mountain range, which is like a steel honeycomb, can fall off. On the outside, it seems that there is no damage, but in fact, the inside has begun to collapse. The support structure is damaged, causing a chain reaction of building collapse, and functional facilities have ceased. Operation, a large number of hive city residents - regardless of the top hive, upper hive, or lower hive, all died in this tragic disaster of destroying the city, and they were inevitably spared.

However, what is strange is that the Titan Legion can hardly gain any actual benefits from attacking the hive city like this. They seem to just want to cause a massacre.

"The stars of dawn are approaching."

The pilot operating the auspicious device said.

"Lower the intensity of the fire and let them come."

The captain licked his lips evilly and sent the message:

"The sacrificial ceremony of the sages requires these guys. We will use the souls and corpses of a Titan army as the beginning and climax of this great ceremony."

His words never reach his lips - that is the communication method adopted by weak mortals. Instead, they are directly translated into text through the insertion machine in the brain, which is then formed into a monotonous communication and broadcast to his subordinate units.

The Kurisatai Titan Army stopped shelling the already dilapidated hive city, turned around collectively, and formed their formation in one direction. The few figures of the Dawn Star Titans were slowly rising on the distant horizon.

There are only eight Titans over there.

There are a total of twenty-two Titans here.

The strength comparison between the two sides is clear at a glance.

"The courage of the Star Travelers is truly amazing."

The captain of the Fallen Titan looks into the distance:

"It's a pity that they will eventually face their fate."

"Sir, the transfer of the sages' assets has been completed, and they have authorized us to start the killing ritual."

one crew member said.

"Then...wait, what is that?"

The captain suddenly noticed the auspicious warning.

"There is a giant flying object approaching in the sky!"

a crew member shouted.

"Gunboat? Or fighter plane?"

Another crew member was puzzled.

"No, not a gunboat that big."

The chief captain said in a deep voice:

"Whatever it is, anti-aircraft fire ready!"

The Titan Legion must be wary of all kinds of fighters. The void shield wall can of course block the meager firepower of fighters and gunboats, but it cannot stop fighters and gunboats from passing directly through it. In the past, Imperial Guard aviation troops piloted fighter planes to launch kamikaze suicide attacks and crashed into Titans. Head, creating a record of a Lightning-class fighter directly killing a Warrior-class Titan.

On the screen of the heavy auspicious array, the signal light spots were flashing rapidly, which indicated that the opponent was flying at an extremely fast speed. Twenty-two Titans, all the short-range defense guns and rapid-fire cannons on their shoulders were raised at the same time, aiming at the behemoth in the sky, but they did not forget the Dawn Stars Titan Legion in the distance that was about to enter the crossfire range, and they were also ready.

UFOs are approaching.

All the turrets turned in unison.


The captain gave the order.

Turbo lasers and storm bombs were fired at the same time, heavy logging guns and multi-barrel Gatling fire were fired at the same time, and various types of anti-aircraft turrets instantly poured out a violent storm of firepower. No gunship or fighter aircraft could be caught in this kind of firepower. Survived... However, the signal point continued to move.


The Titan crew was shocked.

Shocked emotions flowed through the nerve impulse units.

All the anti-aircraft turrets were still firing. They fired extremely fast, creating a fire net of metal warheads and scorching lasers, an airtight net.

However, this firepower net dissipated in a blur of flickering bubbles of light before it touched the behemoth. The behemoth broke through the thin clouds and entered the range visible to the naked eye. Several Titan crews took a closer look and saw that it was actually a black gold mechanical giant carrying one large, two small, triple launch vehicles. It was surrounded by strong winds and mixed with flames, just like a giant meteor. , hitting their heads.

"It actually has a void shield!"

A crew member screamed:

"That's a Titan! A flying Titan!"

Faced with this situation, the chief captain was so confused that he forgot to give any instructions for a while.

The "Army-breaking Golden Armor" had already passed through the anti-aircraft firepower and reached the top of the Titan formation. The locks on its back were all unlocked. The black-gold four-armed Titan suddenly fell. Fu Qinghai closed the void shield with a thought, and the "Army-breaking Golden Armor" slid smoothly. It passed through the void shield wall of Kurisatai Titan and fell straight into the Titan phalanx.


The heavy object fell to the ground, setting off waves of soil and rocks. The violent vibrations of the earth were transmitted along the soles of the Titans' feet. Immediately, several large Titans stood unsteadily, staggering and almost falling. Under the influence of the horizontal gyroscope and gravity stabilizer, With help, I managed to stand upright without falling to the ground.

The "Broken Army Golden Armor" had already bent its knees slightly to absorb the impact of the fall. The two warrior-level Titans had just stood firm when they suddenly found that their faces were pressed against the muzzle of a large cannon.

"Broken Army Golden Armor" stretches its arms outwards, each holding a wrath-type plasma incinerator cannon and a Mars-type melt cannon, which are placed directly on the forehead of the warrior-level titan.


Plasma clusters and hot melt flames instantly hit the head.

The Warrior-class Titan stood hunched over, with fire splashing outwards along the gaps in the body, triggering chain explosions of the plasma reactor and main weapon ammunition depot. Before other Titans could react, two large Titans burst apart.

The "Broken Army Golden Armor" and the gatekeepers fought for the first time.

"Titan Killer" has killed two Titans.

The two Titans were torn apart, like two stars breaking out of an egg. The bright and dazzling semicircular light ball silently ran over the surface of the earth. The explosion of the plasma reactor swept everything around. The flow pattern interface of all Titans was an electromagnetic field. Pulsing snowflakes flash. The Titan phalanx turned around, all weapons aimed at the center. They originally thought that the black gold four-armed Titan would be destroyed and turned into dust in the explosion. At least it would be severely damaged, but they did not expect that they would be greeted by two gorgeous beams. The dazzling and bright blue ion sword light...

"Qiang Qiang——"

The "Army-breaking Golden Armor", whose body was charred and cracked, pulled out its double swords, and the heads of two more warrior-level Titans fell to the ground.


Just now, at the moment when the plasma reactor was about to explode, the "Pojun Golden Armor" somersaulted backwards to avoid. With the shock wave of the explosion and the low gravity environment of the planet, the general avoided the center of the explosion, but the armor shell was still seriously damaged. It was damaged, half of the head detection instrument was missing, and one of the mechanical eyes drooped, which was equivalent to the eyeballs being blown out.

It looked very miserable.

But the moment it landed, it killed two more Titans.

"I felt like my face was burned."

Zofia said in her mind.

"me too."

Fu Qinghai said.


The enemy's voice sounded on Titan's broadcast:

"You are so amazingly vulnerable."

Not only killing, but also taunting.

"The devil...this is the devil."

The captain piloting the Warmaster-class Titan looked at the black-gold, four-armed Titan with its scorched black armor and wrinkled hair, slowly standing up straight, its four arms rotating and waving flexibly, its teeth creaking and trembling, and blood was biting out from the gaps between its gums. It spread over his tongue, allowing him to taste the fragility of a mortal body.

The smoke and storm caused by the explosion are dissipating, leaving only broken divine machines all over the field. They are all the dead souls of the "Broken Army Golden Armor". Tiny flames are still burning and jumping under the broken shell of the machine. In some places, The air circulation system is still operating, providing food for the hungry flames.

Somewhat strangely, they belong to the Dark Mechanicus. They believe in Chaos, but they call it "demon". The unknown Titan is more terrifying than the demon.

"All engines, come to me!"

The leader of the Warmaster-class Titan raised its huge jaw and let out a silent roar. The war horn echoed in the neural impulse unit in the form of a torrent of data, and all the machines in the Kurisatai Legion heard its howl.

They responded in kind.

The enemy immediately launched a counterattack.

In the cockpit of the "Broken Army Golden Armor", Fu Qinghai and Zofia looked around simultaneously. Half of the detection array on Titan's head was blown up, resulting in their current limited vision. They had to rely on turning their heads to supplement the vision in the holographic projection. .

"We are under siege."

A thought came from Zofia.

"Don't worry, we are in the center of the enemy's formation. They dare not fire rashly. This will lead to..."

Fu Qinghai's words have not yet finished.

The enemy opened fire brazenly.


The six-pack Apocalypse-class missile launcher sprayed out dense missiles, locked on the four-armed Titan's signal, and drew the tail smoke across the arc towards the "Army-breaking Golden Armor".

"The void shield activates again!"

Fu Qinghai said in a deep voice.

At the same time, without any instructions, the "Broken Army Golden Armor" immediately began to quickly maneuver to evade the missiles. Its so-called evasive method was to rush towards a place where other Titans were densely stationed.

The void shield wall of the Kurisatai Titan Legion has long since failed, because the four extremely critical Warrior-level Titans that formed the shield wall have fallen, and they still decided to launch a counterattack.

The initial speed of the missile that had just popped out of the bomb nest was not very fast. What was faster than the missile was the laser. No matter how fast the "Army-breaking Golden Armor" moved, it could not be faster than the laser. Before the void shield could be fully raised, the war general The super Titan's volcano cannon and seismic cannon have already come over. The thick scarlet laser hit the arm and thigh of the "Army-breaking Golden Armor". A crimson laser hit the cannon-holding arm, and the mechanical wrist was shattered. The Raging Sun-type plasma incineration cannon Dropped to the ground. A high-temperature laser penetrated the thigh of the "Broken Army Golden Armor", causing a heartbreaking and bone-gnawing pain. The high temperature burned and melted the body. Fu Qinghai couldn't help but hiss in pain, and Zofia screamed miserably. The blue and white hot plasma rubbed across the body, one after another, and several charred dents appeared on the waist and chest of the "Broken Army Golden Armor", and the melted fine gold armor slurry slid down and solidified along the body.

The running "Pojun Golden Armor" staggered to one knee and fell to the ground. A seismic shell rubbed its head and scratched the side of its ear. A seismic shell fell next to it, "Boom——", The four-armed Titan was turned sideways by the sudden explosion of the earth. The pilot crew controlled the Titan regardless of the pain, and the "Army-breaking Golden Armor" rolled sideways, because densely packed missiles fell down immediately, and then there were continuous explosions, explosions, and explosions... The explosions were covered in flames and clouds of smoke. In the entire battlefield, all detection instruments and sensory arrays were temporarily disabled. The dense formations, attacking regardless of the enemy or ourselves, enveloped the "Army-Breaking Golden Armor" and two War General-level Titans and seven War Dog-level Titans. Before the smoke and dust completely dissipated, a vague and flickering light arc bubble shield lit up in the smoke.

The fallen captain's heart sank.

"Left wing detachment, reply immediately."

"Left wing detachment, reply immediately!"

The communication channel was quiet, and there was no data feedback in the neural impulse unit. The left wing detachment seemed to have completely disappeared. As the smoke and high temperature faded, the broken and chaotic battlefield appeared in front of us. The left wing detachment had indeed disappeared. A ghoul seismic bomb hit the chest of the warrior-class titan. The titan had already tilted its head and fell, and a petal-shaped hole exploded in the chest. Another warrior-class Titan was riddled with holes, all of which were charred black holes left by large and small plasma beams. And the entire seven War Dog-class Titans have been completely reduced to piles of steel ruins under the rain of missiles.

Even though it's scarred, even though it's dilapidated.

The "Broken Army Golden Armor" still stands in the middle of the battlefield.

The independent shield and the surrounding Titans blocked most of the attacks. Both sides made the right decisions. Even if there was no indiscriminate fire coverage, the left wing detachment would be caught by the four-armed Titan's extremely sensitive and fatal attack. was completely harvested. Ruining the entire flank in exchange for serious injuries.

"Right wing detachment, move closer to me..."

"Boom - squeak!"

A sudden attack interrupted his words.

The Titan Legion of the Dawn Stars is finally here.

The right wing detachment was forced to turn around and fight with the advancing Star Travelers. The right wing detachment was all composed of the remnants of the Untamed Lords' Titan Legion. Facing this group of Untamed Lords who had betrayed them in battle, the Dawn Stars were filled with anger and needed to be vented. They violently attacked their formation with almost no regard for their own casualties, and fired a round of volleys. Afterwards, smoke was still coming from the muzzles, and the Star Travelers actually swung the barrels of the cannons and slammed them at the tamers. The two warrior-class Titans set up the muzzles of the cannons and faced each other, as if they were pressed against each other. The argali is pushing hard with its horns, such a primitive and fierce fighting method, it is like a man holding a gun suddenly hugging his opponent, opening his mouth and starting to bite hard.

"Traitor! Traitor—"

War horns sound and whistles sound.

The ultimate hatred bursting out from the travelers.

You can feel it from afar.

"It's over..."

The right wing detachment is locked in a fierce battle and cannot be expected for the time being.

The chief captain ordered in a deep voice:

"Warmaster-class Titans gather towards me, reduce the reactor output, and immediately restart the void shield to form a spear formation."

Three Warmaster-class Titans, which are the core of the entire Titan phalanx, are used to drill through the hive city's sharp hammer heads. They stopped after approaching each other. The core energy was quickly extracted and merged into multiple sets of void shield generators. After restarting the shields, they individually merged into a shield wall to form a triangular spear formation. With three enemies against one, get ready and be ready.

"Army-breaking Golden Armor" slowly unfolded its four arms. From the outside of the plasma double-edged sword, blue ion shock waves spurted out, then took steps and limped towards them. The structures such as the shin climber, sprint reactor, and hydraulic damper in the four-armed Titan's body have been damaged to varying degrees. It has lost the top speed for which it is famous and seems to have run out of skills.

"This Titan has no ranged weapons."

The captain observed carefully and said:

"Be prepared for close combat and join forces to strangle!"

The Warmaster-class Titan not only has long-range weapons, but also is equipped with melee weapons such as the Cryus-type siege drill, the fallen angel-type power claw, the giant killing chain sword, etc. Even if it is not as flexible and quick as the "Army-breaking Golden Armor", But they also have good melee combat capabilities. Three of them besieged one, and the opponent was obviously seriously injured. The chief captain felt that he had a chance to win.

One side is ready.

One party is approaching step by step.

The distance between the two sides closed, and the three Warmaster-class Titans opened fire first. Plasma, artillery shells, and lasers hit the void shield of the "Army-breaking Golden Armor" together, and a twisted and weird gravity ray spattered in vain. On the opponent's void shield, it was like the flames of a blowtorch hitting the metal wall, with lightning and thunder but in vain. Multiple void shield arrays, the first shield flashed with bright scarlet flares, and the intensity and hue of the light slowly decreased along the spectrum. It was dark red at first, then continued to deepen and darken, turning into a creeping blue current, and finally gradually disappeared into a dim purple, teetering on the verge of collapse.

"Its shields are about to overload!"

The chief captain licked his lips in excitement. He tasted the smell of rusted metal, and couldn't tell whether it was his gums bleeding or a mechanical hallucination caused by the pressure.

The two sides are getting closer and closer!

So close that you can almost see the patterns on each other's armor.

"Broken Army Golden Armor" can even be seen, the armor panels on the shell of the opponent's Titan are scarlet in color and paired with blasphemous graffiti. Many Titans will smear and etch kill records on the outer shell of the machine, and this Titan is no exception. There are a total of twenty-three kill marks, which are made by using some kind of corrosive acid mixed with human blood. There is no doubt that this is a cruel and vicious thing. A battle-hardened opponent. There are also many Titans that have kill counters, but the "Army-Breaking Golden Armor" doesn't need it - Samsara World is its counting device, and every time the Samsara World prompts for a point reward, it's when an enemy Titan dies.

The distance between the two sides is already very close.

The edges of the void shield began to squeeze and collide.

The chief captain's eyes widened.

As the pilot of a Warmaster-class Titan, he actually enjoyed close combat the most before encountering the "Army-breaking Golden Armor". He loved hand-to-hand combat the most, savoring the moment when the two Titan visors collided, because at this time , he can observe the window through the glass and look directly at his opponent's eyes. What a precious moment it was, when the enemy realized that their death was imminent, and the desperation was clearly visible on their faces. There is no greater feeling in the world than witnessing your enemy helplessly accepting defeat.

The soul of the chief captain merged with the machine soul of the god's machine. The blazing machine soul of the large Titan released a blood-red roar and occupied his mind. At this moment, he could no longer tame the Titan. The Titan tamed him, and he succumbed to the titan's machine-spirit's bestial will, its endless thirst for bloodshed. Close, close enough, he could clearly see the captain inside through the remaining one-eyed eyepiece on the opponent's Titan's face. The opponent was a handsome man with a stalwart figure comparable to that of a Space Marine, shielded by a transparent arc helmet. It covered his face, but it couldn't hide the sarcastic smile on his face.

At such a close distance, the chief captain also saw that the huge concave circular turbine on the opponent's chest was rotating rapidly, and crimson energy flow, strand by strand, escaped along the edge of the turbine teeth - its The engine is overloading! The chief captain didn't know what it was, but based on experience, he judged: the plasma reactor was operating beyond its capacity, and the opponent was at the end of its defense!

The two sides stuck together, and the shield force fields supported by the Titans pressed against each other. This time, the void shield did not explode and dissipate directly. The two light films finally merged into one in a dazzling flash, forming an expanding and crawling ball of light.

The Warmaster Titan raised his weapon.

Just for a moment.


"Po Jun Jin Jia" suddenly puffed up his chest.

The turbine on his chest spurted out a torrent of red energy.

The proton screamed and slammed into the Titan in front of him. The raging and violent red energy was washing and washing. In one second, it completely penetrated the front of the Warmaster-class Titan. The plasma reactor had disappeared before it even had time to explode. "The Army-Breaking Golden Armor" "Immediately twist his waist, the huge pillar of red energy swept across, spraying the Titan on the left, half of his body melted and flowed.


The Warmaster-class Titan on the right raised a giant killing chain sword and slashed at one of the arms of the "Army-breaking Golden Armor". The saw teeth quickly gnawed away the arm joints, and one arm of the four-armed Titan flew out. The pain of the broken arm was reflected simultaneously, Zofia and Fu Qinghai screamed in pain, and then a City Breaker seismic bomb hit the thigh of the "Army Breaker Golden Armor" - it was originally aimed at the chest, but the four-armed Titan twisted and dodged. After passing by, the shell exploded a crater, revealing the dense mechanical parts and pipelines inside, and the engine oil gurgled. The proton scream was extinguished, and the "Army-breaking Golden Armor" fell to his knees. He only relied on inserting the knife into the ground with one hand to support his body, which kept him from lying down.

The Warmaster Titan holds his chainsword high in one hand.

The head of "Pojun Golden Armor" will be cut off soon.


A jet of blue energy suddenly shot out.

The slanting stab penetrated the Titan's entire shoulder.

It hit the body sideways and penetrated through it.

"Ouch! Roar!"

A giant black thorny beast with a length of nearly two hundred meters and a standing height of nearly one hundred and twenty meters was walking towards this side. Planet Godzilla kept opening and closing its big mouth, and there was smoke shining with blue light inside. Emerging from the corners of the mouth.


In the head cockpit of "Po Jun Jin Jia", Fu Qinghai and Zofia kept kneeling on one knee. They breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it was finally here. The boss is finally here - Godzilla can't fly. , there is no way to airdrop directly from orbit like the "Pojun Golden Armor", and can only be transported by landing ships.

"Ha...ha...happy hunting."

Fu Qinghai turned to look at Zofia.

He was panting heavily and sweating profusely on the side of his face.

Blood gushed out from the girl's eyes, falling drop by drop on the transparent mask, gathering into a ball, and sliding down the mask. The edge of the implant on Zofia's temple was also bleeding. The pink-haired girl turned her head and faced the man. Smiling miserably:

"Happy hunting."

The girl closed her eyes and passed out.


Oops, the battle scenes are so difficult to write.

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