Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 263 Diary

Fu Qinghai was fully armed and led the three people wearing RIG protective suits to the last "unknown cabin".

Only Jiang Yixia did not wear a RIG protective suit because the probe could not penetrate her skin, let alone her spine.

Other places have been checked by Fu Qinghai, and it's just monitor damage or circuit failure.

There is only this last room left in front of you.

"What if there is a divine seal inside?"

Chen Xinlu asked.

"Then we consider ourselves unlucky."

Fu Qinghai said.

He said it casually because he knew that the size of the cabin in front of him could not accommodate a divine seal as high as three or four stories high.

Fu Qinghai stretched out his mechanical tentacles and tried to crack the cabin's access control. He found that this cabin had an independent control system that was completely physically isolated from the main console of the spacecraft. The bulkheads and doors were made of some kind of thick material that isolated the perspective. Fu Qinghai became more and more certain that there was a problem here.

Fu Qinghai closed his eyes and mobilized his sense of force.

"There's someone in there, alive."

After Fu Qinghai finished speaking, he just picked up the inertia hammer.

"Hey, don't, don't, don't…"

The voice came from the microphone on the side of the hatch.


The hatch opened automatically.

Before the chubby-faced young man could clearly see the situation outside, the black muzzle of the plasma pistol was pressed against his head.

He quickly raised his hands, deliberately showed the luminous bracelet on his wrist, and said quickly:

"I have been injected with the T-fear virus. Don't scare me. When I get excited, I will turn into a zombie covered with tentacles. It will be very, very..." The man's voice became smaller and smaller as he spoke, because he found that, against himself, The muzzle of the gun on his forehead remained untouched.

"It will make this place dirty..."

In the end, that was all he could say.

The gun was lowered.

An irresistible force pushed him into the cabin, and the young man took two steps back and sat down on the ground.

It has obviously been strengthened by the virus and has several times the strength of ordinary humans, but in front of outsiders, he is like a weak mortal, unable to resist even for a second.

Fu Qinghai walked into the cabin and looked at the facilities inside.

Turning around, he saw a woman who was tightly tied and hanging upside down from the ceiling... a zombie! ?

Gray-white skin, blood-red eyes, ferocious face, and a few drops of dried blue blood on the ground...

Isn't this the kind of zombie from the movie "Legion of the Living Dead" in the ruins of Blue Blood?

The limbs of the female zombie were separated by breast ropes and crotch ropes, and hung in the air. They were bound in a very professional and standard tortoise shell. She was still twisting her beautiful body, and her mouth was gagged with a red saliva ball. The ground made threatening warning sounds of "ha" and "ha".

The zombie's saliva followed the round hole of the mouth ball, pulled out long threads, and dripped to the ground.

Fu Qinghai pointed at the female zombie, turned to look at the young man who fell to the ground with a dull look, and asked in disbelief:

"You and the zombies..."

The young man lowered his head in embarrassment:

"It's boring for me to monitor here by myself."

The three women followed Fu Qinghai in. Seeing the scene in front of them, they couldn't help but wrinkled their faces and said in disgust:

"Ugh...that's disgusting."

Fu Qinghai still finds it incredible and cannot understand:

"Isn't the virus spread by...body fluids?"

The young man lowered his head:

"I...I can do it."

As he spoke, he seemed to remember something, pointed to the three test tubes placed on the cabinet next to him, and said:

"This is the antibody serum sent to me some time ago. It is said to be able to protect against blue blood virus."

Huxley was not happy when he heard this. He stared and cursed loudly:

"Then it was pulled out of my body!"

When Jiang Yixia saw this, he couldn't help but cursed:

"You men are really... casual, right?"

Fu Qinghai glared at her sideways:

"Don't fire the map cannon randomly."

Jiang Yixia knew that he had made a mistake, so he quickly came over and hugged Fu Qinghai's arm, rubbing it coquettishly. Then he stood on tiptoes to reach his body, his mouth came close to the side of Fu Qinghai's helmet, and he whispered boldly and directly:

"Hehe, I made a mistake... If you like it, I can play this with you."

What are you playing with, Japanese rope bondage?

Fu Qinghai wondered what kind of rope could tie you up, Wonder Woman's lasso of truth?

Fu Qinghai shook his head and threw She-Hulk away. He ignored the female zombie that was still spinning in the air and walked straight to the computer in the cabin. The mechanical tentacle stretched out the plug and inserted it into it. Qing Ming's routine began. Try to crack.

Fu Qinghai asked while browsing the flashing information on his retina:

"So, this... Mr. 'Love Qiuhua', what a fucking awkward name, are you sent here by a perfect human to monitor the entire Ishimura?"


The young man answered honestly, and after that he was quite unconvinced:

"There's no rule that you have to use ordinary people's names in the world of reincarnation."

Fu Qinghai ignored it and continued to ask:

"So the Ishimura wasn't the perfect human being assimilated here?"

Lian Zhi Qiuhua shook her head:

"No, we just accidentally discovered this spacecraft parked in orbit some time ago. The crew members inside have all become necromorphs. We speculate that they may have been reincarnators before they were alive."

In terms of the number of zombies in the entire spaceship, it is indeed not too many. It is not enough for Fu Qinghai to kill alone, but it is in line with the general scale of a large reincarnation society.

Fu Qinghai asked again:

"How did you put the divine seal on the surface?"

"Use robots."

It’s pretty much what Fu Qinghai guessed.

"Don't you do some research?"

Fu Qinghai asked casually.

The young man rolled his eyes:

"We're not stupid."

Seeing the iconic spiral shape of the Seal, anyone who knows about the Dead Space series will not touch it. Many players who like Resident Evil also know that Dead Space is a revival of the zombie game.

"Are you here just responsible for monitoring the Ishimura?"

Fu Qinghai asked again.

"You saw it all."

The young man shrugged.

Fu Qinghai browsed through all the information on the computer. There was nothing valuable. He just reported what he saw on the ship every day. It seems that this "Qiuhua of Love" is not a senior member, but a low-level cannon fodder serving as an informant. .

"Don't you know I boarded the Ishimura?"

"We thought you had been killed by the divine seal."

"Why don't you clean up the necromorphs and take the Ishimura as your own?"

"Because we can't defeat the Necromorphs, and why do we need a mining ship?"

In Fu Qinghai's eyes, the army of zombies could be solved by chopping melons and vegetables, but in the eyes of others, it was a constant problem.

In the eyes of Fu Qinghai, the very advanced planet cracking technology is as useless to the reincarnations who have no intention of farming.

"Why can you hide here alone?"

"As long as you don't alert those necromorphs, it's actually okay. Necromorphs are not very interested in robots. They only react to living creatures. However... Ever since Lady Moira decided to put the divine seal on the surface as a After the trap, no more supplies were sent.”

At this point, the man's expression looked a bit resentful.

Got it, Fu Qinghai was surprised before. How could this guy be so cooperative, even though he seemed to answer all questions? After a long time, he turned out to be a pawn abandoned by perfect humans.

In addition, Moira Robinson is indeed not dead.

“Where is the perfect human satellite?”

"I don't know, I'm not in charge of this."

"Hmph." Fu Qinghai snorted coldly and ordered:

"Take a good look at this guy, throw the zombies into space, and I'll drive the shuttle to knock out the satellite."

The Hegemony shuttle has weapons. Fu Qinghai doesn't need to know which satellites belong to perfect humans. He just needs to blow up all the man-made satellites he sees that are still operating.

In fact, now that Fu Qinghai is on the Shicun, he no longer cares about the satellite or not. The satellite cannot see him, but he is simply unhappy with perfect human beings and wants to make them feel uncomfortable.

Fu Qinghai slipped around low-Earth orbit and created a lot of space junk. After returning to the Shicun, he parked the shuttle on the flight deck and prepared to find Chen Xinlu.

When I came to the maintenance deck, I found that several people were still working hard to clean the passage. This was the task assigned to them by Fu Qinghai before leaving - to clean the deck passage that was filled with corpses and plasma.

The Ishimura is a ship with strong self-sustainability. Strong self-sustainability usually means that there will be more energy and material reserves, and the various functions and facilities of the ship itself are also relatively complete. The conditions on the Ishimura are better than those on the surface. Any secret stronghold of a perfect human being would be better.

Fu Qinghai has decided to spend the rest of his time here. As long as the Necromorphs are cleaned up, this place will be far more comfortable and safer than Leman Rustank.

When it comes to cleaning, Chen Xinlu still has a few magic tricks that she can use. Jiang Yixia and Li Xingxian are not willing to do such dirty work. As overseers, they instruct Huxley and the perfect human prisoner to clean the entire street. corridor.

Fu Qinghai was left to their own devices.

"Then who, what is Lian, Qiuhua of Lian, come here."

Fu Qinghai called the prisoner over and asked:

"You have been on the Ishimura for so long. Do you know how the Ishimura was assimilated into this world of reincarnation?"

There were still no clues or clues to the mystery in his heart. Fu Qinghai just asked casually, not expecting this mummy pervert to really know anything. However, to his surprise, Lianzhi Qiuhua answered seriously:

"I really know."

"Oh? Tell me."

"If I tell you, will you let me go?"

"Do you think that's possible?"

"Then why should I tell you?"

Fu Qinghai narrowed his eyes and suddenly released his murderous intent:

"I will make your life worse than death."

"You can't torture me. I have the T-fear virus in my body. Once adrenaline is secreted too much, I will die."

"I'm not afraid of death either. I've long wanted to break away from being a perfect human being. If you kill me, you can just delete the file and start practicing again. Just do it."

As expected of a reincarnator who dared to inject the T-fear virus as a means of strengthening, he remained calm and plausible in the face of Fu Qinghai's unabashed murderous aura.

But Fu Qinghai is really curious.

He changed his mind:

"How about I provide you with antibodies to the T-fear virus in exchange for your information? This is the only solution. Don't challenge my patience. My curiosity is also limited."

The young man hesitated. After losing the T-fear virus, he would indeed no longer be constrained by emotional fluctuations, but it also meant that he had lost the strengthening power brought by the virus, which was equivalent to turning back into an ordinary human being.

Fu Qinghai tapped his fingers on the knee armor.

"Tuk, Tuk, Tuk..."

It seems to be urging, and it seems to be timing.

"make a deal!"

Lian Zhi Qiuhua said simply.


Fu Qinghai said calmly.

The young man said:

"When I was extremely bored, I used to control a robot to wander around the ship. I found a diary in the cabin. After reading it, I felt that the diary was very valuable, so I didn't hand it over to the club, but kept it secretly. It was hidden under the third bunk in cabin No. 17 in the living area. If you read the diary, you will understand everything."

Fu Qinghai nodded and did not release the guy immediately. Instead, he told the three women to keep an eye on the prisoner, and then walked to the living area near the stern of the ship. Sure enough, he found the diary under the bed in the crew cabin.

Fu Qinghai picked up the diary, stood there, and opened the first page:

"I had a dream."

The handwriting is sloppy and the strokes are messy.

"I had a dream. I dreamed that I was having a conversation with God. I couldn't see God clearly. I only knew that I was as insignificant as an ant in front of God."

"God says: He knows everything."

There are large smear marks behind.

The only thing that can be seen clearly:

"God told me that I need to have flesh and blood and biomass, so that I can serve as God's messenger... In front of Him, I can't raise the slightest bit of resistance."

Fu Qinghai turned back and found that the back was torn off.

A few jagged pages remain.

Scroll further down and you’ll find familiar words:

"Integration, sublimation, we become one..."

Classic Unionist line.

The handwriting is crooked and there are still blood stains.

Go back one page:

"I'm dreaming again. I don't know how many dreams I've had. I'm so scared. My subordinates, my friends, the way they look at me, that strange look, I'm so scared..."

"How on earth can I get rid of it! Only when we switch to the reincarnation world for a moment can we be awake and normal. I\u0026amp;amp; # ^ @%..."

The content behind is gone again.

Fu Qinghai continued to turn the pages.

"Some people have committed suicide, and some have advised me to commit suicide together, but I don't dare. This is my last reincarnation life. God knows this. He knows clearly that I don't dare..."

The more Fu Qinghai looked at it, the more baffled he became.

What a mess.

Fragmented information is too messy.

Until he saw the last page:

"This is the longest dream I've ever had. It was so long that I almost forgot time and everything. During this period, I had a moment of clarity, but it was very short."

"When the cold voice of the reincarnation world passed through the fog and dreams, it was clearly transmitted into my mind, telling me that this was the Resident Evil movie universe. At that moment, at that moment, I had a brief moment of clarity."

"When I woke up, I saw the five thousand assimilation points that were inexplicably missing from the attribute panel, and saw the familiar red double helix device next to me... At that moment, I knew, I knew..."

"Everything is lost."

See here.

Fu Qinghai's pupils suddenly trembled, and the hair on his body stood up.

"God said: Destroy."

End of diary.


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