Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 259 Prey

The mountains in the north surround the basin of the Glowing Sea, which is a problem for tanks.

Fu Qinghai did not intend to look for those narrow cracks, nor did he intend to go around on the winding mountain path. He adopted a more opportunistic method - flying over the mountains first, and then letting Chen Xinlu open the dimensional door. , the tank came out of the dimensional gate.

This method can save a lot of fuel, but it is limited by Chen Xinlu's energy and world view - the number of times she can cast the Dimension Gate per day is limited.

The flight pack activated the cruise mode and let out the roar of a jet fighter. Fu Qinghai flew across the leaden sky, overlooking the gray land below.

At some point, snowflakes started to fall from the sky.

Fu Qinghai slowly slowed down, hovered in mid-air, reached out to catch a piece of crystal clear ice flower, and watched the white snowflakes slowly melt on the black gauntlet.

Arriving at high latitudes.

According to the data, this is a secret stronghold with the highest latitude of Perfect Humanity, but it is not known whether it is still operating normally. Fu Qinghai’s killing of Moira Robinson and Kathy Wheeler may have been spread among Perfect Humanity. opened.


The plasma nozzle shoots out a blazing stream, the cruise mode switches to afterburner mode, and Fu Qinghai wants to speed up.

He didn't know how long the snow would last. Now Fu Qinghai mainly relied on the map obtained from the perfect human being and compared it with the overlooking terrain to determine his target and direction. If he waited for the heavy snow to completely cover the earth, what kind of terrain would it be like? They were all covered in thick snow. At that time, trying to find a secret stronghold in the vast ice and snow was tantamount to wishful thinking.

The snow kept falling, getting heavier and heavier.

The gray ground was gradually covered with a shallow layer of mottled snow.

"Master, after comparison, the terrain here is 87.45% similar to the map, and it can be identified as the target location."

Qing Ming reminded in his ear, and at the same time, he projected the grid contour lines and identification markers on the map onto Fu Qinghai's retina in the form of AR projection, overlapping with the real terrain in the bird's eye view.


Looking at the snow-capped rolling mountains below and the remaining artificial creations on the surface, Fu Qinghai swooped down.

Fu Qinghai stood in the middle of a crumbling mess.

This place... seems to have been a launch site?

Heavy snow fell slowly from Fu Qinghai's side. He looked around. He did not rush to call Chen Xinlu to open the dimensional door, but carefully inspected the situation at the scene.

On the simply flat and hardened land, there are obvious traces of blackening by high-temperature jets. The collapsed launch frame and twisted landing gear are intertwined. There is a row of empty tall storage tanks. After starting the perspective, they are already empty.

Yes, this is a simple launch site.

And it is an abandoned launch site.

Facilities have been destroyed, supplies have been moved, and all traces have been artificially covered up.

Fu Qinghai thought of the satellite in the sky.

They are perfect human beings. They knew that I was coming, so they abandoned this secret stronghold in advance... Fu Qinghai knew it in his heart.

Fu Qinghai walked among them, scanning the burned tents and garbage piles one by one. The natural hunting instinct of the White Scar Warrior was looking for any clues that might have been missed.

Sure enough, Fu Qinghai found a series of obscure footprints, covered by shallow snow. Fu Qinghai squatted down, gently brushed away the snow, and determined the direction of the footprints - leading to a place outside the launch site.

"whispering sound."

Fu Qinghai raised his lips.

Do you want to escape the eyes of the future hunting master?

There were only footprints on the ground and no blood stains. Even if there were blood stains, Fu Qinghai did not intend to put it in his mouth and taste it.

Because this is a reincarnation world filled with all kinds of unknown mutated viruses, Fu Qinghai will not activate the special ability of the "soul drinker" after genetically detecting neurological mutations.

But to track the traces of these careless people, careful observation and hunting intuition alone are enough.

Qing Ming automatically marked the footprints in red in his field of vision. Fu Qinghai followed these shallow footprints, which were indistinguishable in the eyes of mortals, and walked to the northwest of the launch site.

The north wind is howling and the snow is falling.

Snow quickly piled up on Fu Qinghai's shoulders.

Fu Qinghai trudged along the hillside, where the snow was getting deeper and the rocks were rugged. Fu Qinghai was like a patient and experienced hunter, braving the wind and snow, not hurrying nor slowing down, tracking and identifying the subtle traces left by his prey.

He could feel that the "prey" was starting to show its feet.

It seemed that as he was getting closer to his destination, he felt that he was already safe. He became more and more eager, more and more reckless, and less and less careful about covering his whereabouts.


Fu Qinghai sneered.

The hard-wearing Space Marine climbed over the last boulder, leaned out half of his body from behind the ridge, and looked at the scene below the hillside.

Fu Qinghai's eyes widened instantly:

"I'm going to go..."


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