Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 216 Internal Breakthrough (Part 1)

"Attack directly into the enemy's heart, with a fierce blade covering his body."

"Never bare your throat, never sheathe your sword."

"We are Astartes, not diplomats or envoys, we are just warriors."

"If you are already inside the enemy's fortress, you have broken through the strongest defense."

"You have all the advantages."

"Use them to your advantage."

——Markarian, Philosopher of War

Captain of the 10th Company of the Night Lords Legion and a member of the Night Bat Council. This poem is excerpted from his book "The Path of Darkness".

Fu Qinghai led the troops of the Mechanicum and gathered in the temporary camp at No. 56. Several people stood on the hill and looked at the warlord's castle in the distance again.

The castle is still shrouded in the void shield.

This is the problem with the foundation void shield.

In the space naval battle of Warhammer 40K, even if the opponent's warship has a void shield, it still has to be bombarded with naval guns. Because no matter how huge the battleship is, the number of void shield generators it can carry and the energy supply for the battleship's core engine are always limited. As long as the attack power is oversaturated, it can cause the void shield energy to overflow, causing the void shield generator to be temporarily overloaded, and then destroy the battleship.

Space fortresses like the Phalanx and the Monolith that are larger than asteroids are naturally a different matter. Such existences may only be breached from within.

But for the foundation void shield, you never know how many layers it has, nor how sufficient its energy reserve is.

Moreover, the Liima is still an Enforcer-class system control cruiser with only light spears and no macro cannons. It is impossible for Fu Qinghai to order the orbital bombardment to continue until the void shield of the warlord's castle is overloaded.

Using the spy tactics used by the Alpha Legion is the best solution.

The location of this temporary camp is just outside the maximum range of the Skyhawk macrocannon.

If you walk further inside, you may be hit in the head by the terrifying foundation macro cannon.

This time, unlike the transport ship that killed the Iron Warriors, Fu Qinghai did not choose to divide his forces to surround them, but instead gathered and waited.

The firepower radius of the warlord's castle is too large. The few troops Fu Qinghai has are not enough to surround the opponent. It is better to use them concentratedly.

At this time, inside the warlord's castle.

The technicians and soldiers supported by the warlord are trying their best to maintain the operation of the void shield, carefully checking every component of the giant generator to ensure that there are no errors or omissions.

The orbital air supremacy has been occupied by the enemy. No one wants to be overwhelmed by the light spears and macro cannons descending overhead, so they must do their best to be cautious.

Four huge pillars are towering, with round spheres at the top. The base is covered with dense pipes and lines. The twisted and twisted ball of embodied electric charge is filtered by the activated sawtooth and then enters the ball at the top of the pillar. It is as violent as life. Twisting.

The air exudes a strong smell of ozone, which is the unique smell emitted by the void shield in operation.

The multiple void shield arrays covering the main body of the castle are far more powerful than the void shields of other bastions, and require more maintenance personnel.

The busy crowd was like worker ants surrounding the base. No one noticed that there were four people among them who cooperated particularly well and kept making eye contact in private.

Their dress, their speech and behavior, the warlord slave symbols branded on their faces, the traces of current burns caused by long-term maintenance of void shields, and even the strange Low Gothic intonation in their speech - the feudal world of Malzan The local accents are completely unexpected. These are actually four outsiders.

Not far away from these four people is the main control room of the void shield generator, where the closing and opening of the void shield can be decided. The main control room is surrounded by three steel warriors. These armored giants hold weapons and coldly His eyes constantly scanned the mortals passing by, making people dare not look at them.

Regardless of entering, any mortal who tries to get close to the main control room will be severely inspected and interrogated.

The four people looked at each other and shook their heads slightly.

With only the strength of four mortals, it was impossible to kill three space warriors and then go in and close the void shield.

But they had no intention of turning off the void shield in the first place.

Void shields can be fused with each other.

For example, in the past, when the Titan Legion was in battle, several large Titans, Emperor-class or Warlord-class, would usually form a battle line side by side. They held up the Titan Void Shield and stood firm against the enemy's overwhelming artillery fire. Move forward slowly, keeping tanks and smaller Titans protected within your void shield.

Their void shields are fused with each other, forming a "void shield wall". If the void shields between friendly forces want to be superimposed and fused, it needs to be achieved by adjusting the harmonics of the void shields.

As the largest of the three types of void shields, the ground-based void shield is responsible for the defense of many fortresses and hives in the empire. It also uses multiple void shield arrays that are fused and superimposed.

A mortal agent disguised as a warlord technician quietly pulled out a metal plug-in from his robe.

The metal plug-in has a sharp universal plug that can be connected to any instrument and equipment in the empire. It stores the virus code written by the Alpha Legion technical sergeant.

This virus code has only one function:

Rewrite the harmonic code of the void shield array.

Several warlord technicians passed by each other, waving their hands and sleeves, and the metal inserts were passed covertly, until the last technician came to the side of the generator base.

Deep underground in the warlord's castle.

It's still so dark here, still full of candles and incense, the hanging chains are dangling, and the light and shadow are twisting and floating on the walls.

An Iron Warrior walked quickly behind Lionel.

"grown ups."

"What's the matter?"

"Sir." The visitor considered his words and said:

"I think we should once again conduct a comprehensive investigation of all the mortal technicians who maintain the void shield array. The brothers on the space station lost contact inexplicably. Then the enemy fleet appeared in the space orbit, and then where we hid the transport ship It was discovered, this series of events was too coincidental.”

"I don't believe this is something a mere Raven Guard can do on Satfaran."

"What do you want to say?"

Lionel looked forward and asked calmly.

"I want to say... there may be a mole in the company!"

The Space Marine standing behind gritted his teeth and said.


Lionel said oh, noncommittally.

After a while, he asked:

"Where's Bancroft Kellogg?"

"Fucking with his beloved concubine in the room."

The warrior replied, his tone full of disdain.


Lionel said oh again.

Then there was silence, an embarrassing silence.

The warrior behind him seemed offended by this attitude.

He shouted angrily:

"I think the current work should be to strengthen the castle's defense, not to chat with some deformed and ugly monster, nor to simply believe the devil's slander and do nothing!"


Lionel suddenly turned around and pulled out the power ax from his waist. The blade of the ax hit the faceplate of the warrior behind him.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Lionel snapped.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the underground space was so quiet that one could hear dripping water.


A sudden burst of laughter interrupted the confrontation between the two.

The two of them turned around and saw the demon-possessed Astropath. His body was twisted into a ball wrapped in iron chains, and he was laughing wildly with his big mouth on his throat. His deformed body was twitching with laughter. .

Fu Qinghai was sitting in the cockpit of the Thunder Eagle gunboat, looking at the warlord's castle in the distance and tapping his fingers lightly on the steering column. A man piloted the Thunderhawk gunship. He plugged several iron ring cables in the engine room into the back plate of the power armor so that he could aim and shoot without a gunner.

Joestar, Camille, No. 56, and Satflan were all fully armed and sitting in the crew cabin of the gunboat.

Fu Qinghai waited patiently.

He established communication with the cruiser in orbit:

"Eugene, are you ready?"

"Alright, Khan, the Liima is at the predetermined position, and the light spear array has adjusted its shooting angle."


In the warlord's castle.

The last technician took the metal insert and inserted it directly into the pipe of the base without any further hesitation or waiting.


The mortal technicians around him looked at him in surprise.

As the virus was released, the void shield generator began to produce a series of changes, and the entire giant device was shaking.

"what's the situation?"

"what happened?"

The people around were a little panicked.

An Iron Warrior lined up the crowd and came over, picked up the mortal agent's neck and smashed it to the ground.


The mortal agent's cervical spine was simply broken, and his head and chest were bent at a weird angle, but there was still an inexplicable smile on his face.


Huge and winding lightning and flares flickered on the transparent blurry dome above their heads, and people looked up one after another.

What would happen if two large, hostile Titans moved closer to each other?

Just like the current scene, void shields that do not have a unified harmonic code but are integrated with each other will emit colorful thunderous flashes due to their respective huge energies pushing each other, and violently spill out into the air. The excess pressure of the collapse releases a destructive shock wave.

Fu Qinghai in the distance saw the abnormal situation above the castle. He did not wait for the void shield to completely collapse and disappear, but directly pulled the joystick hard.


The tail of the Thunderhawk gunship sprayed out surging flames.

The huge turbofan at the joint of the main wing spun out its afterimage.

The Thunderhawk gunship flew close to the ground and headed straight for the warlord's castle!

Suddenly, the voice of the communication channel rang.

Eugene Elinor:

"Khan, the director of Star Language wants to speak to you."


Fu Qinghai frowned while operating the Thunder Eagle.

"Yeah, she's eager."


It was Xia Lu Flospin. The little girl's voice was full of anxiety and fear, and she spoke quickly:

"Khan, Khan! I just heard the astropathic message sent from the surface of Malzan to the depths of the subspace, an extremely violent psychic fluctuation. There is an astropath in the feudal world of Malzan, and he is very strong!"

Have you heard all this? Xia Lu has something.

Fu Qinghai stared ahead, frowned and asked:

"What did he say?"

"I, I...I don't know."

Director Star Language's voice trembled.

"I couldn't understand what he was saying, and I didn't dare to listen carefully. It seemed to be the language of the devil."

The language of the devil?

Fu Qinghai's eyes were as sharp as a sword, and he yanked the operating lever with his palm. The Thunder Eagle gunship rolled sideways, narrowly avoiding a laser beam, and said:

"Okay, I understand, Xia Long."

No matter what, the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. No matter what the devil's star language was, the warlord's castle was taken care of first.

The four Space Marines in the crew compartment were about to be vomited.

If they knew Fu Qinghai was driving the gunboat and talking on the phone.


The multiple void shield arrays that were incompatible with each other because they were rewritten and covered with harmonic codes finally couldn't hold on and exploded completely. The air wrapped in the void shield shook violently, and the mortal soldiers present felt the air in their lungs. They were all being drained, and the light of the flash was enough to blind the fragile eyeballs that were not protected by goggles, and the entire fortress suddenly became a mess.

The bubbles of the void shield flickered and finally extinguished.

"Overload, restart in five minutes."

A line of characters appeared on the screen in the main control room.

Before Fu Qinghai's Thunder Eagle gunship could fly to the city wall, five thick golden light beams, like gods descending from the earth, penetrated the clouds and bombarded the castle.

The scorching golden shock wave twisted the air, and the light made it impossible to see.

The first spear of light struck the Skyhawk macrocannon standing at the highest point of the castle. The fort dissipated and collapsed in the dazzling golden light beam, and the foundation macrocannon disappeared.

The second light spear hit the generator that covered the giant void shield. The light spear ignited the plasma pipe, causing an even more violent explosion. The void shield would no longer restart.

The third, fourth, and fifth light spears struck, collapsing the city wall, piercing the bunker, and setting the oil depot on fire. The warlord's castle was blazing with heat and a mess.

Five rays of light were fired in a volley, and the defense was instantly paralyzed.

The bottom of the Thunder Eagle gunboat almost touched the edge of the crenellations of the city wall, and it roared into the castle's defense circle. The giant steel eagle whipped up strong winds and sonic booms.

The hatch on the side of the fuselage opened, and Joestar jumped out first.


The Moon Wolf warrior landed brazenly, stabbing a seriously injured Iron Warrior to death with one claw.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The remaining three people also landed on the ground.

Camille tightened his grip on the chain sword in his hand. There were flames all around, blood and debris everywhere, and black smoke billowing into the sky. Witnessing such a cruel scene, he instantly felt blood pressure filling his skull and howled. Just rush out and kill the enemy.

He was pushed to the ground by Qiao Shida.

A bolt grazes the top of Camille's helmet.

Camille calmed down immediately.

The exquisitely self-interested surgeon is back.

He quickly climbed up and looked for cover, and said in the communication channel:

"Thanks, Old Joe."

Joestar didn't say anything. He saw the opportunity and stood up. He pulled out the explosive assault gun and fired a shot. The thin dark red ray ignited a steel warrior and turned it into a running torch.

Space orbit, cruiser Rima, lower deck.

The alchemist sat cross-legged on the bed and felt the tilt and vibration of the battleship. The low muffled sound was transmitted along the deck to the cabin. It was the movement caused by the salvo of the light spear array.

They started fighting.

The middle-aged man suddenly opened his eyes.

He quickly pulled two things out from under his cloak.

A silver cylinder.

A blood red translucent stone.

The alchemist raised his hand and lifted up his cloak, revealing his undershirt. He pressed the button and the hatch slid open.

The armed sailor guarding the door saw the hatch opening and immediately stopped him:

"Sir, as requested by Chief Eugene, you must..."


The crimson lightsaber blade penetrated from the sailor's back.

The alchemist drew back his blade, and the armed sailor with shotgun fell limply.


Red lights flashed and sirens sounded across the bridge.

Eugene Eleanor suddenly looked at the surveillance array. On the screen, that weird guy named "Guy" was holding a red lightsaber and was killing people in the lower deck!

The armed sailors formed a formation to block the passage of the battleship, raising their shotguns and firing them all. But the man just raised his hand and grabbed it, and all the shotgun pellets were frozen in mid-air, and then fell one after another, bouncing on the floor.

What's this!

what happened?

Eugene's eyes were suddenly stunned.

The only three Space Marines aboard the battleship are on the surface.

Eugene quickly opened the communication channel.

"Khan, Khan! There's a situation!"

Guy easily defeated the armed sailors and hurried straight to the bridge.

Suddenly, the passage in front was obscured by the diffuse black fog, and the surrounding wind swirled. The bulkheads on both sides were filled with ghosts. Random palm prints and blasphemous curses covered the walls. Long black hair like seaweed emerged from the vent at the top of the passage. The hair was hanging down, with blood dripping from the wet hair.

She is coming.

Gai raised the corners of his mouth.

Valak and Gayo appeared side by side in front of Gai with their feet dangling in the air.

The two ghosts had hideous faces. Looking at the changed alchemist in front of them, they asked in unison:

"Who are you? Who are you?"

At this time, Gai no longer looked like his original ordinary self. His eye sockets were sunken, his skin was droopy, and there were brownish-red markings around his eye sockets.

"This is the force mask, Miss Zhang Yuning."

Guy said with a smile.

"And I, Guy, am just a pseudonym, of course."

"My name is Lauster, Lauster Cordell Grey. You may have heard of me."

In the captain's room, Zhang Yuning opened her eyes wide, recalling the wanted posts on the Samsara Forum, and subconsciously said:

"Once the fourth leader of the Zero World Guild, the chief alchemist of Azeroth, and later a high-level player who betrayed the society, the Zero World Guild will offer a reward of two thousand points for your first life, and a reward of three thousand points for your second life. Life, five thousand points reward for completely wiping out your people!"

"Haha, I am so notorious that I made you laugh."

Lust said with a smile.

Zhang Yuning frowned and said solemnly:

"Your Excellency, we have no grievances or grudges against you, so why would we board the ship to look for trouble?"

Lust seemed to have heard something strange, spread his hands and said:

"Hey, that's strange. I chose the Chaos camp. Do you need a reason for me to kill you?"

"good very good."

Zhang Yuning responded coldly.

In the battleship passage, a roll of Kayako's pale pajamas turned into black smoke and hit Lust.

Lust unhurriedly took out a small cigarette box from his arms. The English words "Cleopatra" were written on the outside of the box. He held it in his hand and shook it gently.

There was a scraping sound on the floor.

Human beings hear it but have no feeling.

However, Kayako showed his original shape and fell to the ground, covering his ears and screaming miserably.

"Screaming beetle!"

Zhang Yuning blurted out.

As a veteran horror movie fan, she recognized the origin of this item at a glance.

In the movie "Hell Detective", one of Constantine's exorcism items will cause the demon to disperse every time it is shaken.

Before he was done, Lust took out another gold finger tiger. Each protrusion of the finger sleeve was engraved with a black cross. He put on the finger tiger and punched Valak who floated over.


The ghost nun was knocked away directly, her black nun robe was torn and shattered, and her ferocious face was distorted.

Golden finger tiger!

Zhang Yuning was speechless.

Did you rob Constantine's lair?

This is a rare melee weapon of the Hell Detective. The gold used in it was blessed by the Archbishop named Annicott during the Crusades. Zha Kang once used this thing to expel the demon Baldasha.

The Screaming Beetle and the Golden Finger Tiger, exorcism items from the DC universe, are more professional counterparts than the Steel Sword Broken Heart in dealing with evil spirits and ghosts.

Lust laughed as he walked:

"Ms. Zhang, beautiful Ms. Zhang Yuning, do you think that I, Luo Si, have been walking around the world for so many years without any protection against ghosts?"

"I have also experienced the horror movie universe, and I also know how difficult it is for you group of supernatural side reincarnators. If I didn't have any means, someone would have been carrying a bounty on someone's head."

The illusions created by the resentful spirits and demons quickly dissipated with the pace of Lust, and the normal scene returned to the battleship passage.

Lust walked leisurely, but his speed was not slow at all, and he whistled playfully:

"Shush, shush, shush, Miss Zhang Yuning, hide quickly, I'm coming to find your real body~"

The ghostly illusions dissipated quickly. Zhang Yuning quickly put on a coat and ran out of Fu Qinghai's captain's room barefoot.

She had to find a cabin to hide in first.


(PS: This chapter is divided into two parts. Mine is big, please bear with it.)

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