Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 7 Chapter 107: The relationship does not seem simple

After the atmosphere stagnated for a while, the dean of the academy Edward suddenly showed a gentle smile on his face, which was no different than usual, and even more made people feel the kindness of a strong old man.

"When things happen to the present, if someone can stand up in the chaos and come up with an effective solution, then she can undoubtedly become a hero who saves the country."

The head of the academy narrowed his eyes, and suddenly changed the subject carelessly.

The corners of Xie Chen's mouth curled up slightly.

Behind him in this atmosphere, I could not help but shook hands with Iluri, and forcibly endured the trembling nights, hearing the sudden relaxation of Edward's tone, the stone in my heart also suddenly let go.

Jin Baili helped her glasses. Since Xie Chen and Edward started the conversation, she has completely acted as an air and listener. A stream of light flashed in the slender eyes on her intellectual face, but no one would pay attention to her at this time.

"I believe that as long as this chaos can end early, then this farce that Arianti is unfortunately involved in, she is just an innocent and poor supporting role." Xie Chen smiled similarly to Edward.

Four eyes face each other.

Old fox, little fox!

Such thoughts flashed in the hearts of both of them at the same time, and Xie Chen's smile became deeper, and it was a little bit more unclear.

If Edmond was not the Prince of England, things would not go so smoothly today.

Regarding Edmond’s unification of Britain, Xie Chen didn’t fake a single word, but used the subtle contradiction between British rule and college autonomy.

No matter how lofty the status of the college is, it is still in the territory of the United Kingdom after all. The king of this term respected all matters of college autonomy and continued to make concessions, but what about the next term?

Now he is still a prince. Edmond has already issued relevant remarks. If he succeeds to the throne, the conflict between the academy and the British government will be on the verge of breaking out. It is better to take this opportunity to pull down the uneasy factors and cut them down!

The head of the academy turned his eyes around the long table, and solemnly cleared his throat.

"Chief Security, what do you think?"

"Oh, sir, we are just maintaining the law and order of the academy, and we don't express any opinion about these things that are not attributable to the academy."

"Really a good answer." Edward continued to look at him with satisfaction. "Professor General Representative, what do you think?"

The man with glasses looked a little serious, "If the dean decides this way, the professors will have no objection."

Edward nodded and looked around at everyone. No one stared at him with disapproving eyes. However, there was a vacancy at the end of the long table, and Edward frowned.

"'She' went to the matter of wisely constructing the'enchantment ceremony'!" The tall secretary Ann Valier paid attention to Edward's eyes and leaned in and said softly.

"Then what about Magnus's opinion as the student representative?"

After the casual questioning, the academy's dean said it in an agreed tone, and all those who could wink only agreed without a doubt.

Magnus's gaze crossed with Xie Chen for a moment, and Xie Chen greeted Magnus's gaze with playfulness, and Magnus subconsciously turned his gaze to other places.

The deep voice was somewhat suppressed, "Let's just let the'last from the bottom' do it!"

The title ‘last one’ was not insulting from Magnus, it was just a faint, as a title of Xie Chen, but calling this title on such occasions also expressed an unfriendly meaning.

The head of the academy nodded, "Allow you to meet Arianti, classmate Xie Chen, waiting for your good news..." A meaningful ending.

"Yeah." Xie Chen responded simply, looking at the academy dean with a well-groomed beard.

The head of the college raised **** and shook them.

"You only have two hours."

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows.

"In two hours, the Imperial Navy will reach the nearby coast and bombard the city of the ingenious city from a long distance. If you are still there, your safety cannot be guaranteed."

This is an earth-shattering battle plan. You must know that there are humans and citizens from all over the world in the ingenious city. This is undoubtedly abandoning them completely, regardless of life or death.

Xie Chen's eyes were dim, and he accepted this challenge.


The eager female voice interrupted Xie Chen's thoughts, and Anvalier shook the folder in his hand, "According to the latest news just now, the Imperial Fleet will launch an attack on the clever city in an hour."

Inhale slightly, "That means your real time is only one hour."

Xie Chen frowned and stretched out immediately, and the time was shortened by one hour. If all depends on Io, it is really urgent, but he has not only Io, but also himself and Xueyuehua.

"Take me now!" He didn't appear nervous or at a loss because of the shortened time. Xie Chen's calm tone was firm, and his slightly smiling expression made people involuntarily believe that he must have a foolproof method.

Edward watched Xie Chen deeply, "Mr Anvalier, you take classmate Xie Chen to the place where Professor Arianti is detained, let me fight for you for another hour!"

Ann Valier looked at Edward with a smile but not a smile. Under such a gaze, the look of the dean of love was a little embarrassed, obviously the relationship between them was not as simple as the dean and assistant.

"Student Xie Chen, you must be prepared for no assistance." Anwar looked at Xie Chen's indifferent expression and couldn't help reminding, "The academy is not within the scope of magic, and once the attack begins, the academy All the students in the Chinese Academy of Sciences will attend and participate in the strengthening of the college’s Great Enchantment."

That is to say, except for Xie Chen and Yiou, no one else can go out with me! However, it does not matter.

Xie Chen nodded without any doubt, looked at Anwaril with a worried look, couldn't help but smiled, "Thank you, Anwaril!"

The slender assistant secretary turned a sideways glance, "Thank me for what?" There was a trace of unnaturalness in his eyes. ..


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