Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 770: :Ok

In addition, some smaller combatants and tribal forces surrendered. Of course, this is not always the case. Not everyone obeys the will of God, nor is everyone willing to be driven by others' banners, because the law of chaos means chaos. But nothing can stop me from advancing, no matter where his army goes, all fools who dare to resist are caught in the roar of war.

Even a few abusive fighters have joined my ranks. The followers of Blood God never pursue the cause and goal of the battle, they only pursue the battle itself. Get love with warm and free blood, fear of abuse.

I rode a chaotic horse.

Chaos horses are no different from southern horses. Of course, they are stronger than ordinary horses and can tolerate harsher conditions. In addition, their horse hooves are larger than their southern counterparts, which allows them to adapt better to the terrain and avoid serious damage to the feet. Horses are more aggressive in temperament, which makes them fearless in the face of battle. They are called "Chaotic Horses" mainly because they can only live in chaos.

Speaking of this, in the course of years of fighting, many chaotic horses fell into Gruny's hands. Their various characteristics naturally aroused the interest of southern merchants, and more than one person tried to breed this horse. Unfortunately, they only seem to exist in the realm of chaos, and any chaotic horse will degenerate into an ordinary horse that is extremely mediocre in every respect when it arrives in the south. According to this, some people think that the chaotic horse is the blessing of the evil **** to the chaos believers, and outsiders cannot share this power.

His army became very large in this march. The gods fulfilled their promises. In this parade, countless people volunteered to join his army. I did not refuse, because he knew he needed countless soldiers. Even so, he may not be able to occupy the blood fortress. However, the arrival of soldiers was accompanied by logistical pressure. I have done my best to transport as many materials as possible, but in fact, the consumption of these materials is much faster than he expected.

The closer you are to the north, the more you can detect the terrain, and the less suitable the soil and landscape for human life. Unconsciously, the end of the field of vision became a weird mountain. The ground under his feet was not good at all, and rocks drilled out of the soil could be seen everywhere, like broken bones. Even without the torture of severe winter, this terrain is no longer suitable for farming and grazing. Wandering in the wilderness is no longer ordinary animals like wolves I once met but monsters changed by chaos.

Here, only a few chaotic tribes exist. These tribes live by hunting monsters. The tribes I met were basically the same: the population was limited, but each member was tough and unusual, personally, he was much better than the chaotic followers in the south. At the same time, due to lack of resources, they are more belligerent and ruthless than their southern compatriots. I recruited some people from these tribes, but I couldn't get any decent supplies.

The situation of the previous blood fortress is different. Behind the **** stronghold, it is the core area of ​​terrorism. The land is surrounded by mountains. Similar to a dangerous hilltop city, this special geographical environment blocks the cold air from the northern mountains, creating a valley and plain suitable for farming and grazing. It is precisely because of such a rear that the blood castle can support and maintain an army.

Now, I think it is impossible for him to launch an offensive war to solve this problem. There are very few attacks, which usually means continuous and long-term tug-of-war. The actual performance of the Chaos Legion in Gruny shows that, in fact, the ability of the Chaos Legion to attack cities is also very common. If this happens, due to logistical supply problems, the offensive will soon automatically collapse. No matter how good the physique of the chaotic followers, it has not reached the point where I don't need to eat.

Fortunately, abusive followers should not choose to stay in the city. I do not think so.

"Lord," a chaotic horse galloped away from a distance, and the soldiers would separate from each other wherever they went. Because everyone saw the rider waving a smaller blood dragon flag, it meant that this person was a member of the regiment and should be condemned. I have recognized Gander a long time ago, his boy army captain. In this respect, the chaotic force is actually similar to the division of the Southerners. Although the captain is usually a predator, they are eligible to meet directly with the general and participate in the highest-level military conference.

"Your Excellency" Gander stopped a few steps in front of me. "An ancient battlefield was discovered earlier."

"Ancient battlefield?" I repeated. He is not an archaeologist and is not interested in such things at all. However, I know that Gander is not an archaeologist, and he will not report on discovering ancient battlefields. There must be something special in this ancient battlefield.

"Ancient battlefield" Gander said. "But that is the best place to camp here. The terrain is open, with woods for wood and water."

"Well, let's camp there," I said. "Did you find anything else available?" he asked.

"My lord, we found a group of'meats.'" Gander said. In the term "meat", he refers to chaotic monsters wandering in the wild. These monsters are usually big. But no matter how big it is, it is just a prey in front of such a chaotic army. "But I have notified the wizards. The wizards said they will solve this problem. In addition, I also found a very fertile land with many prairie rats. If you want, it is helpful to arrange a hunting team. ."

I nodded. "Tell Tariq," he said. "Tell him to arrange manpower." He knew that the rats on the grassland could not support such an army. But for now, any small amount of substance supplement is good.

At dusk, I came to the ancient battlefield.

Although, in terms of seasons, this is a relatively warm time of the year, but the temperature here is still very low. At least one ordinary person from the South cannot wear a dress. It is in danger of freezing to death. But for chaos followers, the situation is much better. At this time, the sky was covered with dark clouds and it seemed to be snowing.

In this uninhabited wilderness, there is an obvious man-made Stonehenge, and a large number of half-man towering stone towers have skeletons on the spires around Stonehenge.

Just as the Southern Army often commemorates victory monuments on the battlefield, chaotic followers will do the same. These megaliths are steles carved on victory. The small stone tower where the skeleton is placed has obvious religious sacrificial significance. ..



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