Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 764: : Hidden cancer

This is also a good example. In theory, the guard of any city certainly means that the official guard will not allow this blatant weapon to walk in broad daylight. In a big city, there is usually an area that can accommodate such people, but this area is obviously not.

Bell was keenly aware of something. In fact, the map of the Falcon regime he previously envisioned has now changed unknowingly.

"Is there a problem with Elaine?"

"This is inevitable. This old man is too conservative, as long as he is not of aristocratic origin, he will be hostile to him." Rodia replied casually. "You haven't seen him yesterday, don't you understand at all?"

"I thought he was posing." It was said that it was Belle.

"What does he need to pretend?" Rodia asked. "Those guys. I'm thinking about restoring Falcon City to its original state. Restore the way the king was here. If it weren't for they don't have the right people right now, it would be difficult for me to fight the barbarians this time."

Bell firmly remembered the details Rorty said. Facing Rodia, he may not be an opponent. But if you accidentally discover the information revealed by the other party, he is the real master.

"However, this time Elaine's improper handling has put me in such a great danger. It is estimated that he will feel shameless for a while and let it go temporarily." It is said that it is Belle.

"Yes, so you see, evil gods occasionally do good things."

"Do you think it's a good thing that I was killed?"

"Of course not. I'm just happy to see every setback Elaine has suffered. Then, Lord Bell, you know, if you die in the Falcon, then Elaine must resign and thank you. Even though I think so, Tiberius I will not accept either."

"If I die, even if there is no war between the two countries, the alliance will end." Bell replied. "This means that the battle between grandma and barbarians will only lose thousands of allies at most. Therefore, you should not think that in a war, two thousand people may decide the victory of the strong or the weak. ."

"I don't care. Even if the war fails, the church will mobilize all countries' allies."

"Then I'm really sorry, dear Ms. Rosia, this church is not as strong as you think." Bell said with a smile.

"Oh, I always thought the church could do anything. At least, they also have Paladins."

"There are no more Paladins" Bell sighed softly. Speaking of this, he couldn't help feeling it. "Start with the green skin. After the last large-scale invasion and the city of Oren was finally destroyed, no new paladins appeared. So there were no new paladins. I have a vague feeling when it comes to this. The paladins are specialized Did it appear to deal with vampires? Because before the Battle of Kallian, Paladins continued to appear. But once the Battle of Kallian was over and the vampires perished, the situation completely disappeared. Now, you can’t even find a few Paladins who support the surface ."

"The will of the gods is unpredictable." Rosia did not have Bell's experience, so he didn't care at all.

When they were talking, they came to an office of a chamber of commerce not a branch of Falcon City, but an office on the edge of the flower street. A clerk came out to see her, and Rosia quickly asked her.

"Sorry, Mr. Bell can't do this. Ms. Rosia," the employee knew how could he not know Rosia? "Because Mr. Bell is already in debt, we can't lend him." Sorry, this is the regulation of our Chamber of Commerce. "

"The debt is high?" Rosia turned her head and looked at Bell next to her.

"Look," Bell seemed helpless. "It's not my responsibility. You don't seem to have asked this question. In order to raise funds, I not only took away all my property, but also borrowed a large sum of money."

Rosia smiled, her smile was so sweet, and Baylor hesitated for a while. Then, Rodia used each other's hesitation to kick the man's legs.

Section similar

Section similar

Bell met Robin and Elaine in the temporary palace, the residence of the former regent. Specifically, he met Robin who happened to be here waiting for news from Bell, and then, with Robin's help, he met with Prime Minister Elaine.

Even an old man like Elaine, when he saw Bell intact in front of him, still clearly showed a "sigh of relief."

"General Bell, it's great for you to get better." Elaine immediately noticed that Bell was a bit unusual now because Bell had clamped his leg and his whole body movements were unnatural. "What's wrong with you, please? Are you hurt? What happened last night?"

"A group of evil gods actually launched the assassination," Bell admitted generously. Having said that, he seemed to be injured because of pain and facial muscle twitching. "It is difficult for me to get out of the pool of blood. Fortunately, I met a ‘good guy’ and I’m back now."

When saying the word "good person", Bell not only added an extra tone, but also mixed three self-deprecating flavors in his voice.

"Are you hurt?" Elaine didn't notice the subtlety of Bell's words. But he was happy to find that Belle's words didn't have much dissatisfaction, which was much better than he expected.

"During this escape, for some reason, I was injured." When he spoke, Bell's face twitched again. "But it's better than losing your life."

Then came the routine conversation. In short, the next step has been decided. After Bell is injured, he will recuperate in Falcon City until the end of the day and then begin negotiations. Of course, on the other hand, Elaine also assured Bell that Falcon City will "completely and forever solve this hidden cancer."

So many things happened on this day. At dusk, Bell returned to his former residence. Robin helped Bell all the way back, so he took it for granted that Bell was injured. Of course, Robin is not a fool. The question returned to his place and was asked when no one was there.

"Sir, what happened last night?"

"Isn't that enough for me to come back alive?" Belle replied.

"Where have you been these days? You know, we are all in a hurry. If you have something, what should we do?"

Oh. Bell sighed unusually, but did not answer. At this time, there were guards there, and the doctor sent by Prime Minister Elaine had arrived.

It must be said that Elaine is really fast. Bell's front foot came back, as did the back foot of the doctor he sent. This doctor is over sixty years old, and at first glance he looks like a famous doctor. Robin walked out of the room and left the doctor and Bell, while he was in the room outside.

The room is not the kind of tightly soundproofed room, even if Robin didn't deliberately grab the door and listen, the sound leaked from the door and reached his ears.

"Ah, Lord Bell, judging from this injury, I must say that this is not an accident, it should be caused deliberately. I have to say, fortunately, this strike is not violent enough, otherwise."

"Your Excellency. It's not bad. Your injury is not serious and you will heal in five or six days after taking the medicine. But for now, you'd better not touch a woman."




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