Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 752: :felt it

Carrie let go of the scandal.

"Master's situation is very bad, worse than I thought. His body and mind are in a state of low tide, because he has lost too much blood and his body temperature cannot be maintained. The sink does not have the ability to directly restore body temperature. In the case of insufficient body temperature It will take a lot of time to recover from the sink, and it will take at least three days or more to recover. But he doesn’t have that much time. He must go to a military meeting at noon tomorrow."

"Double low "tide"?" Pay attention to this keyword.

"He hasn't drank too much blood." Carrie replied. "Although there are rumors that he drank Kedassah's blood, this is not the case. He is not in good health. Otherwise, the bleeding will not cause such serious consequences. The master has lost consciousness now."

"He is a vampire, why"

"Because the owner cannot forget his past as a human being. Although he has accepted that he is a vampire in his heart, he still denies the fact that vampires are much stronger than humans. He also cares about the eyes and opinions of others. Because of this, his Primality and ambition were temporarily concealed. Of course, if he drank the girl’s blood, he would not be so bad."

"Those girls are gone" whispered. Of course, this is normal.

"If the host cannot attend the meeting tomorrow, I am afraid it will cause very serious consequences." Carrie continued to explain. "This is absolutely catastrophic, so I can only ask Miss Feng to help me now."

"I see. So, what can I do?" the gossip asked.

The spark of spirituality flickered a little. A hazy consciousness began to appear in his mind.

This is where? What's wrong with me? This instinctive thought suddenly appeared in my mind, and then my mind immediately flooded with memory.

I opened my eyes suddenly and saw the ceiling. He is familiar with the ceiling. In fact, after staying in a place for a long time, the body will naturally become familiar with it. He was not familiar with this castle before, but now he doesn't know where to go.

"Master" Carrie's voice rang in her mind. "It's late, please put on your clothes and get up."

Get up? By the way, I am.

"You went into a coma after entering the castle," Carrie explained. "Master, this is because your health is not good, and the consequences of excessive blood loss are much more serious than expected."

"I" I subconsciously "touched" and "touched" my arm. On his arm, his cut hurts a bit, but it is clear that he has basically recovered. Moreover, he has no clothes on him. At this time, he was lying on his bed with a quilt under the quilt. There is a moist feeling on the surface of the skin.

"Carrie, did you take me into the test sink?" he asked in his head, which is also a very reasonable inference.

"Well, it's actually over. Your body functions are basically restored. But, Master, it's noon." Carrie replied. "Your people are waiting for your meeting"

I reached out and "touched" something soft and warm. He stayed for a while, and then immediately noticed the long red hair on the head of the bed, like a flame. This long hair is very familiar, you can tell who it is at a glance. What's more, your hand just touched it is smooth, delicate, soft, warm skin, not leather and metal.

How could she. Lying here naked?

"This is gossip, master." "In her mind," Carrie explained. "Last night, thanks to her, otherwise you wouldn't be able to recover so well now? Did you feel your throat?"

It was only when Carrie said this that I felt a vision in her throat, and then he could feel something in her throat. Salty feeling. However, this is not an unpleasant feeling, but a physical and mental satisfaction.

"What is this? What do you give me to drink?" I subconsciously understood the truth of this matter.

"It's not me, it's Weng." Carrie answered in a naive voice in her head. "Last night, Fu gave you his blood relatives. And, in order to restore your body temperature as soon as possible, she stayed with you all night, using her own body to restore your body temperature."

"So now she is."

"She is fine now, but she fell asleep because she lost blood. It was at dawn, I sent you into the brewing tank, there was a short time, just to replenish energy. Then I will take you back, and then Sleep for a few hours and I will wake up now."

"Oh, Master, you have been drinking blood for too long, and your body is already weak, so I think a small amount of blood'liquid' will be of great help to your recovery. This is not dangerous for Wo thing."

"Like you said, is my urge to drink blood just a psychological factor?"

"Yes, this is essentially a psychological factor, but you suppress your blood-sucking impulse for too long, or your willingness to suppress the blood-sucking impulse is too strong, as a result, it will also have a negative effect on your body." Because you have already During a long period of psychological depression, it also begins to be harmful to your health. If humans are depressed for a long time, then the two reasons are the same, which is not surprising. In other words, unless you can erase all the objective facts in your heart and stubbornly think that you are a person, you must drink some blood from time to time to maintain your physical and mental health. Of course, the end result is the same. "

I stretched out my hand and gently pulled away the long, hot hair, which covered the gossip face. When he did not wake up, he was still making a uniform and slight breathing sound. Her face is a bit pale, but there is a slight smile at the corner of her mouth. Maybe she dreams of a beautiful day, she once reunited with her family. For a long time, he has been accustomed to the girl's arrogance and hostility, accustomed to her wild and indifference, but ignored her cuteness and cuteness.

"Master, you feel it too. You also have strong feelings for yourself. It's just that she used to misunderstand you, and the other half knows how to express it." There was a strange meaning in Carrie's voice. "So, Master, don't let others go. If you die, I'm afraid you won't have the courage to continue living, whether it's Hikari or Leia."


"Is this so exaggerated?" I wanted to end the topic with a smile, but the problem was that he couldn't laugh.

"I, he's a vampire, right?" he asked in a low voice, not knowing whether to ask himself or Carrie.

"I can assure you. Both physically and psychologically, you are a complete vampire."

"Should vampires be hated and hated by humans?" I thought of all the church records. Although he knew at the time that these records were not necessarily correct or even nonsense, for ordinary people, these were indisputable opinions. According to Carrie, ordinary humans have been "brainwashed" by the church, and it is very difficult to change them back. Even Carrie did not try to change these views, only tried to use them.

Of course, Leia, who has the ability to predict the future, may be an exception.

"Because the master is very gentle with girls, it is natural for them to have such feelings." "In her mind," Carrie answered. "But, fortunately, there are some. Leia's eyes bleed so much that she can't do such a thing."

"You must understand that this time you are not only fighting for your own survival." Carrie added.

"Why are you telling me this?"..

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