Golden’s slanting rays shoot down from the hollowed-out skylight of the church, and the visitors are like weaving. Edmund suddenly has a sense of sacredness, like a prophet who has received enlightenment. After all, this is The secret that True God can know.

Even many True Gods didn’t understand this until they held up the divine throne and understood how they existed.

Edmund eye and mouth smile looked towards Cedric, “this time I should not say to you, ‘little woman Yuan Wang Eastern Earth Great Tang strike a canon’.”

Cedric laughing, it seems that others know later from the eastern territory, no less hard in the lands east of the myth, “this is something I can Zuobulezhu, if the bigwigs really like your proposal this was not a minor god of war. “

Cedric hear the words, Edmund himself some regret to say this sentence, she looked towards the sky somewhat suspicious manner,” He who does not really You care about me as a mortal, right?”

“How do you know they didn’t say this to me through your mouth?” The smile in Cedric’s eyes was even greater.

Edmond was immediately knocked out of the world from his previous sense of detachment like a prophet, with awe of greatness in his eyes, “Is this a’strong observer’?”

“Yes, this is the real’strong observer’. In front of them, you will feel what is called impermanence, mood and anger.” Cedric said with a sigh.

Edmond took a few deep breaths and adjusted his thoughts, “Did Cú Chulainn use the Golden Core Great Dao to enshrine the gods?”

“Although the dog’s talent is also It’s very strong, but I can’t walk the Golden Core Great Dao road, let alone him.”

Cedric’s tone barely fell, Cedric’s and Edmund’s ears heard Cuchulin “Night, I can’t walk Golden Core Great Dao, but because of you, it’s not that I don’t have enough talent.”

Golden Core Great Dao requires the same nature, and the foundation of Cuchurin’s existence It is still Cedric’s third law. He does not at all approach to achieve true nature, unless one day Cedric liberates his servant status, while still ensuring his independent existence.

“Then your enfeoffment ceremony································································································································· It was because the bureau did not complete the expected goal that I came to communicate with Cedric.

“will arrange a good night.” Kuqiu Lin laughed and said with a smile, “I’m not good at planning, I am the most suitable place or assault on the battlefield.”

Things are going well, so Cedric is only now free to chat with Edmund.

“The ceremony of faith in True God is to’concentrate the power’ to become a’medium observer’. This’collection power’ is not irreplaceable.”

“can replace?” Edmund suddenly realize Cedric to do so, is in fact a disguised pass on top of mysterious knowledge to the federal special events behind its own processing Research Council, we could see that he was very satisfied with the cooperation between the two sides.

“en.” Cedric ordered nodded, “The Great Aspiration Method.”

In the world within the realm of Hyakki Yakou in Tokyo, Cedric relied on the Great Aspiration Method to borrow in advance. take the power of the powerful, to be able to pull the wrist, and three Takako, but finally get his strength and ambition to turn the night fighting the disk access Xia, only Golden Cicada shelling to leave.

“Although the future is unreal, but it is also inevitable, if there are appropriate qualifications, you can borrow power from beings in the future, even if they’re not, but the future does not mean they do not I am willing.”

“The corresponding qualifications…” A light flashed in Edmund’s eyes. Cuchurin’s goal was to become the Patronus of the Federation, if he objectively possesses it.’ Isn’t it the right to have the leading power of the National Games Grand Front?

in their help, Kuqiu Lin temple have been mainly based on the node clock, waiting Cedric connection nodes arranged a shrouded Federation ‘fortunes large array’ a.

“Why are you telling me now?” Edmond faintly understood what Cedric meant.

“In the eyes of truly smart people, there is no way to hide my arrangement from them. Rather than being messy when the time comes, not equal to me actively catalyzes this step, but you will be very busy, table-side world so I can not control the situation as it is now up. “

he designed ‘fortunes big fuss’ is divided into two parts, the front side of the world in part Kuqiu Lin hands, while the back side The part of the world requires him to sit in person.

After Cedric finished his silhouette became tall up misty, a hazy universe appears behind him, the vagaries of stars running around a golden trees.

He is like a mass of bright galaxies rising from the shrine, the tour visited people around stunned, and finally issued coincidentally almost moaning words from the mouth, “Gods Vestige.”

The half light blue and half deep red sky symbolizes the alternation of day and night. This time is the moment when the space barrier is the weakest, and now everything will change.

a seat Kuqiu Lin temple collusion, which the alchemical array extraction force began to pulse, the statue of the forest in the reservoir area is like a shrine every alive as him holding a final Yan [ The Gun] solemnly declared, “I will hold the anchor of the real and fantasy world, and balance the front and back sides of the world, from the past, to the present, and to the future.”

In the void of the side world, a huge rumbling sound sounded, new rules were being generated, and the twelve pillars of light were erected, which are both passages and obstacles, just like customs.

The stargazing tower floating in the clouds, Triss smiled on her face, “you did good.”

“Meow.” Triss lifted her neck soft meat of black hair exposed pleading voice, “you want to send me buckle down so hard, and this cat never do!”

“but you are not active for so many years, have grown up fat fat .” Triss said with a smile, while a large piece of divine crystal appeared in her hand.

“Ai, this cat is really afraid of you.” God took the black cat crystalline, next moment He was thrown into the back side of Te Lisi world.

A cat’s claw slapped on the palm of the demon who wanted to touch the pillar of light, and the desire demon Samael retracted his palm, leaving five distinct blood stains on it.

Asmodeus touched his was only interrupted by the left corner, hesitated a moment, the eyes looked towards the Bell Finger side.

Belfinger squeezed his goatee and said, “Wait and see.”

Driven by the Pillar of Light, [Route 13] a little bit away from the surface world, there is no way to easily connect the inner world and the front world.

The roar of countless wild beasts sounded, the shadows gathered silently under the reflection of the pillar of light, and the mouths of the void appeared…

Cedric turned into galaxies to emerge from the table side world, conceived in glorious bright galaxy’s center, next moment force open the glorious expansion of the outbreak, roar disappeared, the shadows fade, emptiness devoid of mouth invisible.

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