"Super Soldier Serum?" Xiao Longnu blinked, looking confused: "What is that?"

"Good stuff. Miss Yang is really lucky."

Fang Qiye laughed, looked back at the bald head of the "Legendary Team" who was still staring at them arrogantly, and said: "There are many people with mixed eyes, let's not talk about this now. Let's go to the Samsara Hall to take a look, and then find a private space to elaborate on this. thing."

The three of them stopped visiting the stalls and went straight to the Samsara Hall following the instructions of the reincarnation mark.

The Hall of Reincarnation is in the center of the underground city. Walking along the main road, you will soon see the entrance to the hall.

Naturally, no one dares to block the entrance to the hall and charge fees.

The three of them entered without any obstruction and arrived at a very wide circular hall.

The floor of this hall is made of blue-gold metal with strange patterns carved on it. The walls are also made of the same material. Doorways are neatly embedded in the circular walls. The reincarnators are either alone or in groups, coming in and out of those doorways. .

Fang Qiye noticed that whenever one or a group of reincarnators entered a doorway, a crystal light curtain would hang down to seal the doorway. The light curtain that sealed the door will not disappear until the reincarnation that entered before comes out. Later, other reincarnations can be allowed to enter.

"There should be independent exchange spaces inside."

Fang Qiye guessed in his mind and looked towards the center of the hall. He saw a green-gold round platform in the center of the hall, only one meter high and about ten meters in diameter. From time to time, some reincarnations who were nervous and apprehensive, or full of expectations, or trying to keep calm, or with gloomy expressions would jump onto the round platform and disappear from the round platform in the blink of an eye.

"That round platform is probably the teleportation device to the mission world..."

After watching for a while, watching dozens of reincarnations disappear on the round platform, Fang Qiye called Xiao Longnu and Yang Yuhuan, and walked with them to a doorway that was not closed by a light curtain.

Fang Qiye was the first to enter. As soon as he stepped into the doorway, a light curtain hung down, blocking Xiao Longnu and Yang Yuhuan from the doorway. At the same time, a cold mechanical prompt sounded in Fang Qiye's mind:

"There are other reincarnations trying to follow. Do you agree to follow? Please note that this is a private exchange space, and informal team members may observe the exchange scene, which may expose personal privacy."

Fang Qiye looked back and saw Xiao Longnu raising her hand on the light screen. She smiled inwardly and agreed to follow. Xiao Longnu then walked in through the light screen, but Yang Yuhuan was blocked outside again and passed by again. Reminder, only after Fang Qiye and Xiao Longnu agreed did Yang Yuhuan pass.

The three of them walked through a not-so-long metal corridor and came to a small, narrow hall. There was a light curtain hanging in front of the small hall, and lines of text floating on the light curtain were various exchange options.

Fang Qiye took a quick look and did not find the "bloodline" option. He couldn't help but be a little surprised, realizing that "bloodline" might not be available to everyone.

My ancient witch bloodline and Xiao Longnu's self-healing ability are probably rare abilities.

Not only is there no "bloodline" option, there is not even a "kung fu" option.

There is a "deduction and completion" option. If you click on it, you can spend points and source gems to "deduction" to improve the level of your original skills, and "complete" to upgrade your own bloodline and abilities. .

It is worth mentioning that this "deduction" only helps you to deduce the incomplete exercises to be complete, or to continue to deduce the already complete exercises to improve their quality.

For example, Fang Qiye's golden bell only has the first six levels, and you can spend money to deduce the mental methods of the last six levels. When the skill is complete, if you continue to spend money to deduce the "Golden Bell", you can make it evolve to a higher level.

But no matter how much money you spend, you can only get "skills", and then you have to practice them yourself, which cannot directly improve your cultivation level.

On the other hand, the "Complete" option can directly increase the level of bloodline abilities.

"This world of reincarnation is a little different from what I imagined..."

Fang Qiye touched his chin and murmured:

"If you want blood and skills, do you have to rely on yourself? The world of reincarnation is only responsible for deduction and completion?"

Xiao Longnu said: "Is there anything wrong with this? In this way, powerful bloodlines and skills will not be spread on the streets. The reincarnations of the 'Brotherhood' who bully the weak and squeeze money, even if they exploit more points, If you don’t have a good enough opportunity and don’t have powerful bloodline or skills, it will be difficult to become powerful too easily.”

Fang Qiye shook his head:

"There are many people in the Brotherhood, and there are always a few who are lucky. They can concentrate the exploited resources on those reincarnations who have obtained strong blood and skills, and quickly raise a few strong men... That Zhou Qingyun Didn't it mean that all the members of the 'Dragon Family' team that the Brotherhood Boss belongs to are all fifth-level 'Right Soldiers'? Maybe that's how they were raised."

With that said, he tried to click on the "Complete" function again and chose to complete and upgrade his own bloodline. When the price came out, he was shocked. He wanted to upgrade his "Basic Ancient Witch Bloodline" to "Intermediate", but it actually required a full Ten thousand points, three white origin gems.

With his and Xiao Longnu's current net worth, they could collect points and source gems, but after finishing this, they would be as destitute as Yang Yuhuan, and they would not have to live for the next month.

Xiao Longnu also tried clicking the "Complete" option and found that she needed to upgrade her "Basic Self-Healing" to "Intermediate Self-Healing" for a price of 10,000 points and three white origin gems.

This option can be ignored for the time being. Fang Qiye clicked the "Deduction" option again to see how much it would cost to deduce the seventh level of the "Golden Bell Cover". The result also made him frown. It was just a deduction of the technique, and Even if you can't improve your skill, you still need two thousand points and a white origin gem.

"No wonder Zhou Qingyun said that cultivation and strengthening are a bottomless pit, and no amount of money is enough..."

Fang Qiye shook his head and sighed.

Xiao Longnu said: "Look at the price of Zhenqi Pill."

Fang Qiye nodded and directly operated by voice to check the price of "Zhen Qi Pill". It turned out that Zhen Qi Pill was also ridiculously expensive, with one pill costing 1,500 points. Similar to the Qi Pill, the "Elemental Crystal" that can directly increase the upper limit of "Magic Value" by two points also requires 1,500 points.

Xiao Longnu frowned and said:

"This is too expensive. It is more cost-effective to practice on your own."

Fang Qiye said helplessly:

"I don't have that much time to practice... No! Maybe I have time."

His voice asked:

"Can I redeem my training time?"

A redemption option pops up on the light screen:

"Lan Keshan: One day equals one year. Redemption requires 3,000 points + White Origin Gem*1. It can only be redeemed once during each reincarnation mission rest period. Five people can enter at the same time, but they must be members of the same official team."

[Note: There are vending machines in Lanke Mountain where you can spend points to redeem daily necessities. 】

Fang Qiye smiled and said: "Although it is a bit expensive, it is very cost-effective! For a whole year, you can not only practice your skills, but also sharpen your skills!"

Xiao Longnu said calmly: "It's good for geniuses, but not necessarily for mediocre people."

Fang Qiye was full of confidence: "I think I am a genius in cultivation. Of course you are too. We should go inside to practice next."

Xiao Longnu said: "Don't forget, only members of the same official team can enter. We haven't officially formed a team yet."

Fang Qiye smiled and said, "It's easy."

Then he directly asked about the conditions for formal team formation.

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