In the world of reincarnation, Xiao Longnu leads me to fight zombies

Chapter 132 132, Li Xiuning is not cute anymore! Mingkong wants to cooperate!

Fang Qiye and his party followed Mingkong to the post house and saw Li Xiuning as expected.

"Miss Xiuning, are you okay?"

Outside the door of a small independent courtyard in the post house where distinguished guests were entertained, Fang Qiye looked at Li Xiuning who came out personally after receiving the notification, and greeted him with a smile.

"Mr. Fang, Sister Lin, Sister Yang, we haven't seen each other for a long time since we last saw each other in Liangjun. Xiuning misses them very much."

Li Xiuning was also surprised to see Fang Qiye and the others, dressed as men's scholars and looking heroic. He personally welcomed Fang Qiye and the others into the hall, and called the maids to serve tea.

After asking for tea, Li Xiuning said sweetly:

"Xiu Ning left the customs and came south this time. She had been searching for the whereabouts of the three of them. Unexpectedly, the three of them came to Xiangyang and met Sister Mingkong..."

Mingkong is not very old, he looks like he is only seventeen or eighteen years old.

But Li Xiuning is younger.

You know, even Li Shimin is only eighteen years old this year. As Li Shimin's biological sister, Li Xiuning cannot be over seventeen years old no matter what.

At such a young age, in Fang Qiye's world, she was still just a high school girl.

However, Li Xiuning had already begun to participate in military and state affairs. Wen Neng sent envoys to lobby, and Wu Neng led the army to fight. He gathered tens of thousands of volunteers in Guanzhong, captured cities and territories, defeated the Sui army, and made great contributions to the Li clan's struggle for hegemony.

With this amazing talent, it’s no wonder that even Mingkong said he learned a lot from her.

"The three of us are currently traveling around the world and have arrived in Xiangyang in the near future. We did not expect that Miss Xiuning would also come to Xiangyang. Speaking of which, Miss Xiuning was famous for her uprising and defeating the Sui army. I am waiting in Xiangyang. I’ve heard of it too.”

"Young Master Fang has given you too much praise. Xiuning only borrowed the power of the Li clan to gather so many heroes. As for the defeat of the Sui army, he also relied on the help of heroes from all walks of life and the sacrifice of his soldiers. It is said that Xiuning can be where he is today. This achievement is also thanks to you, Mr. Fang. If Mr. Fang, Sister Lin, and Sister Yang had not come to the rescue in time at the Liangjun Canal dock that day, Xiuning would have died in Liangjun, and where would her current career be?"

"There is no need to mention the past. Miss Xiuning's achievements are purely based on your own talents..."

The two parties exchanged business blows for a while. Li Xiuning looked at Fang Qiye with bright eyes and asked:

"Young Master Fang, Yang Guang acted rebelliously and was cruel and unkind, which caused great chaos in the world. Dragons and snakes rose up together. There were feudal factions everywhere. Even I, the Li family, had no choice but to raise troops to revolt. Young Master Fang, Sister Lin and Sister Yang are all rare people in the world. Xiu Ning is a hero, I wonder what the three of you think about the general trend of the world?"

Tsk, it’s not cute anymore!

In the past, Li Xiuning would blush when seeing Fang Qiye's mighty figure, like a frightened deer. Although Li Xiuning today is still as beautiful and charming, her temperament is completely different, more like a frightened deer. A majestic commander and mature politician.

She is not yet seventeen, which is a pity...

Fang Qiye sighed inwardly, but he also knew that this was inevitable.

The children of aristocratic families are already more precocious than the children of ordinary families. Now the Li family is fighting for world supremacy again. If they fail, they will be dead.

As the legitimate daughter of the clan leader, Li Xiuning was destined to be involved in this great cause that affected the family's life and death. In addition, she single-handedly led the Guanzhong Army Raising. Given her circumstances, it was not an exaggeration to say that she had grown up and transformed overnight.

It's a pity that I may never see that shy and innocent girl again.

Fang Qiye sighed in his heart, but he smiled on his face:

"Miss Xiuning asked me about the general trend of the world, but she looked down on Mr. Fang too much. Fang is just a knight-errant with only a lot of courage. He only knows how to kill people with a knife, but he doesn't understand the general trend of the world."

He didn't want to express his opinion. Xiao Longnv was a boring gourd who was not good at sociability. Yang Yuhuan wanted to show off his ability of "foreknowledge", but looking at the future "Empress of Zhou" who was leisurely drinking tea opposite, Yang Yuhuan felt that she was He clicked his rank and decided not to show his eyes in front of Mingkong, so he closed his mouth tightly.

Seeing that Fang Qiye and the others looked indifferent to the general trend of the world, Li Xiuning's eyes inevitably showed a hint of disappointment.

However, Li Xiuning also knows the principle of making the best use of everything and making the best use of people's talents.

In her opinion, it doesn't matter if the three of them, Fang Qiye, don't understand the general trend of the world with their martial arts and magic skills, and they don't know how to govern the military and government. They can use their talents in other areas.

At that moment, she looked at Fang Qiye, Xiao Longnu, and Yang Yuhuan with a smile, and said in a sincere tone:

"Young Master Fang, Sister Lin, Sister Yang, and the Great Sui Dynasty were tormented by Yang Guang to the point where the whole world was in rebellion and the whole world was in rebellion. Now it is in turmoil and its destruction is imminent. I, the Li family, intend to bring order to the chaos, quell the war in the world, abandon the tyranny of the old Sui Dynasty, and make the people live and work in peace and contentment. , return the world to a bright future.

"Now the army led by my father and brother is marching towards Guanzhong. In Guanzhong, there is a rebel army organized by my younger sister. In Luoyang, because Li Mi has stationed troops and returned to Luocang, the Sui army in Luoyang is too busy to take care of itself and is unable to rush to rescue Guanzhong. With the current situation in Guanzhong, The situation in Chang'an City is about to decline, and my family's complete control of Guanzhong is also very secure.

"Guanzhong is the base of kings and hegemons. In the past, the Qin and Han Dynasties ruled the world from their base in Guanzhong. I, the Li Clan, can also imitate the Qin and Han Dynasties and use Guanzhong as the basis to conquer the world. To compete in the world, we must be virtuous and capable. Mr. Fang , Sister Lin, and Sister Yang, all three are heroes with strong martial arts skills. I sincerely hope that the three of them can help me and work together with my family in our great cause."

Xiao Longnu and Yang Yuhuan looked indifferent to Li Xiuning's solicitation, while Fang Qiye just laughed and said:

"Miss Xiu Ning thinks so highly of us. We are just wanderers, idle clouds and wild cranes, and we are really not interested in world affairs. Of course, Fang and Mr. Shimin and Miss Xiu Ning hit it off. If the opportunity comes, I can help you in the future. Let's solve some troubles. It's just about joining the Li clan, so forget it. We can't stand being restrained."

Although he rejected Li Xiuning's solicitation, Fang Qiye also left a little room, making Li Xiuning regretful but also retain a little hope. Then he said with a smile:

"Everyone has his own ambitions. The three of them are unwilling to join the Li clan, and Xiuning doesn't dare to force it. It's just... Xiuning really has something going on here, and I would like to ask the three of you for help."

Li Xiuning has not given up the idea of ​​recruiting Fang Qiye and the others. Since Fang Qiye has left an opening, of course she must seize the opportunity. The so-called asking them for help was just an excuse. Her real purpose was to keep the three of them for a while so that she could have more friendship with them.

In this way, there will be more recruitment possibilities in the future.

But Fang Qiye had already let the words out, and he was too embarrassed to go back on his words immediately, so he could only smile and said:

"If something happens to Miss Xiuning, the three of us will help as long as we can."

Li Xiuning said: "The end of Xiuning's trip is Pegasus Ranch. She wants to go to Pegasus Ranch to purchase war horses on behalf of Li Clan. However, Du Fuwei recently attacked Jingling, and Pegasus Ranch happened to be in the northwest of Jingling, next to my little sister. Although we are protected by masters such as Sister Mingkong, if we encounter a large insurgent army, we will ultimately be weak. Therefore, I am shameless and would like to ask Mr. Fang and the other three to escort me for a ride."

What a coincidence. Team Yelong was also about to go to Pegasus Ranch to find Lu Miaozi, so they happened to be on their way!

Of course, Fang Qiye didn’t say it directly, and nodded with a smile:

"I see. Then I will accompany Miss Xiuning to the Pegasus Ranch."

Li Xiuning was overjoyed, stood up and bowed:

"Thank you Mr. Fang, Sister Lin, and Sister Yang. No matter whether this trip is successful or not, Xiuning will be richly rewarded."


After eating the banquet arranged by Li Xiuning, Fang Qiye and the others took Hanwen and Mingkong to the residence arranged for them by Li Xiuning.

"How about it, can you trust me now?"

Mingkong walked beside Fang Qiye with his hands behind his back and said with a smile.

Fang Qiye nodded and said via voice transmission:

"Well, it's almost certain that you are in the same camp as us for the time being."

Mingkong smiled and said, "Can you leave Huan Huan to me?"

"No. You have to hand over the martial arts of the Yingui Sect first."

"Tsk, Mr. Fang is really cautious. You will go to Pegasus Ranch with us. There is plenty of time along the way, why are you in such a hurry?"


"That's all. I have the secret manual of Heavenly Demon Skill with me, and I will give it to you later."

"Huh? How come you have a ready-made secret book of Heavenly Demon Kung Fu on you?"

"Not every reincarnation can get the secret book of skills in the novice level! If you find the right customer, it is easy to sell a copy of the secret book like Tianmo Kung for a thousand points."

"... Let me go, you are actually selling your own martial arts secrets in the reincarnation space?"

"Hehe, life is forcing me! But I just entered reincarnation for the first time, and I sold some when I was short of money. Now I haven't sold it for a long time!"

"Aren't you afraid that others will learn the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu and turn against you?"

"I have been practicing the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu since I was a child, and I have received careful guidance from my master. My understanding of the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu is unparalleled by anyone below me. If someone can only rely on the secret book I sold, without anyone's guidance, I will If you practice Tianmo Kung better than me...then I deserve to die."

"You are ambitious! As expected of Mingkong!"

"Brother Fang, thank you."

"But in addition to the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu, we also need the Girl Dafa."


Mingkong glanced at Xiao Longnu and Yang Yuhuan subtly, and gave Fang Qiye a thumbs up:

"Brother Fang still knows how to play! But it's no problem, I can give it to you too."

The Girl's Dafa is a magical technique that can only be practiced by women, and is a magical technique that can only be practiced by women.

Therefore, even if she does not practice the method of harvesting yang and replenishing yin, which is harmful to others and beneficial to herself, women can still learn the essence of the art of intercourse to increase the interest in the boudoir.

Fang Qiye looked at Mingkong's appearance and knew that she had some subtle misunderstanding about his purpose of asking the girl to practice Dafa.

However, he was too lazy to explain to Mingkong - although the Girl's Technique is a magical technique that harms others and benefits oneself, since it is a technique that combines yin and yang, it can be used as a reference. Some of its essence can be intercepted and integrated into Fang Qiye's new dual cultivation method. Improve the efficiency of the new dual repair method.

Besides, Fang Qiye can definitely use the Fangzhongshu part of the Girl's Dafa. Mingkong's misunderstanding is really not an injustice to him.

At this time, Mingkong suddenly said again:

"You were originally going to Pegasus Ranch, right?"


"Brother Fang, don't try to hide it from me. I know the whereabouts of the Evil Emperor's relics, and I also know that Lu Miaozi is hiding in Pegasus Ranch."

"So, you followed Li Xiuning to Fei Ranch because you also wanted to find Lu Miaozi and inquire about the structure of Yang Gong's treasure house?"


"Then you don't have much chance. Lu Miaozi was injured by your master Zhu Yuyan. The injury lingered for many years. The heavenly demon energy left by Zhu Yuyan in his body burned out and he hated the Yingui demon girl very much. You are a Yingui demon girl. Even if you learn how to hide the true energy in the life-and-death orifice, I'm afraid it won't be able to hide it from Lu Miaozi, who has been dealing with Tianmo Kung all his life. He would rather die than tell you the secret of Yang Gong's treasure house."

"I know."

"Then what method are you going to use to force him to speak? Threatening Shang Xiuxun's life?"

"This method is too low-level, and the consequences are uncontrollable. If Lu Miaozi deliberately hides or even makes mistakes in a few key points, although I will not die due to errors in opening the mechanism, it will end up causing more unnecessary trouble. I have other ways. , I asked Lu Miaozi to tell the information honestly."

Fang Qiye was not surprised by this.

Even if the martial arts of the reincarnators are not as good as those of the local strong men, the experienced reincarnators are definitely full of tricks.

Just like the Legend Team, Queen Yin is no match for her in terms of physical strength, but Song Sanqian can immediately reverse the situation by inserting a shot of "Temporary No. 5 Compound", and in turn rub against Queen Yin.

As a senior person, Mingkong probably has the means to make people reveal secrets honestly.

However, Fang Qiye and the others did not have the means to dig out the secrets in someone's heart.

Without Mingkong's involvement, Fang Qiye and the others would have to spend a lot of time and energy trying to impress Lu Miaozi after finding him, but they might not be able to succeed in the end.

So are you going to fall out with Ming Kong?

I'm a little embarrassed...

While I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard a message from Mingkong saying:

"Brother Fang, we can cooperate on the Evil Emperor's relics!"

"Huh? Cooperation?" Fang Qiye was stunned and glanced at her suspiciously: "What do you mean?"

Mingkong smiled sweetly:

"Brother Fang, don't be suspicious. I am very sincere. I am willing to open Duke Yang's treasure house with you, Brother Fang, and share the evil emperor's relics."

Fang Qiye's face was expressionless, and he was thinking quickly in his mind.

If Mingkong really has the means to pry out people's secrets, it would certainly be a good thing to cooperate with her.

However, Mingkong is not a fool. If she had the opportunity to swallow the Evil Emperor's relics for herself, how would she share it with others?

She is a lone wolf type of reincarnation who walks alone in reincarnation. Of course, whatever resources she has, she must use them as much as possible to improve her strength.

But if Mingkong wanted to monopolize the Evil Emperor's relics, why would he bother to expose his trump card?

You know, although the mechanism of Yang Gong's treasure house is extremely complicated and dangerous, as long as the mechanism structure of Yang Gong's treasure house is known, then with Ming Kong's strength, there will not be much danger in opening the treasure house. She does not need to ask for help. She alone People can also get the Evil Emperor's relics.

Now Mingkong told Fang Qiye, who was also interested in the Evil Emperor's relics, that she had a way to make Lu Miaozi reveal the secret, which was tantamount to causing trouble for herself - if Fang Qiye and the others were more cruel, they could rely on the crowd to bully others. , capture her alive, force her to find out her methods, and even kill her to see if she can reveal her methods.

Even if it doesn't explode, at least it has solved a powerful competitor.

After much thought, Fang Qiye felt that Mingkong's frankness was unnecessary and was instead increasing risks for herself.


Is she really sincerely cooperative?

Being able to monopolize the Evil Emperor's relics but sharing it with Fang Qiye and the others, is it really just a show of sincerity in cooperation?

Fang Qiye pondered for a while, then asked via voice transmission:

"Miss Mingkong, the focus of your cooperation with us is not the Evil Emperor's relic, right?"

Only if the focus is not on the Evil Emperor's relic, but on using this treasure to show sincerity and increase mutual trust so that more important cooperation can be achieved in other matters, can Tong Ming Kong's approach be explained.

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