As soon as Weng Baiyu finished speaking, these words floated over from a distance.

Hearing this familiar voice, Weng Baiyu immediately got up and knelt down, crying, "Master! You are finally back!"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xuan's figure appeared by the Yuquan Shennian Lake.

Looking at Weng Baiyu's appearance, Chen Xuan had a bad feeling in his heart and said, "Why are you crying? What's wrong?"

Weng Baiyu told Chen Xuan about the ins and outs. After speaking, he lowered his head abruptly, fearing that Chen Xuan would be angry.

Stuck in Chen Xuan's chest in one breath, he pointed at Weng Baiyu and shouted angrily, "If you give the trash, just let them beat you, daddy just came back and you did so many things!"

The joy was swept away, Chen Xuan angrily flicked his sleeves, ready to go to the battlefield to see.

Just after taking two steps, he turned around as if he had remembered something, looked at the few people standing in the pavilion in the center of the lake, looked at Xiao Yuan, smiled unconsciously, and shouted, "Of course it's perfect. The build was successful!"

Then in the next second, he returned to his angry look, and he kicked Weng Baiyu.

Then the seam of space opened, and Chen Xuan left the realm of nine deaths without looking back.

Xiao Yuan in the pavilion exhaled, and Ye Guang asked next to him, "What did Big Brother just say? I didn't understand."

Xiao Yuan shook his head with a smile and said, "It's nothing, he said he was very happy to go out to play."

"Isn't it?" Ye Guang scratched her head, she just didn't hear it clearly, didn't she hear it.

Seeing her Big Brother turned around, she no longer struggled.


At the same time, in the space above the Yuluo Realm and the Wanshan Realm, the battle is in full swing.

To say what kind of hatred and what resentment are in these two realms, maybe the realm masters in these two realms can't tell.

Only know that from ten Ten Thousand Years ago, these two realms are inseparable.

Up to ninety-nine, down to the baby who just started talking, both realms know that the other is the enemy of their realm.

The reason for launching the war this time is also very nonsensical, because there are often space pirates in the realm and the space outside the realm, so there are often some space garbage floating in each realm.

This is a very common thing originally, but Yuluo Realm discovered the totem of Wanshan Realm from a piece of space garbage in the Yuluo Realm.

Yuluo Realm is sure that this garbage was deliberately thrown in Yuluo Realm by Wanshan Realm.

Yuluo Realm went to Wanshan Realm to question them, but Wanshan Realm certainly wouldn’t accept Yuluo Realm’s questioning, and suspected that Yuluo Realm wanted to frame them and beat the messengers sent by Yuluo Realm. Got a bloody head.

With this as a trigger, a war was launched.

Chen Xuan also knows about the things between these two realms, and is relatively familiar with them, because the contradiction between the Yuluo realm and the Wanshan realm was provoked by Xuan Heavenly Emperor himself.

When he heard that these two realms were fighting, Chen Xuan was a little shocked, because he really didn't expect ten Ten Thousand Years to pass, and the two realms still remembered the little things at the beginning.

Ten Ten Thousand Years ago, at that time Chen Xuan had reached the point where the system said it could no longer be Ascension, and the system had been sleeping for a year.

He was looking for a place to live in seclusion.

He had been in the Wanshan area for a period of time, and knowing that this place had beautiful scenery, he wanted to find a place in the Wanshan area.

At that time, Chen Xuan didn't have such a high-level thing as space seam, but he used to fly, and his flying speed was very fast.

It's the speed that breaks things.

At that time, Yuluo Realm and Wanshan Realm were still good neighbors and even got married.

The day Chen Xuan went, happened to be the day when the two inner realm masters got married, but they were both married to girls from another realm.

Both realms felt that the next two realms were even more intimate, and the marriage teams converged adjacent to the two realms and interacted with each other.

During the interaction, Chen Xuan passed through this place.

At that time, Chen Xuan didn't see it either. He was distracted thinking about what to do in the future, but he didn't expect that the two wedding teams would be scattered.

He didn't expect anyone to greet his relatives here. When Chen Xuan reacted and stopped, he was already in the Wanshan area.

When he turned around, he saw the two chaotic wedding reception teams messing around. He ignored it and continued to find a suitable place to hide.

This is going to be bad.

The hi sedan chairs of the two teams were changed.

The people carrying the sedan chairs also changed, but they didn't realize that the sedan chair on their shoulders was not their own sedan chair.

It was also quite dramatic at the time. The two masters of the realm were handsome and ugly, and the bride was also beautiful and ugly. It was a match made in heaven.

But in the end, the handsome married the ugly, and the ugly married the handsome.

The two grooms were dumbfounded when they saw the bride.

Immediately, he wanted to change it back. Jun's took the ugly bride to replace him. Of course, the ugly groom didn't want to, and even the overlord had already stubbornly bowed.

This Oolong was known as a major event in the Three Thousand Worlds at that time. From that time, the two realms were incompatible.

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