Immortal World Supplier

Chapter 429: I can help you skyrocket 90,000 miles

Fang Qi's face remained unchanged, listening to Li Shien's statement about his cultivation, and he thought a little.

The distance walked on a avenue is relatively long...

It's pretty good to say, but in fact it is the weak and the strong...

"Do you want to directly perceive a whole avenue and directly break through to become a powerful Daoist?"

Fang Qi smiled at the corner of his mouth and induced step by step.

A sharp "color" flashed in Li Shien's eyes, he thought! Of course he thought! He dreams...all thinking!

The ghost knows how much effort he has spent in order to realize this little avenue rule...

He has now completely reached a bottleneck, and he has realized the rules of the is already amazing...

And if you want to fully understand the avenue for a whole day, so that the words can be followed, and the heart can say what you say... that would be too difficult!

Even if I got a big book... I can only let myself go a little longer in my own way.

Otherwise, the powerful Daoqiang... are they all Chinese cabbage?

"Your kid... Don't tease me, it's hard for a monk to be promoted, and it's even harder to perceive Heaven and Earth Avenue! Don't daydream here! With this time, practice hard and be stronger than anything!"

Li Shien gave Fang Qi a glance...the young people now...just like to take shortcuts and daydream...

If there is really a shortcut...he left long ago and got you back?

"Hehe...I'll ask you, do you want to?"

Fang Qi directly ignored Li Shien's mistrust. This is a normal reaction. A normal person hears him say this... basically, he is skeptical.

And this kind of suspicion... often turns into wonder in the end. "Nonsense! Of course I thought! But...want to comprehend a whole difficult is it? It is not yet known whether this level can be reached in his lifetime!"

Li Shien stared at Fang Qi angrily. What do you mean by saying so much? Came to ridicule me on purpose?

"Hmm... the master of the city never thought of going to the next level?"

Fang Qi smiled at Li Shien, Li Shien suddenly stunned... Is this ok? This kid talks abnormally today...he said that, is there any way that I can quickly perceive a whole avenue, and then rank among the powerful Dao?

is it possible? Don't just think of me alone...

Li Shien's heart began to thump, and a monk of his level... saying that it was a successful career, that shouldn't be too much.

You have a city...more status!

In the realm, it is more or less an individual.

Although not as powerful as his bragging, at least... it's not an unknown **** anymore.

Characters like him... There are not many things that can make them tempted.

What kind of Lingshi Lingjing is actually like that...Unless a certain amount is reached, it is estimated that it is enough to look at it twice.

As for the Open School... creating a new genre... Compared to themselves, the temptation force is not so much, and not so many people like to cultivate disciples.

From Li Shien's perspective, nothing makes his cultivation promotion more exciting for him.

But it's a common thing when he comes to his cultivation practice.

Originally Li Shien was a little bit stubborn...I thought to myself, this is my life...

But Fang Qi's words aroused his restless heart!

"Your kid...speak quickly, let go of farts!"

Li Shien's breath...has become a little hurried.

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