I’m the Pay Thief at the Winery

Vol 2 Chapter 649: Silver Spoon: It's about to drop a little pearl

Jiang Guling looked at Nanling. The latter was quite amused by his silence, tilted his head 90 degrees, looked him up and down with his hands behind his back, and suddenly laughed.

"I said you really didn't think of it or pretended not to think of it."

After Nan Ling said this, he straightened up, turned the flashlight in the palm of his hand and pointed it at himself. Then he turned his head slightly, and brushed away the hair covering his neck, exposing the scar on his neck.

The light of the flashlight shone directly on the pale scar, but Jiang Gu Ling seemed to be scalded by something, and his pupils contracted extremely quickly.

"I know you saw it." Nanling quickly put his hair down again, and waved the flashlight casually twice, "Look, I told you a long time ago. There is no difference between us, you And don’t think too hard about people—but thank you for giving me a little inspiration for a pseudonym, which I’ve never been very good at.”

look. He thought with a little mischief. He had already told Jiang Gu Lingqi what kind of person he was, or rather, what kind of person he was. The one who was too naive to realize it was Rei Furutani.

He even kindly reminded Jiang Gu Ling to let him correct his mentality and stop treating Qi with his past views. because-

— "For the **** who is stripped to nothing, the bone dove who remembers all that is forgotten, told me that Seven is no longer what he was before."

That's what Nan Ling told Jiang Gu Ling.

At that time, after seeing the silver spoon with his own face, he put on the hood and teased Jiang Nanling, who looked so normal that he was so out of place—of course, the second half of the sentence was a joke, but the first sentence was a joke. A big tip with kindness and kindness at the same time.

Gu Ling still misses the time when Jiang Nanling's identity was still exposed, and Bourbon's teasing was the most boring.

Silver Spoon Hands climbed down at that time.

But there is no doubt that I am bad to my brother!

Feng Fang immediately swears a bunch of swear words—don't get me wrong, it's aimed at Jiang Nanling, and it's just to relieve the pain.

What's more, I also regret it.

As soon as I finished speaking, I scratched my neck and shouted:

"It's all there, and you can send the Buddha to the west—" Yin Shao lowered his voice and shouted, "You say that the big brother of the public security here, don't think he has no support for the time being. You surrounded—"

Everyone in Daoxia knows that although Yinshao hates money, he blinks his eyes when he spends money on treating injuries for his brothers.

When I ran a few steps away from the front door of the villa, Jiang Nanling drove me off from the front. If it was normal, maybe I could fight with me a few times, but today I have injuries on my body. His head was really hurting more and more—so Jiang Nanling had to push Gu Ling down to the ground in a very standard posture.

"He is the key point of that matter." Jiang Nanling said in a hot and unwavering voice, "His matter cannot be left until later, if he considers accusing the organization as a tainted witness, his sentence may not be reduced. "

Although Gu Ling quickly covered the scar again, the scar seemed to stay under Jiang Nanling's retina—I still remember what I saw at the origin of cyan. After a period of time was injured, a bandage was wrapped around the neck. But this time when we met, Yi didn't have the same scar under his neck.

Gu Ling wanted to find a bunker after Belmode arrived. I always wanted to be caught by the police or the FBI, and if the terrain inside the old house was simpler than the inside, it would buy me less time.

Silver Spoon found a place to hide before he knew it.

...It's bad, I still have to blink a few times.

Both Yinshao and Amuro Toru stood with their backs facing the cliff and facing the driveway, so we squinted our eyes subconsciously when the light flickered, and Gu Ling immediately ran towards the direction of the villa. But my leg was badly injured and I was limping when I ran, and Jiang Nanling was only shaken, so he immediately chased after seeing it.

But there is a way, after all, that thing has been done. It's too late to regret.

"He - all right, all right, you asked for it!" Silver Spoon got up dangling like an inflatable doll placed behind the storefront when the store opened, and sighed, "Knowing him counts as bad luck for four lifetimes... "

From Gu Ling's point of view, it's hard to see the specific situation here, but judging from the gunshots, it's probably Gin alone fighting Akai Shuichi and the other FBI, and it's possible to bring another Zhu Fu Jingguang as a sniper Hands—although I also know that sniping at that distance is pointless.

"Damn it—" I tasted the dirt as soon as I opened my mouth, and immediately poohed and scolded a few words before opening my mouth, "Could Jiang Nanling be able to confuse the point? Let's deal with Gin first Is it okay?"

Ideas are beautiful and bad, reality is cruel.

"You also said that you asked him to monitor the police." Feng Fang replied in a single voice, with a touch of schadenfreude, "you also asked him to follow me when I acted."

If I go on like that, my arm will be broken and it will be broken.

It's a pity that it's done now, and it was estimated that there would be some chance before. It's a pity~www.readwn.com~ Yes, but I still think of myself.

Gu Ling also raised his voice and shouted, "Bad job—give him more money—"

Although the combat power of the cyan origin is comparable to that of the professionally trained police officers, we are few in number. As soon as they heard that no one wanted to treat the villain of the walker, they rushed down one by one screaming.

The facts are obvious.

...bad I might drop a big pearl.

One is clearly in trouble. After seeing that I have solved so few troubles for myself, and healed my hands and myself so few times, whoever helped me has to help me, and I have to help.

The Porsche flicked and stopped beautifully behind the villa. Qin Jiu opened the car door with a murderous look, rolled over and half-kneeled on the ground, using the front of the car as a cover to shoot neatly.

"Ouch..." I gasped and said, I climbed down and lay down on the ground, my voice was still full of breath, "If he's here... it's going to be bad—he told you when he asked you to monitor me You and I are the police!"

"What? Are you angry because you cheated on your feelings?" Gu Ling smiled intermittently and shortly, "You still have a lot of things to lie to him."

Silver Spoon immediately smiled mischievously, "Well, that's appropriate, right hehehe..."

"Hey don't!" Silver Key immediately eased, "Aren't you..." Not politely.

There is actually one meaning in the nonsense - add money!

"Forget it if you want to." Feng Fang said affectionately.

"Zhu Fu Jingguang, if he can hear it, hurry up and deal with him!"

Before I finished my sentence, there was a blinding white light behind my face—this is the headlight of a Porsche 356A.

I looked at Jiang Nanling, who was still silent, and didn't care about me. It's like standing here is a statue.

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