Ye Ling skillfully operated the safe, this black box can be unfolded flat, like the usual small suitcase, but the difference is that the contents of this small box are very neatly arranged!

One side is a rectangular black strip, and the other side is a glass plate nearly a finger thick, which is certainly not as simple as an ordinary glass plate!

Sure enough, Ye Ling took out the black strip and placed it on the stool directly opposite Ye Mu’s, because this was a one-to-one projection, and then the glass plate was placed in the groove in the middle of the blackboard, and all of them opened it, and the entire glass plate showed a faint blue halo, and a figure appeared in front of Ye Mu!

It was the projection screen of the small room on the linked island, Ye Mu looked at the effect of this small thing in amazement, which was much more optimized than the big screen he had last seen, and the figure projected by the phantom members in that room seemed to be completely three-dimensional.

The co-organizer’s stereoscopic appearance is like a real person teleported over.

“Young Master!”

The phantom members bowed slightly, and also clearly called out to the young master, Ye Mu was even more pleased, such an experimental effect, it was really good!

“Young master, this is specially customized for you, this thing can provide you with all the places you want to switch, as long as there is a holographic projection equipment we produce, you can always connect to view, this is one-sided, will never be cut off!”

Ye Ling’s hand once again took out a glass plate that was like a flatbed, the same material as the one placed on the stool, but this glass plate was wrapped with black and gold edges, and Ye Ling exchanged this piece with the big block.

The phantom members immediately disappeared in front of him, replaced by a curved blue frame with five facets in this frame, Ye Mu found that he could touch these planes with his own hands, one of which was the scene of the small room of the island, and the other four were temporarily blank!

Is it so magical, his heart is constantly surprised, but his face does not show it, but he already has a plan to drink too much in his heart, he wants to exchange this thing for a piece of land, and if these sets of things are released, whether it is given to the country or to whom.

The one who suffers losses will never be himself, any of their secrets, Ye Mu can know at any time!

“How many of these things have been developed now?”

“Five, except for the young master, you are the five you see on the screen now, one has been used and four are completely unopened!”

As long as it is developed, whether it has been used or not, he can bind it, and the effect is somewhat amazing!

“Except for the used ones, there are four sets left, enough!” That’s the surprise you told me, but it really surprised me, and it was a good job! ”

“Thank you for the young master’s praise, the improvement and research and development of holographic projection has always been taken as a matter of my component, this is what Ye Ling should have done for the young master, this time Ye Ling said that the surprise to the young master is not this!”

When Ye Ling said this, he was even more surprised, his confirmation that the improvement of the holographic projection was the biggest surprise that Ye Ling gave himself, and now that he knew that this surprise had something else, the more curious he was.

“Oh? What a surprise! ”

“The young master still remembers the bottle of blue life potion that No. 1 handed me some time ago!”

As soon as Ye Ling reminded, Ye Mu remembered that the five things of the novice gift package displayed earlier were still cut off, and Number One also said that it might be something of another civilization, and also said that the blue liquid was a life potion, which could increase the life performance by fifty percent.

“Well, come to think of it, how, did you come up with something?”

“When you first took it, you had already researched it to confirm that it was life-prolonging, and there were almost no side effects, and the other day, I found that the ingredients in this life potion seem to have something to configure in this world!”

Can be configured!

Ye Mu’s mind was filled with these four words, which meant that he might be able to configure some more such potions to come out!

“How many?”

Ye Mu hurriedly asked, Ye Ling’s face showed an expression that was no different from people, it was conveying sorry feelings, Ye Mu originally had no hope for this, but Ye Ling still gave him hope, this was a good start, initially his expectation was that there was no material in this world that could be configured!

“Sorry young master, I did my best to find only one kind of ingredient, and I made sure that there was this ingredient in it, and the other ingredients in this world for the time being do not know whether there is any match!”

Even found one, that means that there will still be one here, only now found one, it seems that the life potion is possible to be configured, although it is only a possibility, but it is also much better than no hope at all!

“What did you find? There is no way to cultivate large areas! ”

This was the first question that Ye Mu thought of, so he asked it, if that kind of thing is not good for cultivation, it will cost a lot of costs, Ye Mu will have to consider this problem well!

“Fairy grass! This is a very valuable wild herb, the vitality is very tenacious, but also easy to cultivate, I have let the phantom a few people to help me find a few plants, the experimental results are completely matched with one of the ingredients of the life potion, and its die-hard powder ingredients are indeed anti-aging, stimulate cell metabolism, as well as beauty and beauty ingredients. It is now cultivated on a large area of the island! ”

Ye Mu found that there was no need to intervene in this matter at all, as long as she set a goal for Ye Ling, she would do everything she could to complete it, and realize that the robot’s work was indeed efficiency first!

“Well, it’s done very well, don’t worry about this, you let them refine this ingredient first, and leave it for later!”

“Yes, young master!”

“Yes, you take this and use it, the island side does not need to expand for the time being, all installed in this, the number one will tell you how to use, and put all the things I want after that in this place and bring them back!”

“Yes, young master!”

Ye Mu handed over the Qiankun Rubik’s Cube that she had taken in her hand at some point and played with it in her hand, she was confused for a moment, and then, as if she had been empowered, she held the thing tightly in her hand, and she also knew that it was Number One who told her how to use it!

“Young master, the Death Soldier Cultivation Technique you instructed me to perform on Abby and the others has been completed, and the effect is very good, and the young master has time to check it!”

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