I'm not sick! So do my other personalities!

Chapter 99 Judgment at Dusk. (Please subscribe!!!)

I don't know how long it took, but Zhou Zhen suddenly woke up. He gasped for breath and quickly came to his senses. What he just saw should be the memory of Ji Yuantao, Ward 1 on the 72nd floor!

The memory fragments of [God-making Project]!

Shi Xinhong was infected probably because of the transplantation of this memory!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen straightened up immediately. The side effects of [Plane Jump] were over. He felt that he seemed to have forgotten something again.

He is now standing in the corridor on the 27th floor. The lights above his head are shining brightly. The floor tiles in front of him are clean and there is nothing. The glass behind him that was broken before will return to normal and seal off the outside world. The cold wind blowing.

Shi Xinhong's body and the other party's head have disappeared...

Zhou Zhen gradually recovered some memories. He tentatively stretched out his hand and grabbed the air in front of him. A scalpel with a cold glow immediately appeared in his hand.

This scalpel is exactly the same as the one Shi Xinhong used just now.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen was immediately sure that he had obtained Shi Xinhong's number and could now influence this dream to a certain extent like Shi Xinhong!

Well... the next thing to do is to use a scalpel to cut off the heads of everyone here, so that all those who are dreaming can be awakened...

As soon as this idea came up, Zhou Zhen immediately realized something was wrong.

However, the more he wanted to correct his thinking, the tighter he held the scalpel in his hand!

If someone passes in front of him at this time, he will probably kill him with a knife!

Knowing that this was not the way to go, Zhou Zhen immediately used [Plane Jump] and moved a certain distance by the window.

The next moment, his condition quickly began to improve. At the same time, Chu Jingyan's voice appeared in his mind again: You need me?

The moment Chu Jingyan's voice sounded, Zhou Zhen's forgotten memory immediately returned!

He took a deep breath and quickly replied: I have got Ji Yuantao's 'number'!

Now, I'm going to cut this 'ring', and I need you to lend me your energy.

Chu Jingyan was silent for a moment, and then asked: So, when will you let me out?

Zhou Zhen immediately replied: After cutting the 'ring'!

Chu Jingyan didn't speak anymore. After a few seconds, Zhou Zhen's head suddenly began to hurt violently!

He hugged his head hard as a reflex and felt a powerful force suddenly pouring into his body. All functions in his body began to increase rapidly!


The raging pain made Zhou Zhen subconsciously take a small step forward. A clear footprint immediately appeared on the solid floor tiles, and the entire floor was obviously shaken. It seemed that in just a short moment, Zhou Zhen transformed from an ordinary human being into a being of terrifying weight!

The headaches became more and more severe, and his strength increased more and more, but his thinking began to slow down!

Zhou Zhen gritted his teeth and immediately understood that this was the digital energy lent to him by Chu Jingyan!

This feeling was very similar to the last time he stole Ren Rui's homework!

In his current state, he will soon be unable to think normally and must go to the first floor immediately!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen rushed towards the window next to him.

boom! ! !

With a loud noise, Zhou Zhen smashed the glass and jumped out of the window.


Zhou Zhen fell rapidly, the wind lifted his clothes and whistled fiercely in his ears. He fell faster and faster without taking any protective measures.

Just when Zhou Zhen was about to fall heavily to the ground, a translucent barrier instantly appeared around him!

This barrier was densely covered with all kinds of tiny numbers, formulas, theorems... It was a three-dimensional object with five sides, tightly wrapping Zhou Zhen from the front, back, left, right and bottom.

Digital domain, [Geometric Barrier]!

boom! ! !

The ground was smashed with sand and rocks, and a big hole appeared directly. The vegetation in the surrounding flower beds was also swaying crazily under the violent impact, and countless flowers and leaves fell. Zhou Zhen stood intact on the bumpy ground, [Geometric Barrier] It offset all the impact of the fall for him!

The next moment, his figure disappeared.


Binhai Central Hospital, inpatient department building, main entrance.

Flying cars painted in blue and green spread out and blocked various entrances and exits. The police lights on the roofs flashed, turning the surrounding scene into a bizarre scene.

In the night, the criss-crossing LIMIT cordons swayed gently, and flying cars blocked all entrances and exits.

The searchlights on the roof of the building were still regularly scanning the entire central hospital. The surrounding area was quiet, with no one coming or going. Security guards in uniforms were walking back and forth, turning their heads from time to time to briefly talk into the communicator, paying careful attention. All the bells and whistles.

As if she knew that the security guard would not let her go back to the inpatient building, the middle-aged female doctor stopped talking. She just frowned and had a straight face, obviously in a bad mood.

The two male nurses stood nearby, looking at the security guard, the middle-aged female doctor, and Lu Cong. Their faces were full of confusion, as if they had not yet recovered from the series of events that happened tonight. Come to your senses.

Lu Cong looked alert, operating his wheelchair, and followed Fan Hang step by step. Judging from the small movements of the three doctors and nurses from time to time, he seemed to still maintain his respect for the middle-aged female doctor and the two Male nurse alert.

However, maybe I was a little tired from talking incessantly just now, and now I lost my voice.

Amidst the orderly vigilance, everyone's hearts seemed to be tense.

At this time, at the door of the inpatient department, a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old suddenly appeared!

When the security guards around saw Zhou Zhen, they immediately stepped forward to greet him, but the next moment...

All the security officers had a blank look on their faces, maintaining their posture for a moment, as if they had instantly turned into statues, without any movement.

Digital domain, [overfrequency interference]!

In order to prevent accidents, Zhou Zhen used [Overfrequency Interference] on everyone here except Lu Cong and the middle-aged female doctor!

Seeing Zhou Zhen's sudden appearance, Lu Cong immediately pushed his wheelchair forward and asked loudly: Comrade security officer, have you seen a ghost?

This doctor and the two male nurses must have been infected with the 'digital virus'...

The middle-aged female doctor frowned and said in a deep voice: Lu Cong! Don't talk nonsense here!

None of the three of us have seen what you said. Even if someone really has a problem, then whose problem is it?

You are wasting public resources!

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen endured an increasingly severe headache and looked back and forth between Lu Cong and the middle-aged female doctor.

Here is the node of the ring!

Lu Cong and the middle-aged female doctor, one is in dream and the other is in reality!

According to his previous speculation, the call to the police was made by Lu Cong, who should be on the realistic side of the ring!

However, the reason why Lu Cong called the police was that he saw dead bodies eating the brains of other patients, and that was an obvious dream!

The other party was already in a dream before calling the police!

In contrast, the middle-aged female doctor who did not see the corpse showed that the other party was not asleep yet...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen's face gradually began to twist. In his current state, it was getting harder and harder to think!

Suddenly, he thought of a detail...

Zhou Zhen immediately looked at Lu Cong and asked coldly: Who are you!?

Hearing this, Lu Cong was startled and quickly replied: My name is Lu Cong. I am a patient in bed C of Ward 16, Area E, 61st Floor, Inpatient Department. He broke his leg and arm due to racing. He came here for surgery, but he saw someone in the same ward. The dead old man wants to eat the brains of living people, so he called...

Before Lu Cong could finish speaking, Zhou Zhen shook his head and interrupted directly: No!

When you called the police, Ji Yuantao's dream in Ward 1 on the 72nd floor had not completely covered the entire inpatient department.

And you are a patient in the Department of Orthopedics, which means that the doctor in charge of you is not Shi Xinhong or Cheng Siyuan...

You are not the first person to come into contact with [Multiple Dreams]. Why can you detect the problem in advance before the dream breaks out?

Also, if you really encounter the old man's body...

As a 'Digital Compatible', I was almost injured by that old man just now while wearing a firearm. How did you, a wounded patient, still sitting in a wheelchair, escape from the inpatient department?

And, you also brought out your attending doctor and two nurses?

The most important thing is that Ji Yuantao on the 72nd floor is an experiment in the 'Twilight Trial'.

The 'Twilight Trial' should have sealed off the entire central hospital. How did you make the call to the police?

Are you a member of the 'Twilight Trial'?!

As he listened, the inexplicable look on Lu Cong's face gradually disappeared. The corners of his mouth raised a little, and he slowly revealed an exaggerated smile.

Lu Cong said nothing, maintaining this weirdly exaggerated smile and staring at Zhou Zhen quietly.

The middle-aged female doctor next to her said in confusion: Comrade security officer, what happened in the inpatient building?

What dream? And that experiment, what was it?

Zhou Zhen took a deep breath. He did not answer the middle-aged female doctor's words. He already knew in his heart that he had guessed correctly!

At the node of this ring, the person standing on the reality side is Lu Cong!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately walked towards Lu Cong, with five translucent [Geometric Barriers] emerging around him to prevent this member of the Twilight Trial from suddenly attacking him.

He strode to Lu Cong and stopped. Seeing that the other party had no intention of attacking him, he immediately began to recall the memories he had just received from Shi Xinhong...

Those memories are the numbers of Ji Yuantao, Ward 1 on the 72nd floor!

He wants to use Ji Yuantao's numbers to cut this ring!

As Ji Yuantao's memory fully emerged in Zhou Zhen's mind, everything around him suddenly stopped!

The various buildings of the Central Hospital, searchlights, flashing police lights, flowers and trees swaying in the night wind, flying insects, the ground, lawns, security guards... the whole environment quietly faded away, replaced by a vast lake!

There are no boundaries visible around the lake, only thin mist billowing in the distance. Behind the mist is a thicker mist, which extends to unknown places. It seems boundless, and it seems that in the whole world, only this lake is real, and the rest are real. Everywhere is a mist.

Above is a gray void, like the gloomy sky in winter.

The lake water has no ripples, showing a kind of cold clarity, like a mirror, clearly reflecting the scene on the lake.

Zhou Zhen saw that he was standing in the center of the lake, with Lu Cong standing next to him in a hospital gown. Lu Cong still maintained that exaggerated and weird smile at this moment, his eyes full of teasing; and Lu Cong Opposite was the middle-aged female doctor. She was also standing, but her eyes were closed, and her chest was rising and falling slightly, as if she was sleeping.

However, the reflection under the lake was completely opposite. Lu Cong had his eyes closed, his shoulders slightly hunched, and he was sleeping; the middle-aged female doctor stood motionless, with her eyes open, and she was awake!

Behind Lu Cong, there were crowds of people standing, some wearing security uniforms, some wearing hospital gowns, as well as a large number of medical staff, security guards, accompanying family members, and several maintenance workers wearing work clothes... ...The one on the lake, like Lu Cong, has his eyes open and is awake, while the reflection under the lake has his eyes closed and remains asleep.

Behind the middle-aged female doctor, there are many figures standing, including security guards, patients, family members, medical staff, security guards, maintenance workers... The figures on the lake are all sleeping soundly. In the reflection, everyone opens their eyes. The eyes belong to the awake state.

Zhou Zhen, standing between the two groups of people, stood alone on the lake, with no reflection under his feet.

There was silence and desolation all around, like a strange and eerie picture.

To ensure nothing went wrong, Zhou Zhen endured a severe headache and then walked towards the middle-aged female doctor.

He came to the female doctor and immediately discovered that the middle-aged female doctor who had been sleeping just now was now awake, and the reflection under her feet had changed to a sleeping state, as had the figure behind the female doctor.

Zhou Zhen looked back at Lu Cong and found that Lu Cong was sleeping on the lake, but his reflection was awake. The same was true for the people behind Lu Cong.

Everything was completely opposite to what he saw when he stood next to Lu Cong!

Zhou Zhen finally nodded and confirmed that this was really the node of the ring. He immediately returned to Lu Cong, then took out his scalpel and began to draw a line on the lake between Lu Cong and the middle-aged female doctor.

In an instant, the digital energy in Zhou Zhen's body began to be consumed rapidly, but at the same time, more energy was poured into his body, keeping his energy in a delicate balance.

As this dividing line was drawn, the middle-aged female doctor began to flip up and down with the lake as the center line. The reflection in the lake rotated to the lake surface little by little; the figure on the lake slowly sank into the lake. Down……


Inpatient building, fire stairwell.

The light yellow paint turned the originally cold white light into a slightly warm one. Jin Qingfeng was covered in blood, carrying a lone rifle on his back, standing on the steps he had just climbed two steps, looking stunned.

Comrade security officer, you are here again...

Hearing this, Jin Qingfeng turned around suddenly and saw a familiar figure standing behind him. He was wearing a white coat and a green doctor's hat. He had a face with a Chinese character, thick eyebrows and long eyes. The stubble on his chin was not clean. He was slightly chubby and had a nameplate on his chest. …

It's Cheng Siyuan!

Without any hesitation, Jin Qingfeng immediately raised his gun and fired.


The trigger was pulled, but no bullet was fired from the muzzle. Instead, there were several noises, and the rifle jammed!

Jin Qingfeng frowned and hurriedly stepped back. At the same time, he removed the magazine, pulled the bolt, and prepared to reload the gun.

However, as soon as he took a step back, his feet suddenly became empty and his body fell back involuntarily!

This familiar scene suddenly shocked Jin Qingfeng!

Only then did he realize that the stairs behind him that were originally going upstairs were now going downstairs again.

Cheng Siyuan, who was originally standing below him, now stood above him!

All fire stairs have once again become smooth slopes and curves.

The scene where I met Cheng Siyuan on the 72nd floor stairs was reenacted!

Jin Qingfeng fell down the slope, fell into the spiral slide, and immediately slid down quickly.

The surrounding walls were as smooth as a mirror, and there was no position to fix his body. He was like a ball falling into a rolling trough, rolling down extremely smoothly.

Jin Qingfeng wanted to shoot, just like before, to shoot bullet holes in the wall, but after several attempts, the rifle kept jamming and he could not shoot at all.


There was a deafening sound above the head, and as the entire spiral slide trembled, a heavy roller rolled down.

The roller was very fast, and its size was exactly the same as the spiral landing. The tight fit left no room for survival. It roared and rolled, and not long after, it appeared behind Jin Qingfeng, getting closer and closer to him.

Soon, Jin Qingfeng could already feel the sound of wind caused by the roller rolling down, lifting the corners of his clothes!

It seemed that the next moment, this roller would run over him!

Seeing that he was doomed, Jin Qingfeng's hair stood on end and his muscles tensed. At this moment, everything around him suddenly became extremely blurry.

He suddenly woke up and subconsciously wanted to get up, but found that his body could not move at all.

Jin Qingfeng saw that he was now in a very narrow and cramped place, surrounded by darkness and coldness. The only illumination came from a gap diagonally above, where a pale light penetrated, like a bed rolled out from a hospital operating room to cover it. The white sheets illuminated the gurgling dark red blood, as well as the pale bones glowing in the darkness.

The energy detection device was close to his body, firmly supporting him in a living corner. There were deformed metal cars on three sides, which had collapsed into a twisted shape, firmly pressing his legs, and the broken arm was also damaged. Blood was constantly splattering, forming a pool of blood underneath him. The only side without a car was a cold elevator shaft.

At this moment, some concrete debris was still falling from the top of the elevator shaft, and the rustling reminded Jin Qingfeng of what happened here.

He didn't know whether it was due to excessive blood loss or the low temperature at the bottom of the elevator shaft. He now felt extremely cold. The severe pain at the wound had long since turned into numbness, and he couldn't exert any strength all over his body.

The life force was rapidly flowing out of his body.

Jin Qingfeng understood instantly. From the moment he fell down the elevator shaft, he had also fallen into this [multiple dreams] and became part of the ring!

Now this situation...

Have you woken up?

Or... from one dream to another?

Thinking of this, Jin Qingfeng immediately said with all his strength: Xiao Zhou, can you still hear me?

Have you already cut the 'ring'...

I'm at the bottom of the elevator shaft...


Inpatient department building, 29th floor.

Expert Lounge.

The desk with the triangular nameplates of Cheng Siyuan and Shi Xinhong is in the innermost part of the room. At the solid wood table on the outside, seven or eight doctors in white coats are in different postures, all of them sound asleep.

In the sofa chair next to them, there were two motionless figures sitting.

Suddenly, everyone woke up.

The doctors at the solid wood table all raised their heads in confusion and looked at each other, not understanding what just happened, but soon...

Infected...infected person!!!

A horrified exclamation that changed the tone woke everyone up.

The other doctors all turned their heads to look, and immediately saw that Cheng Siyuan's exposed skin quickly faded away from traces of flesh and blood, turning into a dark and light mineral. In the blink of an eye, Cheng Siyuan transformed from a living person to a corpse. The gneiss statue; and the whole body of Shi Xinhong next to Cheng Siyuan disintegrated little by little, turning into a pile of ashes in the blink of an eye, fluttering and scattered without a trace...

The doctors didn't think much, stood up quickly, and fled out the door.


The inpatient department, the whole building, everyone who was still sleeping, all woke up at the same time.

They looked at each other blankly, unable to recover for a while.

But there are also many people who will never wake up...

In the lobby on the first floor, the display screen behind the main service desk is still on. Ma Xinxin and Wu Xu, who are on duty, are smiling slightly outside in the photo. Their eyes are bright and full of vitality, full of the unique confidence of professionals; below the display screen , the two nurses remained lying on the table, motionless.

Opposite the service desk, on the metal bench, nurse Qi Ling lowered her head and curled up slightly, still holding the plastic-wrapped sterilized sheet tightly in her hands.

The three nurses were still very quiet, their breathing and heartbeat had stopped long ago.

On the 9th floor, the lights were still bright. In the lounge, behind the desk, in the control hall... security guards were lying on the floor. There was still a slight smell of fried beef with chili peppers floating in the corridor. The whole space was dead silent, without any life.

In bed A of Room 23, Area E on the 61st floor, patient Chen Jufang was lying on her back on her bed. Her body was completely cold and she became a lifeless corpse...


In Ward No. 1 on the 72nd floor of the inpatient department, which is larger than any ward in the entire building, various medical machines continue to operate, subtle and rhythmic breathing lights turn on and off, and the room is silent.

The figure on the curtain remained motionless.

Suddenly, an extremely painful howl erupted from the hospital bed behind the curtain!

Dense cracks suddenly appeared in the entire ward. The walls, floors, ceilings, medical equipment, windows... all showed ice-like patterns, and then shattered!

The howling stopped quickly and turned into heavy, muffled gasps.


The tightly drawn curtain suddenly turned into a raging fire. The flames flew up and burned the curtain completely in an instant.

Behind the curtain, there was a hospital bed connected to countless pipes and circuits. Lying on the bed was a patient wearing a striped hospital gown. He looked to be in his early twenties and was very thin, almost skeletal.

Probably for the sake of medical treatment, he shaved his head, his eyebrows were sparse, his face was as pale as paper, without any blood, his eyebrows were deep, and his appearance was originally straight, but now his cheekbones were high and his eyelashes were missing. The eyes look particularly grotesque.

Ji Yuantao held his head in his hands, his face distorted and in great pain!

Countless bloody and shocking images came flooding in, filling his mind.

Some of these pictures are his own memories, and some are the numbers that just died in his dream...


Outside the gate of the inpatient department.

The night wind blew the corners of Zhou Zhen's clothes. Next to him was Lu Cong in a wheelchair. Not far away, a middle-aged female doctor and two male nurses had disappeared.

The security guards around him looked around subconsciously as if they were waking up from a dream.

Before they could figure out what was going on, Zhou Zhen immediately shouted: Quick!

Call the ghost team now!

Evacuate all personnel in the central hospital immediately!

Never enter the 72nd floor of the inpatient department...

Before he finished speaking, Lu Cong next to him suddenly laughed and said in a strange tone: It's too late! The 'Twilight Judgment' is coming!

next moment……

boom! ! !

Five giant weights of different sizes were smashed down like five towering mountain peaks. These weights had a dim luster and were integrated into one body, like gold and copper. They were extremely heavy. The more than twenty buildings of the Central Hospital were unevenly placed. They were as fragile as paper, without any resistance. The seemingly solid reinforced concrete collapsed instantly, and debris and debris, glass slag, and blood foam... flew and surged in the gaps between the weights.

In the swirling dust and sand, Binhai Central Hospital was instantly razed to the ground!

Before the security guards around the inpatient department could make any sound, they suddenly exploded and turned into a mist of blood!

The LOGO hanging high in the night sky, which meant saving lives and healing the wounded, was instantly wiped out, and a strong smell of blood gradually filled the air.

In just one sentence, all the people Zhou Zhen had just cut open the ring and rescued from the dream were all killed on the spot!

Zhou Zhen suddenly froze on the spot, looking at everything in front of him in disbelief.

Next to him, Lu Cong slowly stood up from the wheelchair. His face changed rapidly, and he soon turned into a very young man with short hair. His face was as pale as paper, his eyes were narrow and sharp, and his eyelids had thick shadows. It seems that he hasn't had a good rest for a long time. On the left side of his face is a tattoo of an upside-down scepter with a two-headed snake spitting out a message...

At the same time, the plasters on Lu Cong's arms and legs faded, and the hospital gown faded, turning into a dark red suit with a light yellow shirt and silk bow tie underneath.

The corners of his mouth were raised high, his smile became more and more exaggerated, and he said with a somewhat crazy expression: You were right just now!

But I guessed one thing wrong!

I am not a member of the 'Twilight Judgment'.

Those two are the ones!

Zhou Zhen suddenly came back to his senses and looked in the direction pointed by Lu Cong. At the top of the weight closest to them, at some point, two unfamiliar figures stood.

Among the two figures, the one standing in front was wearing a dark gold trench coat. Under the brim of his hat, there seemed to be a distant sea of ​​stars. Green light was flashing rapidly in the sea of ​​stars. A dark golden scale stood quietly in the depths of the nebula, with pale hollow cross patterns. Almost nothing, the heart and eyes are quietly balancing on the tray.

The other person put his hands behind his back, lowered his head slightly, and looked at him calmly.

Behind this figure is a beauty wearing a black patent leather coat and leather skirt, bright red boots, with a hot figure, deep eyebrows, light golden hair flowing on her shoulders, eyes as blue as the ocean, and the corners of her skirt are also branded with A dim scale, she followed the figure in the dark golden windbreaker step by step. She did not look at Zhou Zhen, but stared closely at Lu Cong with an extremely solemn expression.

At this time, the observer also turned his attention to Lu Cong and said in a low voice: 'Ash Order'?

You have to pay a price if you dare to steal the data of the 'Twilight Trial'!

Lu Cong suddenly burst into wild laughter: Hahahahahaha...

His body was suspended in the air against gravity, and soon he floated to the same height as the two observers.

At the same time, a woman wearing a camel coat and a golden mask appeared next to him. The golden mask had no holes, and the ink-colored eyes seemed to be drooping and sleeping, cold and evil. On her slender neck, she wore a An upside-down scepter, a pendant wrapped around a two-headed snake, and the ribbon on the top hat were flying in the night wind.

Lu Cong opened his hands and said in an aria-like tone: Just a failure!

“I didn’t expect that the ‘Twilight Judgment’ has reached this point!”

The 'Double-slit Man' is indeed old...

Hearing this, the observer snorted coldly and said lightly: Although F0467 is only a semi-finished product, it is not something that you little bugs of the 'Ash Order' can covet!

The 'doctor' is not here, no one can save you today!

As he spoke, he raised an arm, and his fingertips lightly touched the stream of data that was constantly being brushed off the visual sensor. A string of green data was immediately extracted, followed his fingertips, and fell to the ground like a raindrop. .

The moment it touched the ground, this string of data turned into a green light and disappeared into the ruins of the Central Hospital in an instant.

The next moment, terrifying and vast energy rose from beneath the weights pressing down on the original site of the inpatient building!

The huge weight shook violently, as if it were a rising mountain peak in a huge earthquake, and began to move upward. Soon, a tall and incredible figure appeared at the bottom of the weight.

Ji Yuantao was still emaciated and frail, but he only raised one hand to hold up this giant mountain-like weight!

Sorry, I forgot to set up the scheduled release. . .

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