Chapter 61 End-Day Prophecy and Tindalus Hound

Ignore the unreasonable things in the store for the time being, he will try to see if he can do something unusual.

After learning about the anomaly in this world for the first time, Wang Li lived carefully and even moved his home to the second floor of the coffee shop.

If it is not necessary, the door will not go out and the door will not move.

It was just slightly better than Lilith today.

Fortunately, he never found a strange place around him.

In addition to the cafe itself, there are occasional flute and drum sounds.

He will forget these abnormalities very quickly, and it is difficult to remember them again, and he will have a sense of sight when he experiences it again, and then repeat it again and again.

Only the supernatural event that I witnessed in the past few years is still memorable. People from the Foundation say it seems to be caused by some kind of containment.

For example, SCP-427, if it creates a bloody monster, it will be referred to as SCP-427-1.

As if any abnormality about these things in the store, he would subconsciously forget, and then ignore the irrationality in 08.

But now the appearance of Lilith breaks a certain balance, allowing Wang Li to recall all those unreasonable.

“It will take me a while to sort out the information.” He frowned and moved his gaze to the “Book of Atathos”: “Before that, try to use spells.”

As if the fog had been dispelled, Wang Li tried it directly in Lilith’s room.

The spells of all the books are all in my mind, so there is no need to search for them.

He chanted a complete mantra composed of several books.

When Wang Li was chanting the incantation, the coffee shop on the first floor suddenly appeared abnormal.

The silver key door appeared again on the ceiling, and the body of billions of radiance was shrouded in the nameless fog, where the chaos rolled over, and the giants lurking in it were whispering to it.

The mantra, which is by no means understandable by humans, continues to melt into the darkness, and the entire cafe building is gradually hazy, as if swallowed into chaos by a huge mouth, appearing in an alien space.

Afterwards, the silver door closed, and the rainbow-colored eyes in the body of billions of radiance opened, staring at the entire building.

Through the thin walls, he could see the conditions inside.

Not knowing that he is receiving the gaze of an unknown existence at this moment, Wang Li, who feels nothing about it, is quite puzzled.

“Xiao Sa, do you have some help?”

After reciting the incantation for a long time, nothing happened. Not to mention the presence of someone, even the gust of wind could not be summoned.

“Strange? Did the spell go wrong?” Wang Li stopped his S2 behavior, turned the page, and found that there was no error in the text: “Absolutely, could it be that I have no magic power, or that the other party does not respond.”

There are many reasons for the unsuccessful spells, especially the magic spells.

Come on when you say it, don’t the gods want face?

“Forget it, try other spells.” Wang Li decided to have a simpler ceremony and easier to use.

At the moment when he gave up singing “Asathos please magic”, the billions of glorious bodies outside the building looked deeper and more centered in the chaos.

After a while, confirming that it was still calm inside, he spit out the building from the silver gate and returned it to the real world.

Looking at the unknown existence, Wang Li didn’t realize it.

He was fumbling with another spell.

Ending Day Prophecy!

This spell is very powerful and can contact an unknown existence and confirm an illusion at a specific moment in the future.

The illusion will put the caster or target into the “near future” scene, and all the senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch will be transmitted.

The observer is fully aware of what is happening in the scene, but cannot influence it.

It’s like going through an immersive VR experience.

To experience the observation of the future once, Wang Li expressed his curiosity.

As for the above side effects, the observer will be marked, and the attention of something will be ignored.

Like this kind of vague consequences, basically every spell has it, and the actual cost of the spell is pitiful.

“Well, let me think about it, the spell is about Hastur?” As soon as Wang Li uttered a certain name, ripples like water appeared in the space in front of him: “No, I haven’t started to recite yet?!”

He was extremely reluctant to force him, and never reacted, the scene in his vision suddenly became blurred.

His thinking paused briefly, and when he resumed his vision again, he was already on the shallows of a huge dark city.

Towering huge pillars pierced violently from the sea, non-Euclidean buildings made people scalp numb, and the asymmetrical lines took into account all aspects of the city.

The black shadows of countless creatures under the pitch black sea swim around, and from time to time you can see huge black shadows over several tens of meters.

And above this weird ancient city, the human beings divided into several small groups are loudly condemning something. door.

In an instant 343, the sky was full of clouds and thunder, and the storm blew across the sea

“Master, what’s the matter with you?”

Wang Li hadn’t looked more carefully yet, Lilith’s voice suddenly came from his ear.

The illusion in front of him is blurry, as if retreating from the broken time axis, from the “now” to the “future” in the long river of time, the PPT-like picture constantly flicks in front of Wang Li.

However, in this continuous incomplete picture, he saw through the axis of the long river of time, and saw a group of terrifying aliens living in angular space-time far in the direction of the distant past of the dimension.

They have razor-sharp teeth and claws, blazing eyes, and undulating pale blue skin.

It seems to perceive that someone is traveling for a long time, they are supporting their bodies with their limbs and looking towards the future timeline.

Wang Li confronted them with “line of sight”.

The group of angry roars was about to step into the timeline, and the aliens who hunted the people who had been chaotic in the long river to death suddenly stopped, neighed a few times with weird vocal cords, and lay down again.

“??? ”

Wang Li was a little panic at first, he had forgotten that there was a chance of encountering the “Tindalus Hound” when he traveled through time and space, but he found that

Ah, why don’t you come after me?

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